Joe Biden's America

Tucker Carlson is a national treasure. His reporting on this issue is spot on and what we here on the dissident right have been waiting to hear for years!

Yesterday he also had on a woman who had written a book about the horrible mistreatment of the people arrested for this government initiated tragedy. She pointed out rightly so that it is the federal judges in and around Washington that are responsible for it and have abandoned their duty to protect the accused.
Donald Trump on the side of evil and the uniparty!!
That’s a serious accusation, I hope you have hours of internet video and biblical quotes to back that up!

Let me ask you a question? What wall have every president since JFK went to and prayed over in the middle east. Why does Trump say he
is the most Pro Israel President in the history of the world? His words not mine. Although Desantis is giving him a run for his
money. Did you also know that Trumps face is on some of their money in Israel? Why is that? Hmmm let's ponder on that?

It's Israel first but they say America first and no one will know the difference.

Just for the record I treat everyone the same. I go by a mans behavior. You can never lable all people as a certain way.
I don't hate anyone. I just point out facts. There is a reason this certain group has been kicked out of over 100 countries in history.
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Wasn’t Jesus born and raised in the Jewish faith? Maybe Trump is just being grateful to the original homeland of our Lord and Savior?
Wasn’t Jesus born and raised in the Jewish faith? Maybe Trump is just being grateful to the original homeland of our Lord and Savior?

That would be a good point but he converted to Judaism a few years ago. No doubt who he serves. There are many things I like
about him and I did vote for him one of the two times he ran.

Jesus said if you knew my Father (GOD) you would know me. But because you don't know me then you are from your father Satan. He
called them the Synogogue of Satan. Not all of them but the groups like the Saducess and the Pharisees to name a couple. The jews
were the ones that demanded he be killed by the Romans. So not all jews are innocent. Good and bad of every group. Most jews are athiest and do not believe in God and curse the name of Jesus. They hide behind the name but they are not true believers.
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That would be a good point but he converted to Judaism a few years ago. No doubt who he serves. There are many things I like
about him and I did vote for him one of the two times he ran.

Jesus said if you knew my Father (GOD) you would know me. But because you don't know me then you are from your father Satan. He
called them the Synogogue of Satan. Not all of them but the groups like the Saducess and the Pharisees to name a couple. The jews
were the ones that demanded he be killed by the Romans. So not all jews are innocent. Good and bad of every group. Most jews are athiest and do not believe in God and curse the name of Jesus. They hide behind the name but they are not true believers.
Trump didn't convert to Judaism as far as I know or can find online. Please clarify if you meant to say something else. I know he bent over over backwards to please Israel and its proponents but he has not converted unless I am mistaken.
Trump didn't convert to Judaism as far as I know or can find online. Please clarify if you meant to say something else. I know he bent over over backwards to please Israel and its proponents but he has not converted unless I am mistaken.

His daughter Ivanka Trump is married to Kushner. She converted too but she is open about it. Here is a good starting point.

Let's get the subject back to Biden. We are all taking this thread off the topic. What do you guys think
of the Commander in Chief Biden if we go into World War III? I would much rather have someone else
to lead our country.
Gee, I learned today that Trump is evil and he's a Jew. Seriously White Lightning, I have a lot of respect for you and your passion and how you've been a poster here from the beginning, but lately I've been worrying about you. Some of your posts are getting wayyyy out there, and you seem to want to impose your views on anyone who disagrees, which is a lot of posters from what I can glean.

It would be helpful financially for what I do if most of the posters here supported the American Freedom Union and The Freedom Times newspaper, which make Caste Football possible. It would also be helpful for this site and the work and time I have committed to it from the beginning, but no one has any interest in what I do outside of my posts here. I can think of just two posters over the nearly 20 years of Caste Football's existence who have subscribed to the newspaper I've been editing and putting out against overwhelming odds for nearly 40 years now. I may not be happy about that but I don't try to force my views on anyone else. It is what it is, just one of many factors I consider when it comes to this site and whether I should continue sacrificing to keep it online in this era of ever-increasing leftist intolerance and totalitarianism.

