
The Jury is taking way too long for me to feel the least bit comfortable. All day long now and it's almost 5pm Central time... Something doesn't seem right. This is not looking good...
The Jury is taking way too long for me to feel the least bit comfortable. All day long now and it's almost 5pm Central time... Something doesn't seem right. This is not looking good...
The longer it takes it's better for Rittenhouse as a hung jury or lesser charges are being considered or even an argued aquittal. If they came back in say an hour or two it would be bad sign for the defense.
Even though this is a clear cut case of self-defense the jury is likely afraid of what will happen to them, their families, their children, their careers, so they will try to find some lesser charges to nail him on and the poor kid will still spend time in prison and that is incredibly sad. The whole charade and media lies are outrageous, as usual. Double standards abound.


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That twitter video I posted is very emotional. I'll get more and post them! God bless you guys here who pulled and prayed for Kyle!!
That twitter video I posted is very emotional. I'll get more and post them! God bless you guys here who pulled and prayed for Kyle!!

Wow, it sure is very emotional to watch. None of us can begin to comprehend all that young man has been through over the past year, especially the ordeal of this long trial. He's just 18 and has been put through the wringer by the forces of hate and intolerance. So happy for him, let's see how his future unfolds. And if the lunatics start rioting again, will they once again be treated with kid gloves and lionized by the fake news media?
Wow, it sure is very emotional to watch. None of us can begin to comprehend all that young man has been through over the past year, especially the ordeal of this long trial. He's just 18 and has been put through the wringer by the forces of hate and intolerance. So happy for him, let's see how his future unfolds. And if the lunatics start rioting again, will they once again be treated with kid gloves and lionized by the fake news media?
The Breitbart video I posted is longer and shows Kyle almost faint and literally almost fall off his chair collapsing to sit down. Very much a total relief!
That twitter video I posted is very emotional. I'll get more and post them! God bless you guys here who pulled and prayed for Kyle!!

First off Praise God and Jesus. Second I give the jury credit for doing what what right. The verdict should have come days ago but they made the right decision. Thank God. Now
we need to continue to pray for the members of the jury and for the safety of their families. We also need to pray for our country as we could see mass looting and rioting from
these communist regime we have here across this country. So happy for Kyle Rittenhouse. No teenager should have to endure what he did. So brave and strong!
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Wow, it sure is very emotional to watch. None of us can begin to comprehend all that young man has been through over the past year, especially the ordeal of this long trial. He's just 18 and has been put through the wringer by the forces of hate and intolerance. So happy for him, let's see how his future unfolds. And if the lunatics start rioting again, will they once again be treated with kid gloves and lionized by the fake news media?

Well said Don. I am happy beyond words for that young man. He was not out looking for a fight, he was trying to help people and defend innocents against the mob. He was doing the job that local authorities failed to do. With all the factors playing against him in current society to have this be the end result is nothing short of a miracle.
I never thought that 11 whites would stick together and vote to acquit him. I thought that the one black would intimidate the white jurors.
I never thought that 11 whites would stick together and vote to acquit him. I thought that the one black would intimidate the white jurors.

Likely would have if a back was killed, but the black didn't have a dog in the fight.

I am amazed! Now the media will be inciting their Antifa-BLM terrorist mobs to do what they do best, riot. Also, I am afraid that F.J.Biden and the occupational government will step in next and bring civil rights charges against him (double jeopardy), like they did to the officers who were acquitted in the Rodney King - "motorist", as the media referred to him - case.
Likely would have if a back was killed, but the black didn't have a dog in the fight.

I am amazed! Now the media will be inciting their Antifa-BLM terrorist mobs to do what they do best, riot. Also, I am afraid that F.J.Biden and the occupational government will step in next and bring civil rights charges against him (double jeopardy), like they did to the officers who were acquitted in the Rodney King - "motorist", as the media referred to him - case.
There are already the "No Justice. No peace." tweets going out and revving up the usual suspects by the usual suspects.
Good job by the jury. The kid was fortunate to miss the black jump kick man. Call it a lucky miss. Without a black victim (of their own stupidity) to extoll the virtues of the prosecutors job was that much tougher.
All the "victims" being white might put a damper on the rioting. A broken window here and there but nothing like it would have been if color had been involved.
Great day! Thanks to the jury that did the right thing despite the pressure on them. A rare win for Team White.

