Yea I noticed that too. Seems like once the playoffs come, all the non-superstar White players are phased out. The blacks really want the limelight and become massive ballhogs. Another reason to tune out the NBA at this point.Yeah it’s pretty slim picking. Jokic is the only white player left producing. Strus seems to have lost all confidence or is content with Lowry jacking up crappy shots that he should be taking. Much like Huerter in Sacramento with fox.
Yea I noticed that too. Seems like once the playoffs come, all the non-superstar White players are phased out. The blacks really want the limelight and become massive ballhogs. Another reason to tune out the NBA at this point.
Looking forward to a break out performance from Braun at some point in these playoffs! Sky is the limit for him.
Kevin Love is certainly past his prime. At least, I assume so because his hair is now salt-n-pepper. With Miami, he's polishing off a borderline hall-of-fame career. He's been a prolific scorer and rebounder over the years, and every so often he still has a mega-game where he carries his team to an undeserved victory.
I looked him up just to make this post and was pretty shocked to see that he's only actually 6'8. I've had this image of him as a "typical white center" who gets by on his length advantage as a 7-footer. Love is the most intuitive, undersized big man since Charles Barkley - although he may be better overall.
Check out the smarts in this outlet pass:
It's an aptitude plus attitude. I don't watch tons of NBA highlights, so it's possible that I miss out on some good black players' plays. That being said, the highlight reels of Jokic passes and Love touchdown-passes suggest to me that the big white bodies who are able to play in the NBA have developed a different higher-level of skills (when their mere athleticism won't be taken seriously). Love throws these touchdown passes A LOT. The real question I have is: why don't the black players do this?
How many free points has Kevin Love given his teams by being "smart?"
Kelvin Love learned to throw the outlet pass from Wes Unseld, who was his father's teammate with the Bullets. His uncle is Mike Love one of the co-founders of the Beach Boys.
That pretty cool!! Unsfeld was a good man, didn’t he have a team that fielded 3 white starters in the 90’s with the bullet’s? I know Tom Gugliotta was one of them.
Crazy to think our Nations cesspool, er Capital had that many gym rats, not all that long ago.I could be wrong but I think the Bullets had at least 5 or 6 whites on their team in the early 90s. Rex Chapman, Corchiani, Gugliotta, Brent Price, and the underrated Don Maclean. There could have been a couple more but I can't locate them.