Active shooter at YouTube HQ

Police respond to "active shooter situation" at YouTube's California headquarters

Police are responding to an active shooter situation at YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California. Employees evacuated the building and police are warning people to avoid the area.

The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office tells CBS News it is treating the situation as an "active shooter incident" but declined to provide more details. A spokesman for San Francisco General Hospital said the hospital is receiving patients but did not say how many.

The San Bruno Police Department also confirmed they were responding to an active shooter. They asked people in the area to stay away from Cherry Ave and Bay Hill Drive.

Heavily armed police surrounded the facility, with armed SWAT vehicles stationed outside. Police officers could be seen patting down employees evacuating the campus.

Several employees tweeted they heard gunfire Tuesday afternoon. Vadim Lavrusik said he barricaded himself and others inside a room before they were able to escape safely.
The shooter, a woman, is now dead from a gunshot wound.

Of the people she shot, none have yet died. One person is in critical condition, another is in serious condition.
The shooter was not white as initially reported - she was Iranian and seemed to be batshit crazy with "liberal" ideological interests.
She looked like Freddie Mercury in drag.... Most Iranians do consider themselves White, whether they are or not, we could argue until we are blue in the face. I do find it strange when I see an Iranian woman who dies there hair blonde as their high cheekbones give the blonde hair a strange look....
Two races in Iran. Some Persians are probably white, but this one is definitely not.

She's South Asian.

Two races in Iran. Some Persians are probably white, but this one is definitely not.

She's South Asian.


Fake News gave me the impression that she was a YouTube employee, which she wasn’t. She was unemployed, but made YouTube videos for a living and thought that the company was censoring her videos to get less views. Here is one such video. Warning: this is very bizarre stuff. She/he/it may or may not be a transgender male...

Fake News gave me the impression that she was a YouTube employee, which she wasn’t. She was unemployed, but made YouTube videos for a living and thought that the company was censoring her videos to get less views. Here is one such video. Warning: this is very bizarre stuff. She/he/it may or may not be a transgender male...

"She/he/it may or may not be a transgender male..." Yes, but whatever the case, She/he/it is somewhat dead.
In the pale skin picture she/he looks almost like Michael Jackson.
American Freedom News