Is there a chance of a USA-Russia war in the near future?

As usual Tucker is the only rational voice in the mainstream US media. Unconditional support for Ukraine ? Defeat Moscows armies?

How stupid would Americans have to be to believe this conflict was anything but a proxy war intended to defeat Russia?

Clearly some people are dumb enough to believe it and some ((())) are dumb enough to want it, for me the question is : When do southern whites (the backbone of the military if we are being honest) stop volunteering to get themselves killed over this nonsensical conflict started by people who hate them dead??
Clearly some people are dumb enough to believe it and some ((())) are dumb enough to want it, for me the question is : When do southern whites (the backbone of the military if we are being honest) stop volunteering to get themselves killed over this nonsensical conflict started by people who hate them dead??
They are; the military has fallen woefully short of its recruitment goals the past few years.

But the new "woke" military is in the process of replacing men altogether, much like society itself. This article illustrates what's going on:

It says in the Bible many things about a nation. One is that a nation just like a house that is divided cannot stand.

It also goes on to say that if you let either women or foreignors lead your nation it will fall every time. We are seeing
this first hand.

Meanwhile In China they only allow education videos and positive messages on platforms like tik tok while they push the evil
here while our country allows it. In the classrooms in China they teach little boys & girls how to take apart and put back together
a gun in under 1 minutes. Little kids that can do it better than most adults in America.

America is doomed as we were bought and sold out decades ago. The Rise of the Dragon(China and Russia).
It says in the Bible many things about a nation. One is that a nation just like a house that is divided cannot stand.

It also goes on to say that if you let either women or foreignors lead your nation it will fall every time. We are seeing
this first hand.

Meanwhile In China they only allow education videos and positive messages on platforms like tik tok while they push the evil
here while our country allows it. In the classrooms in China they teach little boys & girls how to take apart and put back together
a gun in under 1 minutes. Little kids that can do it better than most adults in America.

America is doomed as we were bought and sold out decades ago. The Rise of the Dragon(China and Russia).
One positive I think we can take away is that China doesn't want to come over here and take over our country. And Russia doesn't either in my opinion. However, the difference is in those who control the west, and we know what and who they are, they would love to impose their globohomo agenda on the entire world. I think China and Russia just want to succeed within their own countries and for the most part, although not always, do what's best for their own people.

I am not at all saying Russia or China are anywhere near perfect. I'm just saying that they don't seem to want to have world domination through changing cultures and societies and literally everything that makes a country function in the way that the string-pullers of this nation and other White Nations do through propaganda and mind pollution.
They are; the military has fallen woefully short of its recruitment goals the past few years.

But the new "woke" military is in the process of replacing men altogether, much like society itself. This article illustrates what's going on:

Egads that photo. I real collection of Rambettes. Like looking out the window of an airplane and seeing you are much closer to the ground than you were not that long ago. Even our military is living in a cartoon.

I remember a little soiree at my dependent girlfriends' house. Several of the wives were there and they went on a bit about how we (the troops) weren't tough enough to deal with the Russians should they decide to come at us. Yeah we liked to party and and have a good time but the fact is we spent a lot of time freezing our asses off in training areas getting ready to deal with the threat while the wifey's were safe and warm in their base housing.

I didn't have many dealings with the rare female soldiers. We did have a two women deuce and a half drivers at at the mess hall for a couple days. I asked one of their male comrades how they were and he said they were okay driving but useless when it came to heavy maintenance work or changing those big tires.

I'd like to hop in a time machine and ask the girls what they think of that photo.

Yeah we're closer to hitting the ground than a lot of people realize.
I was thinking the title of this thread could properly be called

The state of the Russia v US war

Because we are definitely at war with each other. Sanctions are closely related to embargo which is a form of economic warfare to say nothing of the huge amount of materiel and (and probably covert manpower).

