Your spouse, family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I’m curious to know how the various people in your life react to your views and personal observations concerning racial affairs, anti-white legislation, ethno-politics, the Zionist Occupied Government, the national decline, the ever-loathsome corporate media, the “Jew-S-A” goals of America’s Armed Forces, global Zionism, anti-white corporations, political correctness, absurd TV commercials, the female supremacist movement, mainstream films, Cultural Marxism, affirmative action, non-white cultures, tokenism, race-mixing, the degeneracy of homosexuality, revisionist history, rampant materialism, the caste system in American athletics, etc.

When among my own family (parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.), there are no detractors whatsoever. There is no toleration of any family member venerating the odious topics listed above. In particular, my male cousins and my uncles feel entirely free to convey violent, hardcore, militant pro-white views. To be honest, though, it was my own candid expression of these views (over the past 5-10 years) that initially “instigated” these thoughts. During high school and college, I worked with my uncles, my grandfather, and my male cousins (they are all dump truck drivers) laying blacktop for driveways. I can recall having many conversations while shoveling and wheel-barrowing loads of searing-hot asphalt in the summers of my teenage years. At the time, I remember heavily discussing the atrocities occurring in South Africa, as I religiously digested the content featured on various websites chronicling the vicious genocide since the “fall” of Apartheid in 1994. Other discussions involved my uncle’s daily interactions with the outrageously slothful non-white truck drivers and the affirmative action policies responsible for them receiving jobs. We even discussed some of the “guerilla warfare tactics” we would employ during the event of a “race war.” Of course, it wasn’t / isn’t all “serious talk” consisting of n-words, abhorrent politicians, anti-white injustices, and lucid fantasies of an exclusively-white world…we share / shared many laughs whilst mocking DWF-culture, the hollow nature of “blockbuster films,” the filth commonly featured on TV, materialistic and emasculated white males, etc.

After graduating from college, I began working in an office consisting of (allegedly) “highly educated” white men, all of whom were over 30 years old. Initially, their negro-loving, jock-huffing brainwaves were uncompromisingly commercialized and nauseatingly lewd. At first, of course, I was labeled “that racist young guy” whenever I attempted to initiate their “re-education program.” To prove their devotion The System, their most beloved corporate sports franchise is/was the Pittsburg Steelers. Yes, they were that far lost in the mainstream wilderness. Most of them would religiously dawn the jersey of their favorite black Steeler (some even sported an archaic “Kordell Stewart” jersey) during every “casual Friday.” It was a tremendously difficult and annoying process, but they eventually became cognizant as to the inner-workings of the Caste System. They now “count the white players,” listen carefully for the denigrating “white jargon,” and are actually aware of just how many white players are passed over favor of lesser athletes. As for my futile attempts to alter their political opinions, I’ve given up all hope that the Neo-Conned brain matter of my co-workers can possibly be salvaged. The root-system of the “Left vs. Right” hypothesis is far too deep to be extracted.

My wife, of course, is exceptionally pro-white. She held these views long before we first met six years ago, while in our late teens. On our first date, I made certain to make my opinions known, but only in a “comical” way. At first, it was the act of casually using racial slurs, jokily mimicking the ridiculous foreign accents of my dim-witted, affirmative action college “professors,” habitually insulting areas of Pennsylvania that contained any significant number of non-whites, praising of rural areas, ridiculing female chauvinist pigs, exhibiting extreme distrust in all things “mainstream,” etc. After the first few weeks, there were no more secrets between us, haha. Even if your spouse didn’t already hold pro-white views, almost every white woman could be “rehabilitated” with a proper tutor. Modern white women are far more gullible, spiritually-negligent, and vacillating than modern white men…which, as we all know, is no easy feat.

I only have two neighbors nearby. One neighbor is an extremely religious man with a wonderful wife and seven children. Of course, he holds “extremely conservative” views (by today’s ultra-lame standards), but his devotion to “Jesus” has rendered him incapable of being anything but “race-neutral.” I really like him, and I don’t want to anger or offend him by expressing my true opinions concerning I haven’t. My other neighbors are a 60-year couple who wanted to move into a rural area after living for decades in some Philadelphia hell-hole. When he first moved to Philly, the man told me that he built his house by himself without any help, an amazing accomplishment. Several decades later, and blacks and Hispanics had turned the area into a literal “war zone” filled with gang shootings, murder, theft, rape, prostitution, drugs, illegitimate children, etc. He sold the house he built, supposedly taking a “huge loss.” Naturally, he and I have become fast friends, haha.

