JerveyGotGypped said:
Well, then, if not to enlighten those undecided, then at the very least to grind out your axioms against the whetstones of intelligent dissent. With a little 'reverse osmosis' some of the points here MIGHT be potable for sensitive palates. Filter for the muck, and present accordingly, or remain impotent extremists..
Problem here is that there are not many whetstones of intelligent dissent to grind axioms against.
I looked up reverse osmosis to get the gist of it.
The term reverse osmosis comes from the process of osmosis, the natural movement of solvent from an area of low solute concentration, through a membrane, to an area of high solute concentration if no external pressure is applied. In simple terms, reverse osmosis is the process of pushing a solution through a filter that traps the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to be obtained from the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure. The membrane here is semipermeable, meaning it allows the passage of solvent but not of solute.
Who says you can't learn anything at
And BTW I may be an extremist but I am not impotent and I have the tax deductions to prove it!!!
JerveyGotGypped said:
I made up 'skadiprop'...most Nordicist propaganda groups seem to include some sort of "nordic queen of the sky" element. Kind of like agitprop. The Nordic Aryan supremacism in here is not much of a secret. I think it's clear enough...and sort of clever..
I don't see the Nordist supremicism here. Yeah we talk about the blonds because they are so obviously white (except for Dennis Rodman) but aside from a few Thor fanatics like White Savage I don't think we are that Nordic-prop oriented. And for the record I am not a Nordist supremist but a Greco-Roman supremist as those peoples laid down the foundations for modern white culture when the Nords were primative thugs in a manner exactly similar to the Afro's of the time. Of course the Vandals, Goths, and others have advanced a bit while the Hutu's and tutsi's are, shall we say, lagging a bit behind.
JerveyGotGypped said:
An example of a compelling argument:
"Brock Forsey, for example, is a pretty average-size guy with some pretty average athletic tools...and even he was able to rush for decent yardage when given the chance. He went over 100 yards in a game when given a starting role. Clearly, then, carrying the ball is not strictly the province of the athletically super-elite. Surely a hadful of White athletes must possess faculties akin to at least the pedestrian and intermediary Blacks, for which there is a considerable sample group in the NFL."
or maybe...
"Jason Sehorn was the only White guy in 15 years allowed to play CB in the NFL...and he did so at a Pro Bowl level during his elite period. Even given that he might have been a paradigm of athleticism, shouldn't there be at least a descending rank of journeymen and second-teamers with skills akin to the considerable Black control group?".
Jerv, that stuff is GOLD, write an aricle like that and we will put it on the front page!
JerveyGotGypped said:
Cluttering these with epithets and the like is counter-productive to anything other than reinforcing those with VERY CLEARLY DEFINED BIASES!!.
It's called charging up your base or rallying the troops, to put a positive spin on it.
JerveyGotGypped said:
Anyhow, preaching to the converted is beyond boring.
I have seen a lot of preaching in my time and sometimes preaching to the converted is an exciting good time.
Besides where else is this "congregation" going to get any preaching from. ANSWER: no where else in the world! Hell you can go on Stormfront and talk up white athletic acheivement and they will shout you down with all of the Nazi's and KKK'ers defending the black af-a-lete.
But here we can be unabashedly supporters of our own people and declare for all to hear: THE WHITE MAN CAN DO ANYTHING BETTER THEN ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD INCLUDING ANY AND ALL PHYSICAL AND ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES. When a white man is beaten it is merely due to cheating, unfairness, sabatoge, accident, or the work of SATAN!!!!
Can I get an AMEN!!!!