There are plenty of places still left on the internet for anyone who wants to argue about various issues no matter how far off the beaten path they are. However I don't want Caste Football to be one of them as this is first and foremost a sports site, one with a particular mission. We're about rooting for White athletes and exposing and combatting the Caste System in sports. That's what we agree on. When it comes to politics and everything else there's always been a wide divergence of opinion and always will be. Let's focus on sports and individual athletes, which is what brought us here.
Gee, I learned today that Trump is evil and he's a Jew. Seriously White Lightning, I have a lot of respect for you and your passion and how you've been a poster here from the beginning, but lately I've been worrying about you. Some of your posts are getting wayyyy out there, and you seem to want to impose your views on anyone who disagrees, which is a lot of posters from what I can glean.

It would be helpful financially for what I do if most of the posters here supported the American Freedom Union and The Freedom Times newspaper, which make Caste Football possible. It would also be helpful for this site and the work and time I have committed to it from the beginning, but no one has any interest in what I do outside of my posts here. I can think of just two posters over the nearly 20 years of Caste Football's existence who have subscribed to the newspaper I've been editing and putting out against overwhelming odds for nearly 40 years now. I may not be happy about that but I don't try to force my views on anyone else. It is what it is, just one of many factors I consider when it comes to this site and whether I should continue sacrificing to keep it online in this era of ever-increasing leftist intolerance and totalitarianism.

There are plenty of places still left on the internet for anyone who wants to argue about various issues no matter how far off the beaten path they are. However I don't want Caste Football to be one of them as this is first and foremost a sports site, one with a particular mission. We're about rooting for White athletes and exposing and combatting the Caste System in sports. That's what we agree on. When it comes to politics and everything else there's always been a wide divergence of opinion and always will be. Let's focus on sports and individual athletes, which is what brought us here.

I am a strong minded alpha male but I will tone it down. It's just frustrating that I see what was done to the Ukraine during the
holodomor. I see the potential of americans starving like back then. I just feel most people will never have the courage till it's
too late. Hope I'm wrong. Again I respect everyone here and I will try my best to hold my tongue.
Wasn’t Jesus born and raised in the Jewish faith? Maybe Trump is just being grateful to the original homeland of our Lord and Savior?
Yet Jesus Christ, or Yeshua as they call him, is despised in Israel and by most Jews everywhere. According to their Talmud, he is a false Messiah and is in Hell. The Jews rejected Jesus as their Messiah and got a reluctant Pilate to have him crucified.

Muslims who regard Jesus as a prophet have much more respect for Him than Jews.
I am a strong minded alpha male but I will tone it down. It's just frustrating that I see what was done to the Ukraine during the
holodomor. I see the potential of americans starving like back then. I just feel most people will never have the courage till it's
too late. Hope I'm wrong. Again I respect everyone here and I will try my best to hold my tongue.
I get it and I don't mean to single out just you. It seems like at times this forum gets a bit divisive and out of whack and needs a bit of a "reset" to use Klaus Schwab's favorite word. We're all under a lot of stress -- I'm currently in the middle of a diet, which on top of everything else always makes me ornery -- and we all want to see things get better in America as it continues to head toward a point of no return, with the lunatics in charge possibly taking the entire world into a nuclear nightmare. Very few Americans seem to understand that a nuclear war means the end of America and that most will die horrible deaths.

But I will also say that inculcating courage in people comes from action, not by anonymously repeating hard-core rhetoric over and over again, which in my experience only reinforces people's already held fears when it comes to doing something. I read hundreds if not thousands of posts saying the same basic things about how the sky is falling or that all members of a certain tribe are devils. What I can't recall reading a single time is a post by someone detailing how they were active in their community on behalf of a candidate or cause, how they've joined or are helping one of the few organizations still trying to help White Americans, or how they've been working in their local Republican Party to try to change its leadership, how they've been networking with parents who are sickened by the grooming and perversity now taking place in government schools all over the country, etc., etc.

