
RIP Norm..One of the few Celebrities deaths I was genuinely sad to hear about. He was one of the last of a dying breed, a funny comedian.
RIP Norm..One of the few Celebrities deaths I was genuinely sad to hear about. He was one of the last of a dying breed, a funny comedian.
I agree Bucky. I have spent over an hour watching youtube videos of Norm. He was one funny dude. Do you remember when he was on the ESPY'S and he told a joke that Ken Griffey didn't like because he thought it was racist? Norm just kept telling his jokes. I loved it.
I agree with you guys, this one hit me hard. I’m not the type to care when “celebrities” pass away, but Norm is the exception. I watch his clips nearly every week while I’m doing mindless work. He probably was the funniest man alive. He was a free speech crusader who always pushed back against social taboos. He’ll be sorely missed in this ever increasing joyless world. RIP.
Dang. It’s amazing how many people were fans watching his stuff on YouTube. I watch him all the time. The guy was hilarious! It’s so messed up he’s gone. It’s also amazing how he avoided being cancelled what with his joking about blacks and gays and other untouchables.

Norm was well admired by other comedians too. RIP. He’s telling Polish jokes to God now.
I seem to be the only Jeopardy fan on here, the only show I watch that isn't related to politics, sports or an occasional movie favorite from the past. But for anyone who else who may be, Matt Amodio, a Ph.D. student at Yale, won his 33rd straight game tonight and moved into second all time, passing James Holzhauer who won 32 straight (and won a lot more money doing so) a couple years ago. Only Ken Jennings is still ahead of Amodio at an imposing 74 straight back in 2004.

Jeopardy has a lot more "diversity" among its contestants than it used to, a lot of Indians and Orientals, reflecting the rapid demographic change taking place in the U.S. among the upper middle class, but Amodio, Holzhauer and Jennings are all White men, which undoubtedly infuriates the usual suspects. Holzhauer is 1/4 Japanese, so there's that bone to throw to the multiculturalists.
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I seem to be the only Jeopardy fan on here, the only show I watch that isn't related to politics, sports or an occasional movie favorite from the past. But for anyone who else who may be, Matt Amodio, a Ph.D. student at Yale, won his 33rd straight game tonight and moved into second all time, passing James Holzhauer who won 32 straight (and won a lot more money doing so) a couple years ago. Only Ken Jennings is still ahead of Amodio at an imposing 74 straight back in 2004.

Jeopardy has a lot more "diversity" among its contestants than it used, a lot of Indians and Orientals, reflecting the rapid demographic change taking place in the U.S. among the upper middle class, but Amodio, Holzhauer and Jennings are all White men, which undoubtedly infuriates the usual suspects. Holzhauer is 1/4 Japanese, so there's that bone to throw to the multiculturalists.
This is a bit painful but I'll go ahead and say it. I used to really like watching Jeopardy but that was when I was married to the same woman for almost 27 years. We watched countless episodes together. She left and went down a very wrong path over 5 years ago and we divorced. I have tried to watch bits and pieces since then but I cannot enjoy it. It's too painful.

It's a fantastic show and undoubtedly the best "game show" ever. You've got good taste Don. Enjoy it for both of us brother.
I used to watch Jeopardy back when Alex Trebeck hosted it, so I'm a fan.

I'm glad to hear that Matt Amodio, a white man, is doing well. White people need all the heroes we can get.
I seem to be the only Jeopardy fan on here, the only show I watch that isn't related to politics, sports or an occasional movie favorite from the past. But for anyone who else who may be, Matt Amodio, a Ph.D. student at Yale, won his 33rd straight game tonight and moved into second all time, passing James Holzhauer who won 32 straight (and won a lot more money doing so) a couple years ago. Only Ken Jennings is still ahead of Amodio at an imposing 74 straight back in 2004.

Jeopardy has a lot more "diversity" among its contestants than it used, a lot of Indians and Orientals, reflecting the rapid demographic change taking place in the U.S. among the upper middle class, but Amodio, Holzhauer and Jennings are all White men, which undoubtedly infuriates the usual suspects. Holzhauer is 1/4 Japanese, so there's that bone to throw to the multiculturalists.
I’ve enjoyed jeopardy over the years but I’ve only watched very sporadically.