My wife’s family, on the other hand, thoroughly disgusts me. Jock-sniffers, negro-lovers, wiggers, political liberals (the terms “liberal” and “anti-white” being utterly synonymous), heavily-emasculated men, drunkards, divorcees, materialists, lovers of new Hollywood films, Zionists, U-S-A-chanters, military drones….yes, the whole “obstacle course” of modern white venality. For many of them, “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” on MSNBC provided logical political opinions, NFL fantasy football drafts provided fresh opportunities to become inebriated and eat unhealthy foods while deifying black males, and the “plight” of (so-called) “Native Americans,” black enslavement, the Jewish HoloHoax, and MLK’s endeavors for institutionalized-racism provided them with the proper inoculating dosage of “white guilt.” Fortunately, those guilty of these anti-white thought-crimes are mostly the “white men” (they might as well be light-skinned Negroes) who married into her family. I get along really well with them, actually, so long as they refrain from blathering about any of these topics. After some heated conversations, I’ve watched small changes (for the better) in them, too.

I guess I was merely interested in reading how some of your views are treated by others. I’m fortunate to have plenty of people in my life who support my views…but there are many times throughout the day (especially when around my wife’s family) when I’m forced into an “armistice” of sorts merely so that people won’t think poorly of me. Sometimes I wonder why certain views are universally tolerated while others are afforded no such liberty. I wonder why my/our views are so profoundly “shocking” to so many of our fellow whites?

One element of my life is saturated in certainty…that there are very few people who know “the real me.” I’ve come to terms with this.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Many families have been broken up. Unfortunately women are especially vulnerable to the pernicious propaganda of the "lords and masters".
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Well my dad didn't like jews, black or mexicans. My mother dont like jews or blacks. My ex found negros to be completely repulsive and wouldn't even stand next to one. The women I date now for the most part find my views to be sexy. I found out two of my cousins voted for Obama! But they will pay for that because I will never help them again and so will most of the others people around here. Most of the young boys I know use the "N" word all the time and the young girls will punch you in the nose for saying they would date a black or mexican.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
My folks were good Christians, so they usually tried to avoid "negative" talk or interferences (most of the time). When Mom wasn't around, Dad called it more like it the way of illegal invaders & groidians, etc. My folks were "mainline" (GOP) "conservatives". Now that my Mom has went onto Glory, I talk much more frank with Dad on my paleo-conservative, (White) Nationalist positions...and he's mostly receptive. However, he feels our nation is now being the point of repair and is frustrated (like many of us here).

My wife (too) tries to be a good Christian and avoids "epitaphs" or what she see's as "bad mouthing" folks, but inside she knows the scoop & certainly knows my position(s). As for my friends, most of them see eye to eye on with me on racial one quasi DWF, judeo-"Christian" pal of mine who I've known 25 years. However, he too knows my positions on cultural marxism, racial awareness & pride, etc. :icon_cool:

Other than family & friends, I don't go about "volunteering" my positions, as I more of a "mind yer own business"/keep to myself fella. Work-wise, I'm employed by a large globalist corporation, so my/our (CF) positions would likely land me in front of HR (if I went about broadcasting it). At work, I try to conduct myself as a gentlemen, while at the same time not being "Mr.Social". I'm fairly friendly...without being obnoxious, loud or a brown-noser. I don't chat a great deal with co-workers on none business topics (sans basic pleasantries, etc.).

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
More or less, my family knows where I stand on things. I don't worry anymore about what they think of me. I know what I have to do if the worst happens and the friends and family members I can count on. My wife and I are commited 100% to each other and that's all I have to think of.

Tom Iron...


Apr 13, 2005
My wife and I are in sync.

With my brothers and their families, I can talk openly about my views without any strictures. I have seen some real movement toward my point of view over the years among two of my three brothers, primarily due to changing circumstances. Their wives can actually be more radical and the nieces and nephews love to hear a different point of view. They find the logic deliciously rebellious.

My wife's family are largely conservative and I feel less free to discuss certain ideas. Two of my nephews have played college football and one of them, who has not played in about four years, is very much on my side, particularly after seeing gangbanging teammates from the hood steal from their own teammates.

