2017 NFL Week 1

Any reason to watch the Cowboys/Giants? Beasley, Heath, and Switzer? Is Switzer active? I guess I can watch Witten continue to climb the all time reception list. He is number 7 all time. He could move into 4th all time this season!
I just saw a Tweet from BSPNs pro black subsite The Undefeated asking "Are you boycotting the NFL because @Kaepernick7 hasn't been signed?"

Obviously this is a ploy to try to make the ratings decline into something that is due to Krapernick's "social justice" work rather than what it really is - a lot of fed up people (probably 98% white) who are just sick of the false narrative the media, toucan, bennett and all of the other useful idiots are trying to push of faux oppression in this country while they all make millions of dollars playing a kid's game.
I just saw a Tweet from BSPNs pro black subsite The Undefeated asking "Are you boycotting the NFL because @Kaepernick7 hasn't been signed?"

Obviously this is a ploy to try to make the ratings decline into something that is due to Krapernick's "social justice" work rather than what it really is - a lot of fed up people (probably 98% white) who are just sick of the false narrative the media, toucan, bennett and all of the other useful idiots are trying to push of faux oppression in this country while they all make millions of dollars playing a kid's game.

I was watching highlights of the Cleveland-Pitt game, and before the game the Browns aired a video of Hue Jackson and various Browns players saying how much they love the police, military, first responders, and the U.S., and how we're all in this together and everyone just wants equality, etc. If you get a chance check out the racial composition of the police -- at least 90% of the ones shown were black along with a large portion of the military men. Blacks are barely 1/10 of the population but television continues to show them as the outright majority, and a supremely gifted one at that. How could any White American possibly object?
That new SNF intro was the most negrophilia demonstration they've ever had...
Truly awful!
I automatically mute everything but the game I'm watching. No commercials, no intro, nothing. It's easy. I recommend it.
It only included one or two White players from what I saw...maybe prophetic in the dreams of the controllers.

Its easy to see why the nfl website doesn't allow comments on "sensitive" issues. They really better watch out and get the inmates under control.
The comments on this article are pretty damn good though
  • Wayne
    2 hours ago
    The American black is the most racist sub group in America.

  • alphatar_100x100_TU_ad.jpg

    The Unsilent Majority
    2 hours ago
    All these #$%$ are a joke and the reason I watched no football today. And I'm pretty sure their protests have had zero effect on the justice system or the crime rate amongst minorities. But keep sitting and kneeling, douchehounds. Gonna be funny when you start taking paycuts because viewership is down....again.

  • alphatar_100x100_C_kl_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    If you can't control your hired help,
    you will be going Out Of Business.

  • alphatar_100x100_M_mr.jpg

    2 hours ago
    shut the whole league down... i coupdn't care less. let these pampered illiterates lose their multi-millions over ginned-up race nonsense.

  • alphatar_100x100_J_kl_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    Goodell and these thugs support this anti American behavior. Between commercials that make white men out to be #$%$ or some third world getto slime and people disrespecting our flag and soldiers. I am done. No more abuse. Good luck ya all.

  • alphatar_100x100_M_jd_1_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    A few anti-American racist's.

  • fdfe714f902b6284c442b9d94989d853_192.png

    2 hours ago
    Would not know. Did not watch.

  • alphatar_100x100_R_ald.jpg

    2 hours ago
    Nobody is watching football.......these thugs are not football players.

  • alphatar_100x100_Y_jl.jpg

    2 hours ago
    I'm almost finished with this garbage. The NFL better fix it soon.....

  • alphatar_100x100_N_ald.jpg

    2 hours ago
    Gee maybe Kopernick can start his own team with the millions he made. Unless of course he blew it all on coke or meth. Then he can order the whole team to disrespect the U.S. of A. I'm sure the "only black lives madda" will suppport him. ESPN might broadcast his games til they GO BROKE.

  • alphatar_100x100_J_kl_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    The NFL has nobody to blame but themselves. They can end this at any time by just telling players that they are employees, this is our place of business and in our place of business you will stand reverently for the National Anthem. Anybody disobeying will be subject to fines and suspension. Hell, they don't mine disciplining a player for throwing the ball into the stands after a touchdown....they even feel they can suspend a player, take a half million dollars of his money for something that allegedly happened off the field...something local law enforcement said there was not enough evidence to support a criminal charge yet the goody goody Goodell says not in my league....well, folks, just keep joining me in tuning out until the league grows a set of testicles and puts it's foot down on this nonsense.

  • alphatar_100x100_RA_kl.jpg

    R Allen
    2 hours ago
    I wasn't aware of it since I haven't watched a National Felon League game yet and won't this year.

  • alphatar_100x100_RC_nl.jpg

    Reality Check
    2 hours ago
    Not watching the NFL anymore because of this stupidity. Disrespect of the flag and the national anthem that my grandfathers faught to preserve is unacceptable. Keep your politics out of my sports or I will find a new sport to watch.

