Wow - There is something rotten in t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶D̶e̶n̶m̶a̶r̶k̶ Sandy Hook!!!

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Jaxvid said:
Is there supposed to be video of this? Does every elementary school have cameras? I'm pretty sure the one my children went to did not.

Yes, there is most definitely surveillance footage, filmed by a brand new surveillance system, that is currently being withheld. Below is a letter that was sent to parents at the beginning of the 2012 school year (presumably in August/September) discussing the school's new surveillance system…

Dear Members of our Sandy Hook Family,

Our district will be implementing a security system in all elementary schools
as part of our ongoing efforts to ensure student safety. As usual, exterior doors will be locked during the day. Every visitor will be required to ring the doorbell at the front entrance and the office staff will use a visual monitoring system to allow entry. Visitors will still be required to report directly to the office and sign in. If our office staff does not recognize you, you will be required to show identification with a picture id. Please understand that with nearly 700 students and over 1000 parents representing 500 SHS families, most parents will be asked to show identification.
Doors will be locked at approximately 9:30 a.m. Any student arriving after that time must be walked into the building and signed in at the office. Before that time our regular drop-off procedures will be in place. I encourage all parents to have their children come to school and return home on the bus and to remain in school for the entire school day. The beginning and ending of our school day are also important instructional times and therefore we want all our students to reap the benefits of full participation in our program.

We need your help and cooperation for our system to work effectively. Our office staff is handling multiple tasks. Though they will work diligently to help you into the building as quickly as possible, there may be a short delay until someone can view you on the handset and allow you to come in electronically. There are times during the day when office personnel are on the telephone, addressing student concerns, or in the copy room; there are other times when only one person is in the front office. Please help our staff by identifying yourself and provide your child’s name. Keep in mind we will be following our district guidelines which may need revision once we test the system.

Please know your involvement continues to be critical to our school’s effectiveness and your child’s success. We continue to encourage and value your presence in our classrooms and are counting on your cooperation with the implementation of this safety initiative.


Mrs. Hochsprung

It is assumed that a “visual monitoring system” involves a video camera pointed at the locked, glass front door.

And you’re right, Lanza seemed like the archetypal agoraphobic sociopath. No friends. Never had a job, even at age 21. No girlfriend, probably ever. No social life whatsoever. No family aside from his dim-witted mother in this mansion...

The photo below is probably the last image taken of Lanza before the shooting...

I noticed something about the poster in the background, which I believe is the poster below, advertising a beer-themed website called

Was the photo taken in Lanza's bedroom? If so, it seems pretty normal for a guy his age.

But yeah, I suppose this emaciated Omega-Male could have done it…but as of now, we just have to take their word for it. No photographic evidence exists, and none of the surviving adults at Sandy Hook actually saw Lanza’s face during the shootings. The first police officers to arrive on the scene supposedly saw Lanza before he ran into a room and killed himself.
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The Sandy Hook incident was and will continue to be used by gun grabbers in furtherance of their agenda. For maximum impact, why weren't any of the children shown being carried out on stretchers and being put into ambulances? In fact, where were the ambulances; just as with the Boston Marathon they were few and far between. Why didn't we see any coffins or funeral processions? That would obviously have made the event more impactful. All we saw were several amazingly well composed parents giving interviews. We saw passenger planes hitting the WTC countless times in the days after 9/11, even though hundreds of people in the planes were instantly killed and thousands in the twin towers. There was no reluctance then to show graphic footage.

We saw video footage and stills of the Columbine killers inside the school doing their thing; Sandy Hook had surveillance cameras, why not a single photograph of Lanza's rampage? Not even one picture of him at the scene of the crime. And there still has been no documentation that the kid was even alive since 2009, as early corporate media interviews showed. None of his supposed neighbors had ever seen him or knew of his existence; nothing suspicious there at all.

I don't it's unusual to think a shut-in never leave the house kid, in a ritzy neighborhood with large houses would go unnoticed by neighbors. I live in a much more modest sized neighborhood and I couldn't pick any of the kids in the houses around me from a line-up. And I mow the lawn, work on the house etc. In those big neighborhoods the people who live there probably get in the car, leave, and come back into the garage. When would they get a chance to see their neighbors? I don't think it's suspicious at all. This is not 1950 where the neighbors all get together for lemonade.

