Would you date outside your "race"?

Who are you hoping for and why?

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johnnyboy said:
i just don't think you can institutionalize a national negative stigma on "inter-racial interludes."
I don't think 'the savage' is asking for institutional anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm just reading a plea for the white man to shape up and make the right choices for his race. And white men cavorting with non-white women is in no way beneficial to the white race. The type of glasses one wears has no bearing on this fact.

The truth is, the only way to fight anti-white racism is for white nationalists to have white babies and teach them what we know to be true. I think most of us don't realize how defeated our race really is. We need reinforcements! Since all mass media devices are in the hands of the multi-cult army, I think it's safe to say we can forget about affecting the masses.

My solution to the caste problem is simple... Have sex with white women. I can't think of a better idea. Can anyone else?Edited by: C Darwin
If you date or marry non-white women you are a traitor to our cause. It might make you feel good and it might be OK by your standards of morality but it is WRONG by the standards of pro-white morality. It is like gay Christians, they can say what they want but in reality they are commiting an abomination and no amount of rationalization will change that. It is what it is.
Seems like a good spot for this. Give yourself a Christmas gift and read the entire article. It's well worth it.

Despite PC revisions of history that state otherwise,America was founded by the indigenous people of Europe in the European Diaspora--White people--and it became a great nation largely due to the genes of these people as they adapted to a new environment and miles of open space that allowed them a freedom of action and thought that was often difficult to achieve in their old European countries where social pressures often kept them within narrow intellectual confines.
Today, these European descended peoples in America--theseEuropean Indigenes--the people who built thiscountry--are being told they must sit in the back of the bus and that they must not join togetheras a distinct people.Indeed, they are told that they must not even notice differences in different peoples or eventhink of themselves as a distinct and different people--even though the largest organ in their bodies (their skin) screams out their differences and their mutations.

Every assembly or meeting of these European Indigenes must now look like the Star Wars Bar, lest these people be called racists and similar terms by the haters of all things White.

These European Indigenes are daily being conditioned to believe that their natural genetic identity should be discarded and be replaced with just about any other identity such as "American" or (we kid you not) even superficial things such as which sports team they root for. The goal is to destroy them as a distinct people.

They are taught that Americabecame great because of "freedom" or because of its Constitution or the Bill of Rights or this or that. We even hear highly paid so-called conservative radio talk show hosts say such things and we never hear them give credit to the people or to the genetic formula that made these people. And, that's where the real credit lies. That's where it always lies with all living things. Genes matter.

As we European Indigenes watch, we see the nation we built being swamped by peoples unlike us and we hear many of"our own people" tell us that this is a good thing. It's a good thing that we are being exterminated? (snip)
i guess i'm in the minority here. i don't think holding a good woman's race against her is neccessary to garnish respect for whites or essential to the advancement of white people in america. if anything, i think thats just dumb.

it's blaming someone for the circumstances of their birth. how can i blame someone for drawing a sh*tty hand in the ovarian lottery? it's the same line of reasoning that leads nfl and college football coaches to turn superior white tail backs into blocking fullbacks each and every year.

i am however completely for judging someone by their actions and their character. that's how i try to live my life, and i think it's done me well. to each his own i guess.

i would like to say i strongly agree with Jimmy Chitwood about the necessity of standing up for oneself when being tested by black males. i think white america definitely needs some more of that.
johnnyboy said:
i guess i'm in the minority here. i don't think holding a good woman's race against her is neccessary to garnish respect for whites or essential to the advancement of white people in america. if anything, i think thats just dumb.

Explain again how dating or mating with a non-white woman of good chararcter contributes to the advancement of white people in America?? Seems kind of dumb to me.
RE; Johnnyboy--You make an interesting point. At leastMario wants to be part of the country and not have one foot in Italyand the other in his parents country. All I am sayingis;is Italian an ethnicityand culture or just a border? Of course Italy wasn't even a unified country until the late 1800's. I read that in the past people in Sicily couldn't undertand the people of Naples because their languages were different.

