Wow - There is something rotten in t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶D̶e̶n̶m̶a̶r̶k̶ Sandy Hook!!!

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Hey, Mister turn in your guns for pennies on the dollar, I'll be sure to let you know when I want your interpretation of what's PC and what's not PC.

Ha! you don't have to let me know, I'll tell you when I feel like it.
Obsessed with Israelis? I just have eyes to see (Jews) who is behind the corruption of our media and political and financial system, the false flag attacks*, tricking us into endless wars, the immigration invasions of the white nations, the anti-white media, etc etc. etc.

Agree 100% (especially the parts I bolded)

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At first I dismissed the people who was saying something was rotten about this.

But as I've looked at some of the videos with an open mind, now I'm not so sure.
Wow. Incredible. Nice find. A week or so ago I heard someone call in to a radio program and mention that they noticed the same person at both the Aurora shooting and the Sandy hurricane "events" but I couldn't find it. This is what they must've been referring to. It should have millions of hits.

Now I'm left wondering just how far down does the rabbit hole go. Did any children really even die in this event? At this point, I think it's a total psyop to disarm the American people.
All those deliriously happy "grieving" reptiles or crisis actors or whatever the hell they are - like that delightfully congenial and fashionable Macdonald family, and of course the effervescent Mr Robbie Parker - all neatly coiffed and attired and made up for the cameras - none disheveled and red eyed from crying AS WOULD BE REAL GRIEVING PEOPLE!

So they were lying about this too:

FOX NEWS: Authorities: Adam Lanza’s Mother, Nancy, Didn’t Work at Sandy Hook Elementary School
As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I've yet to see a genuine tear shed, starting with Obama's fake dry-eyed crying. A lot of people around the country cried upon watching the corporate media present the tragedy, but not a single parent or relative in Newtown that was interviewed, nor some of the children that allegedly had just gone through an unbelievably traumatic event. They should be emotionally shattered, not smiling, or "crying" with dry eyes.
Another interesting "detail" that is found on the YouTube videos is that Adam Lanza for all intents and purposes disappeared in 2009. Not a single person was interviewed that had any contact with him over the past three years. No record of employment, schooling, no friends or acquaintances, even the neighbors on his street weren't aware that he was supposedly living there. Kid could have died three years ago. . .
Another interesting "detail" that is found on the YouTube videos is that Adam Lanza for all intents and purposes disappeared in 2009. Not a single person was interviewed that had any contact with him over the past three years. No record of employment, schooling, no friends or acquaintances, even the neighbors on his street weren't aware that he was supposedly living there. Kid could have died three years ago. . .

Yeah, that's coming out now too.

And looking at that 80 pound nerd it's hard to imagine him busting down schoolhouse doors and wiping out a school - and survivors...not one wounded kid or teacher...yet another very very strange little item.

And just hours, if not minutes, afterwards the gun grabbers were in full froth with their agenda - just like barely 5 minutes after the second tower was hit on 911 all the networks all in unison had their made up for camera "experts" all instructing us that Bin Ladin did it because he hated our freedom (my first of many many clues that what was going down was really something altogether different than what they were presenting on tv).

This Sandy Hook thing is spreading fast.


"Doncha all just love it when they murder your children? It’s so friggin hilarious. Makes me laugh like crazy when I think of little children being murdered. Especially when it’s one of my own. LMAOFF… HA HA HA. LOL… ROFL *Giggle*"

That's Robbie Parker right after his little daughter was allegedly murdered
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Another interesting "detail" that is found on the YouTube videos is that Adam Lanza for all intents and purposes disappeared in 2009. Not a single person was interviewed that had any contact with him over the past three years. No record of employment, schooling, no friends or acquaintances, even the neighbors on his street weren't aware that he was supposedly living there. Kid could have died three years ago. . .

"Adam Lanza apparently fell off the face of the Earth in 2009...the last time there was any record of him was back in 2009...nobody in his neighborhood ever saw him"
At first I dismissed the people who was saying something was rotten about this.

But as I've looked at some of the videos with an open mind, now I'm not so sure.

crisis actors are usefull when you need to train as a fireman or a policeman, you need people to act as if there was a real crisis
they are not trained to lie to the media
crisis actors are usefull when you need to train as a fireman or a policeman, you need people to act as if there was a real crisis
they are not trained to lie to the media

Oh really? I sure never heard of any police or fire department that sent off to these weirdos to ship up some "crisis actors" for their training programs. Just what police and fire departments need for their training programs, gay actors standing around pretending to look scared, right?

