Islamic Terrorist Attacks

Why are we whites allowing these donky fvcking towel heads into our western world..
They add no value at all.. I get so frustrated my brothers. They demand a caliphate, fvck them, mohomo & the flying dokey that rode him into heaven..

They demand & get prayer breaks when my white bosses look negatively if I come in 10 min late because of traffic..
Yet followers of that child molesting donky divk lover mohomo can come an hour late because there was traffic at the mosque!

Nah, I'm not angry...not the earl of sandwich fvck Islam

Because we have become a nation of cowards. People need to wake up and understand what is happening. Cultural Marxism is real, and it is destroying American Culture, and that requires destroying white, Christian men. It was working, because they played on the weaker people's guilt. They infiltrated our schools, and have been brainwashing us for 50 years. They control the media, they attack anyone that is a threat and most companies play ball because the media will destroy them if they don't toe the Marxist line.

The thing that saved us is that with social media, the insanity of the left can be captured and disseminated immediately thanks to us all carrying smart phones. Take a video of some idiot brainwashed college kid doing something stupid, and post it to YouTube and the world sees it in minutes of it happening. That's coming to an end, as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are censoring and/or demonetizing conservatives with abandon as we speak. If you have ever met an Antifa-*** or an SJW, then you will know that they can't handle adversity at all. Stand up to them and they will back down. If we all did that, they would retreat to their safe spaces. We need to stop being passive. We need to stop being cowards.

Just a side note: My aunt posted a meme on her Facebook Wall that said: "I'm proud to be white." "Now how many of you have the guts to share this?"

She shared it, I shared it, and my wife shared it. No one else did. That's the F***ing problem gents. We need to corral the sheep and step up.
Report: NYC Foreign Terror Suspect Entered U.S. with ‘Diversity Visa’ Trump Wants to End

Alex Jones covers the So(Mall)i of America terrorist stabbing from yesterday, sarcastically referring to the stabber as "our new Somali 'god'". He shows some depressing video of that place now...looks like Mogadishu, Somalia mixed in with a little bit of Middle Eastern Arabs. As an aside, he also briefly mentions (and there's other video of it) a transgender event in Austin, TX where the "men" only have gold glitter to cover their "part" and mingle in with children as a part of transgender awareness and acceptance. What a country.

Here's video of the suspect trying to randomly stab people (all White). Off-duty White cop puts him down with concealed carry gun.

That cop deserves a medal. I am sure BLM will find some issue with this even though it is all on video. What a bunch of cucked morons in Minnesota for allowing all of those muzzies/somalis into their cities en masse.
The US is coming apart at the seams. I wish the leaders of the west understood that diversity does not work. You mix 2 completely different cultures together that have different races and religions and 1 is going to become dominant. The white race is imploding on itself. This has been going on since I was a kid. It used to be mild. You'd see a joke about how unathletic a white person is or how they "lacked" culture and "weren't cool" like the black guys. Now a days it's open season on whites and it seems like whites are leading the charge. Immigrants/muslims are merely a tool for the powers at hand.
Muzzie tries to blow self up in NYC and fails. What a **** hole this country has allowed itself to become all for the sake of "diversity".
Bangladesh huh. I was wondering which sh*tskin country the would-be terrorist was from.

Thankfully no White people were killed and hopefully many more were red pilled by the event. Lots of pissed of NYers this morning dealing with a nightmare commute, myself included.
Bangladesh huh. I was wondering which sh*tskin country the would-be terrorist was from.

Thankfully no White people were killed and hopefully many more were red pilled by the event. Lots of pissed of NYers this morning dealing with a nightmare commute, myself included.
...and dumb, clueless Leftists still wonder why Trump won.
Bangladesh huh. I was wondering which sh*tskin country the would-be terrorist was from.

Thankfully no White people were killed and hopefully many more were red pilled by the event. Lots of pissed of NYers this morning dealing with a nightmare commute, myself included.

Glad you are ok Freethinker. Sucks about the commute though.
Glad you are ok Freethinker. Sucks about the commute though.
Thanks though I was nowhere near the event. Nonetheless, it caused ripples of delays throughout the transit system. I’ll take the nightmare commute if even 1 normie or sh*tlib was red pilled.

I haven’t done extensive reading on this event but it appears the POS came into the country via “chain migration”. Trump should use this event to hammer down and try to eliminate this destructive policy. The Left politicizes every single event. The Right should cut the “high ground” crap and play to win. Our lives literally depend on it as our nation and people are being displaced.
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An Afghan “refugee” deliberately drove a 4WD (for my North American friends, that’s an SUV…) into pedestrians in Melbourne on Thursday afternoon, injuring nineteen people.

But don’t worry, this has nothing to do with “terrorism”. Just ask the Prime Minister, the Victorian Premier, the Victorian Police chief, or any politician, news editor, or “commentator”. The fact that this inbred, subhuman piece of Muslim sh!t openly cited so-called “mistreatment of Muslims” as his motivation is apparently unimportant.