  • alphatar_100x100_A_ad.jpg

    2 hours ago
    Stop this anti American nonsense by cutting the cord(cable/satellite) that feeds these rich USA hating idiots.

  • alphatar_100x100_S_jd_1_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    Just keep in mind: These are millionaires and multi-millionaires condemning what America has done to them.

  • alphatar_100x100_R_jd_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    Didn't watching any games last year and WILL NOT WATCH any games this year.

  • alphatar_100x100_N_jl.jpg

    2 hours ago
    BOO HOO po black people! You have no idea the horrors your grandparents and great grand parents went thru and you #$%$ about the national anthem and police. Shame on you

  • alphatar_100x100_T_ald_2_6-16.jpg

    Theresa Powers
    2 hours ago
    Black criminals.

  • alphatar_100x100_J_kl_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    Are they kneeling for the looters in Houston and Miami as well? Check out that footage. I guess looters have rights too. The NFL is losing it.

  • alphatar_100x100_G_kl_6-16.jpg

    2 hours ago
    The media, providing garbage with coverage.

btw when I clicked that link there was a big headline at the top that read
Why impatient Texans coach needs to stick with Deshaun Watson, for better or worse
Not one white guy on the Giant defense? Honestly, how is that just.... accepted?
I previewed the negrophile Giants yesterday. It can be found in the team section of the football forum, so check it out if you are interested. Believe it or not, Big (Black &) Blue have 3 more Whites on the roster than last season's abomination.
I turned the Giants - Cowboys game on at the beginning. Just as I did Chrissy was talking about Dak Prescott's legs, it was really frightening. Then, abuser Ezekiel Elliot gets a carry. I'd had enough and shut down the absurdness in short order.
I just got the chance to see Russell Wilson's final stat line. About 150 yards with a 50% completion percentage. No touchdowns, 3 sacks and a lost fumble. A final line I've seen from him many times.

The fact that this guy is considered a star player is a joke. If he was placed on a poor team instead of perennial contender, he'd be a mediocre nobody. I'm so sick of his hype.
I just got the chance to see Russell Wilson's final stat line. About 150 yards with a 50% completion percentage. No touchdowns, 3 sacks and a lost fumble. A final line I've seen from him many times.

The fact that this guy is considered a star player is a joke. If he was placed on a poor team instead of perennial contender, he'd be a mediocre nobody. I'm so sick of his hype.
let's not forget the inconvenient fact that no White man under 6' would ever be allowed to start at quarterback in today's NFL. Hell I don't even think a White quarterback under 6' would be allowed to play college football at a program like Wisconsin or NC State.
On the bright side, Witten is the all-time leading receiver for the Dallas Cowboys. That's an excellent record for that storied franchise! Hats off and big time salute to an all around good guy too.
The comments on this article are pretty damn good though

btw when I clicked that link there was a big headline at the top that read
Why impatient Texans coach needs to stick with Deshaun Watson, for better or worse

Thats why i linked the article. Over the last few weeks i have noticed more and more people in the comment sections of sites that have been redpilled by the liberal medias nonstop coverage of "social injustice". The liberals and their chosen pets need to realize that middle America doesn't like the constant bashing of white people and the over hype on every race issue known to man while also not saying a thing about black on black crime. I really hope Bennett's latest round of crap opens even more eyes to the lies put out by the media.
I just got the chance to see Russell Wilson's final stat line. About 150 yards with a 50% completion percentage. No touchdowns, 3 sacks and a lost fumble. A final line I've seen from him many times.

The fact that this guy is considered a star player is a joke. If he was placed on a poor team instead of perennial contender, he'd be a mediocre nobody. I'm so sick of his hype.
Don't hate he got dat eternal upside side. Whitey don't.
To be fair Brees is 6' even and there was Fluttie in the past but yeah a sub six foot QB is super rare. Wilson has been a decent game manager thats had the luck of having a good-great run game and a great defense for the majority of his career. Without talent around him expect a horrible season but to still be treated like a top 5 QB and a pro bowler even if his stats suck and the team doesn't do well.
The Cowboys would be a fun team to watch if they had a White quarterback.

The Giants are the typical Giants.
One-dimensional Giants team - have not had a running game for quite a few years now. Should keep Shane Smith and Rhett Ellison in there for both Pass protection and run blocking - their sumos on the edge are both awful. Engram was supposed to be an immediate impact maker with his 40 speed but has not done much.
I just got the chance to see Russell Wilson's final stat line. About 150 yards with a 50% completion percentage. No touchdowns, 3 sacks and a lost fumble. A final line I've seen from him many times.

The fact that this guy is considered a star player is a joke. If he was placed on a poor team instead of perennial contender, he'd be a mediocre nobody. I'm so sick of his hype.

I don't think that's quite fair. Russell has been clutch for Seattle in a lot of games. He's very accurate and doesn't put up big numbers because the team doesn't need that. He's also pretty good at picking his spots to run. I agree he's overhyped, and gets attention because he's a black QB, but he deserves credit for the teams success. I dislike the team and him because of them but you have to give him some credit.
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