It may not be officially declared but make no mistake we are at war with Russia. Ukraine just happens to be the place unlucky enough to be caught in the crossfire.
My wife grew up in Russia. Over there, all students, boys and girls, are taught how to shoot, how to assemble and disassemble a weapon, etc. as part of civil defense education. Meanwhile, so many Amerikan womyn are shrill feminists who go on and on about how “empowered” they are, yet would have no idea how to handle a weapon if the need arose. And don’t even get me started on the nu-male soyboy cucks.

The difference, of course, is that Russia is run by a government that actually cares, at least to some extent, about the welfare of its people, while Amerika is run by a (((hostile alien elite))) that is essentially at war against its founding stock of citizens (AKA normal white people). (((They))) have been pushing for decades propaganda to feminize men and masculinize women, resulting in generations of confused, gender-bent, dysfunctional people who don’t know how to be good men or good women.

The woke, especially those now in control of our military, think they can make “good men” out of women. They can’t. A woman can be a good woman or a poor imitation of a man. And a man cannot become a woman. This is basic biology. This is where the libtards’ precious Trust The Science (TM) should come in.

The typical new recruit or cadet in our new woke military will likely be a feminist ideologue who can write a long thesis about fake oppression from an imaginary patriarchy, but will be totally inept at winning wars. She’ll be sure to tell you how empowered she is before asking a man to help her with a mundane task. Meanwhile, the women in Russia will be kept out of combat zones by their sane government, while still being fully capable of protecting their homes if necessary.
My wife grew up in Russia. Over there, all students, boys and girls, are taught how to shoot, how to assemble and disassemble a weapon, etc. as part of civil defense education. Meanwhile, so many Amerikan womyn are shrill feminists who go on and on about how “empowered” they are, yet would have no idea how to handle a weapon if the need arose. And don’t even get me started on the nu-male soyboy cucks.

The difference, of course, is that Russia is run by a government that actually cares, at least to some extent, about the welfare of its people, while Amerika is run by a (((hostile alien elite))) that is essentially at war against its founding stock of citizens (AKA normal white people). (((They))) have been pushing for decades propaganda to feminize men and masculinize women, resulting in generations of confused, gender-bent, dysfunctional people who don’t know how to be good men or good women.

The woke, especially those now in control of our military, think they can make “good men” out of women. They can’t. A woman can be a good woman or a poor imitation of a man. And a man cannot become a woman. This is basic biology. This is where the libtards’ precious Trust The Science (TM) should come in.

The typical new recruit or cadet in our new woke military will likely be a feminist ideologue who can write a long thesis about fake oppression from an imaginary patriarchy, but will be totally inept at winning wars. She’ll be sure to tell you how empowered she is before asking a man to help her with a mundane task. Meanwhile, the women in Russia will be kept out of combat zones by their sane government, while still being fully capable of protecting their homes if necessary.
Very true.
The ineptitude that is growing in our military is the greatest chance we have for salvation as a country.
The US is giving Ukraine 10 billion more in aide over the next year on top of all the billions they already gave them.

The US is giving Ukraine 10 billion more in aide over the next year on top of all the billions they already gave them.

Bucuz their borders and security are more important than ours of course. And of course we "couldn't afford a border wall" anyway.
Wow, “The Bizzy Yid” made my blood boil.
There are recent reports that the Wagner group headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin were headed to Moscow to storm the Kremlin. Since these wild reports of a rebellion/coup. Prigozhin has stated he is only withdrawing his troops to their bases in Southern Russia. For about half a day there has been wild speculation that a possible coup was happening and this doomsday scenario has been all over the internet.

I recall similar wild stories back in 89' with the Tiananmen massacre of student protests where newspapers speculated that there would be a similar coup in Beijing and nothing happened.

This is a story that bares watching...
There are recent reports that the Wagner group headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin were headed to Moscow to storm the Kremlin. Since these wild reports of a rebellion/coup. Prigozhin has stated he is only withdrawing his troops to their bases in Southern Russia. For about half a day there has been wild speculation that a possible coup was happening and this doomsday scenario has been all over the internet.

