News from South Africa

Ann Coulter:

"New" South Africa, a once great country where the government - if you can call it that - really IS the essense of evil and really IS killing its own people -including babies, children - but also stealing from them and then torturing them to death. Systematically. And, as Jeff Rense says in the video, not a peep from our so called president. And of course the enemy owned mm is totally silent.

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Australia Ready to Welcome White SA Farmers

"The more, the better..."
On Facebook (Zuckerbergbook) join the closed group "Americans Against White Genocide In South Africa". also has good coverage.
I went to Myrtle Beach, S.C. this weekend to watch a horse shoe tournament. While walking around watching different teams play, I ran into a group of men from South Africa who was playing a game called Pins. I tried my best to talk to a couple of people about the situation over there but they were very tight lipped about what was going on . They were very open about the game they were playing, but refused to talk about the government or the killing of whites. I later learned from a tournament official that the S.A. players were accompanied by officials from the government of S. A. This might be the reason they wouldn't comment on the genocide of whites.
Russia to Welcome 15,000 White South African Refugees
You beat me to it. Great news. Hopefully, even more will emigrate there. I wonder what the "but, muh Russia" cucks have to say about that. At this point, Russia should also publicly make the same offer to native Western Europeans who are now third-class citizens in their own lands. That would really set off the Western Neocons/Neocucks and the so-called Progressives and send the Zionist-controlled media into an even higher-level tizzy of "MUH RUSSIA!!!".

I went to Myrtle Beach, S.C. this weekend to watch a horse shoe tournament. While walking around watching different teams play, I ran into a group of men from South Africa who was playing a game called Pins. I tried my best to talk to a couple of people about the situation over there but they were very tight lipped about what was going on . They were very open about the game they were playing, but refused to talk about the government or the killing of whites. I later learned from a tournament official that the S.A. players were accompanied by officials from the government of S. A. This might be the reason they wouldn't comment on the genocide of whites.

God bless Russia! The only other country I heard of that offered sanctuary to White South African farmers was little European Georgia, and that was years ago.

A friend of mine lives in Myrtle Beach. He knows the famous South African runner, Zola Budd, who lives there too.
I follow this YouTuber, SerpentZA, who now lives in China. Here he speaks of his escape from that once great country:

That's a really good documentary. It lays out the situation for South African whites in 75 minutes.

I wish the Afrikaners would just all coalesce around Orania and declare their own country. But that won't happen.

At least there are the Suidlanders.
It has a very high rating of 9.3 on IMDB, despite being given one-star ratings by some people who hate Whites: Farmlands (2018)

I expect that rating to go down as more (((anti-white racists))) cast their votes.
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C1A Asset/Deep State Tool, 0bama, Praises South African Leader, Calling Him "Inspiring"

Tucker Carlson calls him out on it.

Interesting to hear Tucker say "It's not covered here, but it's covered in the rest of the world." Nice subtle little dig at the (((media))) in the USSA.
What Will Happen When The ANC Takes My Farm

Spurgeon Flemington, Facebook, August 11, 2018

I have no doubt that the ANC Govt has given a lot of thought to the topic of Expropriation Without Compensation (EWC) however I think they might not have fully comprehended the consequences of such a policy. As a farmer I thought it might be useful to enlighten them as to the course of action I would take once my farm is targeted for EWC. Before I continue I would like to emphasize that this is not a threat nor delivered with the mindset of a saboteur, it is merely a description of the sequence of events that would unfold in the event of such a policy being enforced.