And right on top of their website is the usual shillery about how the controlled mainstream media has already "debunked" everything and it is wicked to question what they tell you on tv.
Oh really? I sure never heard of any police or fire department that sent off to these weirdos to ship up some "crisis actors" for their training programs. Just what police and fire departments need for their training programs, gay actors standing around pretending to look scared, right?

And right on top of their website is the usual shillery about how the controlled mainstream media has already "debunked" everything and it is wicked to question what they tell you on tv.

this is the kind of event they do:

And right on top of their website is the usual shillery about how the controlled mainstream media has already "debunked" everything and it is wicked to question what they tell you on tv.

questionning is good
that's what i do when i post in this thread
i never heard about these crisis actors, and after questionning i learnt how they are used

Baloney. There is not one single word about your "crisis actors" on that link you posted. It is just a link about police holding a practice drill. Police always hold practice drills. They don't hire gay "crisis actors", like Robbie Parker, to stand around their practice drills and pretend to be scared or crying. That link has nothing to do with your "crisis actors".

There are actors, but what the hell is a "crisis actor" supposed to be? The only function I can see for such an occupation is to furnish phony interviewees for the tv cameras when the government tries to pull off one of their scams, like that "man in the street" the networks just happened upon right after 911 who was reciting his script about how the twin towers fell down from "structural failure". Structural failure my ass.

questionning is good
that's what i do when i post in this thread
i never heard about these crisis actors, and after questionning i learnt how they are used

No that's not what you do. You just mindlessly google irrelevant crap up to try to stick up for the official story. You don't even know what you're doing.

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I've seen a few local news stories on fake terrorism events being undertaken by law enforcement, and the "victims" were always local volunteers who were recruited who just laid on the ground or walked around with fake blood and dirt on them, things like that. They certainly weren't professional "crisis actors" and none of them were interviewed. The term "crisis actor" sounds kind of creepy, maybe even a bit sinister. At any rate, if 9/11 was an inside job, then certainly the PTB have the hubris to think that they can pull off any event and sell it to the masses as real. The line between reality and "Reality TV" is already blurred in the minds of many. Sandy Hook was nothing compared to the scale of deception involved in 9/11.
I do agree that something fishy is going on, the question I have is, how does one become a crisis actor? and whats to stop one of them from leaking info out about what really happened? Even just to friends and family?

I think they make these false flag ops a little bit obvious so everyone is stuck spending endless hours trying to prove their point out while ignoring the bigger picture.
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"We are outraged by Florida Atlantic University Professor James Tracy's deliberate promotion of rumor and innuendo to link Crisis Actors to the Sandy Hook shootings..."

Yeah, I bet they are outraged. That website smells like a quasi government agency like Blackwater or something - and indeed it is connected, and works with, Homeland Security, according to Prof. Tracy. The website is all locked down now so you can't read anything about it, except the front page, and of course that they are very outraged that people are asking questions. The pictures on their front page show actors that mostly look like junior high school students being directed by police types.

Crisis Actors and the controlled media like CNN and FOX are outraged because Professor James Tracy is daring to ask some questions about what happened at Sandy Hook.

You can listen to what Professor Tracy has to say for yourself right here:
This is on front page:

Crisis Actors Guide to Suspicious Behavior - Part 3

Crisis Actors Guide to Suspicious Behavior - Part 2

Crisis Actors Guide to Suspicious Behavior - Part 1

Does that sound like Homeland "If you see something say something" Security crap or what!?
And now they admit that they were lying about the ALLEGED 75 pound bug eyed maniac mass murderer's AR-15 "assault rifle" too!

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

"But the AR-15 style rifle — the most popular rifle in America, according to gun dealers — was also the weapon of choice for Adam Lanza"

That was the NY Times, 12/16/21012, lying, as usual.
And now they admit that they were lying about the ALLEGED 75 pound bug eyed maniac mass murderer's AR-15 "assault rifle" too!

