Wow - There is something rotten in t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶D̶e̶n̶m̶a̶r̶k̶ Sandy Hook!!!

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You just posted 5 times that no one said they definitely heard any shots: the kid wasn't a witness to anything, the teacher heard something on the intercom. The reports of weapons are all wrong, there are no signs of lots of shots being fired. The kid in the photo is a fake. What are you getting at then?...

What I'm getting at is just what I said I'm getting at. Something is terribly wrong with this story and this whole anti-second amendment scenario. I'd like it if we had a real free media that would go on the streets of that town and talk to the people there and ask them these questions, but we don't, and I'll bet the place is swarming with police and homeland securities and whatnot who'd prevent any freelancers from interviewing the man in the street.

Sandy Hook whistle blowers? You won't hear about it. The controlled media only runs the official state agitprop party line.


First of all let me say that I don't know what to believe about this incident. It may well have happened as the Government and media indicate.

However, there are some things that are odd about this case and raise possible suspicions:

- Lack of any sort of record of Adam Lanza post 2009 (literally it's like he almost disappeared after 2009. He could have died years ago and only shown up now).
- Lack of video evidence of the crime, this is important, is there any video of the crime and if so why hasn't it been released?
- Crime Scene was extremely tightly contained and almost no one was able to go into the school or surrounding perimeter except top level Government agents.
- The media has changed its stories *many times* first reporting there were multiple suspects, hundreds of bullets, differing guns etc.
- The car used in the shooting apparently had multiple jackets, all 4 doors wide open, and multiple pieces of clothing indicating that perhaps there was more than one person leaving the car and shooting in the school.
- Several eye witnesses reported multiple shooters or suspects, this is why media initially reported several shooters.
- Lack of definitive information on killer or victims, info given on all parties has been vague or incomplete.


In this video (which is a documentary that lasts 3 hours), you'll see the narrator suggest that Adam Lanza was used as a "dummy" and the shooting was actually carried out by a death squad (possibly American Agents or even Israeli agents). The fact that initial witnesses and police have reported multiple shooters validates that, as does the fact that the 4 doors surrounding the car were open.

At about 9:00 into the video, you can see video coverage of multiple suspects running from the school chased after by police. Later on, witnesses in the town reported that some people who were considered suspects in the shooting were later seen to be part of the Agents involved in the investigation. In the video at approximately 10:00 minutes in, you'll see a Newton resident who says that he saw a man running in the woods dressed in combat gear, who he considered a suspect and appeared agitated, but later found out the man was actually working with authorities and was an agent.

In any case, there's a lot of odd things involved in this case.

Understand that there is almost zero physical evidence that actually proves Lanza did this attack, so essentially, we're just relying on the word of the Government, Agents, and Media. Also understand that there exists an ample motive for leftists to stage or even operate the death squad in order to politicize the issue. Dealing with small children is also good in the sense that they are intellectually undeveloped, so it's easier to stage a false flag op like this.

The American Government and Media are confirmed liars in many instances. Would you trust a person who has habitually lied in the past? Maybe, but you'd certainly be suspicious at first.

It's hard to just believe what the Government says until they release some sort of video evidence that Lanza did this. If they can't or won't do that, I'll remain suspicious. I put very little value in the word of Government/Media so until I see some sort of undeniable video or physical evidence that proves Lanza killed the kids and corroborates the Government's story, it's extremely difficult to believe what they say and I'll remain suspicious.

I'm not saying what happened one way or the other. I'm only saying the Government and Media have no credibility to me whatsoever, and it sounds possible to me that this was a false flag op setup by the left. Or it could simply be that Lanza was a nutcase and did the shooting.

We'll never know what the truth is here.
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In this video (which is a documentary that lasts 3 hours), you'll see the narrator suggest that Adam Lanza was used as a "dummy" and the shooting was actually carried out by a death squad (possibly American Agents or even Israeli agents).

why would israeli agents do that? it removes all the credibility of the video if he says so
for 9-11 i can understand why israeli would do it (i'm pretty sure though that it was done by al quaida)
but in this case why would israeli agents do that?
american jews maybe, but israelis, i don't see any reason for them to do it
This one's well worth watching:

More Footage Sandy Hook Hoax Actors Going In Circles

why would israeli agents do that? it removes all the credibility of the video if he says so
for 9-11 i can understand why israeli would do it (i'm pretty sure though that it was done by al quaida)
but in this case why would israeli agents do that?
american jews maybe, but israelis, i don't see any reason for them to do it

In the video, he never claims that Israelis did it.

