Tom, for all the years I've been lurking here and injecting the occasional post, I've found you to be rational and wise; thoughtful with your rejoinders.
In this I disagree with you, whole heartedly, inre unions. They once were a use but now they are a tool of the left. You've only to look at SEIU, AFL-CIO, UAW, and the rest of them. I've worked in the aviation industry for years, non-union, and I can assure you that every time you step on a plane, you should be very afraid. The inept and useless rule the hangers my friend and they are all union slobs who for what I know, voted for that Marxist that is tearing this country apart. Impossible to fire, they can only be promoted to remove them from endangering the public.
I hope your union isn't as useless and dangerous.
Celtic, I did 6 years in the Navy and acquired the skills (electronics) that have stood me well throughout my career. With that said, I'd be very hesitant to join in these times because the social structure of the services is being designed to take the warrior out of men, and make it more diversified. "Minorities" you will find, are clique-ish and extremely racist, and never brought to mast for the most part. i.e., a black or a female can say racist or sexist things, but as a white male, you need to be aware of mannerisms and speech at all times.
Also, I couldn't send my kid off to a war or wars while the losers and toadies in this current administration strive to tear this country apart.
If you do wind up going in, my advice is to get into the most elite unit possible. Get an MOS or NEC that requires you to be in the upper 5% of something. Your chances of survival are way better though the missions are often times more dangerous.
I say this because I think the allowance of females into the ranks of combat troops and combatant ships did much to weaken and demoralize our current armed forces. Just recently females are going to be allowed to crew submarines.
My views can be considered mysanthropic. Thats fine. But if I am carrying a full combat load and take a round or shrap, I want someone fighting next to me that is strong enough to drag or carry me out of harms way. Think of this. Would you want a female firefighter to carry your 200# self down a ladder or would you want her male counter part to do so? I've had this arguement with cousin who is a female fire-fighter. She hasn't a leg to stand on when I offer to be a "victim" and have her carry me over her shoulder. Narrow shoulders make bad platforms for carrying loads. Ergo, in a military op, you will be shouldering more of the load for a weaker unit member, female or male or now...gays.
Females are not force multipliers for the most part, and as such, de-ball combat troops to some extent. I've heard this from friends and relatives who've had to serve with them. I've also a niece who has done two tours in the sandbox and the stories of the sexual tension and crap that goes on over there is amazing but not surprizing. Even she agrees with me.
Sounds like you've given this some major thought. I hope your choices are good ones and wish you well.