Lead and you will have followers who find their courage. Content yourself by just writing the same slogans over and over again and you will have none. There's a huge difference between a doer and a hobbyist.
I’ve said it before here but this is probably as good a place to mention it again.

Look in YouTube and do some research regarding “infinite banking concept” and Luke Tatum specifically.

SVB is not a powerhouse bank by any stretch of the imagination but it’s not a neighborhood savings and loan either.

If you want to secure some portion of your money (not all of it - that would be nuts), do yourself a favor and investigate using a whole life policy to become your own bank.
If you all haven't heard, Jane Fonda on "The View" suggested "murder" was the solution to those of us who are pro-life. In the last 24 hours she received so much torching that she "walked back" her murder comment saying she was "joking". Look at her face and tell me if she seems to be anything but joking:
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Who would those liberal pussies murder? Other then their own babies.
Here's something positive in Ol' Joe's America:
Here's something positive in Ol' Joe's America:

Well like all good news in Bidens america, it doesn’t end well. No school board members resigned. But the mayor did after a later attempt at a joke.
That would be a good point but he converted to Judaism a few years ago. No doubt who he serves. There are many things I like
about him and I did vote for him one of the two times he ran.

Jesus said if you knew my Father (GOD) you would know me. But because you don't know me then you are from your father Satan. He
called them the Synogogue of Satan. Not all of them but the groups like the Saducess and the Pharisees to name a couple. The jews
were the ones that demanded he be killed by the Romans. So not all jews are innocent. Good and bad of every group. Most jews are athiest and do not believe in God and curse the name of Jesus. They hide behind the name but they are not true believers.
I’ve never seen anything where Trump converted to Judaism.

I understand his faults and don’t agree on everything, but he has been more pro-working American than any president in my lifetime. I’d wager a lot further back than that as well.

I think if he secures a 2nd term (no small feat because the fraud machine will be in full force), he has the chance to do something very special.

I have no illusions that we are ever going to get a hard Conservative or even Constitutionalist President - we don’t have the numbers for that. Especially with how impressionable the average person is… the mainstream media machine is a formidable foe.

But if we can have a President who lives our country and truly tries to make it better for every day Americans I can stand behind that.

I’m not as anti-Israel as some here, although I recognize the Jewish powers that control many important industries. I would say that is more secular Judaism. If Trump wants to strengthen the only friendly nation of ours in the Middle East that is preferable to Obama donating billions to Iran.
I’ve never seen anything where Trump converted to Judaism.

I understand his faults and don’t agree on everything, but he has been more pro-working American than any president in my lifetime. I’d wager a lot further back than that as well.

I think if he secures a 2nd term (no small feat because the fraud machine will be in full force), he has the chance to do something very special.

I have no illusions that we are ever going to get a hard Conservative or even Constitutionalist President - we don’t have the numbers for that. Especially with how impressionable the average person is… the mainstream media machine is a formidable foe.

But if we can have a President who lives our country and truly tries to make it better for every day Americans I can stand behind that.

I’m not as anti-Israel as some here, although I recognize the Jewish powers that control many important industries. I would say that is more secular Judaism. If Trump wants to strengthen the only friendly nation of ours in the Middle East that is preferable to Obama donating billions to Iran.
Respectfully, your POV regarding Israel is incorrect. Israel is far from friendly towards us. That is like saying a thot is friendly towards her sugar daddy, because that is what we are; Israel's sugar daddy.

Be interested to see how 'friendly' Israel would be towards us if we didn't provide tens of billions to Israel
It looks like Trump will be indicted Tuesday. He wasnt great by any means but light years better than this self loathing dementia patient we have now.
A taste of J6 for him. Top notch entertainment.
Not sure I understand your post but anyway this is unprecedented for a president to be indicted and I feel more charges are coming. While I don’t believe Trump is an honest man he certainly is nowhere near what they make him out to be. Meanwhile they are teaching kids crt, allowing black lies matter to make threats with zero repercussions, and letting murderers back on the street. Very sick indeed,
American Freedom News