I'm surprised that some here so readily accept government and corporate media explanations as if issued from on high, while ignoring the many legitimate questions raised. Do you think an agency of the government is beyond taking one of the many "drills" that take place across the country on a regular basis to the next level? What checks and balances are in place to prevent it? The same checks and balances used to prevent the government from conjuring up phony statistics about the inflation and unemployment rates? The same government that is feverishly attempting to record every single phone call, email and text that is made each day? The same government that has dismantled the Bill of Rights since 9/11? What about the FBI continually entrapping moronic young Muslims into "leading" fake terrorism plots?

I could turn this around on you. Does anything ever happen that is not done by the govt? If yes, then why not this? Why must every suspicious event be a govt conspiracy? Sometimes sh!t happens. And come on, taking a drill to the next level? I know some cops, I don't think the killing of the neighbors kids for a practice drill is something they would easily buy into.

The checks and balances are that most people are relatively decent people and could not live with themselves for staging this kind of incident. You would have to have a lot of people, in the thousands that, out of malice or fear, refuse to say a thing. Not one person closely involved in this incident has come forward to say that something is suspicious.

FEMA's website includes information about the media taking part in "drills" when asked to do so. Do you also believe the official Warren Commission and 9/11 reports are accurate and unassailable, and also the government's explanation of the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the sinking of the Maine? Do you think the U.S. government has ever engaged in a false flag event?

FWIW I believe that the Kennedy assignation was the result of more then Oswald. That's pretty obvious. I have strong suspicions about 911. The difference is that fewer people would have to have been part of Kennedy and 911 and thus easier to keep quiet. The Sandy Hook incident would have to have many non-govt people involved, unless you are talking about some special scenarios. So using Occam's knife as a guide, the official explanation fits the best. In my opinion Kennedy (magic bullet-head moving backwards) and 911 (WTC7) do not.
Its not ALWAYS a false flag, and at the same time its not NEVER a false flag. All we know for sure is that its being used to push "gun control".
I don't it's unusual to think a shut-in never leave the house kid, in a ritzy neighborhood with large houses would go unnoticed by neighbors. I live in a much more modest sized neighborhood and I couldn't pick any of the kids in the houses around me from a line-up. And I mow the lawn, work on the house etc. In those big neighborhoods the people who live there probably get in the car, leave, and come back into the garage. When would they get a chance to see their neighbors? I don't think it's suspicious at all. This is not 1950 where the neighbors all get together for lemonade.

I could turn this around on you. Does anything ever happen that is not done by the govt? If yes, then why not this? Why must every suspicious event be a govt conspiracy? Sometimes sh!t happens. And come on, taking a drill to the next level? I know some cops, I don't think the killing of the neighbors kids for a practice drill is something they would easily buy into.

The checks and balances are that most people are relatively decent people and could not live with themselves for staging this kind of incident. You would have to have a lot of people, in the thousands that, out of malice or fear, refuse to say a thing. Not one person closely involved in this incident has come forward to say that something is suspicious.

FWIW I believe that the Kennedy assignation was the result of more then Oswald. That's pretty obvious. I have strong suspicions about 911. The difference is that fewer people would have to have been part of Kennedy and 911 and thus easier to keep quiet. The Sandy Hook incident would have to have many non-govt people involved, unless you are talking about some special scenarios. So using Occam's knife as a guide, the official explanation fits the best. In my opinion Kennedy (magic bullet-head moving backwards) and 911 (WTC7) do not.

9/11 would involve less people than Sandy Hook? Seriously? And also the JFK assassination? And if 9/11 was a false flag event -- which if true would make it a crime about a million times more evil than if Sandy Hook was a hoax -- you're still one hundred percent convinced that a mere school shooting couldn't be staged? And if you don't believe in the official story about 9/11 and JFK, then Occam's Razor should clearly apply to other controversial "official" explanations about certain events.

