Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

Paleocon, That's a takeoff on what Ben Franklin said. "once the people realize they can vote themselves money, that's the end of the republic," or words to that effect.

Did anyone watch the debate last night? If so, what was your take on it?

Tom Iron...

I did,
And I feel stronger then ever about Ron Paul's chances. I have never seen him as riled up as he got with Bachman's neo-con war mongering. Loved how he pointed out the false premise that we had a right to have a drone over Iranian air space in the first place. The only thing I wish he would do; would be him talking about the financial advantages of putting an end to our policing of the world. I think that there are many Republicans, who would understand how advantageous it is to bring the troops home. I think he should also tout the facts of his support from the serving members of the military. There are a lot of talking points that the news networks are using that could very easily be shot down. All in all I think Ron Paul's campaign is going remarkably well; and I think he will be going on the offensive very soon. Go Ron Paul.
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Does anyone know if Paul has ever publicly come out against affirmative action?
Considering that he is against Federal intervention in almost all instances. I think it would be safe to say that any "federally sanctioned" AA activities would cease to be allowed.
Also considering the elimination various federal departments; who are the most avid supporters of AA policies. It would stand to reason that as a byproduct of such actions AA would cease to be relevant. All that to say, I have never heard anything either way.
Just saw the tape of Dr. Paul on the Leno show. He knocked them dead. Stayed on most of the show. An actor/comedian, Joe Rogan came on after him wearing a Ron Paul sweatshirt. Leno was very good, allowing Dr. Paul to answer all questions completely without interuption. The crowd was very much for Dr. Paul.

Tom Iron...
Thrashen - Good find. Adelson looks like he was the model for the Sturmer cartoon caricature, except he is even fatter and more hideous. Also check out the visage of Lucky Larry Silverstein who luckily made about 7 billion sheckels on 911, and luckily he didn't show up for work at the WTC that morning like he always did before, and luckily his two kids didn't either, and luckily neither did the top execs of his company, and luckily neither did 4,000 Israelis.

The point is, if you believe he means what he says about the across the board cuts as I do, then whether he says he's for or against AA is immaterial. He means to cut with a meat cleaver, all fedgov spending across the board. That means all the sad sack dopes who run that stupid AA idiocy along with all the other cuts he can make.

The other night on the Leno show when asked what president Ron Paul most admired, he said Grover Cleveland. When asked why, he said because he made the most vetos of any president. That doesn't bode well for all the bums in Washington who make their living on throwing our money in the gutter.

Tom Iron...
Do you have any documentation? I would think he is against it but some of his recent P.C. race comments give me pause.

I don't know the comments you are referring to, but my impression is that Ron Paul is probably an egalitarian of sorts with libertarian principles. I can't remember where I read or heard it (possibly one of his books), but he seems to view racial politics as a form of collectivism, which he opposes. That is how he makes PC race comments while opposing AA race politics.
Gentlemen, Wonder of wonders. The NYPost had an actual article on Congressman Paul. Of course, the writer, Rich Lowry called him everything in the book and said he was nuts, etc. but it's a start (the comments part on the Post website after the article are for Rep. Paul 90%). The ice is broken. He'll be on the Fox news now as a regular. I guess they saw the light when he knocked them dead on Leno and the results of this new poll out now.

Tom Iron...
Yes, Tom, and this morning the CBS "top-of-the-hour" news update on the radio station I was listening to started off by saying that both Gingrich and Romney were now tied in a new Gallup poll at 22% and that "someone else" was at 19%. Yes, they literally said "someone else" instead of "Ron Paul"...absolute Corporate whore MSM.

Actually, I find that amusing. "Someone else," that's rich. On most of the comment sections I read, it's always mentioned now that the MSM is up to no good when it comes to Rep. Paul. Many of the people who say this also say that originally they weren't big Paul supporters, but because of the MSM's non-coverage of Paul, they've looked into him more closely and like what they see. Win, lose or draw on this, the big losers are the MSM. Many people no longer believe them and it was their own doing.

Tom Iron...
" Yes, they literally said "someone else" instead of "Ron Paul"..."

That is so ridiculously obvious that I wonder if it might be the newscasters mocking their Jew bosses who ordered them not to mention Ron Paul's name.