I recall similar wild stories back in 89' with the Tiananmen massacre of student protests where newspapers speculated that there would be a similar coup in Beijing and nothing happened.

This is a story that bares watching...

It's definitely the most intriguing development that's happened in a long while. As I understand, Prigozhin, head of Wagner, commands somewhere between 25k-50k soldiers, who are private military contractors without a direct affiliation to the Russian army. Wagner is famous for employing Russian convicts who receive a reprieve after their tour of duty, but their proportion has been quoted at anywhere between 20% to 80%.

Wagner has been instrumental in a lot of Russia's notable victories and position holds, especially recently in Bakhmut. Prigozhin is alleged to feel that "Moscow" has left his troops to do the dirty work, essentially hanging them out to dry to avoid a general deployment of Russian armed forces at the expense of extra Wagner casualties. He has publicly criticized Russia's Ministry of Defense head Sergei Shoigu for prioritizing international diplomacy over Russian victory.

Prigozhin is being described in the press as an "ultranationalist," and he apparently has a positive reputation amongst the Russian public. It is worth noting that he is "half-Jewish," and of course, a mercenary. Shoigu is Tuvan (an ethnically-Turkic region in the center of southern Russia), for what that's worth. This episode looks like a power struggle between these two men (rather than an intent to overthrow Putin).

The Guardian is very likely a more honest and complete source of news than New York Times, Fox News, or CNN. I think there is more valuable analysis to be found in darker corners of the internet, although these also need to be taken with grains of salt.

Simplicius is a "pro-Russian" blogger on Substack with lots of detailed analysis. His most recent writeup is free here:

Rolo Slavskiy is a pro-Russian, Russian blogger who instead has taken a critical attitude toward Putin and his handling of the war. He feels like Prigozhin's mutiny was predictable and overdue:

'Moon of Alabama' is a US-based blog; I would describe the author as paleoconservative, which you could at this point also call "pro-Russia." He hasn't published much substance about the update but has a robust comments section from around the world. You have to sift through some junk but can get a feel about what realistic observers see and say:

I still don't feel like my interpretations are very informed at this point. I don't think the "coup" is a complete psy-op hoax, but it is curious how we had this Titanic submersible fiasco stealing headlines this week from the Ukraine's sputtering counteroffensive (even though those guys clearly died instantly). My instinct is that things within Russia will resolve rather quickly, but of course it's worth keeping tabs on if you find this stuff interesting.

I also find it funny and pathetic that American news outlets (and even more so their audiences) can only have black & white interpretations, so because Putin is evil, this new Progozhin guy opposing him must be good. If he actually toppled Putin in some weird hypothetical, he'd be way more likely to launch the nukes and reclaim the Baltic states, plus Scandinavia for good measure.
It's definitely the most intriguing development that's happened in a long while. As I understand, Prigozhin, head of Wagner, commands somewhere between 25k-50k soldiers, who are private military contractors without a direct affiliation to the Russian army. Wagner is famous for employing Russian convicts who receive a reprieve after their tour of duty, but their proportion has been quoted at anywhere between 20% to 80%.

Wagner has been instrumental in a lot of Russia's notable victories and position holds, especially recently in Bakhmut. Prigozhin is alleged to feel that "Moscow" has left his troops to do the dirty work, essentially hanging them out to dry to avoid a general deployment of Russian armed forces at the expense of extra Wagner casualties. He has publicly criticized Russia's Ministry of Defense head Sergei Shoigu for prioritizing international diplomacy over Russian victory.

Prigozhin is being described in the press as an "ultranationalist," and he apparently has a positive reputation amongst the Russian public. It is worth noting that he is "half-Jewish," and of course, a mercenary. Shoigu is Tuvan (an ethnically-Turkic region in the center of southern Russia), for what that's worth. This episode looks like a power struggle between these two men (rather than an intent to overthrow Putin).