I don't hate black people, but I want to live where I am comfortable. I don't what to feel like an outsider. I would live in a 95% white neighborhood as opposed to a 95% black neighborhood because I would be more comfortable. I have worked with many black people and I didn't hate them. I worked with a black man who said to me he didn't even want to be seen in public with me. I guess because I was a wimpy white guy or something.

I just don't want the Italian team to be 80% black. I don't want other foreign players also. I think Italy had 3 white Argentinians playing for their national team in the last World Cup which I don't like. Their relatives left Italy because it wasn't good enough for them, now they get to come back and take jobs from people whose relatives stayed and built the country?
jaxvid said:
johnnyboy said:
i guess i'm in the minority here. i don't think holding a good woman's race against her is neccessary to garnish respect for whites or essential to the advancement of white people in america. if anything, i think thats just dumb.

Explain again how dating or mating with a non-white woman of good chararcter contributes to the advancement of white people in America?? Seems kind of dumb to me.

I always get the feeling when I read johnnyboy's posts that he's not really a white person, or at least he isn't someone who is pro-white.
Lets not attack Johnny here, he has his opinion. The best situation here if you dont like his opinion is to change his mind, and i dont think you can/will do that by attacking him.

Besides, I agree with some of what he says. I think we have major issues to deal with before we begin squabbling over interracial dating.

The two biggest issues are whites being responsible about breeding (causing lower birthrate) and media multicultural propaganda promoting widescale acceptance of interracial relationships.

A few paleoconservatives urging whites to stick together would do nothing. Smash the media, let white women see our strength. Stop paying for the children of non whites with our tax money - this forces non whites to be responsible and removes the burden from us so we can have more children.

Do these and you can affect change.Edited by: InfamousOne
JD1986 said:
I always get the feeling when I read johnnyboy's posts that he's not really a white person, or at least he isn't someone who is pro-white.

Those same thoughts have crossed my mind, I must confess.
I was thinking more about Mario the "Italian" black soccer player. Johnnyboy says it's good that he wants to identify with Italy since he lives there now, but I'll bet if he is not good enough to make the Italian national team he would go right overto the Ghana national team. .

There are some people in Wales that want to break away from the UK and form their own country, but they want to let anybody in the country and call themselves Welsh. That seems ridiculous to me. Why even break away. I like the Idea of Wales being Welsh and Germany full of Germans and Japan full of Japanese. Of course, it's not going to be 100%., but still it's a good idea to not let too many people in.

As the borders of the world break down many peope are trying to keep their culture intact. Such as Scotland, Catalonia in Spain, the Basque country in Spain and France. The average Italian doesn't want the immigration.

In fact Athletic Bilbao only take players from the Basque region and they play in the top division in Spain. while the other Spanish teams take players from all over the world. 76% of their fans would rather have the team be relegated than break the policy. Although they have taken some players by the Grandparent rule which I don't like.
Europe said:
RE; Johnnyboy--You make an interesting point. At least Mario wants to be part of  the country and not have one foot in Italy and the other in his parents country. All I am saying is; is Italian an ethnicity and culture or just a border? Of course Italy wasn't even a  unified country until the late 1800's. I read that in the past people in Sicily couldn't undertand the people of Naples because their languages were different.

I don't hate black people, but I want to live where I am comfortable. I don't what to feel like an outsider. I would live in a 95% white neighborhood as opposed to a 95% black neighborhood because I would be more comfortable. I have worked with many black people and I didn't hate them. I worked  with a black man who said to me he didn't even want to be seen in public with me. I guess because I was a wimpy white guy or something.

I just don't want the Italian team to  be 80% black. I don't want other foreign players also. I think Italy had 3 white Argentinians playing for their national team in the last World Cup which I don't like. Their relatives left Italy because it wasn't good enough for them, now they get to come back and take jobs from people whose relatives stayed and built the country?

i understand what you're saying now a little better. i agree with you that the italian team should not be 80% black. i hate the fact the french national soccer team is being actively made more black each and every year. its the same crap whites face in the NFL.

i was pointing out that i wish blacks in america would consider themselves american first and black second. i think there's a positive force that comes with an increase in nationalism.

merry christmas
Bart said:
JD1986 said:
I always get the feeling when I read johnnyboy's posts that he's not really a white person, or at least he isn't someone who is pro-white.