"the comments part on the Post website"

And that's the rabidly Israel first New York Post website!
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Gentlemen, Wonder of wonders. The NYPost had an actual article on Congressman Paul. Of course, the writer, Rich Lowry called him everything in the book and said he was nuts, etc.


Tom Iron...

Rich Lowry is or was the editor over at National Review so his anti-Ron Paul position is hardly surprising.
Another article in the NYPost going after Rep. Paul this morning. They're running scared. They know too late that their tactic of ignoring him failed.

Very interesting that we're seeing the end of the power of the MSM over us. So many people don't believe them anymore. I never thought I'd live to see this day.

Also, after all the years of brainwashing young people, it doesn't seem to have worked. They're in the forefront of this Ron Paul phenominum. They instinctively know Americanism is the right way. They know our Founding Fathers were great men. They are showing they don't want anymore Marxist theory shoved downt heir throats. Whatever happens with Ron Paul is immaterial anymore (I want him to be POTUS). The dye is cast. The MSM is found out and they will never recover from this beating.

Tom Iron...
Kersey is a strange cookie, imo. He apparently already doesn't like Paul as a candidate but still takes the time to call him a coward and take him to task for not having courage enough to speak the truth about this issue. What about all of the other times when Ron Paul has been the only one to speak the truth? I guess that is all we can expect from a one trick pony. I get his point in regards to the newsletters, but I still don't like how he wrote this one.

"We at SBPDL are not enthralled with his candidacy (though through his actions of severely retarding the growth of government by adhering to the US Constitution would be hilarious; the artificial Black middle class would die overnight), but will now ask this one simple question: can anyone prove that Ron Paul is wrong regarding the content of his newsletters?"
Kersey is a strange cookie, imo. He apparently already doesn't like Paul as a candidate but still takes the time to call him a coward and take him to task for not having courage enough to speak the truth about this issue. What about all of the other times when Ron Paul has been the only one to speak the truth? I guess that is all we can expect from a one trick pony. I get his point in regards to the newsletters, but I still don't like how he wrote this one.

"We at SBPDL are not enthralled with his candidacy (though through his actions of severely retarding the growth of government by adhering to the US Constitution would be hilarious; the artificial Black middle class would die overnight), but will now ask this one simple question: can anyone prove that Ron Paul is wrong regarding the content of his newsletters?"

He's definitely quirky. The capitalizing of black but not white, and promoting the laughable notion that "blacks run America" are two that I've noticed. It's a shame the "1%" and the Jews have to suffer so much in a country run by blacks.
To be fair, I don't think he says "Blacks run America." He does talk about Black Run America (BRA) as a system that is set up for the benefit of blacks. Most people in BRA are whites who pander and kowtow to blacks (kinda like the NBA and NFL).
To be fair, I don't think he says "Blacks run America." He does talk about Black Run America (BRA) as a system that is set up for the benefit of blacks. Most people in BRA are whites who pander and kowtow to blacks (kinda like the NBA and NFL).

Yes, this is how Kersey sees it. I've exchanged several emails with him and assisted Kersey with research. He's only 27 years old, but knows sports before his time very well.
Another article in the NYPost going after Rep. Paul this morning. They're running scared. They know too late that their tactic of ignoring him failed.

Very interesting that we're seeing the end of the power of the MSM over us. So many people don't believe them anymore. I never thought I'd live to see this day.

Also, after all the years of brainwashing young people, it doesn't seem to have worked. They're in the forefront of this Ron Paul phenominum. They instinctively know Americanism is the right way. They know our Founding Fathers were great men. They are showing they don't want anymore Marxist theory shoved downt heir throats. Whatever happens with Ron Paul is immaterial anymore (I want him to be POTUS). The dye is cast. The MSM is found out and they will never recover from this beating.

Tom Iron...

Mr. Iron,

I am a huge fan of your posts and the insight they provide. I agree with the MSM failing and being exposed. The media does not have the stranglehold it did, the internet has led to a rise in alternative sources of information. The free flow and quick transmittal of information in today's day and age will hopefully lead to a huge shift in American thought even though it will not be overnight.

I am excited for how well Ron Paul is doing and cannot wait to vote for him. If anything he has brought real issues to the forefront and provides an alternative to the empty heads that get marched out each presidential election cycle. He is truly the only viable candidate that adheres to the philosophy/beliefs of the Founding Fathers and their vision of America.
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