Jewish or not Jewish?

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Trump got rid of two who betrayed him: (((Gordon Sondland))) and (((Alexander Vindman))).
Trump got rid of two who betrayed him: (((Gordon Sondland))) and (((Alexander Vindman))).

Im too lazy to check so will take your word on this. This is hilarious if true, that there are this many chosen’s around him. He’d have to be the dumbest SOB in the world to not be a complete puppet for TPTB. This has surpassed professional wrasslin in terms of the absolute absurdity of this being real. That dirtbag son in law of his cracks me up like Bob Backlund, Rick Flair or Kurt Angle used to.
Im too lazy to check so will take your word on this. This is hilarious if true, that there are this many chosen’s around him. He’d have to be the dumbest SOB in the world to not be a complete puppet for TPTB. This has surpassed professional wrasslin in terms of the absolute absurdity of this being real. That dirtbag son in law of his cracks me up like Bob Backlund, Rick Flair or Kurt Angle used to.

And we all know how real "professional" wrestling is:

A year or so ago I noted that Forum members had hoped Trump "would get tough with Israel." I observed that Donald Trump had more business, family, and personal ties with Jews than any previous President.
A year or so ago I noted that Forum members had hoped Trump "would get tough with Israel." I observed that Donald Trump had more business, family, and personal ties with Jews than any previous President.
The last president that got tough with Israel was John F Kennedy, and we all know what happened to him.
JFK was shot by a Castro-worshiping Communist.

Fair enough, so then how does Jack Rubenstein come into play? Not sure how Oswald could afford to travel to Mexico City or Russia without support either? its pretty impressive to pick up a hot Russian chick while broke and supposedly a loser as well. Its not mentioned often, but his voice sounds extremely confident and manly, compared to how the media portrayed him.

The JFK assassination is a mystery that is way above my pay grade, same thing goes for Las Vegas.
Fair enough, so then how does Jack Rubenstein come into play? Not sure how Oswald could afford to travel to Mexico City or Russia without support either? its pretty impressive to pick up a hot Russian chick while broke and supposedly a loser as well. Its not mentioned often, but his voice sounds extremely confident and manly, compared to how the media portrayed him.

The JFK assassination is a mystery that is way above my pay grade, same thing goes for Las Vegas.

Oswald himself asked for a sweater before going down to the basement for the ride to a more secure jail. Had he gone at the original time, Ruby would not have encountered him.
JFK was shot by a Castro-worshiping Communist.

So there was a Castro-worshipping Communist to the front and to the right of Kennedy in or near the grassy knoll area? Wow, that's interesting...
Oswald fired two shots at Kennedy. One went through the side of JFK's throat, but did not cause a life-threatening injury because it missed the jugular and larynx. Oswald's second shot, the so-called "magic bullet", missed and hit John Connally.

Someone else fired the bullet the exploded inside JFK's head. Oswald's gun was not able to shoot this kind of bullet, which explodes on impact.

Oswald was not an exceptionally good shot, and he was using a cheap rifle. He was guilty of attempting to assassinate JFK, but not guilty of actually killing him. There were (((others))) involved who were using him to take the blame.

It was obvious to me even as an 8 year old child in November 1963 that (((Jack Ruby))) aka Jacob Rubenstein killed Oswald to keep him quiet.

Oswald fired two shots at Kennedy. One went through the side of JFK's throat, but did not cause a life-threatening injury because it missed the jugular and larynx. Oswald's second shot, the so-called "magic bullet", missed and hit John Connally.

Someone else fired the bullet the exploded inside JFK's head. Oswald's gun was not able to shoot this kind of bullet, which explodes on impact.

Oswald was not an exceptionally good shot, and he was using a cheap rifle. He was guilty of attempting to assassinate JFK, but not guilty of actually killing him. There were (((others))) involved who were using him to take the blame.

It was obvious to me even as an 8 year old child in November 1963 that (((Jack Ruby))) aka Jacob Rubenstein killed Oswald to keep him quiet.


Oswald already had nearly 48 hours to say something to buy his life. The bullet didn't "explode" inside JFK's head. Haven't you seen the autopsy photos? It was not a long-distance shot. Oswald was right on top of the motorcade. World War II bolt action rifles were "cheap." So what? Would you be willing to ride in an open car with someone shooting at your head with a "cheap" Italian Carcano?

BTW, why wasn't Ruby silenced? He was tried for Oswald's murder in 1964, found guilty, and sentenced to death. Why didn't Ruby "talk?"
Mark Lane was a very interesting character. He ran for VP in 1960 with a communist party; and later in the '60s was a prominent "Freedom Rider," one of the many Northern Jews who invaded the South as it tried unsuccessfully to fend off the forced integration policies of the fedgov.

