
A few things here. Awhile back, I bought two car decals from a magazine I came across. Ever since then they send me an issue of their magazine. The magazine is selling al sorts of Marine Corps stuff, shirts, jackets, hats, mugs etc., all of course with the marine corps insignia on it of course. This issue had only black or off white models except of course the White young women modeling draws with Marine saying on the butts. What the hell is going on? How is it this stuff is so prevalent in everything all of a sudden. Even my wife has discontinued her magazines for the sme reason, all black or off white models.

A couple of friends of mine who are still Catholics have said the parish they've always been members of has taken to having the Filipino/off White priest say the bulk of the masses and they're not happy about it. These are two guys who in the past wouldn't have even noticed it, but when it's shoved down your throat, then anyone who isn't completely brain dead notices.

If I were a young man with children, I would do whatever I had to to shield my children from this anti-White surge in our nation.
A few things here. Awhile back, I bought two car decals from a magazine I came across. Ever since then they send me an issue of their magazine. The magazine is selling al sorts of Marine Corps stuff, shirts, jackets, hats, mugs etc., all of course with the marine corps insignia on it of course. This issue had only black or off white models except of course the White young women modeling draws with Marine saying on the butts. What the hell is going on? How is it this stuff is so prevalent in everything all of a sudden. Even my wife has discontinued her magazines for the sme reason, all black or off white models.

A couple of friends of mine who are still Catholics have said the parish they've always been members of has taken to having the Filipino/off White priest say the bulk of the masses and they're not happy about it. These are two guys who in the past wouldn't have even noticed it, but when it's shoved down your throat, then anyone who isn't completely brain dead notices.

If I were a young man with children, I would do whatever I had to to shield my children from this anti-White surge in our nation.

It's amazing how it seems to have happened all at once. Obviously this policy is coming from a central source and has been planned in advance. But it's amazing how in lockstep the liberal minions are.
If I were a young man with children, I would do whatever I had to to shield my children from this anti-White surge in our nation.
This is the conundrum I worry about everyday. When my kids become old enough, I’m going to present them with the stuff I know. I don’t want to burden them with these horrors, but I’d rather them be aware of the dangers than be helpless lambs led to slaughter.
No boxing or MMA events happening this weekend, UFC is not starting new cards till the 16th.
'Caucasians' t-shirt goes viral for mocking NFL's Redskins
18 hours ago · A parody t-shirt which replaces the former Washington Redskins logo with "Caucasians" has sparked debate on social media, again. ... This ‘CaucasiansT-shirt is going viral for mocking NFL ...
I like this concept. I'm not adverse to the "Washington Darkies" either, or maybe the "Washington Octoroons" (octoroon being more diverse), etc.
Apparently the UFC decided to run an event yesterday, Michael Chiesa beat Neal Magny in the main event.
Apparently the UFC decided to run an event yesterday, Michael Chiesa beat Neal Magny in the main event.

Noticed that, watched a match before I headed to work. Heard Chiesa dominated and called out Colby!
I've been looking at a lot of videos of older rock bands. Why do they all have long hair? Some of them have hair down to their shoulders and sometimes past. It's weird. A lot of those rockers are old now and they still have the long hair. It looks stupid on a lot of them.

It's bizarre. It's like a uniform. They're like zombies - "We must all be the same."

I'm not necessarily against men having long hair, it's up to the individual, but these rock bands are very conformist. You might expect some to have short hair, some medium and some long. But nope. All of them have long hair.
Yep, don't forgot about normalizing earings, make-up, tattoos, drug use, satanic symbols, weird effeminate clothing, rebeling against structured society and parents, hero worshipping, crass behavior, being a lazy loser and sleeping with 100’s of chicks as desirable ( well that last one at least makes somewhat sense as a life goal). (((They’ll))) destroy you one way or another. Still lite years better than todays crap.
I've been looking at a lot of videos of older rock bands. Why do they all have long hair? Some of them have hair down to their shoulders and sometimes past. It's weird. A lot of those rockers are old now and they still have the long hair. It looks stupid on a lot of them.

It's bizarre. It's like a uniform. They're like zombies - "We must all be the same."

I'm not necessarily against men having long hair, it's up to the individual, but these rock bands are very conformist. You might expect some to have short hair, some medium and some long. But nope. All of them have long hair.
It goes back to Vietnam war and Hippies vs Conformists. If you look at bands that evolved into hard rock acts like the Rolling Stones or the Who or the Beatles they had "long hair" for the mid 60's which would be medium length hair now and then when the war protests happened and the hair length of the band became similar to Barbarians from the Roman Empire era.