The Guardian is very likely a more honest and complete source of news than New York Times, Fox News, or CNN. I think there is more valuable analysis to be found in darker corners of the internet, although these also need to be taken with grains of salt.

Simplicius is a "pro-Russian" blogger on Substack with lots of detailed analysis. His most recent writeup is free here:

Rolo Slavskiy is a pro-Russian, Russian blogger who instead has taken a critical attitude toward Putin and his handling of the war. He feels like Prigozhin's mutiny was predictable and overdue:

'Moon of Alabama' is a US-based blog; I would describe the author as paleoconservative, which you could at this point also call "pro-Russia." He hasn't published much substance about the update but has a robust comments section from around the world. You have to sift through some junk but can get a feel about what realistic observers see and say:

I still don't feel like my interpretations are very informed at this point. I don't think the "coup" is a complete psy-op hoax, but it is curious how we had this Titanic submersible fiasco stealing headlines this week from the Ukraine's sputtering counteroffensive (even though those guys clearly died instantly). My instinct is that things within Russia will resolve rather quickly, but of course it's worth keeping tabs on if you find this stuff interesting.

I also find it funny and pathetic that American news outlets (and even more so their audiences) can only have black & white interpretations, so because Putin is evil, this new Progozhin guy opposing him must be good. If he actually toppled Putin in some weird hypothetical, he'd be way more likely to launch the nukes and reclaim the Baltic states, plus Scandinavia for good measure.

Thanks for the links. Always appreciate non-Kosher viewpoints spewed by the MSM. It's fascinating to observe from afar and for now it looks like Prigozhin and Wagner has stood down and is leaving Russia for Belarus. Last night social media was celebrating this as the end of Putin however his handling of the situation, the ability to resolve the issues peacefully and get Priogozhin back in line lead me to believe that Russia is very much under Putin's control.

One of the interesting theories floating around was that the missing $6.2 billion dollars was a CIA payment to the Wagner group to start a coup and it was actually Putin/Prigozhin playing the CIA and Ukraine to get the money. Might not be true at all, could have some partial truth but nothing these days is out of the realm of possibility.
^^ good write up. Especially with the recent news that Prigo won't be charged and he is going Belarus.

My high level understanding is that there were signs that this was bound to happen as Prigo felt betrayed by Russian MOD and seemed to have deep resentment against Sergie Shoigu.

Was this a personal battle between two men? We shall see. But, it strikes me that it seemed ludicrous for Wagner to take Moscow with 20K soldiers. Now Putin has been fighting this Ukraine war quite apathetically but, this Wagner incident shows that there is a lot going on behind the scenes .
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The bottom line is that Russia isn’t getting dislodged anytime from Ukraine soon and Putin isn’t going anywhere either.
Disturbing news. This is the door to World War III. If the Ukraine wants to drag the US directly into this all they have to do is blow up a nuclear plant and blame it on the Russians. That triggers Article V which binds the US to enter the war. It's sheer madness.

US Senate proposes that radioactive contamination of NATO territory caused by Russia be considered as attack on Alliance​

The US Senate has introduced a resolution which proposes that the actions of Russia, Belarus "or proxy of Russia" be considered as an attack on NATO, if their actions lead to radioactive contamination of the allies' territory.
Ukraine wants nothing of the sort. The powers that be in the US are looking for another reason to expand their proxy war (which we are losing and killing the best of Ukraine’s youth in the process).
Ukraine wants nothing of the sort. The powers that be in the US are looking for another reason to expand their proxy war (which we are losing and killing the best of Ukraine’s youth in the process).
This would be more like "Ukrainians want nothing of the sort", but that can't necessarily be said of Zelenskyy and his puppeteers. This whole farce of a war is perpetrated on lies. It's really difficult to find any factual reporting on this from any source. It's absurd that Russia would blow up the nuclear plant, especially since it's in territory held BY THEM, but that didn't stop the press from saying that they blew up the dam that was a water and power source for their territory.
American Freedom News