Justin Trudeau

Canada to increase annual immigration admissions to 350,000 by 2021

That’s 40,000 more than it expects to admit this year, and nearly one per cent of the country’s population.



Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen speaks to reporters outside the House of Commons on Parliament Hill on Thursday, May 31, 2018. The federal government is continuing its plan to gradually increase the number of immigrants it accepts into Canada with a new target of 350,000 admissions by 2021.
Canada to increase annual immigration admissions to 350,000 by 2021

That’s 40,000 more than it expects to admit this year, and nearly one per cent of the country’s population.



Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen speaks to reporters outside the House of Commons on Parliament Hill on Thursday, May 31, 2018. The federal government is continuing its plan to gradually increase the number of immigrants it accepts into Canada with a new target of 350,000 admissions by 2021.

O Canada. Getting overrun by third worlders. Sad to see.
Canada to increase annual immigration admissions to 350,000 by 2021

That’s 40,000 more than it expects to admit this year, and nearly one per cent of the country’s population.



Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen speaks to reporters outside the House of Commons on Parliament Hill on Thursday, May 31, 2018. The federal government is continuing its plan to gradually increase the number of immigrants it accepts into Canada with a new target of 350,000 admissions by 2021.

The face of an invader.
O Canada. Getting overrun by third worlders. Sad to see.

I believe that’s part of God’s punishment for their implementation of so many anti-Christ “socialist” policies (i.e. - cultural marxism) & rejecting Godliness. That’s the same transgression committed by Europe (sans Hungary :) ) & (now) ‘Amerika 2.0’. The “USSA” has been (largely) begging for the Lord’s wrath for decades. I believe He’s about done extending His mercy to ‘Western’ (modern) “civilization”.
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Trudeau defends Canada's bringing in refugee who murdered 13 year old girl


Ibrahim Ali, a 28-year-old Syrian refugee who arrived in Canada in March 2017, has been charged with first-degree murder in connection with her death.

The audience member asked Trudeau, “can you guarantee that Marrisa Shen was not killed by a Syrian refugee who came to Canada after you were elected, and if not, what in your opinion is the acceptable number of Canadian lives lost as a result of your policies on refugees?”

Trudeau replied "the generalizations and the danger that we get in, in tying in things like immigration policies to incidents like this, is not helpful or useful in a diverse, pluralistic, inclusive society like ours.”
Trudeau defends Canada's bringing in refugee who murdered 13 year old girl


Ibrahim Ali, a 28-year-old Syrian refugee who arrived in Canada in March 2017, has been charged with first-degree murder in connection with her death.

The audience member asked Trudeau, “can you guarantee that Marrisa Shen was not killed by a Syrian refugee who came to Canada after you were elected, and if not, what in your opinion is the acceptable number of Canadian lives lost as a result of your policies on refugees?”

Trudeau replied "the generalizations and the danger that we get in, in tying in things like immigration policies to incidents like this, is not helpful or useful in a diverse, pluralistic, inclusive society like ours.”

I abhor that piece of sub-excrement. He’s an enemy of God & (true) humanity.
It's all starting to make sense now. I'll guess his mother had a "fling" with ol' commie Fidel.

Pansy@$$ “Justine Trubleau” continues his downward spiral in the polls. Hopefully, the dang canucks will wake up & give that royal cuck the boot! ;)

Need a major awakening amongst the canucks for sure. The escalation of the worldwide Communist takeover is insane. Today here in the ussa the pussycats without their cats are passing demononization of identifying with Whiteness in essense. I'm not even wanting to get into it. Major, and I mean effing major anti-White crap going on worldwide...caused basically by one anti-Christ group of serpents. Truly evil crap going on...
Canada's electoral clout is all concentrated in the big cities of SE Ontario and Quebec. What Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia (outside of Vancouver) and the rest of Ontario and Quebec think doesn't matter. I've had the pleasure of meeting many Canadians in my travels who hail from the "sticks" of Canada and they are as anti-leftist as they come. But they have almost no voice as the Canadian electoral system is worse than ours, if that's possible.
But they have almost no voice as the Canadian electoral system is worse than ours, if that's possible.