Like every other Muslim fanatic who embarks upon a murderous, anti-White rampage, this unwashed arsehole is not referred to as a “terrorist”. He certainly isn’t referred to as a Muslim terrorist. Instead, the politico-media machine conveniently insists that he “suffers from a long history of mental illness”, which has culminated in such “irrational” behaviour and “tragic” consequences.

I’m sure “investigations” shall eventually “reveal” that the goat-shagging Mohammedan was a “victim” who had suffered vicious discrimination at the hands of the evil Anglo-Celts, which led to “exclusion”, “ostracism”, and an “endless cycle of unemployment, drug use and mental health issues”. All of this shall “prove” - once again - just how racist Australian society is and “how much work remains to be done”.

Instead of being publicly executed, the Afghan turd shall probably be confined to a “secure mental health facility” - all at taxpayers’ expense, of course.
An Afghan “refugee” deliberately drove a 4WD (for my North American friends, that’s an SUV…) into pedestrians in Melbourne on Thursday afternoon, injuring nineteen people.

But don’t worry, this has nothing to do with “terrorism”. Just ask the Prime Minister, the Victorian Premier, the Victorian Police chief, or any politician, news editor, or “commentator”. The fact that this inbred, subhuman piece of Muslim sh!t openly cited so-called “mistreatment of Muslims” as his motivation is apparently unimportant.

Like every other Muslim fanatic who embarks upon a murderous, anti-White rampage, this unwashed arsehole is not referred to as a “terrorist”. He certainly isn’t referred to as a Muslim terrorist. Instead, the politico-media machine conveniently insists that he “suffers from a long history of mental illness”, which has culminated in such “irrational” behaviour and “tragic” consequences.

I’m sure “investigations” shall eventually “reveal” that the goat-shagging Mohammedan was a “victim” who had suffered vicious discrimination at the hands of the evil Anglo-Celts, which led to “exclusion”, “ostracism”, and an “endless cycle of unemployment, drug use and mental health issues”. All of this shall “prove” - once again - just how racist Australian society is and “how much work remains to be done”.

Instead of being publicly executed, the Afghan turd shall probably be confined to a “secure mental health facility” - all at taxpayers’ expense, of course.

LOL don't you just love that? And then we have these leftist idiots defending every new Muslim truck attack with retorts of "but what about right-wing violence at Charlottesville!" Muslims could literally, with a microphone, announce prior to their next attack that Islam is NOT the religion of peace, they are commanded to kill from the Quran, they seek to dominate the west, and that they have no mental issues whatsoever, and the white regressive left would still call it an "isolated incident with no connection to Islam."
Canada shooter identified as Faisal Hussain, 29, of Toronto

The attack took place in Toronto’s Greektown neighborhood on Sunday night, when a man dressed in black opened fire, killing two people and injuring 13 more.

One of the fatalities was identified as Reese Fallon, 18, a recent high school graduate. The other one was a 10-year-old girl who was not named.

>Police say Hussain expressed “support” for a “pro-ISIL” website
>Police looking into his past residence in Afghanistan & Pakistan
>Known to police for online activities
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French police on Thursday shot dead Cherif Chekatt, the suspect in this week’s Strasbourg shooting, which killed three people and wounded 13 near the city center’s popular Christmas market.

France’s Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said the 29-year-old suspected gunman was killed in the Neudorf-Meinau quarter of Strasbourg following a “police operation,” which began at 9 p.m. local time.

Earlier Thursday, Security forces, including the elite Raid squad, took action in Neudorf based on “supposition only” that Chekatt could have been hiding in a building nearby two days after the attack.

As Breitbart News reported, Chekatt allegedly shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and sprayed gunfire from a security zone near the Christmas market Tuesday evening. Authorities said he was wounded during an exchange of fire with security forces and a taxi driver dropped him off in Neudorf after he escaped.

Notice the upward trend in the number of Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe, from 4 or fewer several years ago, to 17 in 2015 and 33 in 2017.

Why do Jews want mass immigration from Islamic countries into Europe? They won't be safe from Islamic attacks in the future - they should learn from what happened to them in Algeria and other Arab countries where they were eventually forced to leave.
Two naive, brainwashed Scandinavian tourist girls raped and murdered by 4 ISIL-pledged terrorists.

Two dead, 12 injured in tourist bus blast near Giza pyramids in Egypt

It's wiser for tourists to avoid Muslim countries.

That was one of Paul's best. My (rhetorical) question is, why weren't these two Scandinavian girls at home taking care of their husband and multiple (100% Scandinavian) children, especially the 28 year-old? "Rhetorical" because they've been brainwashed to hate themselves, their own kind and to love and be open to others that are completely alien to them and wish them harm.
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