Regarding White success, I’m not surprised as you have to be intelligent and extremely well versed. Whites are the most creative race and I believe that extends into intellectual creativity and curiosity. Anecdotally, I went to a very multicultural high school. Indians and Orientals were often amongst the top students but they had a certain robotic nature to how they succeeded academically. Looking back, it was likely due to their parents serving as drill sergeants making sure their kids would advance through the system to eventually get a good job and make money. None of the Asians I knew seemed intellectually curious. More of a duty that they needed to fulfill.
Currently TV out but I've enjoyed Jeopardy over the years. I'm also something of an aficionado of the worst of things.

Thanks for sharing. I had a lot of good laughs, especially at the expense of chosenite talking-head Wolf Blitzer’s ineptitude. Just goes to show that these people presented to us a brilliant arbiters of the news are teleprompter reading propagandists without much between the ears.
another day, another racist attack:


white couple attacked and racially insulted
seems to happen a lot in lyon
sexual frustration is at the origin of this because when the girl was alone the arabs tried to talk to her
sounds like some arabs in some french cities still haven't aknowledged the fact that they will never touch a girl and this is creating a lot of tension

luckily in my city most have accepted it and have turned gay or just do other things like drugs
another day, another racist attack:


white couple attacked and racially insulted
seems to happen a lot in lyon
sexual frustration is at the origin of this because when the girl was alone the arabs tried to talk to her
sounds like some arabs in some french cities still haven't aknowledged the fact that they will never touch a girl and this is creating a lot of tension

luckily in my city most have accepted it and have turned gay or just do other things like drugs

People on the right love to claim that arabs have a high sexual market value or that women are lusting after them in Europe but I think this is very exaggerated and often claimed by the arabs themselves or white nerds,
arabs seem to be over-represented as "incels" in western Europe.

These types of situations seem to be common.
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People on the right love to claim that arabs have a high sexual market value or that women are lusting after them in Europe but I think this is exaggerated and often claimed by the arabs themselves or white nerds,
arabs seem to be over-represented as "incels" in western Europe.

These types of situations seem to be common.

yeah, it's been disproven long ago, and now sexual frustration has been openly named by leftist politicians even as one of the biggest cause for their violence
Good to see some past and present Jeopardy viewers pipe in (and did I enjoy seeing Wolf Blitzer's idiocy!). Jeopardy has some liberal bias but far less than just about anything else on the idiot box, and is one of the few things in America 2.0 that has retained tradition and class.

Matt Amodio won his 35th straight game today. He keeps getting stronger; when I watched his first few wins, I was impressed but in no way did I see this historic win streak coming. Now he usually smashes his opponents, giving him guaranteed runaway wins no matter how Final Jeopardy turns out.
Didn't know exactly where to put this. It's a parody of the FBI's modus operandi. Makes sense to me.

That is hilarious... and sadly not the least bit parody.

I believe it was in the “plot” to kidnap the Michigan governor that 12 out of 14 were actually FBI agents...

They also had a heavy presence on Jan 6th and led “rioters” into the Capitol.

They also blew up the computer servers in Memphis - which was curiously (and predictably) swept under the rug very quickly when they realized people were not falling for the ruse.

There was also the “car bomb” in DC recently when Biden was having another bad day... very few fell for that and it was quickly and quietly swept under the rug.
Didn't know exactly where to put this. It's a parody of the FBI's modus operandi. Makes sense to me.


We can only laugh at this point and advise anyone we know on the right to not get caught up in these obvious “gay ops”, as they are colloquially called.
Matt Amodio's winning streak on Jeopardy ended at 38 on tonight's show. He was leading after the Jeopardy round but his opponents, a White man and a White woman, both took command in Double Jeopardy and Matt entered Final Jeopardy in third place, whereupon he missed the answer (question) while the other two got it right. The guy edged the lady by several hundred dollars and became the new champion with $29,200 in winnings and a place in Jeopardy lore as the giant killer who knocked off a great champion.

Ken Jennings' 74 game winning streak is still intact and looking as untouchable as ever and I'll bet it's a while before anyone even threatens Matt's second place run.
I watched a couple of nights ago and he crushed his competition. Nice run though. He can now be the Pete Rose to Jenning’s Joe DiMaggio. The enormous achievement of the 2nd place guy just high lights the incredible mark held by the 1st.
Currently TV out but I've enjoyed Jeopardy over the years. I'm also something of an aficionado of the worst of things.