  • I would immediately identify all the moveable assets on my farm and start selling them or placing them in a suitable storage facility. I list these below simply to demonstrate to non-farmers what makes a farm functional and profitable. The first to go would be all the livestock followed by all the machinery including tractors, pumps, silos, centre pivots, electrical transformers, irrigation equipment, water troughs, implements and piping. I would strip the dairy and sell the bulk tanks, milking machines etc. I would take down all internal fencing on the farm and recoup what I could. All sheds would be disassembled and all houses and other buildings would be stripped of anything sellable, including their roofs.
  • I would disconnect/cancel the 5 Eskom points on the farm and obtain refunds on the deposits I’ve paid on them.
  • I would re-trench all my staff and pay them off in accordance with the Labour Act. I would then strip all the staff accommodation on the farm and sell what I could.
  • With the sale of all my livestock and cessation of the farming operation I would immediately default on the R5.5m I owe FNB but I wouldn’t worry as the farm is the loan’s security and I don’t really own anything else.
  • When the day came to leave the farm I would hand the ‘keys’ over to the new ‘owners’ but I’m not quite sure what they would do as there’d be no roof on the farm house and there would be nothing to ‘farm’ on the farm. It would just be a piece of land, but that’s ok because the ANC says owning land makes you wealthy.
When you take the sequence of events described above and multiply it on a national scale you see another sequence of events unfolding.

  • The new ‘farmers’ arrive on the farm but there is no livestock, machinery or working capital to continue the operation.
  • They go to the banks to borrow money (A good farming habit) but the banks are sitting on a R160 Billion defaulted debt book from the ‘old’ farmers and won’t lend a cent to agriculture. They’re fighting for their own survival now.
  • The Govt doesn’t have the money, which would be far more than the R160 Billion mentioned above, to re-capitalise and finance all the farms so most of the farms either fall derelict or are farmed at a subsistence level.
  • There is a massive but short-term surplus of Beef, Sheep and Poultry products due to the sell-off by the previous farmers. This brings prices down drastically in the short term but eventually the meat runs out and there is nothing to replace it. Meat prices skyrocket.
  • Dairy products cease almost immediately after the livestock cull/sell-off and within weeks there is a critical shortage of all dairy products. Importing is impossible due to the Govt’s actions which have decimated the value of the Rand.
  • Maize lasts quite a bit longer and with careful rationing will endure until the next season but there is no crop in the ground for next year due to the new ‘farmers’ lack of machinery, experience and access to credit.
  • All agricultural Co-Ops and suppliers very quickly cease operation and/or go bankrupt and re-trench all their staff. They cannot survive by selling single bags of seed and fertilizer to subsistence farmers.
  • All processors of agricultural products such as meat, dairy and maize cease operation due to lack of product and re-trench all their staff.
  • Rural Municipalities start to feel the pinch as there are no longer any farmers paying rates and the agricultural businesses in the towns have also sold up and left.
  • Smaller rural towns that depended on agriculture eventually collapse and rural communities are forced to travel long distances to major centres to find ever dwindling supplies.
  • Ironically the EWC movement creates more Urbanisation as the rural folk flee the agricultural desert that has been created.
  • All food dependent enterprises such as fast food chains and restaurants either disappear or are greatly reduced…along with all their staff.
  • With all the unemployed farmworkers, as well as those who have lost their jobs from other sectors, there is an unsustainable demand on the UIF system and it soon collapses.
  • The Social Grant system teeters as the ripple effect from the agricultural collapse enters all sectors and the tax-base is shredded.
  • Food riots become common and genuine hunger and poverty widespread.
  • Unlike Zimbabwe the South African population has nowhere to run.
  • With the White Farmer no longer an available target and the true ‘value’ of land revealed in all its fallacy the masses turn on the only target they have left. The ANC.
Theresa May's Government Backs "Land Expropriation without Compensation" Aimed at Dispossessing South Africa's White Farmers
The (((global elites))) pulling all the strings in all these countries and in all the various ways need to go. And when I say, "go" I mean results that would make it impossible to ever cause any problem anywhere on the entire planet. Why don't people realize this? They are nothing but harm to the entire human race. What are we waiting on?

Anybody have a better suggestion? I'm all ears...
Some of the comments are saying many of these farms are being confiscated so they can be mined for minerals, gems, etc. Hmmmm, I wonder who could be behind that? Surely no group of people involved in the precious metals industry would have anything whatsoever to do with that kind of thing, would they?? Naaaahhhh, I could never believe such a thing!! And a nefarious process that would not only bring great financial income, but slaughter White people at the same time?! Never!!!

American Freedom News