His claim is that a team of say 3 or 4 American Agents killed the kids in the school, and Lanza's body was perhaps transported there as a dummy to take responsibility for the killings. The motive for that is clear, those "Liberals" and leftists in America, (the same types who push gay marriage, racial diversity, feminism, affirmative action and so on) want to push an anti-gun agenda.

When you also consider that

- several eye witnesses and polcie initially reported multiple shooters
- car had all 4 doors open with numerous pieces of jackets and clothing
- media has reported multiple shooters and hundreds of bullets
- no record of Lanza post 2009
- there is video evidence (9:00 of the video i posted) of police chasing multiple suspects out of the school into the nearby forest. Who are these people and why were they let go and determined not to be shooters? Why did some town residents say that some people they thought were suspects later turned out to be Agents (at 10:00 of the video).
- video surveillance at the school has not been released

It is certainly possible that this happened.

The motive certainly exists for the left to stage this operation. I don't think any semi-intelligent person would deny that. This is a huge opportunity for the left to push their agenda and take guns away from traditional Americans to disarm them. Gun rights are the last thin Traditional Americans have.

The Israeli connection is something that other people have suggested. As we know, Jewish involvement in American politics and particularly the left is rife. More logically, Jews probably pushed the operation and got white American Agents to carry it out.

Hypothetically speaking of course.

Personally I don't know what to believe but I find it very possible that the left perpetrated this via a death squad attack and Lanza is being used as a coverup.

We'll never know the truth here, and until I see some sort of undeniable evidence that Lanza killed the kids I will remain skeptical of the government's story about things. I just don't put any value in the word of government and how could anyone after they obviously lied about WMD in Iraq, and after they covered their tracks in other doemstic issues such as The Waco Massacre, or the JFK killing. The Government has as much credibility as Lance Armstrong when it comes to disclosing the truth... They have none! Whose to say that the Government isn't also lying here, just as they have many times in the past?

They're trying to pass Lanza as the killer without showing any evidence. I don't buy that. There should be an indepdent investigation and trial and evidence needs to be presented. That won't happen and even if it did, it wouldn't be truly independent.

I don't know what to believe but for now I am skeptical and open to possibilities.
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The least skeptical and most gullible people in the world are those who believe in conspiracies.

I don't necessarily follow conspiracy theories and I never said that's what I believe. Actually, I don't know what the truth is, and I am unsure about all of this. I said that the death squad theory is a possibility and has some weight behind it when you do some critical thinking.

The US Government is a confirmed liar, but I guess some people just forget about that, their history of avoiding the truth and fabricating information, and are willing to accept 100% of what they say without any sort of evidence to even back that up. Thats great "group" thinking and is the precise reason Americans got involved in a lose-lose war in Iraq.

I find it hard believing anything that an institution which has a poor track record on honesty has to say.

Anyways, rationally speaking, my belief is in evidence. As it stands, I feel evidence is being withheld and/or manipulated and until that evidence (such as video surveillance of the school) comes out independently, I'll remain unsure about this case. Somebody said that the government will never release any video evidence of these mass shootings, and in some ways thats a shame. It would answer a lot of questions if they just released it and the public has a right to see it.

I'm open to all possibilities and ultimately it'd be nice to have more information and evidence disclosed to the public. Naively believing the government's "word" when limited evidence is present is fallacious and lends itself to extreme abuses of power (such as Iraq War, Waco Massacre). The government should *always* be questioned and people simply believing things because they say so is dangerous... In my opinion.

Cheers :)
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no, i looked at the links you posted:!!!?p=269375&viewfull=1#post269375

there are 3 youtube links, and in those 3 links there is that report by a journalist who says that apparently the shooter had only handguns on him
obviously it's a misreport, otherwise show me a link from the mainstream media where they state that the killer had no assault rifle

Totally conflicting info published in the mass media about the alleged shooting, and the alleged eyewitnesses didn't seem to take much, if any, notice of the "hundreds" of high powered bulets fired off inside their school, starting with the alleged 80 pound bug eyed maniac (who disappeared in 2009) allegedly shooting out the BULLETPROOF! glass door to gain entry.

This is not a religious subject, like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin or something. This is a very simple and very exact science. Where is the forensic report showing exactly how many shots were fired, the caliber, the ejected shells, the trajectories, the firearms used?

The same place the surveillance videos and the autopsy reports are, no place. Same as all their other scams like 911. If you ask questions they never answer, but they call you nasty names and sic their internet pc police and sayanims on you to trash the threads.