I work in the media and in no way can I even get close to an honest discussion of issues with my co-workers. I got into a ton of trouble several years ago when I blew up a multicultural sensitivity training session. I am considered an against-the-grain curmudgeon with serious seniority and that allows me to say some things others couldn't get away with. But there is a lot of transition among those I work with (only one co-worker has been with the company longer than me) and so I rarely bother.

I am in graduate school and I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised at my fellow students' resistence to the Cultural Marxism that pervades our studies and their receptiveness to my ideas. Once these people learn to trust, they open up and people I thought might be vanilla social democrats turn out to be raging counter-revolutionaries. Some wear the "respectable" mask in class and vent outside, but many crackback against the manure the Marxist professors try to shovel us. I have seen whole discussions turn like a tidal wave against the professors and the text. This counter-revolutionary spirit is what saves me from utter dispair. In one class on the "Civil War," I and another student absoloutely thwarted the insructor's pro-Lincoln, pro-Union bias. After class, we discovered we'd been drinking from the same fountains. Do you know how that feels? To have allies -- that come from nowhere -- to take up arms against the same enemy when you were prepared to shoulder the load alone? My God, that is uplifting, it truly is, to discover that you are not alone.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
I’m curious to know how the various people in your life react to your views and personal observations concerning racial affairs, anti-white legislation, ethno-politics...

I guess I was merely interested in reading how some of your views are treated by others...

Sometimes I wonder why certain views are universally tolerated while others are afforded no such liberty. I wonder why my/our views are so profoundly “shockingâ€￾ to so many of our fellow whites?

One element of my life is saturated in certainty…that there are very few people who know “the real me.â€￾ I’ve come to terms with this.

Good questions, good topic. First, to your last point, the price you pay for being considerably less conformist than most is that you exist and move about in a world where few who can know the real you. Most people are herd animals; you cannot change that, only deal with what is.

Truth is like water... It is life-giving and life-affirming, and yet can kill ya to death! You have to size-up your colleagues' ability and willingness to hear and accept what you have to teach them. At the very least, you have to measure the way you react to the subjects that animate them. Don't drown someone who cannot handle it -- not if your eventual goal is conversion.

I used to be less diplomatic, when I was closer to your age. It was difficult to accept truth and evidence is not enough to persuade most people. Many good solid people simply view ideas and "facts" on the basis of how much credibility they afford the source. If you rant and alienate people, it will not matter to them how correct you are. They will always view the truth you present in terms of how they view YOU as a credible vessel. And, right or wrong, females will usually tie your credibility with how much they like or respect you -- which tends to have a lot more to do with whether you are view as kind and considerate than whether you are known to research your topic(s).

I tend to view the success I have in persuading people with the expectations I set for them, according to their level of conformity. Look for signs that betray an individual's natural level of conformity. Notice the music someone likes, for example. A Top 40 parrot is a tougher nut to crack than someone who has more selective taste.

Thanks for being who you are, Thrashen! Your words and your efforts are appreciated.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I find this thread very interesting and I wanted to give my own reply so here goes:

I am a 24 year old white male, Ive dated many Middle Eastern Muslim women and Ive broken up with many of them. For the. most part, my ex's are aware that I favour Caucasians and they are aware I only date Middle Easterners. One of my ex's, who is originally from Afghanistan and is Persian that I dated and broke up with, is now married to another white man. In a way I am happy about that because obviously I rubbed off on her well and I also feel that I helped another white man out. Absolutely I feel responsible for that..

With my family its hard to say. I have an older brother and of course I love him as a brother, but some of his behaviour I find irritating. He listens to some hip hop (not a lot, but on occasion), and he's very leftist in his views. Ive tried educating him on Jewish influence in the media, and fallacious white guilt complex that many have, but so far I havent been very successful. He's very different than me, he's very artistic and he's always dating like feminist white girls. Whereas I am very logical and I always date Middle Eastern, family-oriented girls. Personally I do find my brother has a bit of white guilt complex and Ive tried to make him see that and lose it, I would say Ive been about half successful.

My mother is a friendly woman and I dont really discuss any political positions with her.

My father I honestly don't know. At times Ive heard him being brutally honest about race and crime and completely disregard political correctness which I admire. But on some issues he also takes Liberal viewpoints and that bothers me.

As a white man I consider my stance to be pro-Caucasian which means I support all Caucasian people including Whites, Arabs, Persians. Politically I am very conservative and right wing and I am fairly open about that in my personal life.