And no one's saying all the school shootings are government inspired; Sandy Hook is the first one to have such claims made about it. But the fact is, the Aurora theater incident, followed by Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing all have a number of very suspicious things about them. It's unlikely those kids in Sandy Hook were killed -- the happy parents, no bodies, no pictures, few if any ambulances on the scene, not a shred of physical evidence that Lanza was there, and lots of other anomalies that have been pointed out in this thread and elsewhere.

Do you also believe at least a hundred people "lost limbs" at the Boston Marathon, as reported by the corporate media?

The alternative media and ubiquitous iphones have made government incompetence much more readily discernible than before. As a professed libertarian, I'm surprised you have so much faith in government competence and honesty as being the go-to source for truthful information on important events. Government and media propaganda is regularly being exposed as being as crude as that of the old Soviet Union despite today's special effects wizardry. The internet has lots of disinformation and misinformation, but it's a helluva better resource to find feed one's mind than the corporate media, which post-9/11 is little more than the government's propaganda ministry.
Don Wassall said:
We saw video footage and stills of the Columbine killers inside the school doing their thing; Sandy Hook had surveillance cameras, why not a single photograph of Lanza's rampage? Not even one picture of him at the scene of the crime. And there still has been no documentation that the kid was even alive since 2009, as early corporate media interviews showed. None of his supposed neighbors had ever seen him or knew of his existence; nothing suspicious there at all.
Right, surveillance stills of Lanza in the same vein of Harris and Klebold, armed and stalking the cafeteria at Columbine (some 14 years ago) weren’t deemed inappropriate for mass-distribution by the corporate media, despite the fact that many of the victims were under 18 years old...


Due to this startling lack of evidence placing Lanza at the scene of the crime, when you type “Sandy Hook” into Google, these are the “Top 10” results that are retrieved…



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9/11 would involve less people than Sandy Hook? Seriously? And also the JFK assassination? And if 9/11 was a false flag event -- which if true would make it a crime about a million times more evil than if Sandy Hook was a hoax -- you're still one hundred percent convinced that a mere school shooting couldn't be staged? And if you don't believe in the official story about 9/11 and JFK, then Occam's Razor should clearly apply to other controversial "official" explanations about certain events.

And no one's saying all the school shootings are government inspired; Sandy Hook is the first one to have such claims made about it. But the fact is, the Aurora theater incident, followed by Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing all have a number of very suspicious things about them. It's unlikely those kids in Sandy Hook were killed -- the happy parents, no bodies, no pictures, few if any ambulances on the scene, not a shred of physical evidence that Lanza was there, and lots of other anomalies that have been pointed out in this thread and elsewhere.

Do you also believe at least a hundred people "lost limbs" at the Boston Marathon, as reported by the corporate media?

The alternative media and ubiquitous iphones have made government incompetence much more readily discernible than before. As a professed libertarian, I'm surprised you have so much faith in government competence and honesty as being the go-to source for truthful information on important events. Government and media propaganda is regularly being exposed as being as crude as that of the old Soviet Union despite today's special effects wizardry. The internet has lots of disinformation and misinformation, but it's a helluva better resource to find feed one's mind than the corporate media, which post-9/11 is little more than the government's propaganda ministry.

I guess I have a more open mind then you. I understand that there are horribly evil and malicious people in govt. But instead of jumping to the conclusion that these unimaginable acts of cruelty are planned schemes of people in power I try to look at all the available evidence. I think too many people are locked into a mantra that the govt is the source of all evil, not understanding that it is the evil in individual peoples souls that cause these terrible things to happen. Sometimes that evil is expressed by people in government, sometimes it is a random act by an evil individual without the help of authority.

I look at the evidence in each case. Some people start with the default position that these events are the result of a large conspiracy and when they do they see the signs of that in every mistaken bit of reporting, every odd coincidence, every small contradictory item in a case, even though it is well understood that eye witness accounts or reports during the chaos, and the viewpoint of traumatized individuals will result in a lot of inaccurate and clearly wrong information.

I think what is more important, since we can never really know what happened, as that type of assurance is hard to come by since everything we know will be filtered by going through the media or other biased sources, is that there are so many people that will automatically assume or suspect that those people charged with running our government and reporting on it, are unimaginably cruel and psychotic individuals.

