Zach Zenner

Great stuff, Jimmy Chitwood. Zach Zenner would definitely be a good subject for a home page article if you were ever so inclined.
Great stuff, Jimmy Chitwood. Zach Zenner would definitely be a good subject for a home page article if you were ever so inclined.

if/when i have enough time to devote to the subject, i will write something up. he is an extremely gifted young man.

this weekend, despite only playing the first series of the second half, ZZ Tops ran for 209 yards and 3 touchdowns on 21 carries. he now has over 5,000 career rushing yards in a little over 2 seasons as a starter.
if/when i have enough time to devote to the subject, i will write something up. he is an extremely gifted young man.

this weekend, despite only playing the first series of the second half, ZZ Tops ran for 209 yards and 3 touchdowns on 21 carries. he now has over 5,000 career rushing yards in a little over 2 seasons as a starter.

its almost as if he belongs at an fbs school ;)

200 yards in basically a half is insane, yet he has done it countless times or at least close. Imagine if he had kept getting handoffs.

I hope he gets the shot he deserves but if he gets any draft hype I assume that people will start declaring that he has nfl caliber linemen blocking for him, same thing for others that had big seasons running like Gerhart. About the only time White linemen get credit is when a White guy is running the ball.

I am going to try to make a highlight of him soon with this season, you can sign up for 10 bucks and see all of their games, well the ones they played so far, its a month pass.
Here's Zach's "diary" of his Combine experience. He's a great young man who's been accepted by the University of South Dakota's medical school. Congrats to him, but knowing that he's going to be a success whether he plays professional football or not will only make it that much easier for the NFL to screw him over.

Zach Zenner diary: Trying to score points at the Combine
That was fun to read about his NFL Combine Experience. It made you feel like you were there with him. What a nice story. I really hope he gets a chance to play somewhere.
I particularly liked this comment from Zach:
But when I did mention that I had been accepted into medical school, there was some genuine surprise, generally, from a lot of the people and coaches that I met with. I would imagine they don’t get too many draft prospects who tell them that.
Yeah, not too many Barkeviouses are qualified for prestigious med schools.
I particularly liked this comment from Zach:
Yeah, not too many Barkeviouses are qualified for prestigious med schools.

Great to see you as well as many others posting again since Don got CF back up FootballDad!

Yeah, not too many Barkeviouses qualified to attend D-I colleges, or any school much less medical school. It would be my guess that at least 80% of the black players in college football would not get in on academics only.
Great to see you as well as many others posting again since Don got CF back up FootballDad!

Yeah, not too many Barkeviouses qualified to attend D-I colleges, or any school much less medical school. It would be my guess that at least 80% of the black players in college football would not get in on academics only.
Hey CS, you are being overly generous in your estimation of the academic prowess of most D-1 basketball and football black mercenaries. It's just another reason why many very talented white players don't bother doggedly pursuing athletic careers. They have other marketable talents that often supersede athletics. Many black athletes, waste the free college education and simply return to the ghetto if their professional sports careers don't pan out.
Hey CS, you are being overly generous in your estimation of the academic prowess of most D-1 basketball and football black mercenaries. It's just another reason why many very talented white players don't bother doggedly pursuing athletic careers. They have other marketable talents that often supersede athletics. Many black athletes, waste the free college education and simply return to the ghetto if their professional sports careers don't pan out.
The standards for most med schools are a lot lower for blacks and hispanics then they are for whites and asians. The typical GPA for med school requirements for Whites and Asians is usually 3.6 and 3.8 non-science major. While for blacks and hispanics it's about 3.2 and 3.4 non-science.
Hey CS, you are being overly generous in your estimation of the academic prowess of most D-1 basketball and football black mercenaries. It's just another reason why many very talented white players don't bother doggedly pursuing athletic careers. They have other marketable talents that often supersede athletics. Many black athletes, waste the free college education and simply return to the ghetto if their professional sports careers don't pan out.