My best friend is an Arab guy and he is absolutely aware of my views on Caucasians and he is also aware that I dont like associating with black people. I also have some white male friends and some of them understand my views and why I date so many Persians. I have many Arab girl friends and they are also aware of my views, in fact I am a great influence on Arab girls becuase Iam a confident white man and I date many of them lol. I also have some white female friends I try and stay in touch with and thats cool. I dont have any black friends and I am comfortable admitting that. I dont hate black people, just prefer not to associate myself and its not my style.

sometimes I have a hard time relating to other white men in real life because I find that I am over confident, and I find most whites to harbour feelings of white guilt. I am extremely confident and I have no white guilt issues whatsoever, so I feel that is a barrier at times. Some white guys I have as friends on my facebook, Ive seen putting up pics of black athletes, listening to hip hop music etc. And I find that pathetic and weird. Maybe thats why my best friend is Arab. I love being white and I am proud of being white, but its hard for me to find those same qualities in other white male friends. I have had some white male friends who are great guys, and thats awesome, but too many whites in general I find to have guilt trip issues over slavery and I just cant put up wiht that.

I am a handsome, *extremely* confident guy and at times I think in my personal life I can intimidate people. On my facebook I have about 1000 real life friends, and I always post about white athletes, white music. artists etc, so I hope to give a good example to them. I am a big supporter of indigenous European and Middle E astern culture and Im open about that. I think I give a good example to others through my prowhite actions.

I don't have anything bad to say about my father, but when I become a father i will teach my son to be confident and I will teach him all about the topics on this site. Its some of the most important learning Ive come across in my life and I would want to shthat with my kids.

essentially, all things considered I dont have much support from my family on my prowhite and proCaucasian views and I guess thats why I enjoy coming on this site so much. Support is overrated anyway though, I'mm not sure I would want their support anyway... We make our own lives at the end of the day. I plan on becoming active in pro white issues in real life, so Im looking forward to draw support from that.
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Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
If you rant and alienate people, it will not matter to them how correct you are. They will always view the truth you present in terms of how they view YOU as a credible vessel. And, right or wrong, females will usually tie your credibility with how much they like or respect you -- which tends to have a lot more to do with whether you are view as kind and considerate than whether you are known to research your topic(s).

I had a problem with this at first, coming off too strong in your beliefs can turn people off no matter how right you are. Tying everything in with the big picture is the hardest thing to do, it's not just sports. My wife agrees with me, my dad has agreed with some points and doesn't see the whole picture. He still works full time at an old age and kind of has a defeatist attitude, something about being to old to get worked over things and just wants to enjoy his teams play even though I keep trying to tell him its bigger than that. My wife's family is different. They seem to be liberal but live around only Whites, where i grew up its easiser to become jaded. Nobody seems to take advantage of stuff like welfare where they live, id imagine thats hownsome of the White socialists countries used to be before darkening. Although they are very proud of their White heritage. The great grandma always slips up and asks if our son has blue eyes and then realizes that someone may be offended and says well brown eyes aren't bad either I just really prefer blue, and yes his eyes are blue, was hoping they would be green like mine but everyone on her side has blue eyes and most on my side, at least he has my type o negative blood which is also pretty rare.
Dec 10, 2012
(good thread)
I'm married with a young family.. I'm teaching my kids (and trying to set an example), that all people are individuals, and should be taken hospitably as such.. but, with that said.. I'm also creating a culturally self-affirming environment for us. We're members of a church, I got a Confederate flag hanging up @ the house, books on G.Washington & the Confederacy populate my little library, etc.
I dont want my kids to hate anybody,.. especially themselves. But I also dont want them worshipping lowlife rappers & Marxists.
I hope they understand who they are, & will be up for carrying on the ethnic & cultural traditions of our family & White America.. but there's only so much u can do, & then its out of your hands (no?)

& as far as how ppl interpret my views.. my wife is on board.. & I've never really heard anything negative from my extended family on the way I'm raising kids.
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Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
Living in Miami, a lot of my friends are hispanics (Cubans mostly) Many of them are of pure European Spanish descent. Most of them also know my views of immigration, and some actually agree with me on it (Many Cubans were terrorized by those who came here on the Mariel Boatlift) Unfortunately, the younger generation of Cubans have been indoctrinated by the lie of egalitarianism. Most of the exile population had and still do have a very strong dislike of blacks where as the younger generation is more tolerant towards them. It pained me to see some of my younger Cuban friends vote for Obama especially since his ideology is so similar to Castro's. Its obvious they've bought into the "gibs me dat" mentality. The older Cubans had a much stronger work ethic and knew a commie when they saw one (ie Obama)
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
My friend's wife was bragging about Obama's election in 2008 so i told her she was a ****** lover.

