Lyakhovich vs Briggs

White Lightning

Staff member
Oct 16, 2004
This Saturday will be a night to watch.Lyakhovich is facing a very tough and big opponent in Shannon Briggs.He needs to be careful as Briggs has power but I can see him winning this fight.I'm hoping for the k.o. but it just might go the distance.I can't see Briggs outpointing him.Lyakhovich just needs to fight his style and take him apart.I hope he hits him so hard that his dread locks come undone.Ha.ha.Good luck to S.Lyakhovich.Bring it home to Arizona.The reason I say that is that he trains in Scottsdale,AZ which isn't too far from where I live.It should be a great fight.
Is the fight televised or PPV?
It will be going up against Mayweather vs Baldomir. For once I will go to a sportsbar and watch both fights. If the heavyweight fight is going on at the same time as the welterweight bout my eyes will be glued on that though.
Edited by: white is right
Notice Briggs is calling himself "The Great Black Hope?" At least ol' pineapple head is honest.
I read the weighin report and Briggs came in at gargantuan 268. The wolf was 238. If you were neophyte off the street you would swear that Briggs was killer if you saw his muscular physique compared to Sergei's more natural physique. But Briggs hasn't been a serious boxer since he lost to Lewis in 98'. Unless Briggs lands a bomb he loses in 8 or less or a very wide points decision.
Yeah, I just saw the picture of them posing at Yankee Stadium on Eastside Boxing. Just from that pic, you'd think Briggs would kill Sergei.
Lyakhovich is a hungry wolf who doesn't want to go back to Belorus till he's made a real pile of dough. Just off what I saw against Brewster I think he can handle Briggs if he knows how to deal with a bigger opponent. Briggs can bang for sure, but he has never had the mindset of a real fighter.

After a tense first few rounds, Sergei should figure Briggs out. That right to the body should have the out of shape Briggs looking to quit in the later rounds.Edited by: Hockaday
Briggs plays the race card. It'll be good to see him get his racist a** knocked out by the White Wolf. THis is from

"Briggs claims that his fire has been fueled by a supposed racial remark directed toward him from Liakhovich. He angrily remarked, "I heard he called my a ****** through somebody else. That's a touchy subject. A ****** means ignorant person. I'm a be ignorant Saturday night, very ignorant."
Maybe they're both just trying to sell wolf tickets for the fight, but Lyakhovich looked sincerely angry in a couple of the photos.

Briggs coming in so heavy has locked him into an early KO or else scenario. Could be he's trying to bait Sergei into a slugout, which is his only chance.

Briggs is acting like a grade school bully who he thinks he has some bussed in white kid scared and cornered in the restroom. When Sergei doesn't give up his lunch money, the curr in Briggs will come out. Especially after Lyakhovich hits him in the mouth a couple times.

Edited by: Hockaday
you guys are great, I love this website, I hope sergei ko's the big racist
We need to pull for Sergei tonight.Everyone should try to see this fight.It's our time to support our white brothers the same way other people have always supported their boxers.Good luck to the "White Wolf!"
Anyone gonna be doing a play-by-play?
Here down under they are not carrying the fight. I have both showtime and hbo and unfortunately I will miss both Sergei, and Wladamir due to the blackout of white boxing dominance here in Australia. Funny how we get the NFL monday night football here from the states but we don't get the heavyweight championships of the world. To make matters worse I go to the gym this morning(it is sunday morning here) and while I am running on the treadmill they are showing highlights on one of the many tv's that they have in front of the treadmills and lo and behold they are showing highlights of knockouts. Needless to say out of all the highlights they were showing not one showed a white boxer knocking anyone out. There were white boxers of course in the highlights but they seemed to all be on the receiving end. What bullsh*t. Oh well I ranted long enough. Go Sergei! Send his Black A** back to New York beaten and broken.
P.S. If there any other Aussies on this Board any information on how I can start getting these fights would be much appreciated. Cable is practically useless here in regards to gettin the big fights. I Have cable, but it appears that they refuse to show them on the cable networks.
Aussie, let me get this straight. You get HBO and SHO down there in the downunder, but they black out the fights? The only reason I take HBO and SHO is for the fights. I'd cancel and ask for my money back. Makes me wanna chunder.

And while you're at it, make them give your guns back. What the hell's going on down there?
I don't have HBO or Showtime where I am either. I would be appreciative of some updates from the fight as well.
Ask and ye shall receive. I'll do the PBP tonight.
They don't actually black the fight out however instead of having the fight they are showing the Leonardo Dicaprio movie the aviator. I am serious. The aviator is a good movie but give me a bloody break. I's not that good a movie. So I guess it is not officialyy blacked out but they just have other stuff on instead.
I Got the Mayweather fight coming on later but I had to get that on pay per view. I would love to see Mayweather get knocked out of the ring. I am not a huge fan of Baldamir but I will take him any day of the week as oppossed to Pretty GIRL Floyd.
what a bad fight. I hope BRIGGS take him out, I am so disappointed. The
best champ is WLAD and he is not that good. I want to see some good
heavyweight champ as FEDOR in MMA.
CK-BREO said:
what a bad fight. I hope BRIGGS take him out, I am so disappointed. The
best champ is WLAD and he is not that good. I want to see some good
heavyweight champ as FEDOR in MMA.

You just got your wish.
Nice writeup on Eastside Boxing about the fight. Fairly objective, analytical piece about the way the two men tried to win the fight.

I feel he is also dead on in his assessment of Briggs' future in the heavyweight division, particularly against Wladimir Klitschko.

Shannon Briggs: "I have seen something."
Just wondering if anyone could tell me if Lyakhovich is still pursuing a rematch with Briggs. He should be entitled to one by techniqality considering how the fight ended with the ref not giving him 20 seconds to get back in the ring.
Maybe it was decided that Lyakovich was too injured by hitting his head on the scorers table to continue? Or maybe he's just conceded that Klitchko is the best heavyweight and Klitchko should be the one to get his chance to win the WBO belt by beating the winner of Sultan Briggs. I don't think anyone's good enough to beat Klitchko if he fights his best. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
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