Curious thing happened today. As I was leaving work for lunch today a guy I talk politics with told me about the verdict. While we were in celebrating mode a couple other coworkers came up to join in. They had been anxious about the case and now were relieved with the decision.

A woman, pregnant with her first child, who I had no idea would have any interest, told me she has been closely following the case all week. She said she was obsessed with it, and showed me the video of Kyle as the verdict was announced, (not gonna lie, I teared up a little).

All these white people who hadn’t spoken a word with each other about it, but were heavily invested in it and now with the decision were able to freely discuss it.
It seems some times we live in a police state of our own imagination.

I just got a text from a buddy, he wants to get a celebratory beer.
Great day! Thanks to the jury that did the right thing despite the pressure on them. A rare win for Team White.

Curious thing happened today. As I was leaving work for lunch today a guy I talk politics with told me about the verdict. While we were in celebrating mode a couple other coworkers came up to join in. They had been anxious about the case and now were relieved with the decision.

A woman, pregnant with her first child, who I had no idea would have any interest, told me she has been closely following the case all week. She said she was obsessed with it, and showed me the video of Kyle as the verdict was announced, (not gonna lie, I teared up a little).

All these white people who hadn’t spoken a word with each other about it, but were heavily invested in it and now with the decision were able to freely discuss it.
It seems some times we live in a police state of our own imagination.

I just got a text from a buddy, he wants to get a celebratory beer.
Thanks for sharing that Flint.

We would be surprised, even though we feel blackpilled some days, how many of us are really on the same page. The Enemy media wants us to believe we are alone. These Christ-rejecters haven't duped everyone. We must remember Trump trounced Biden way worse than he beat Hillary. We know he did AND SO DO THEY!! Lies don't negate facts...
Great news concerning the verdict! I'm hopeful no innocent White folks are caught in any harms way during "peaceful protests."
I have been recommending that now that he is free, to give Kyle his rifle back and turn him loose outside the courthouse to do what he does so well.
Didn't expect to hear this.

All good, hopefully this snowballs into more juries doing the right thing.
I intentionally avoid all MSM promoted stories. Given the ubiquitous nature of this Rittenhouse event, and the fact that Steven A Smittick is pontificating about it on NBA pregame, I am confident it is nothing but a psyop designed to distract, agitate, and divide the masses.
First off Praise God and Jesus. Second I give the jury credit for doing what what right. The verdict should have come days ago but they made the right decision. Thank God. Now
we need to continue to pray for the members of the jury and for the safety of their families. We also need to pray for our country as we could see mass looting and rioting from
these communist regime we have here across this country. So happy for Kyle Rittenhouse. No teenager should have to endure what he did. So brave and strong!

Echo this! Well said. Three cheers for Kyle!

A massive sham trial, the president calling you a white supremacist, and half the country thinking you're a terrorist... all this, and these unhinged lunatics believe he's somehow "escaping" their perverted form of justice, since they've only ever been baying for blood. There's plenty more to say, but tonight we should just enjoy this emotional victory.
Some great videos I'm watching on bitchute from LOTS of channels. Great to see so many people relieved, glad, happy, celebrating. It's good to enjoy a "W" for a change!
What a great day! The joy I’ve felt is similar to when Trump won but even better, as Rittenhouse represents our people and our struggle against the forces of evil. Celebration is in order and Rittenhouse has a long list of people and media apparatchiks who need to be sued for defamation. I hope Kyle becomes significantly wealthy from this ordeal.

An ordeal, that lets not forget, stemmed from a justified police shooting of Jacob Blake. Blake of course was at the house of the woman who had a restraining order against him because he sexually assaulted her and when police arrived was wielding a knife and attacked. Martyring this piece of garbage started the chain of events. We must always remember that (((the media))) and their BLM / antifa golem are the true villains in this tale and Rittenhouse the unlikely hero.
Some great videos I'm watching on bitchute from LOTS of channels. Great to see so many people relieved, glad, happy, celebrating. It's good to enjoy a "W" for a change!

We should not go to youtube.com any more than necessary. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google or many other sites control what you can say and see. We
freedom loving Americans and people of the whole earth need to support other sites as much as possible.


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