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The Official Date of the Event: 12/14/2012

On 1/20/2013, shows Lanza's date of death to be 12/13/2012:

Sometime between 1/20/2013 and 2/2/2013, changes his date of death to 12/14/2012: still shows his date of death to be 12/13/2012:
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... Naively believing the government's "word" when limited evidence is present is fallacious and lends itself to extreme abuses of power (such as Iraq War, Waco Massacre). The government should *always* be questioned and people simply believing things because they say so is dangerous... In my opinion.

Cheers :)

"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of

-- Albert Einstein
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of

-- Albert Einstein

"Einstein" ehh? The elders would be proud of you Mr. Wolfenstein.

"Einstein" ehh? The elders would be proud of you Mr. Wolfenstein.


You sound like you're about ten years old - spamming the thread with your disruptive kindergarten "zzz" and "wolfenstein" remarks.
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I've seen that, Highlander, but I wouldn't be surprised if Adam Lanza actually died in 2009.

Now here's another mystery: Where is Adam Lanza's alleged brother, Ryan Lanza? I see this NY Post news item dated Dec. 23rd, but I can't find any follow up, or any mention of Ryan Lanza since!
UPDATE: Lanza family says impersonator behind Ryan Lanza's Facebook page, falsely claiming to be Newtown shooter's brother

Yeah you mentioned bin Laden was dead before the raid that captured/killed him too. Maybe Lanza and bin Laden shot each other fighting over Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. I saw a video of it on youtube. Must be something to it.
Totally conflicting info published in the mass media about the alleged shooting, and the alleged eyewitnesses didn't seem to take much, if any, notice of the "hundreds" of high powered bulets fired off inside their school, starting with the alleged 80 pound bug eyed maniac (who disappeared in 2009) allegedly shooting out the BULLETPROOF! glass door to gain entry.

This is not a religious subject, like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin or something. This is a very simple and very exact science. Where is the forensic report showing exactly how many shots were fired, the caliber, the ejected shells, the trajectories, the firearms used?

The same place the surveillance videos and the autopsy reports are, no place. Same as all their other scams like 911. If you ask questions they never answer, but they call you nasty names and sic their internet pc police and sayanims on you to trash the threads.


so he had an AR-15 with him
so these guys doing these youtube videos lie too
this makes me nostalgic of the holocaust deniers, we have some of the best ones in france, they did a better job
now the conspiracy theory around this event is based on nothing
there is not a single proof that this event might have been staged, except video footage of parents not crying enough and similar things
it's NOT enough
so until there is more evidence about the event being staged, we should consider this a real event
Yeah you mentioned bin Laden was dead before the raid that captured/killed him too. Maybe Lanza and bin Laden shot each other fighting over Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. I saw a video of it on youtube. Must be something to it.
"Ha ha" <feigned laughter>. Wow. Implying that the Kosher-approved MSM (the same one that impugns White athletes and Whites, in general) is gospel when it comes to each of these events when they have not provided a single shred of evidence of their own is pretty telling. Piers Morgan and Anderson Cooper would be very proud of you and in your use of ad hominem arguments.

I hope CasteFootball never comes out with it's own YouTube channel to counter the propaganda and agenda of BSPN and the other MSM sports channels. How would we ever trust such loons and nuts on that channel in what they're telling us??? They're just a bunch of "conspiracy theorists"!

CNN and the other MSM use props and green and blue rooms to produce their content.

A segment from the same link that shows Anderson Cooper's nose "disappear" while "interviewing" one of the Sandy Hook extras:
Yeah you mentioned bin Laden was dead before the raid that captured/killed him too bla bla bla

Oh yeah, that raid that "captured/killed him" (even though he died in Dec. 2001) in that slum apartment next door to army hq after he got evicted from all those many gigantic super caverns where he used to live, that we're not supposed to remember, and then they threw his body, the evidence, in he sea "in accordance with Islamic law".

You're little more than a troll yourself, Jaxvid. The first time I ran into you, way back, I said, whoa, why is this guy a mod here? Why are you a mod here? Did you send them money or something?

And don't forget that immediately after this fast and furious Sandy Hook operation went into effect our mod here advised people to hurry up and sell all their guns for pennies on the dollar.

so he had an AR-15 with him
so these guys doing these youtube videos lie too
this makes me nostalgic of the holocaust deniers...

"so he had an AR-15 with him". What do you mean, "so he had an ar-15 with him"? Your post has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I've been saying.