Ours was (originally) wonderful when implemented by the Founders. However, it was utterly ruined by marxist, egalitarianism as evident by the horrendous 14th, 15th, 16th & 19th Amendments. The latter 3 should be abolished & the former (14th) amended to remove the jackpot baby loophole.
Islamic Terrorist Convicted For Mass Murder Plot Granted Canadian Citizenship



Zakaria Amara is a convicted terrorist, serving a life sentence for his role in a plot to murder dozens of Canadians. And now, thanks to a Trudeau government bill passed through the Senate, Amara will be given the privilege of Canadian citizenship.

He came to Canada as a teenager, became a Canadian citizen as a young man, and, by the time he turned 20, he was behind bars and charged with terrorism. An IDEAL Canadian citizen, no?

Amara was the ringleader of a sophisticated terrorist cell known as the Toronto 18. He recruited, trained and groomed fellow Islamist extremists and worked towards a deadly terrorist plot.

Amara wanted to detonate bombs in downtown Toronto, and coordinate shooting sprees at the CBC and the Toronto Stock Exchange. He planned to siege Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and carry out executions and beheadings of politicians, including the Prime Minister.

Under the previous Harper government, Amara had his Canadian citizenship revoked and was set to be deported the moment he was released from prison. Then under Justin Trudeau, the deportation was cancelled.

Trudeau said during the 2015 election campaign that he believes “terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship.” He has kept to his word regarding the pledge.

Trudeau’s Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen told the Senate that the Liberal government had initiated the process to restore citizenship to the convicted terrorist.

What Somalian import Hussen neglected to say is the reason whyhe and boss-man Trudeau made this decision. Trudeau’s agenda prioritized helping a man who hates Canada so much he wanted to wage war against it. Amara was so ungrateful to his host country that he plotted to mass murder civilians in a senseless and unprovoked attack.

And yet, Trudeau rewards him with the privilege of Canadian citizenship. What a sad state of affairs. In 2010, a white South African family – Charl and Naira Nel as well as their daughter – left South Africa and applied for refugee status in Canada.

They told the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) that they feared being victims of crime and violence — the women feared rape, which is prevalent in South Africa, and all feared violence targeting whites.

The Trudeau government defended the rejection of the South Africans, stating the fear of white children being raped by blacks was highly offensive as the information the family relied on was “white-supremacist hate literature” that should be ignored. The family’s appeal was rejected.

Immigration Minister MP Ahmed Hussen slams the door shut on white folks from South Africa claiming refugee status, while approving citizenship for a convicted Islamic terrorist who plotted to blow up innocent Canadians in an attempt at mass murder.

READ MORE: Will Four More Years Of Justin Trudeau As Prime Minister Break Canada Apart?

This is the individual Justin Trudeau empowered as the person responsible for immigration and refugee status in Canada. In other words, our nation’s demographic destiny is in the hands of an Anglo-hating refugee from Somalia.

What is described in this article should be CRIMINAL. Instead, the criminals are the Anglophone Canadians Trudeau has spent the past four years branding racist, bigoted and genocidal.

Then, come October 21st, 2019, MILLIONS of these Anglophones will vote for Justin Trudeau, as media propagandize voters into believing Mr. Trudeau is a righteous, benevolent advocate for equality amongst ALL CANADIANS.

He isn’t–and neither is his myopic, ethno-centric migration minister. Prioritizing dangerous criminal terrorists for citizenship in Canada is a slap-in-the-face to ALL Canadians–including peaceful migrants looking to lead a safe, quiet life within our borders.

Just say NO to the back-stabbing social agenda of the Trudeau government. Our children will thank you for it— if government doesn’t pass legislation prohibiting them to be born.
Faggoty puppets like Trudeau would be one of the first to go if Sharia Laws pass and become mainstream. You have to wonder if this entire continent is being sent to the dogs so the "elites" from their own ethnic Zionist homeland can just come in and mop up. Why else would leaders of first world countries willingly become second and third world countries so easily? I know of course the politicians like him are bought off, but how far does this go? You willingly sacrifice Western Civilization to be politically correct...to the death, and the death of your progeny? Insane beyond comprehension.
I hate being one of those "a civil wars-a-comin" types....but with leaders like Trudeau, bloodshed is inevitable. At some point the muslims will reach great enough numbers and start claiming areas as islamic and fighting will ensue. The white people of these western countries aren't going anywhere. Violence will happen no matter what if you keep forcing the demographic to change.
American Freedom News