Aside from Blitzers stupidity, the utter futility of the all women trio unable to get an answer right was topped by Kareem Jabbar not knowing his line from the movie “Airplane”!
Wasn't sure where to put this. Our Gov't no longer represents us and is in fact against us. It's a crime in some countries to point out anything and here you'll get silenced, fired, de-platformed, threatened or "suicided" into the next world. Here's one of the things Kennedy said and did that got him killed by the "elites". Nothing new...
Truly miscellaneous: I found this random rant post on a non sequitur forum (autoadmit) and thought it would resonate here. It's applicable to DWF fans, covid enthusiasts, and many other groups that would earn your ire.

An unsettling fact about humanity – if you’ve worked some of the jobs I have in the past – is the fact that the majority of persons cannot comprehend most counterfactual statements, and the more abstracted they are from their experience, the less likely they are to comprehend that the question has meaning at all.

It’s very easy to notice, even if you’ve managed to live the lives many xo users have of pervasive IQ-based social segregation is that many people from the left-hand think people from the right-hand are engaging in pure ********. At the most basic level, this defect is a failure of theory of mind.

A mistake that even smart children often make is to equate knowledge of any empirical facts with being smart. So a child can think it’s a huge coup over an adult that she knows where she hid something and they do not. This is in spite of the fact that the child is sophisticated enough to pass the basic theory of mind test, where Person A places an object in a room, and Person B hides it in another space, and they are suprised if Person A immediately looks for the object in the new location they should be unaware of. This is because understanding that the engine of reasoning power is the essence of intelligence rather than the objects it runs on (and can generate) is another level of abstraction in the theory of mind altogether.

Left-hand adults, however, can make the same mistake as the child, and often think intelligent people are hopelessly stupid for not knowing facts that they might have no reasonable access to. Another level is failing to understand that certain facts might not be relevant or useful to the other person, or likely to have been casually encountered. Beyond this is being able to understand how lacking certain facts might be indicators of intelligence (given certain conditions) and competence while others may not be— yet note how each level of intelligence-assessment sophistication relies on more layers of counterfactual reasoning.

Once you understand this necessity of counterfactual reasoning in so many important tasks, and the fact that the capacity for this is not evenly distributed, other traits associated with IQ begin to make sense, such as time-preference, morality, and curiosity; the first two have been explored before, but the underpinnings of curiosity in particular less-so, so to address this briefly:

The most basic form of curiosity is investigating the alien object in your immediate environment. Even relatively unintelligent animals engage in this behavior, and it may be wholly instinctual. However, it can also be abstracted (and likely often is for the right-handers) in the following way: “What will I be like if I know this object/its origins?” Of course, there are levels of counterfactual reasoning that can occur after the more instinctual noticing/observation of the alien, but the question is what sort of thing lies at the basis of the more sophisticated forms of curiosity.

Intellectual curiosity, in particular, requires the capacity to imagine what it would be like to know something one doesn’t know, and at the more philosophical level it involves some capacity to imagine what it would be like to be the person who has engaged in speculation about this unknown and decide whether or not this is pleasurable, valuable, etc. Chiding the left-hander for his failure to be curious about things is fruitless; he might fail at the basic level of even being able to imagine that knowing something else is possible, much less be able to appreciate the fact that there might be something to know. (I can’t even blame Ta-Nehisi Coates so much for being a normie who is put forth as a public intellectual despite not even knowing St. Augustine existed – and not being sophisticated enough to be embarrassed by this fact – so much as I am by the negrophiliacs who put him in the situation in the first place.)

My experience trying to work with poors and so forth is that counterfactuals should always be as grounded in the everyday as possible, and avoided entirely when possible. If I were to advise anyone here about budgeting, my instruction would largely consist of if/then statements and generalized rules. Working in social work, I found that such advice wasn’t just generally useless, it was often dangerous; it was far better to just instruct clients on actions with no openings for the exercise of judgment. Trying to get the client to envision a counterfactual such as an emergency or repair expense was often impossible, and generally only worked if I could at least be certain they had experienced the particular problem before (note: every prole woman has smashed her phone).
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