Alternative Rock bands actually brought back short hair to even bald heads in the late 90's through early 2000's.
I can see every lawyer in our nation highfiving every other lawyer over this transexual executive order of biden's. Holy Cow, he really opened up a can of worms with this stuff.

How is it everybody's upset over male trannies entering female sports but no one's upset over female trannies going into men's sports?
I can see every lawyer in our nation highfiving every other lawyer over this transexual executive order of biden's. Holy Cow, he really opened up a can of worms with this stuff.

How is it everybody's upset over male trannies entering female sports but no one's upset over female trannies going into men's sports?
I can't think of one sport where having a smaller skeletal frame, thinner bones and wider hips are an advantage. I suppose female to male jockeys could have an advantage because of this but beyond that I can't think of any.

Male to female is an advantage in nearly every sport.
I can't think of one sport where having a smaller skeletal frame, thinner bones and wider hips are an advantage. I suppose female to male jockeys could have an advantage because of this but beyond that I can't think of any.

Male to female is an advantage in nearly every sport.
I agree. Female to male will never be a threat to competitive males, but the other way around will ruin women’s sports.

At some point I bet an NBA player will have enough “balls” to make the switch and dominate the WNBA.
I agree. Female to male will never be a threat to competitive males, but the other way around will ruin women’s sports.

At some point I bet an NBA player will have enough “balls” to make the switch and dominate the WNBA.

They made a shitty movie about that in early 2000s. Juwanna Man or some ****.
I can't think of one sport where having a smaller skeletal frame, thinner bones and wider hips are an advantage. I suppose female to male jockeys could have an advantage because of this but beyond that I can't think of any.

Male to female is an advantage in nearly every sport.
Sir, if you look at the jockeys, you see a big upper body/shoulders on the male jockeys. It takes a lot of strength to handle one of those big race horses in full gallop. Few women have that strength. But my post was a joke. Of course, no one is going to get upset by a woman trying to compete in a man's sport. But it's the tranny men who will disrupt all women's sports. Then of course, there's the "normal" boy who will turn tranny just to get the woman's scholarship for college. I can just see the lawyers all over this country giving each other high-fives over this idiocy.
The hits just keep coming. I lost my mother last month, after not being able to visit her for the last nine months of her life thanks to "Rachel" Levine and PA Gov. Tom Wolf. Now my 20 year old cat has gone blind and deaf, among other health problems. She still had a little vision but I can tell today that it's now totally gone as she is disoriented and bumping into things and has no clue where her litter box is. It's nothing like losing a parent, but if you are an animal lover and a cat lover you can relate to how heart-breaking it is to do what I know has to be done. To have a wonderful pet and companion for 20 years is a precious gift; saying goodbye is so so sad.
I'm so sorry Don. I have lost many pets over the years. I'm more of a dog guy but all pets are amazing. They give unconditional love.

My advice is to get another one when your ready. No one likes to be in an empty house. Hang in there my friend. We are all struggling more than ever.
My condolences on your losses Don. Those things are tough to deal with. I wish you the best.
Thanks, guys. I've decided to put a litter box near my cat's food so she doesn't have to go up and down stairs anymore and hopefully will use it. Don't know if it'll work or not but she doesn't seem to be in substantial pain so it's a last chance effort to extend her life a little longer.
Don sorry the loss of your mom. I am sure she had a full life. I have had cats during my growing years. Luv them especially if you rise them from kitten. They are completely bonded with you. I remember I had this male cat. His name was Bandit. I always recall his companionship. Don, a cat to live twenty years is incredible.
Don sorry the loss of your mom. I am sure she had a full life. I have had cats during my growing years. Luv them especially if you rise them from kitten. They are completely bonded with you. I remember I had this male cat. His name was Bandit. I always recall his companionship. Don, a cat to live twenty years is incredible.

Yeah, 20 is really old for a fur baby. Her health had been pretty good until a couple of months ago. Even when her vision started to go she could still get around, but now being totally blind and almost completely deaf she's too old to remember how to navigate the house from memory.
A former feminist talks about men's rights.

    Mar 19, 2020 · 1920, Silent, Germany, German Film, Harvesting, Lumber, Bergern, Norway This silent German film shows the harvesting of lumber during winter, most likely near Bergen, Norway. As you will see, almost all the effort is …

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    39 views · 10 months ago
    Internet Archive › PeriscopeFilm
    This is something else gentlemen. Watch these men working easily. Every movement something is accomplished. Lightly dressed for maximum motion. They're not cold. They're making their own heat. Excellent video.
I see where Fox News has fired Lou Dobbs. I didn't see any one reason given except that they were always making changes to their programming. Guess that he was one of three Fox employees named in a 2.7 billion dollar lawsuit had anything to do with it. Fox will continue to pay him, however.
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