Lane in the mid-1960s became the first prominent doubter of the Warren Commission's ludicrous conclusions. In the 1970s he became a spokesman for Jim Jones and his communist commune in Guyana that Jones later forced to commit mass suicide; Lane was one of the few survivors of that event, fleeing into the jungle as the demented Jones and his armed guards forced the poisoned Kool-Aid on his followers.

In the '80s through the '00s, Lane was the on-call attorney for Willis Carto, who owned Liberty Lobby, The Spotlight newspaper, the Institute for Historical Review and other ventures. Carto was generally referred to as a nazi by his foes while he more accurately regarded himself as a populist and nationalist; but regardless he kept the far-left Lane on retainer as his attorney for $100,000 a month. Carto was quite litigious and Lane pulled his chestnuts out of the fire on a number of occasions. Lane was anti-Zionist but never repudiated his radical-left views. He died in 2016 at the age of 89.
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Oswald already had nearly 48 hours to say something to buy his life.
Yet there was no news conference until that time. He probably did talk to that Jewish member of the Dallas police who interrogated him.
Haven't you seen the autopsy photos? It was not a long-distance shot. Oswald was right on top of the motorcade.
Somewhat close, although "right on top" is an exaggeration. And the first shot did hit the side of JFK's throat, even though Oswald wasn't a good shot. The vehicle was farther away from Oswald when the final, killing shot came.
The bullet didn't "explode" inside JFK's head. World War II bolt action rifles were "cheap." So what? Would you be willing to ride in an open car with someone shooting at your head with a "cheap" Italian Carcano?
The bullet that exploded came from a different direction, and the Carcano could not fire that type of bullet. The bullet did explode.


BTW, why wasn't Ruby silenced? He was tried for Oswald's murder in 1964, found guilty,. and sentenced to death. Why didn't Ruby "talk?"
He did not betray his fellow Jews. Perhaps he was afraid of the backlash against (((them))).

Most Jews despise White gentiles, but they are usually very loyal to each other.

Ruby's timing was perfect - how did he know? (((Someone))) in the Dallas police dept let him in a different door that the public wasn't supposed to use. Why wasn't he searched for a weapon?

Why would a Jew be so upset about a White Gentile politician who was at odds with Israel and Jewish organized crime in America (Ruby's boss Lansky and all)? Why would he be willing to sacrifice his own freedom to avenge a White Gentile?

Read Final Judgement.
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Yet there was no news conference until that time. He probably did talk to that Jewish member of the Dallas police who interrogated him.
Somewhat close, although "right on top" is an exaggeration. And the first shot did hit JFK's throat, even though Oswald wasn't a good shot.
The bullet that exploded came from a different direction, and the Carcano could not fire that type of bullet. The bullet did explode.


He did not betray his fellow Jews. Perhaps he was afraid of the backlash against (((them))).

Most Jews despise White gentiles, but they are usually very loyal to each other.

Ruby's timing was perfect - how did he know? (((Someone))) in the Dallas police dept let him in a different door that the public wasn't supposed to use. Why wasn't he searched for a weapon?

Why would a Jew be so upset about a White Gentile politician who was at odds with Israel and Jewish organized crime in America (Ruby's boss Lansky and all)? Why would he be willing to sacrifice his own freedom to avenge a White Gentile?

Read Final Judgement.

"And the first shot did hit JFK's throat, even though Oswald wasn't a good shot." Unintentionally funny. JFK's head jerked back because the shot came from the rear. And it went through the brain causing the blood spray.
Hitler's secret history revealed: Study suggests Nazi leader's grandfather was Jewish

The claim that Hitler had Jewish ancestry was first put forth by his personal lawyer, Hans Frank. In 1930, 16 years prior to his execution at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Frank claimed to have uncovered evidence that Hitler's paternal grandfather was a Jewish man living in Graz, Austria.

Frank's claims were eventually published in 1953, as part of his memoirs, after he had been executed for committing war crimes.

According to The Sun, Frank uncovered evidence that Hitler's grandfather lived in the same house where Hitler's grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, lived.

Little is known about Schicklgruber until she turned 42. She eventually gave birth to her son, Alois Hitler in 1837, and refused to divulge the details of his father. The priest eventually baptized him Alois Schicklgruber and entered "illegitimate" on the baptismal register.

Schicklgruber later married Johann Georg Hiedler (Hitler) and her last name was changed to Hitler from Schicklgruber.

from wikipedia:

Maria Schicklgruber, Hitler's paternal grandmother, had been working as a cook in the household of a Jewish man named Leopold Frankenberger before she gave birth to Hitler's father, Alois, out of wedlock. Hans Frank claimed that he had obtained from a relative of Hitler's by marriage a collection of letters between Maria Schicklgruber and a member of the Frankenberger family that discussed a stipend for her after she left the family's employ.
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