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

"But the AR-15 style rifle — the most popular rifle in America, according to gun dealers — was also the weapon of choice for Adam Lanza"

That was the NY Times, 12/16/21012, lying, as usual.

from a link i posted earlier:

This can be chalked up to contradictory reporting, which is going to happen when the media competes with itself to be the first one to break any new details. There have already been articles discussing these discrepancies. What is known for sure is he carried at least 2 handguns into the school and had a shotgun in his car. The discrepancies come in when talking about the other weapons, some sources claim it was a Bushmaster AR-15, others claim it was 2 additional pistols and the AR was left in the trunk with the shotgun. Recent reports have concluded that the shooter did in fact carry 2 pistols and a Bushmaster AR-15 into the school with him. The video just merges all of these conflicting reports to say how the story doesn't make sense. This isn't evidence of a conspiracy, just terrible reporting and fact checking. Update: The State Police released a new report today January 22nd, 2013 (over a month after the shooting and a week after my post) clear up confusion around the conflicting reports. source
Police released a news release on Tuesday, saying they provided details in news conferences but wanted to eliminate any confusion or misinformation.

Police said they found a Bushmaster .223 caliber model XM15-E2S rifle with high capacity 30 round clips, a Glock 10-mm handgun and a Sig-Sauer P226 9mm handgun inside the school.

Police identified Adam Lanza as the gunman who shot and killed 20 first graders and six staff members.
Police also searched Lanza’s car, which was in parking lot, and found an Izhmash Canta-12 12-gauge shotgun.

so he had an assault rifle
you have to question these youtube videos too
all they did in this case is point at contradictions in what the press said and say that it was evidence of a false flag operation: it was not
I've seen a few local news stories on fake terrorism events being undertaken by law enforcement, and the "victims" were always local volunteers who were recruited who just laid on the ground or walked around with fake blood and dirt on them, things like that. They certainly weren't professional "crisis actors" and none of them were interviewed. The term "crisis actor" sounds kind of creepy, maybe even a bit sinister. At any rate, if 9/11 was an inside job, then certainly the PTB have the hubris to think that they can pull off any event and sell it to the masses as real. The line between reality and "Reality TV" is already blurred in the minds of many. Sandy Hook was nothing compared to the scale of deception involved in 9/11.

if it's only about acting like you're injuried, local volunteers might be enough, but if it's more serious i can see why they would need trained actors
they might also be used in simulations like these:
And now they admit that they were lying about the ALLEGED 75 pound bug eyed maniac mass murderer's AR-15 "assault rifle" too!

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

"But the AR-15 style rifle — the most popular rifle in America, according to gun dealers — was also the weapon of choice for Adam Lanza"

That was the NY Times, 12/16/21012, lying, as usual.

If the attack was staged or fake why would it be necessary to make corrections? Nobody would know the difference in what weapons he used. If it was staged then they would be sure to have the weapons they wanted on site, if it was faked then they could say he used anything--who would be in a position to question it? This latest announcement seems to support that the incident was full of bad reporting (lying if you wish) instead of some planned conspiracy.
If the attack was staged or fake why would it be necessary to make corrections? Nobody would know the difference...

As I've said I don't know what the hell really happened up there, but there is an awful lot about it that is suspicious as hell, just like most of their other big "events" that they always use to kick start their pre-planned agendas, and as in all the others, the politicians stay mum and don't answer no questions and the media runs interference for them, calling those of us who do ask questions nasty names, and then of course they expect us to have 90 second attention spans and not remember anything, but I have the bad habit of remembering things, like how they told us for many months that they never dreamed that attacks like 911 could be launched from within the country - and then it turns out that they were holding multiple war games for that exact thing that exact morning! And how they told us that Osama bin Boogyman lived in not one but MANY gigantic ultra modern super-caverns in the Himalayan foothills, and they they even published neat diagrams of those supercaverns for us in their media! (What happened, did he get evicted and have to move to that slum apartment in Karachi?)...and did they use this Sandy Hook incident, whatever it really was, for all it was worth to kick start their pre-planned disarmament of the American people agenda?
if it's only about acting like you're injuried, local volunteers might be enough, but if it's more serious i can see why they would need trained actors
they might also be used in simulations like these:

Again, bull. I've been through many of those shoot-don't shoot things. Why would you need fruitcakes trained at Homeland Security front "Crisis Actors" to pretend to be a guy holding a hard to see gun by his side or a doll (baby) in his arms? They just use cops as actors in those things. The only possible use for "Crisis Actors" is to furnish phony interviewees for their tv cameras, like this "structural failure" dude here on 911:
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