Worlds strongest man 2009


Jul 16, 2005
Today is the final day of the worlds strongest man contest 2009. This years event is taking place in Malta. Pudzianowski,Savickas, and Poundstone are among the competitors.
savickas has won the worlds strongest man contest 2009 pudzianowski was second and brian shaw third. Pudzianowski is making his mma debut on december 11 2009 in Poland.
Thanks Moose. The WSM comp shows the ultimate power & super-strength of these White athletes.
Zydrunas is another monster. Six time winner of the Arnold Strongman Classic is a total powerhouse indeed...

Powerlifting (IPF):

* Squat 425.5 kg (Lithuanian record)
* Bench press 285.5 kg : raw
* Deadlift 407.5 kg (Lithuanian record)
* Total 1090 kg (Lithuanian record)

Strongman (IFSA) and (Arnold Strongman Classic):

* Axle Press 200 kg (440 lb) (World Record, 2007, Geumson, South Korea)
* Apollon's Axle 166 kg x 8 clean and press each rep (366 lb) (World record, 2006, 2007, Columbus, Ohio)
* Log lift 210 kg (462 lb) (World record, 2008, Lithuania)
* Wheels Overhead for Reps 155 kg x 8 reps (341 lb)
* Giant Barbell Deadlift for Reps 320 kg x 10 (705 lb) (World record, 2006, Reykjavík, Iceland)
* 22 kg (48 lb) Medicine Ball for Height 17 feet (World record, Columbus, Ohio)
* Ring of Stones (heavy set) 25.65 seconds (World record, 2006, Reykjavík, Iceland)
* Block Lift 140 kg (308 lb)
* Hummer Tire Deadlift 462 kg (1016 lb) (World record, 2007, Columbus, Ohio)
* Heavy Yoke 500 kg (1100 lb) 7.50 seconds (World record, 2006, Columbus, Ohio)
The times I've caught the World's strongest man competition (I don't have cable/satellite, so I usually catch it at a friend's) I have found it entertaining and a true test of strength and agility. This sport is vastly superior to many mainstream sports, yet it languishes in obscurity. It almost seems like they (MSM) want it that way, my theory being that Whites dominate the field.

If non-Whites consistently won this thing, it would be marketed to the hilt. Funny how it appears profit takes a back seat to agenda, in these situations.
Young Stribling, very accurate analysis...and welcome to Caste Football!
I understand Savickas came in second place to Mariusz several times a while back. He wasn't allowed to compete in the WSM for the past several years from what I read. Does anyone know why? I know he was competing in another competition they show on Versus. I can't remember the name of it.
DixieDestroyer said:
Young Stribling, very accurate analysis...and welcome to Caste Football!

Thanks, DixieDestroyer! I didn't see an introduction thread here, so I just jumped into the mix. (I see at Caste Football you just hand the ball off to the White guy-no wasting away on the bench behind the black "star afflete.".
) I've lurked here for quite some time, finally decided to get off me bum and join.

What a refreshing site this is compared to the usual lot of sports forums out there. Great analysis on the double-standard that exists for Whites in professional sports. It's an honor to be among the great writers and intelligent posters at this forum.
Young Stribling said:
Thanks, DixieDestroyer! I didn't see an introduction thread here, so I just jumped into the mix. (I see at Caste Football you just hand the ball off to the White guy-no wasting away on the bench behind the black "star afflete.".
) I've lurked here for quite some time, finally decided to get off me bum and join.

What a refreshing site this is compared to the usual lot of sports forums out there. Great analysis on the double-standard that exists for Whites in professional sports. It's an honor to be among the great writers and intelligent posters at this forum.

Funny and well-put. For all lurkers, if you're in tune with the community here, just "jump into the mix" and you'll be one of us within a few posts.
<table style="border: 1px solid rgb170, 170, 170; margin: 0pt 1em 0pt 0pt; : rgb249, 249, 249 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz--clip: border; -moz--origin: padding; -moz--inline-policy: continuous; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 91%;" border="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><th style=": rgb227, 227, 227 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz--clip: border; -moz--origin: padding; -moz--inline-policy: continuous;">Champion</th>
<th style=": rgb227, 227, 227 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz--clip: border; -moz--origin: padding; -moz--inline-policy: continuous;">Runner-Up</th>
<th style=": rgb227, 227, 227 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz--clip: border; -moz--origin: padding; -moz--inline-policy: continuous;">3rd Place</th>
<th style=": rgb227, 227, 227 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz--clip: border; -moz--origin: padding; -moz--inline-policy: continuous;">Location</th>
<td></span> Žydrūnas Savickas</td>
<td></span> Mariusz Pudzianowski</td>
<td></span> Brian Shaw</td></tr></t></table>
I am surprised Mariusz didn't win.  I think 2010 he will be back with even more fire.  You can't hold him down for long.
Mariusz is set to face off on Dec 11, 2008 with  Marcin Najman in an MMA fight.  I think he could destroy Brock Lesnar.
whiteathlete33 said:
Mariusz is set to face off on Dec 11, 2008 with  Marcin Najman in an MMA fight.  I think he could destroy Brock Lesnar.

He'd be probably the first guy Lesnar's faced since early HS, that's functionally stronger than himself. I think Brock's technical wrestling and quickness would be too much for Mariusz. Remember, Brock moves like a WW & ran a 4.6 40 y/d for the Vikings. Mariusz has potential to dominate, but has to nail the MTKB/BJJ & wrestling 101. Plus, we don't know what kind of chin he has.
Mariusz is very athletic as well.  I believe he used to box as well.  The chin is something we have to wait and see.
Mariusz is one of the best athletes in the world IMO. I'm sure he'll be a monster in MMA. He'll have to work on the basics (wrestling, BJJ) to compete against the better fighters though. I hope he tears it up & rises thru the ranks. I'd love another dominant White heavyweight!
sunday january 3 espn is showing the worlds strongest man contest 2009 at 230 pm est.
moose said:
sunday january 3 espn is showing the worlds strongest man contest 2009 at 230 pm est.

Thanks for the heads up Moose. I always love watching the WSM even though my man Mariusz Pudzianowski lost this past year. They had it on my tv listing last night but didn't show it for some reason. Oh well, I guess I'll just watch tomorrow.
Good to see some new faces.. the young Austrian and Russian were fun to watch. They didn't advance, but that's understandable because these qualifying groups have NEVER been more stacked than now.

The Austrian was tall and lean. The Russian is a thick man from a powerlifting background, and he definitely seems to have promise in strongman. Both men have prominent Aryan skulls... which is always good to see because it's rare to see genetics like that on the jewtube.

Strongman will be finished-up, from 8 to 12 at night, on Saturday.
according to wikipedia the countries top 10 countrys then have won the most medals in world strongest men as follows:

2.United States
4.United Kingdom

this is also spot on where I think the strongest whites life(or you can see strongest of all races:).but it also have to do with the popularity of the sport in the country of course and population,US have an advantage with that.
Iceland is a tiny country Waterbed. The fact that they produced the most strongmen goes to show you where the best strength athletes are from. You are correct on the population comment as well. The US has by far the largest population of any of these countries at almost 300,000,000 people followed by the UK with around 60,000,000. Black strongmen are non-existent in strongmen. The only one of note recently has been Mark Felix.
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