And now he rolls out their biggest gun, their ultimate weapon that's supposed to silence all dissent - the most holy and sacred HoloHoax!!!
"so he had an AR-15 with him". What do you mean, "so he had an ar-15 with him"? Your post has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I've been saying.

well, your post was an answer to my question:!!!?p=269838&viewfull=1#post269838

so you admit that he had an AR-15 with him? or atleast that the MSM hasn't admitted that he didn't have an AR-15?

And now he rolls out their big gun, their ultimate weapon that's supposed to silence all dissent - the most holy and sacred HoloHoax!!!

i'm not going to say anything about it as it is forbidden in my country :wink:

i'm not going to say anything about it as it is forbidden in my country :wink:

That is the truth. He said one thing that is 100% true. The Jews have made it a crime of the highest order to dare to raise any question about their hateful Holohoax shakedown racket which they invented invented in the 1970's. If you dare to speculate that maybe only 5,999,999 Jews were turned into lampshades and bars of soap they will sentence you to years in the dungeon.

You can say that the Bolsheviks never murdered anyone, that the Virgin Mary was a street whore, that white people are the devil and should be exterminated, no problema - but ask a question about the Holohoax - Class A Felony!

I'm sure they'd like to do that with 911 an Sandy Hook too.

Truth needs no draconian laws to defend it!
Oh yeah, that raid that "captured/killed him" (even though he died in Dec. 2001) in that slum apartment next door to army hq after he got evicted from all those many gigantic super caverns where he used to live, that we're not supposed to remember, and then they threw his body, the evidence, in he sea "in accordance with Islamic law".

You're little more than a troll yourself, Jaxvid. The first time I ran into you, way back, I said, whoa, why is this guy a mod here? Why are you a mod here? Did you send them money or something?

And don't forget that immediately after this fast and furious Sandy Hook operation went into effect our mod here advised people to hurry up and sell all their guns for pennies on the dollar.


Yeah money. You ever send any? Ever contribute to the forums besides conspiracy rants? Follow the guidelines on not insulting people? Ever met a poster that didn't agree with you that you didn't call a jew or insult in some other manner?

Strange, for a guy who cracks jokes and then rips people who don't get them, you are pretty thin skinned when the kidding comes your way. Don't be such a softy. If you've got faith in your theories behind controversial events you shouldn't accuse everyone who questions them as government agents, jews, and trolls.
"Ha ha" <feigned laughter>. Wow. Implying that the Kosher-approved MSM (the same one that impugns White athletes and Whites, in general) is gospel when it comes to each of these events when they have not provided a single shred of evidence of their own is pretty telling. Piers Morgan and Anderson Cooper would be very proud of you and in your use of ad hominem arguments.

I hope CasteFootball never comes out with it's own YouTube channel to counter the propaganda and agenda of BSPN and the other MSM sports channels. How would we ever trust such loons and nuts on that channel in what they're telling us??? They're just a bunch of "conspiracy theorists"!

CNN and the other MSM use props and green and blue rooms to produce their content.

A segment from the same link that shows Anderson Cooper's nose "disappear" while "interviewing" one of the Sandy Hook extras:

Another guy that gets butt hurt from a little kidding about his favorite conspiracies.

Perhaps it's hard for you to grasp but there are people who believe in the caste system, evil government, possible large scale conspiracies, who ALSO understand that just occasionally sh!t happens, accidents occur, people go nuts on their own, strange things are possible without the directing hand of a huge shadowy conspiracy, and like to question the conspiracy theorists as well as the official stories.
You're little more than a troll yourself, Jaxvid. The first time I ran into you, way back, I said, whoa, why is this guy a mod here? Why are you a mod here? Did you send them money or something?

werewolf said:
No one would pay you for your stupid politically correct gibberish and googling up zio-shill websites silly name calling ("conspirationalist"!).

Good for you, you phony, because I'm not "antisemitic" at all.

Obsessed with Israelis? No, chump...

werewolf said:
This place is a waste. A lot of people here are no better than all the dimwitted fat asses sitting in front of their tv sets slack jawed soaking up what their friendly leering talking heads and politicians tell them. They just happen to be dimly aware that white athletes might somehow, for some unknown reason, not be getting a fair shake on their favorite tv spectator sport.

And the ****roaches come in with their one liners and then crawl back into the woodwork when you call them out on their BS, as always.

werewolf said:
This shill got on his google and googled up a zio disinfo site.

So, which search engine do you use then, sport?