I think it is difficult to put yourself in the shoes of a group of people that have had success in life as high government officials and media personnel and yet they could still come to the conclusion that killing a bunch of kindergarten children or crashing a plane into a skyscraper is in any way shape or form, an idea that should be put in place. To assume such a thing is to acknowledge that our govt is controlled by monsters. If you truly believe that monsters run our govt, not merely misguided bureaucrats then shame on you for not immigrating to some other place instead of letting your taxes and hard work continue to support evil on a level unprecedented in human history.
I guess I have a more open mind then you. I understand that there are horribly evil and malicious people in govt. But instead of jumping to the conclusion that these unimaginable acts of cruelty are planned schemes of people in power I try to look at all the available evidence. I think too many people are locked into a mantra that the govt is the source of all evil, not understanding that it is the evil in individual peoples souls that cause these terrible things to happen. Sometimes that evil is expressed by people in government, sometimes it is a random act by an evil individual without the help of authority.

I look at the evidence in each case. Some people start with the default position that these events are the result of a large conspiracy and when they do they see the signs of that in every mistaken bit of reporting, every odd coincidence, every small contradictory item in a case, even though it is well understood that eye witness accounts or reports during the chaos, and the viewpoint of traumatized individuals will result in a lot of inaccurate and clearly wrong information.

I think what is more important, since we can never really know what happened, as that type of assurance is hard to come by since everything we know will be filtered by going through the media or other biased sources, is that there are so many people that will automatically assume or suspect that those people charged with running our government and reporting on it, are unimaginably cruel and psychotic individuals.

I think it is difficult to put yourself in the shoes of a group of people that have had success in life as high government officials and media personnel and yet they could still come to the conclusion that killing a bunch of kindergarten children or crashing a plane into a skyscraper is in any way shape or form, an idea that should be put in place. To assume such a thing is to acknowledge that our govt is controlled by monsters. If you truly believe that monsters run our govt, not merely misguided bureaucrats then shame on you for not immigrating to some other place instead of letting your taxes and hard work continue to support evil on a level unprecedented in human history.

Way to twist everything around. You have an open mind on this? lol I've stated several times in this thread that I don't know what happened but I'm willing to look at alternative explanations and evidence, without "automatically assuming" anything. You on the other hand have maintained a default mode of ridiculing everything posted by Werewolf out of hand, much like the establishment defenders whose standard response is that anyone who doesn't believe in the "official story" is a crazy conspiracy theorist. Also, no one I'm aware of is stating "the" government did this, as if all of Washington, D.C. was involved. They're talking about a "drill" that was made to look real. And again, those who maintain it was a hoax are saying that no one was killed, not that "the government" killed 26 people.

Let's try to figure out your latest twists and turns -- you don't buy the official story on 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination, but you think anyone who doesn't buy it on Sandy Hook should immigrate to another country. But wait, now you do buy the official story on 9/11 as "crashing a plane into a building" is also a monstrous evil that the government would never do -- even though you also believe there are "horribly evil and malicious people in government"; no contradiction there at all. So what do you believe now -- that Arab hijackers pulled off 9/11, but that WTC 7 magically collapsed by itself?

And I'll ask again -- do you believe the corporate media reports that a hundred people had limbs blown off by the Boston Marathon explosions?
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To address some of the many errors in your post: the assault weapon is the weapon he used (according to the coroner),

Yeah right. As I said they expect their dumbed down proles to have 90 second attention spans and not even remember what they told us yesterday, namely that the alleged shooter HAD ONLY HAND GUNS!!!

Link to NBC News:

"Adam Lanza only had handguns"

And WHAT coroner? Are you talking about the giggling chief medical examiner who said, "I hope the people of Newtown don't have this crash down on their heads later,"

"I hope the people of Newtown don't have this crash down on their heads later."

Lanza often went shooting with his mother

Where? No local gun shop or shooting range ever heard of either of them, and it's New Jersey so it ain't like you can go shooting out in the woods, and they didn't have a private range in their basement. So tell me where.

Judging by his looks the recoil from a hand gun would have knocked him down, let alone hundreds of rounds from a high powered rifle.

-anyway anyone can shoot a gun, it's not like you have to be "superman" to shoot little kids. The story of his mother being involved at the school is completely false and is all the fault of an early questioned witness that provided incorrect information that the media ran with.

But they also interviewed people at the school (read Crisis Actors) who were going on about how nice she was and what a great teacher she was - until they switched the story to no, she didn't even work there at all. Again we're not supposed to remember.

And no, anyone can't shoot a gun. Have you ever shot a gun? It takes some practice. And even a firearm expert psychopath wouldn't have the kill to injured ratio he was supposed to have. They claim only one person was injured - but they won't mention who it was, so we have to take their word for it that even one person was injured.

Not a govt or official source. He didn't "shoot up the whole school" just one room, why are you always stretching and exaggerating the story, you are as bad as you accuse the govt sources of being.

This 90 pound super nerd single highhandedly terrorized the whole school according to the official ever changing party line.

Notice how these True Believers don't care to talk about the two men chased down in the woods any more.
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The knee-jerk defenders of government righteousness should take a harder look at just what kind of mind-boggling overkill has been engaged in to "protect freedom and democracy" since 9/11. The military/security complex is on super-steroids. Read these stats (but surely the author is just another "conspiracy theorist"):

The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.

These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by The Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine.

The investigation's other findings include:

• Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States.
• An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, DC, hold top-secret security clearances.
• In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 US Capitol buildings – about 17 million square feet of space.
• Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 US cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks.
• Analysts who make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year – a volume so large that many are routinely ignored.

In the spirit of civic improvement and solidarity, we offer a modest suggestion. Instead of screening people in airports to find those who forgot to take the mouthwash out of their hand luggage, why not ask travelers if they have considered blowing their brains out? Those who answer in the affirmative could be assigned three or four federal employees with security clearances to watch them day and night. The suicide rate would plummet.

As it is, our spook resources are clearly underused. There are probably 10,000 security personnel for every potential terrorist. What do all these people do? What will happen to a nation that devotes so much of its resources to fighting a war with largely imaginary enemies?

"You get what you pay for," said Milton Friedman.

Spending billions on terrorism is bound to produce terrorists. How long will it be before the clandestine terrorist agencies begin their own campaigns of terror? Perhaps they already have.

With so many secret agencies plotting, conniving, enticing, luring, fomenting, and sowing their evil seeds, it won't be long before something takes root.

One group of spooks will lay a trap... and catch another group... and accuse a third group, whom they will mistake for real terrorists. One bomb will go off. Another attempt will be thwarted at the last minute. Still another group – led on a double agent and financed by secret funds provided by the taxpayer – will be hauled in front of the TV cameras...

The public (the same people whose most lethal enemy stares at them from the mirror) will panic. Convinced that a hell-bent terrorist hides behind every bush, they will demand even more protection... more lockdowns... more secret programs... and more jackbooted spooks.

The harder we looked... the more we didn't like what we saw.
"The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001..."

And 911 was the biggest hoax of all.
QUOTE=Don Wassall;274852]Way to twist everything around. You have an open mind on this? lol I've stated several times in this thread that I don't know what happened but I'm willing to look at alternative explanations and evidence, without "automatically assuming" anything. You on the other hand have maintained a default mode of ridiculing everything posted by Werewolf out of hand, much like the establishment defenders whose standard response is that anyone who doesn't believe in the "official story" is a crazy conspiracy theorist. Also, no one I'm aware of is stating "the" government did this, as if all of Washington, D.C. was involved. They're talking about a "drill" that was made to look real. And again, those who maintain it was a hoax are saying that no one was killed, not that "the government" killed 26 people.

Let's try to figure out your latest twists and turns -- you don't buy the official story on 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination, but you think anyone who doesn't buy it on Sandy Hook should immigrate to another country. But wait, now you do buy the official story on 9/11 as "crashing a plane into a building" is also a monstrous evil that the government would never do -- even though you also believe there are "horribly evil and malicious people in government"; no contradiction there at all. So what do you believe now -- that Arab hijackers pulled off 9/11, but that WTC 7 magically collapsed by itself?

And I'll ask again -- do you believe the corporate media reports that a hundred people had limbs blown off by the Boston Marathon explosions?[/QUOTE]

Hey you're the guy that thinks the govt propaganda machine is worse then the one in the Soviet Union, yet they're still the ones that are so sharp that the only way you can figure out how they've launched all of these conspiracies is to watch poorly made youtube videos.

You are so sure, with not a shred of proof that the entire incident at Sandy Hook was completely and totally fabricated. And then you say that I am naive because I don't believe that people at the site, newspaper reporters, TV reporters, cops, doctors, parents, friends, on-lookers, by-standers, distant relatives, saw none of the stuff you guys are maintaing. There is not one conspiracy guy connected to this whole incident that can blow the lid off this "faking" of 26 dead people by coming out and saying 'hey, it's not true, so-and-so is not dead, or there never was such a person' or whatever small bit of evidence to corraborate your version of the story.

All I'm asking is for some concrete bit of evidence that 26 people were not killed. You say I'm ridiculing when all I am asking for is some decent reason to question the official story that is backed by thousands of people, some of whom are most assuredly NOT part of the evil govt. And you can't do that! All you can do is bluster and get upset and essentially insult me because I'm asking for some proof.

I expected better.

And to your question about the number of limbs that were blown off at the Boston Marathon bombing. I doubt that there was that much damage done to people but I'm sure some people were hurt seriously and lost limbs. It was a BOMB. Whether the initial press reports exagerated the amount of people hurt or not doesn't really change things much. Or are you maintaining that the bombing never happened because I can't produce a picture of someone with a severed limb?
Hey you're the guy that thinks the govt propaganda machine is worse then the one in the Soviet Union, yet they're still the ones that are so sharp that the only way you can figure out how they've launched all of these conspiracies is to watch poorly made youtube videos.

You are so sure, with not a shred of proof that the entire incident at Sandy Hook was completely and totally fabricated. And then you say that I am naive because I don't believe that people at the site, newspaper reporters, TV reporters, cops, doctors, parents, friends, on-lookers, by-standers, distant relatives, saw none of the stuff you guys are maintaing. There is not one conspiracy guy connected to this whole incident that can blow the lid off this "faking" of 26 dead people by coming out and saying 'hey, it's not true, so-and-so is not dead, or there never was such a person' or whatever small bit of evidence to corraborate your version of the story.

All I'm asking is for some concrete bit of evidence that 26 people were not killed. You say I'm ridiculing when all I am asking for is some decent reason to question the official story that is backed by thousands of people, some of whom are most assuredly NOT part of the evil govt. And you can't do that! All you can do is bluster and get upset and essentially insult me because I'm asking for some proof.

I expected better.

And to your question about the number of limbs that were blown off at the Boston Marathon bombing. I doubt that there was that much damage done to people but I'm sure some people were hurt seriously and lost limbs. It was a BOMB. Whether the initial press reports exagerated the amount of people hurt or not doesn't really change things much. Or are you maintaining that the bombing never happened because I can't produce a picture of someone with a severed limb?

No funerals, no pictures of dead and injured children, very few ambulances at the scene, no trace of Adam Lanza on the school grounds or inside the school, happy parents, idiot actors like Gene Rosen, etc. "Concrete"? No, but let's turn it around -- you provide one bit of concrete evidence that Lanza was there. Video footage of Lanza approaching the school, entering it and shooting would greatly undermine the alternative theories being made, yet my bet is we'll never see any.

As far as speaking out, what is someone going to do? Run to CNN for an interview with Anderson Cooper? Why doesn't anyone speak out in establishment media circles on various issues in this country, such as the Caste System? You know the answer to that as well as I do. Even Carson Palmer has resisted your pleas to speak out. Additionally, there are non-disclosure agreements that many government employees sign. I'll mention again Area 51; tens of thousands of people have worked there yet no one has ever publicly said they do. Does that mean Area 51 doesn't exist, as maintained by Washington?

Various firemen and policemen at the 9/11 scene have spoken out, as have some family members, architects, pilots, etc. But going through the corporate media is taboo, their tales are only available through the internet and other alternative media. Same as it is with the JFK assassination, Sandy Hook and all the other controversial events in this country's history. Did I really need to tell you that?

As far as "expecting better," your posting all through this thread has been a major disappointment. And since it doesn't seem likely to improve in tone and enlightenment on any of our parts it's time to lock it.
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