Of course they blew it. Losing to Detroit 8-3. How pathetic. My days of still being a Yankee fan are numbered. How ridiculous.
Goldfinger said:Of course they blew it. Losing to Detroit 8-3. How pathetic. My days of still being a Yankee fan are numbered. How ridiculous.
LabMan said:Devils night in Detroit?
robcat said:What if the Tigers win the World Series on Devils Night? It might resemble Dresden in 1945.
Warnipple said:A-Rod is the Peyton Manning of baseball!
Don Wassall said:The A's and Cardinals are two easy choices for me to root for over the Tigers' and Mets' model UN teams.ÂÂ
One of the local rags ran an article today by Bob Klapisch of The Record (Hackensack, NJ).  According to Klapisch, the Yankees' unhappy and dysfunctional locker room was caused in great part by Randy Johnson and Mike Mussina, one a sure Hall of Famer and the other a likely one. They are also among the very few white stars on the team. Guess he ran out of space before he could add Jason Giambi to his ring of villains.ÂÂ