She hasn't liked me ever since, ha ha.

My wife just shakes her head at my 'racism' since she's the type that doesn' like to talk bad about anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. Deep down though, I she understands the score. She knows i won't tolerate race mixing tv programs and always changes the channel when that **** comes on. I've been slowly drawing her to my side on these matters.

My family knows I have extremely pro-white views and they agree with most of what I say, but they have the attitude of yeah, but you're not supposed to say that.

Most of my coworkers know how I feel about race and i'd say about half of them are in agreement. But then they'll go out of their way to praise some ****** they like such as Michael Jordan or some ****** on the latest reality show. They don't like ******s but they love the ****** worshipping media and sports complex. It's strange.

Honestly though, I try to avoid talking politics or religion or anything like that, it just makes my blood pressure go up and trying to talk to someone who loves ******s is just completely pointless. If we want to change attitudes in our society we need to reach out to kids and educate them about their racial heritage and the dangers of involving themselves with ******s
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
My friend's wife was bragging about Obama's election in 2008 so i told her she was a ****** lover.

She hasn't liked me ever since, ha ha.

Yea, I know the feeling. I am a white male, and I have another white male cousin, who I don't speak to very much because he lives far away. I am 24, my cousin is roughly 30 so there's also a bit of an age gap.

After Obama was re-elected on his Facebook he basically started celebrating. Like he was so happy that Obama won and it made his day better that Romney lost. He repeatedly posted that he was happy Romney lost. He also has posted in the past that he thinks "old white men" control all the money in the world and its not fair to others. He's made a few other pro black comments and its just bizarre seeing that coming from a white male. He is a die hard liberal. Now after Sandy Hook he is talking about gun control on his Facebook Page. Basically, he takes a liberal approach to everything and I'm expecting someday now he will start pushing a feminist and gay agenda.

What a loser.

I was honestly disgusted when he said that.

Yuck, I honestly can't stand these people. I'm actually embarrassed to admit I am related to this guy. He is married to a white woman, and I just don't understand the type of logic he uses to justify his Negro-worship. What about when he has kids? Is he going to teach them to feel inferior or have a guilt complex like he obviously does? He also lives in a part of Canada (Alberta), where there is basically just whites and no blacks. So he is Negro worshipping, but he doesn't even live around them, so he can't see how they are.

I have a hard time relating to or understanding these types of Liberal, self hating, guilt complex over slavery whites. Just a pathetic bunch of people in my opinion.

The worst part is when you get a group of white liberals, and it almost becomes a popularity contest on who can self hate the most. It's like whatever white liberal gives more credit to blacks is "cool". It's just pathetic and weak-minded group think, I find.

At the same time, sometimes people just need to be shown a different way of thinking, but still, it's frustrating at times. As a youth I wasn't always pro-white, but I was never a Negro-worshipper. It's true that sometimes in life we can be confused and we can change our ideas based on what experiences we go thorugh. But damn, I have a hard time understanding or relating to these type of white people...
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
My friend's wife was bragging about Obama's election in 2008 so i told her she was a ****** lover.

She hasn't liked me ever since, ha ha.

My wife just shakes her head at my 'racism' since she's the type that doesn' like to talk bad about anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. Deep down though, I she understands the score. She knows i won't tolerate race mixing tv programs and always changes the channel when that **** comes on. I've been slowly drawing her to my side on these matters.

My family knows I have extremely pro-white views and they agree with most of what I say, but they have the attitude of yeah, but you're not supposed to say that.

Most of my coworkers know how I feel about race and i'd say about half of them are in agreement. But then they'll go out of their way to praise some ****** they like such as Michael Jordan or some ****** on the latest reality show. They don't like ******s but they love the ****** worshipping media and sports complex. It's strange.

Honestly though, I try to avoid talking politics or religion or anything like that, it just makes my blood pressure go up and trying to talk to someone who loves ******s is just completely pointless. If we want to change attitudes in our society we need to reach out to kids and educate them about their racial heritage and the dangers of involving themselves with ******s

Dang, your situation is almost exactly the same as mine. Keep up the faith brother. BTW what's with all of the "****" in your post??? :wink: