Christian McCaffrey

He also will most likely break 100 receptions and Forte's RB receptions record (102). Caff is sitting on 94 with two games to go. I hope Panthers are aware and will force the ball to him if he is just short.
He also will most likely break 100 receptions and Forte's RB receptions record (102). Caff is sitting on 94 with two games to go. I hope Panthers are aware and will force the ball to him if he is just short.
Backup Taylor Heinicke is going to start in place of newton. So I look for Caff to reach his goal of a 1000 yards. easily.
I expect to see the offense run smoother.....An all around better fit for CM.
Maybe we'll see the classic Norv Turner offense that was expected with CM running from the I with a Fullback lead blocking. He might even catch well timed passes out of the backfield instead of the craptastic passes Cam threw.
I think the only time they had a fullback in the last game was when he wasn't actually running it. Imagine him running with Saints setup.
Christian was snubbed from the Pro Bowl. typical.
Christian was snubbed from the Pro Bowl. typical.

What a collosal load of (pro)caste crapola! He’s (by far) one of the best RBs in the damned NFL. :mad:
Is Cmac the 1st player to get 50 + yards rushing, 50 yards passing and 50 + yards receiving in a game ?
It’s cuz he is Caucasian that is THE only reason he was snubbed. He is THE best RB in the NFL........period.
I love CMC as much as everybody else, but I don’t think it’s that egregious that he didn’t get a nod. Gurley, Barkley, and Elliott have also had great seasons in high-profile teams, and NFC is clearly much better for RBs than the AFC with Kamara another elite RB not named for the NFC who would be #1 in the AFC.

Either way, pro bowl has been irrelevant for many years and will stay that way.
White players are always disadvantaged by the racial politics involved in the Pro Bowl, as voting is done by players, coaches and fans. So you have the league's roughly 75 to 80 percent black players often voting with a "brothers first" mentality. The coaches who vote are the same men who reached their level of incompetence (the "Peter Principle") by playing the Caste System game of routinely discriminating against Whites in favor of blacks with their rarely reached "upside." And the fans are overwhelmingly housetrained DWFs; enough said.

I haven't bothered to look at this year's Pro Bowl rosters, but did find a nugget in the local sports page which typifies what happens each year. T. J. Watt, he of the well-known Watt brand name, not only finished fourth among AFC linebackers with 11 sacks, he is also the only linebacker in the entire league with at least 55 tackles, 10 sacks, and 10 tackles for a loss. He also has four forced fumbles, 20 quarterback hits and a blocked field goal. Guess who isn't among the contingent of Steelers to make the Pro Bowl?
Apart from the MLB All Star game and even that is usually a roaring bore I have thought that all star games in the NHL, NBA and NFL should be eliminated. The Pro Bowl is the worst of the sorry lot.

Odd that for all of the NFL injury concerns and shortening of preseason that they continue playing the useless Pro Bowl. I never watch it. And as people know here I watch practically everything.

While it is nice to see some of our favorites get recognition I am with RTTAS. The whole ordeal feels irrelevant and is mainly just a symbolic gesture. Real sports fans, which I consider myself one of ha, know that TJ Watt for instance has been the best Steelers defender this season by far.
Christian broke Forte's 2014 record of receptions for RB (102) and Carolina's reception record held by Steve Smith (103) all while having his 4th 100 yard game of the season (albeit in yet another consecutive loss for Panthers).
Rk Player Team Pos Att Att/G Yds Avg Yds/G TD Lng 1st 1st% 20+ 40+ FUM
1 Ezekiel Elliott DAL RB 304 20.3 1,434 4.7 95.6 6 41 73 24.0 11 1 6
2 Todd Gurley LA RB 256 18.3 1,251 4.9 89.4 17 36 70 27.3 11 0 0
3 Saquon Barkley NYG RB 244 16.3 1,198 4.9 79.9 10 78T 45 18.4 14 6 0
4 Christian McCaffrey CAR RB 215 14.3 1,080 5.0 72.0 7 59 51 23.7 6 3 2

Christian has a better average and less carries than the guys ahead of him. He should pass 1100 easily. If he had Ezekiel Elliot's number of attempts (89 more), he could potentially have another 300 yards (conservatively). With his average of 5 yards per carry, 5 x 89 = 445.
I'm so happy for Christian. He not only has the talent, but the mental makeup to succeed under difficult circumstances. Peyton Hillis did too but threw it away when his ego became too big, and he was also apparently very naive about the Caste System and White running backs. Christian will have staying power as a big-time star as long as he remains healthy.

Will college recruiters, the so-called scouting services, the "mainstream" media and the NFL itself now be more hospitable to White running backs? Did J. J. Watt change anything? Luke Kuechly? Jason Sehorn? Wes Welker? Jordy Nelson? McCaffrey will most likely be the nearest equivalent to Sehorn, an extremely rare outlier who breaks through about once a generation. There are no individual "Caste busters" who will change the Caste System, it's as solidly entrenched as is the Deep State swamp in D.C., and like so many other linchpins of the current system, which is all about replacing Whites at all levels as quickly as possible, it's "too big to fail" without revolutionary pressures forcing change and we're nowhere near that stage in mostly complacent DWF Nation.
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Funny Don brings up Jason Sehorn because he came to my mind too as we try and place CM in an historical context.

As I have stated and we are starting to see it I predict there will be more starting black QBs in the NFL in the next decade. And some may turn out terrific. The pipeline from HS to College is full of black QBs now so it stands to reason there will be more showing up.

I also predict and hope there will be an uptick in white RBs. When Jason was in his prime and by the way the only time I rooted for the Giants, the college pipeline for white CBs was as barren as it is today. But with success of CM and the emergence of Taysom Hill I sense we will see more white RBs in the NFL in the next decade as well. It happened with Welker and white WRs although not to the extent we all wanted to see. I think the white RB pipeline in college is in a better state than the white CB was ever in. Also the fact that CM can catch passes in his sleep makes teams aware that some white RBs offer a diverse set of skills above and beyond just pounding straight ahead.