Those same thoughts have crossed my mind, I must confess.   


Et tu, Brute?
jaxvid said:
johnnyboy said:
i guess i'm in the minority here. i don't think holding a good woman's race against her is neccessary to garnish respect for whites or essential to the advancement of white people in america. if anything, i think thats just dumb.

Explain again how dating or mating with a non-white woman of good chararcter contributes to the advancement of white people in America?? Seems kind of dumb to me.

i think it's clear we represent different sides of the spectrum. i'm not a proponent of interacial dating, i'm just a realist, and i understand that the heart wants what the heart wants. also, and this might just be my b.s. in psychology talking, i can't understand how you can come to this site and see the damage judging someone based solely on race has on young white kids trying to play football, and then turn around and argue that all of us must judge women solely on their race and nothing else.

"you can't be a pimp and prostitute too.."
-Jack White
JD1986 said:
jaxvid said:
johnnyboy said:
i guess i'm in the minority here. i don't think holding a good woman's race against her is neccessary to garnish respect for whites or essential to the advancement of white people in america. if anything, i think thats just dumb.

Explain again how dating or mating with a non-white woman of good chararcter contributes to the advancement of white people in America?? Seems kind of dumb to me.

I always get the feeling when I read johnnyboy's posts that he's not really a white person, or at least he isn't someone who is pro-white.

dude, are you still pissed that i didn't believe your, "after much drinks and sex with a jewish girl she revealed to me the secret about how the Jewish Cabal killed Bobby Kennedy," story??

pay attention man...PRO-WHITE DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO HATE ALL PEOPLE THAT HAD THE AUDACITY TO BE BORN TO PARENTS OF COLOR. maybe thats how you think, and i respect that, but that isn't how i think. i have bros that are mixed and they aren't f**king deadbeats or welfare babies. they are good guys that i would trust with my life, no questions asked. now i know that doesn't mean all mixed dudes are going to be loyal and classy. alot will be trash or gansta or ghetto, but i will make that conclusion when i meet the man. i don't hate from afar. i don't puff out my chest in front of the computer. i look at each person or situation with an "objective lens rather than simply accepting the propaganda slant of the media" or anyone else for that matter.

Edited by: johnnyboy
InfamousOne said:
Lets not attack Johnny here, he has his opinion. The best situation here if you dont like his opinion is to change his mind, and i dont think you can/will do that by attacking him.

Besides, I agree with some of what he says. I think we have major issues to deal with before we begin squabbling over interracial dating.

The two biggest issues are whites being responsible about breeding (causing lower birthrate) and media multicultural propaganda promoting widescale acceptance of interracial relationships.

A few paleoconservatives urging whites to stick together would do nothing. Smash the media, let white women see our strength. Stop paying for the children of non whites with our tax money - this forces non whites to be responsible and removes the burden from us so we can have more children.

Do these and you can affect change.

thanks man.

you're right about the media. its the head of the monster. i hope that we can start turning the tide in sports first, and by doing so, finally kill off the mandingo myths that weaken us.

merry christmas and best wishes to you and yours.
A White guy kisses a black girl January 3rd on Nickelodeon.

It looks so sweet and romantic! I'll be watching.
johnnyboy said:
i can't understand how you can come to this site and see the damage judging someone based solely on race has on young white kids trying to play football, and then turn around and argue that all of us must judge women solely on their race and nothing else.

That's apples and oranges. A white kid being unfairly judged on the football field is a case of discrimination in what should be a purely merit based decision, judging a potential mate is not based on merit but on many factors, ALL of them the whim and free will of the person judging.

I realize we have different views on the matter. And I also think it important to debate them. Your view (in my opinion) leads to the destruction of the race--your refusual to consider race in mate selection as being an important factor.