I would say that's a pretty close estimate based on what I know about football/academics. I'm considering all D-1 schools, including D-IAA/FCS where the requirements are considerably less stringent. I can't speak for all other sports. It may be a little higher than 80%. If I look at North Carolina schools, I would start with Duke being the most difficult school in NC and one of the most difficult schools in the country to get into. Probably close to 100% of the black football players on the team couldn't get in academically. Then you go down a notch to UNC-Chapel Hill, one of the better public universities to get into, maybe 90%, or 1 in 10 blacks could get in academically. Then down another notch to the likes of ECU and D-1AA Western Carolina where all you need is a pulse to get in. Take the average of all 4 schools. Duke 100% not eligible, UNC, 90%, ECU, 80%, and WCU, 70% and you get 85%, so yeah I was a little generous. That's probably pretty close.
The standards for most med schools are a lot lower for blacks and hispanics then they are for whites and asians. The typical GPA for med school requirements for Whites and Asians is usually 3.6 and 3.8 non-science major. While for blacks and hispanics it's about 3.2 and 3.4 non-science.

It's wrong on so many levels that this is the truth. So a black will get into a med school with a 3.2 while an Asian with a 3.7 probably won't get in. Besides being fundamentally unjust, society of course is the worse off as a less able doctor will now be practicing medicine. And all of those patients who are now placed at risk because the best doctor will not be treating them. Whenever we hear about someone dying or suffering some infection due to incompetence of a medical professional, it should be asked if it was caused by affirmative action.
Here's a post from Kaptain, the initial post in another Zach Zenner thread, merging two threads.

Zack Zenner

Putttogether a breakthrough sophomore season, leading the Football Championship Subdivision in rushing with 2,044 yards and average of 157.2 yards per game in 2012. Plays for South Dakota State.Today Zenner put up 202 yards and 2tds on just 21 carries against Nebraska in a losing effort. Last week he ran for 295. Though he is from Minnesota (Eagan) and a finalist for Mr. Football in Minnesota the Gophers did not offer him a scholarship. In fact they didn't even talk to him. They sent him tickets to a Gopher game against SDSU. He is 6'0" and 220.
Zach Zenner, one of the best running backs in college football last year, went undrafted in the 2015 NFL draft. The reason he went undrafted is he's white and the NFL discriminates against white players. Zenner plays a position that is reserved for blacks in the NFL - running back.

Zenner signed as a free agent with the Detroit Lions. If he's given half a chance he will excel in the NFL just as he did in high school and college.
Zach Zenner, one of the best running backs in college football last year, went undrafted in the 2015 NFL draft. The reason he went undrafted is he's white and the NFL discriminates against white players. Zenner plays a position that is reserved for blacks in the NFL - running back.

Zenner signed as a free agent with the Detroit Lions. If he's given half a chance he will excel in the NFL just as he did in high school and college.

Compare Zenner with black UNI Rb David Johnson who was picked in the third round. Look at their performances vs. the d1-a competition. Zenner had great games vs. Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. Johnson a good game receiving vs. iowa but only 34 rush yards. Zenner was the better player but screwed over due to skin color.
Running back Zach Zenner had a very high SPARQ score. He tested out to be more athletic than over 80% of all running backs in the NFL. He scored higher than Todd Gurley.

Zenner rushed for over 2000 yards for three straight years for a Division 1 team. He looks good on tape (see for yourself). He doesn't fumble, he's durable and he has no character issues.

Zenner should have been drafted in the first or second round but went undrafted because of his race.

Zenner signed a free agent contract with Detroit. Detroit got themselves a huge steal.

It remains to be seen if Detroit will actually give Zenner a fair chance to play. The history of the NFL suggests they won't but if they do they're going to get good production from Zenner.
i've been thinking of a nickname for Zach, and i've heard several good ones:
Z-squared (seems to be the favorite and several of his teammates call him by this)
Zennergizer Bunny
the Zen Master (clever!)
Zoom Zoom Zenner (after the Mazda commercials)

i personally prefer ZZ Tops, as in tops in the nation in rushing. :thumbsup:

any better ideas?

Double Z is a possibility.

Or 2 Z. Running the football is easy for 2 Z. Perhaps he could get uniform number 22 which looks sort of like 2Z.
Zen Master or ZZ Top works for me.
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