Maybe I am being too optimistic but in order to veer off complete despair I have to keep a small sliver of hope alive.

I happened to catch an ESPN feature on CM yesterday morning. His mother and father play huge roles in his life. His mother has a sense of humor and so does CM. Easy going and happy to be at Carolina just a great story all around. And to think there are two more talented McCaffreys on the way. One at Michigan and one heading to Nebraska I believe.

But not making the playoffs cuts into CM achievements and Carolina has a lot of work to do to get back near the top.
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I disagree. I think CMAC is a caste buster. The fact is, more and white kids will go out for running back now, because they see that a white man can not only play a historically black position but dominate.

The prototypical white running back has always been a John Riggins-type; big, and powerful. But McCaffery is smaller back, and very elusive. Keep an eye on Max Borghi, who is about the same size as Christian, but faster, and every bit as athletic (he even resembles Christian and is from the same area as he is).

Kids emulate what they see, and the world is not color blind. My son isn’t a huge football fan, but he was so impressed by watching him play, that he went out and bought a CMAC jersey. He is extremely important to the cause, and I believe as long as he stays healthy, he will tear down some barriers for white running backs to get opportunities.
I disagree. I think CMAC is a caste buster. The fact is, more and white kids will go out for running back now, because they see that a white man can not only play a historically black position but dominate.

The prototypical white running back has always been a John Riggins-type; big, and powerful. But McCaffery is smaller back, and very elusive. Keep an eye on Max Borghi, who is about the same size as Christian, but faster, and every bit as athletic (he even resembles Christian and is from the same area as he is).

Kids emulate what they see, and the world is not color blind. My son isn’t a huge football fan, but he was so impressed by watching him play, that he went out and bought a CMAC jersey. He is extremely important to the cause, and I believe as long as he stays healthy, he will tear down some barriers for white running backs to get opportunities.

I couldn't agree with you anymore. Let me give a track example. Christophe Lemaitre around 9 years ago became the first white man to run the 100 meters
in under 10 seconds ever! Since then we have had 3 more white guys do it within a decade. Lemaitre disproved the myth and opened peoples minds and
perceptions about white sprinters. Here is a toast to McCaffrey doing the same thing for white running backs. I'm a huge Cmac Fan!
I mainly agree with CM as a caste buster but more importantly he and his family never took no for an answer. There are currently and have in the past been many white rbs in high school that are like CM but have took no for the answer and gave up their dreams. It is not because white rbs are not as good they are more likely better, it is because the jew owners have an agenda as everyone knows. It goes right down to pee wee football.

If more white rbs and their families say NO things will change. When I was 17 we were on an exchange soccer tournament with a Washington State Rep league, we billet there they come up to my city in Canada etc you get the drift. On the team that we were playing was a negro kid who was the Washington State HS 100m Champ, well he saw I was fast so we raced over 40m as that’s all the coaches would allow us to do and I beat him. Everyone was shocked, how could a white kid be faster than a negro? Well, I ran a legit 4.48 in HS that is why lol I will say he was gracious in defeat and not at all shocked that he been beaten by a white kid.

More white kids need to believe and not take no for an answer.

I'm so happy for Christian. He not only has the talent, but the mental makeup to succeed under difficult circumstances. Peyton Hillis did too but threw it away when his ego became too big, and he was also apparently very naive about the Caste System and White running backs. Christian will have staying power as a big-time star as long as he remains healthy.

Will college recruiters, the so-called scouting services, the "mainstream" media and the NFL itself now be more hospitable to White running backs? Did J. J. Watt change anything? Luke Kuechly? Jason Sehorn? Wes Welker? Jordy Nelson? McCaffrey will most likely be the nearest equivalent to Sehorn, an extremely rare outlier who breaks through about once a generation. There are no individual "Caste busters" who will change the Caste System, it's as solidly entrenched as is the Deep State swamp in D.C., and like so many other linchpins of the current system, which is all about replacing Whites at all levels as quickly as possible, it's "too big to fail" without revolutionary pressures forcing change and we're nowhere near that stage in mostly complacent DWF Nation.
I have to agree with Don. Until someone tells me different, I've seen it from the ground up, personally. It's going to take a "grass roots", is that the right word, effort to make any significant changes. It's going to take more than just white kids going out for RB. You don't think white kids still go out for RB. Of course they do, but it's going to take work and a determination to beat the competition. I never saw it when going through the process with most white kids. Too busy at home with their video games! Most didn't have it. White parents aren't helping matters either, becoming rich, fat, and lazy and showing little or no interest in their children.
Yes, some white kids that are fortunate enough to get to the college level are going to have to say no, however, CM didn't have to say no. He was afforded the luxury of having an NFL dad and connections to Stanford. 99.9% of white kids don't have that opportunity! You don't think the likes of Sam McGuffie as well as others, Ryan Nall, ZZ, said no?
McGuffie had as good or better combine number that CM, 4.32 hand timed 40, 11'0 BJ, 26 reps, 42 Vert. All better than CM, but went undrafted! How?
McGuffie got as far as he did, because he was the very best in HS. His fortunes ran out when he got to college and the NFL. White kids have to out perform their black counterparts at every level to get a chance and the only way to make that happen is to go out and do it. Most won't.
The good news is CM has shown what a white RB can do, and I hope it will inspire more white kids to work, not give up and to beat the competition, but it will take that and as Don alluded to, changes in the college recruiting, scouting services, mainstream media as well as the NFL itself.
It's going to take a feat of epic proportions to make any significant change.
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