Why, on a forum such as this, should such a viewpoint go unchallenged??? To ignore it would be displaying the same kind of weak response to anti-white thinking that occurs elsewhere. This site should be a respite from that. You should be rightly condemned and "picked on" for it. (That does not mean banning as you have other positve views that should be expressed here but on this I feel you are wrong and would be remiss in not stating it.)
Deadlift said:
A White guy kisses a black girl January 3rd on Nickelodeon.
Nickelodeon is owned by Viacom and Summer Redstone.

...so no shock there.Edited by: C Darwin
It seems like the MSM is pushing a lot more White male/black female couplings these days.
Deadlift said:
It seems like the MSM is pushing a lot more White male/black female couplings these days.
They won't fool me. I know the goods when I see it. This type of miscegenation pairing is probably the least offensive to most people. White males aren't threatened, and who really gives a crap about black females anyway? Talk about a useless womb.

The idea is probably to entice the white male youth into being attracted to negro traits by casting a black with many european traits.

This way when white males see a black sniffin' around a white girl, they'll remember their attraction to the actress, and won't act to save the white girl because he wouldn't want to be a hypocrite. Edited by: C Darwin
Well let me add my 2 cents worth. When I was coming up in the 70s in middle GA the color line was adhered to. I never screwed any brown/yellow/black chicks until I went into the army.
Once I settled down, with a hot white country babe, back in 85 I haven't strayed nor do I fell the need to do so. I have a son 20 and daughter 19 who are both, by societies standards attractive, and they have dated exclusively white. This is in light of inter-racial dating being "acceptable" around here. Truth be told I never did have ANY talks about dating outside your race with my son or daughter. Neither has Mrs. Menelik. The subject just never came up.Edited by: Menelik
jaxvid said:
johnnyboy said:
i can't understand how you can come to this site and see the damage judging someone based solely on race has on young white kids trying to play football, and then turn around and argue that all of us must judge women solely on their race and nothing else.

That's apples and oranges. A white kid being unfairly judged on the football field is a case of discrimination in what should be a purely merit based decision, judging a potential mate is not based on merit but on many factors, ALL of them the whim and free will of the person judging.

I realize we have different views on the matter. And I also think it important to debate them. Your view (in my opinion) leads to the destruction of the race--your refusual to consider race in mate selection as being an important factor.

Why, on a forum such as this, should such a viewpoint go unchallenged??? To ignore it would be displaying the same kind of weak response to anti-white thinking that occurs elsewhere. This site should be a respite from that. You should be rightly condemned and "picked on" for it. (That does not mean banning as you have other positve views that should be expressed here but on this I feel you are wrong and would be remiss in not stating it.)

agree to disagree i guess. but i do appreciate your point of view and the thinking you put in your posts.

merry Christmas Jaxvid and best wishes to you and yours.
johnnyboy said:
dude, are you still pissed that i didn't believe your, "after much drinks and sex with a jewish girl she revealed to me the secret about how the Jewish Cabal killed Bobby Kennedy," story??

What really gives you away is changing what I really posted to make me look like a liar or a fool. What I really said was someone bragged to me 30 years ago in New York about being involved in the "accident" that ruined Ted Kennedy's political career.

And you sometimes fail to hide the sarcasm in your posts. You have a contrastingly different attitude toward white people than the others who post here.

We've had other trolls here, and they always end up getting banned.
It is not axiomatic that support of white athletes = White Nationalism, even if most here see them as inextricably linked.

It is possible to support white athletes and desire the dismantling of the caste system in sports while being married to or dating a non-white.

There may be a bit of cognitive dissonance for those who hold those positions, but they're not completely incompatible, imo.
I see many ads with hot white women and black men. There was a jeans commercial a few months ago and I just came upon this add posted below. It's really getting to be obvious. They always hae to have black and white people at a party together also. I can't recall too many black people in commercials in the 70"s..

I guess if there were an unlimited supply of hot white women it wouldn't get on my nervres as much.

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