Whites acting black


Mar 22, 2006
I can't decide what is worse in sports, when a white acts black or when there are no whites on the team to begin with. Any thoughts?
Man, that's a tough one! I'd have to say when a white guy acts black, because if there are no white guys to begin with then I'm not watching.
Good one jaxvid! I'll have to agree with you on that.
absolutely! being true to yourself is incredibly important in life, and any white person who acts like blacks is obviously not being the best person that they could be. a fake is not only a joke, he's a disgrace to all those who came before and gave him or her the opportunity to do anything they set their mind to in this country.

and being pretty fly is flying pretty low on the dream hierarchy, in my book.
Some Whites who act Black while teens outgrow this behavior. Much of Black behavior seems perpetually childlike. That was also the view of most White southerners in the 19th and early 20th century as I understand it. Maybe that's why they called them "boy".
Whites adopting Negro standards of behaviour is one of the worst aspects of this multiracial mess for me.The descendants of the great people who built the great cities and nations of the west reduced to acting Black and living in sub standard community's destroyed through integration and even more sub standard schools.But its not surprising that this is a growing trend,the history of their people and fantastic achievments is denied to them by P.C censors who dont want them to grow up inspired by it with a burning desire to want to see it maintained.
It's one thing when a poor white kid tries hard to blend in a majority black school and community. He (or she) is trapped and just trying to survive.

What's disgusting is when you see the wigger behavior from children of upper middle class white parents.
Decades this has been going on,pretty much starting from the era of be-bop and the beatniks.And it's all for nothing more than the fear that they'll be laughed at and be called unhip/uncool/square/Whitebread,be told their traditions are boring,dull,stiff,tightassed,no "fun",no kicks,suffocating,etc,etc.

All for reasons to live in ways that are,in the long run,ersatz,fools gold,and only provide temporary,sensationalistic stimulation.In other words:immature,childish,not substantive,not smart.
What is acting black? When you think about eveerything you see blacks doing today in terms of style whites were doing 50 years ago. Take this picture of Marlon Brando for instance...


That was the cover of The Wild One, an 1953 movie starring the man. I bet today if you say a white guy wearing his hat sideways like that you'd say he's a wigger bitch. But whites have been wearing it like that for the longest time. Blacks have just copied it and for some reason have made it their own. Edited by: Deacon
That's true Deacon. Tommy Hillfiger was a line of clothing designed by a northeastern white man for white people. Blacks adopted the clothing in droves and it became something that white kids weren't suppossed to wear in Jr. High if they didn't want to be a "wigger."Edited by: Alpha Male
Yeah, I've often wondered about this. I remember watching the Bowery Boys movies when I was a kid. All those sideways hats and leaning postures were urban style for kids back then. They were the junior gangsters of their day. I think that was the 40s.

Who invented the baseball cap and sun glasses? Who invented the Raiders logo? I mean that silver and black looked cool way before blacks ever enculturated them.

How much of blues music came from country whites? Even language, blacks weren't saying "mama" and "ya-all" when they were back in Africa.

All that being said, I still get really irritated by whites who try to act black.
Bottom line is blacks have copied whitey to make themselves look cool.

Gangster becomes gangsta.

It's just silly crap really.
You have to admit, it is cool being among the most hard-to-offend-racially group. Everyone is constantly taking shots at us. We even take shots at ourselves. There's like this inner understanding that their opinions just really don't mean that much.
Jason Williams ("White Chocolate") and Paul Spadafora (former lightweight boxing champ) are wiggers. I cheer for them against black opponents (Spaddy) or when Wiliams is the only white on the floor. Blacks still hate them even (perhaps especially) if they are wiggers. But I prefer white athletes who act like themselves. My faves are those who don't take any nonsense from blacks like Bill Romanowski, Greg Haugen (former boxing champ) and Danny Ainge.
A lot of people thought that Hulk Hogan was acting black with his routine and John Cena even raps. Of course Professional wrestling isn't a sport but it's interesting how these guys work elements of black culture into their routines. As has been part of the earlier discussion, a lot of of black culture has derived from the more dominant white culture in this country so is acting black really acting white once removed???

Somehow though the black culture stuff always seems linked to the worst of urban decay and so it seems like a break down of traditional rules of good behavior. It's interesting how this breakdown is a key to popularity even with the mostly white audiences at wrestling shows. Maybe seeing a white guy do it makes him seem tough or able to adapt in a way that's uniquely white--like white guys can not only have the discipline to become stellar athletes but they can also rhyme like a homeboy. Just trying to figure on the popularity of this thing and why it persists.
So white guys can't be flashy at all or their being black.Edited by: white tornado
Deacon said:
Bottom line is blacks have copied whitey to make themselves look cool.

Gangster becomes gangsta.

It's just silly crap really.

Thats true. Blacks are big fans of Italian mafia movies. They all want to emulate and imitate what they see. There is also some jackass rapper out there with the stage name "Capone", so what does that tell you?
Ah yes, "gangsters" and my all time favorite "thugs". Again...who started that? Italians...But yet, we're copying "them". Gotta love it.
Bunnyman said:
My faves are those who don't take any nonsense from blacks like Bill Romanowski, Greg Haugen (former boxing champ) and Danny Ainge.

Romo was the epitome of "Super Whitey" lol. He took down more Aficans than ebola.
Goldfinger said:
Ah yes, "gangsters" and my all time favorite "thugs". Again...who started that? Italians...But yet, we're copying "them". Gotta love it.

The Jews of the early 20th century had their mafia and then the Irish followed suit. Italians came into power after that. They have just been romanticized the most in film.
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