Are you that unacquainted with the concept of manners? How old are you anyway, for your hysterical comportment would suggest a pimply fourteen of fifteen? Just because someone is not in fanatical agreement with your eternally recycled, "irrefutable" proclamations (which you probably even mumble during your few fitful hours of drooling sleep...) does not give you an automatic license to insult them or accuse them of being Zionists. In fact, your modus operandi is no different from that of the Jews, whose primary weapon of debate is yelling "anti-Semite". In your case, it's "Zio-shill"...

Hang on, what was that noise? Ah, not to worry - it's just the Tooth Fairy popping in her diaphragm so she doesn't get knocked up again by her boyfriend, the Easter Bunny (who's a Mason in addition to being a secret Supernumerary Knight of the Garter and significant shareholder in NewsCorp).

If you look out of your window right this moment (or emerge from the cellar to a level which features an aperture to the outside world) you'll notice the luminous Bat Signal etched against the sable night sky. Of course, any idiot can see that it represents the Sigil of Baphomet (which, incidentally, also adorns Jack Frost's jockstrap - just think about the implications of that for a moment...). Anyway, it was activated by closet homo Commissioner Gordon, who heard rumours about a meeting of the Anti-Justice League (hepatitis B-infected pederasts to a man, each of whom sports a small but highly distinctive purple gannet tattoo on his sinister - for the Classically and heraldically challenged, that means left - buttock) to be held in a St. Vincent de Paul "charity shop" on the outskirts of Gotham City. By the by, Gotham City's mayor siphons off significant sums of ratepayers' money to purchase guns, explosives and, most importantly, Glasgow Celtic jerseys for the Real IRA - which goes some way to explaining the poor state of that city's stormwater drains...

But sorry, I digress. Batman hasn't even noticed the Bat Signal as he is otherwise pleasantly engaged shagging Lois Lane (and using the opportunity to test a couple of Bat-gadgets with plenty of commercial potential) on a custom-made four-poster bed manufactured by a Faroese company covertly financed by MI6. This bed just happens to be located in a hotel owned by Supo. To top things off, there's a KFC outlet three blocks down the road - can't you see the connection?!?! Come on, it's bloody self-explanatory! All you have to do is open your eyes, you ignorant zio-chump-shill with bells on!

But the obvious question to pose at this juncture is "why is Batman porking Superman's sheila?" Now, here's something the media most definitely doesn't want you to know: the so-called Man of Steel is actually a whimpering impotent who hasn't been able to crack a fat without the aid of industrial doses of erectile dysfunction drugs (the costs of which are covered by General Motors and - therefore - the US taxpayer...) since the age of seventeen (insert Stevie Nicks soundtrack here...)

Superman usually has a vast stash of ****-stiffening pills locked away in a booby-trapped warehouse, but his entire supply of triple-strength Erecto-Max (the variant not sold to the public and normally exclusively available to Benedictine monks - but only on feast days...) was stolen by ASIO triple-agent Elmer Fudd, who simply blasted his way in with an oversized shotgun. In case you weren't aware, Fudd uses the same speech pathologist as Chris Eubank. With Superman soft as a newborn's crap and that slapper Lois Lane (as usual) just panting to get off, Batman plunged straight into the breach - but not before hastily applying some free-from-animal-testing makeup to conceal the purple gannet tattoo on his left arse cheek...

As we speak, the now freakishly boned up Fudd is copping a tit wank off Jessica Rabbit, who is employed as a part-time "honey trap" operative by an obscure splinter group of the FLNC! She was once in a menage a cinq with - get this! - Nick Clegg, Johnny "Mad Dog" Adair, "Mean" Gene Okerlund, and Prince Albert of Monaco (the latter's active participation was hampered by the effects of a "bobsledding mishap", which was in truth an assassination attempt ordered by Herman Van Rompuy's dentist). Mind you, I didn't just google it up, mate. No, this is all true, as I heard it directly from Meat Loaf's cousin, who was right there at the scene of that Red Bull-fuelled five-way debauch, which took place in an abandoned abbatoir fifteen miles and three yards north-northwest of Tadcaster. He filmed the whole thing (perforce holding the camcorder in his non-dominant hand). The footage is shaky but clear. This episode plainly throws an entire new light upon the price of cashews, doesn't it..?

By the way, that fellow across the road who is staking out the seedy dump you call home - you know, the geezer in the trench coat and fedora hat - is a Mossad spook. But don't be alarmed, as he's only waiting for the right moment to break the news that your real father is a Jewish sperm donor who, notwithstanding his rabid Zionism, was expelled from Gush Emunim on account of his "unhealthy" obsession with Negro boxers and their "steel wool" hair...
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