World Series

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What is the most famous catch in baseball history? Willie Mays' over the shoulder catch against Vic Wertz in the 1954 World Series. Jim Edmonds just made an over the shoulder catch just short of the wall and neither Joe Buck nor Tim McCarver raised their voices above their usual broadcasting monotone. That is the height of bias. McCarver remarked with irritation how Edmonds had "trademarked" that catch, as if each and every one hasn't earned him his due. Buck said that Edmonds had won six Gold Gloves. But the spectacular catch itself wasn't worth any verbal excitement.
almost immediately after showing a replay of Edmonds catch,we were told of how Willy Mays did this on a regular basis. And how Tori Hunter does it now! I don't know how McCarver and Buck sleep at night.Also,Reggie Sanders missed second base and had to go back,costing the Cardinals a chance for a possible run.When the inning ended it looked as if he ran into Billy Mueller on purpose.The look on Muellers face said so.And of course they did not show a replay.Sanders keeps getting shuttled from one ballclub to another,and the announcers continue to say what a great guy he is to have in the clubhouse! If something is not so,it is "Socially Engineered"
And Buck is a lifelong Cards fan! He is so annoying.
I'd rather have an excitable- if annoying- announcer
than that drone. Edmonds made a catch earlier in
his career that may be the greatest catch I've ever
seen. He caught the ball over his head running
towards the wall- just like Mays- except he dove to
get the ball! It was utterly spectacular. And of course
his kick-off-the-wall catches are awesome.
I have watched baseball for many years and I have never seen anyone make as many spectacular catches as Jim Edmonds does routinely.Maybe Micky Mantle would be one of the few who could compare before he hurt his knee.I
will say though that Steve Finley,now of the Dodgers can
many times also make unbelievable catches.These guys are
a step above all the rest!
A good argument can be made that Edmonds is the best fielding centerfielder ever.

On another topic, I find Fox's televising of baseball quite bizarre. It's mostly a continual series of extreme close-ups, not just of the batter and pitcher, but of teammates, coaches, even fans. There's like one or two fans shown between almost every pitch. This is supposed to be interesting?

Maybe they figure that the average attention span of Americans is down to three seconds and they have to give them a new image to stare at that often.
In game three last night,Jim Edmonds made another one of his very good catches in the first inning. As always,the key to his great fielding is the jump that he gets on the ball.Tim Mcarver did not see it that way, as he said:"The reason he caught that ball was because the air is heavy,and it hung up there for him".Joe Buck is pretty much the same,In the first inning he said"Martinez is "very smart", and McCarver chimed in with,"he really is"I'm thankul for the mute button!In the third inning,when Jeff Suppan failed to score,he felt the wrath of both announcers.Also in the fifth,McCarver said the St.Louis starters "just can't do it" [they happen to be white]!He added that,"Martinez is wiley as a wolverine" I wanted to gag!Also,looking at the replay,I feel that Jose Oquendo told Suppan to hold at third!I wonder how he got that third base coaching job?
Hail the Red Sox! Eight straight against the Yankees and Cardinals. Very, very impressive. No franchise in any sport was more overdue for a championship than Boston. They've been a storiedteam over the years with many great players that all Caste Football enthusiasts can appreciate. Given the composition of the Yankees, I hope the Red Sox are in the beginning of a dynasty of their own.
From watching the media the Red Sox are a team led by Ramirez, Martinez, Damon and Ortiz, with a supporting cast of white "idiots."
On Saturday the Red Sox victory parade was held in Boston.It was attended by 3.2 million people. Pedro Martinez rode along the parade route with the Dominican flag draped around his shoulders like a cape.Someone, from the crowd hit him in the head with a baseball.The part about him wearing the flag was left out of some accounts of the story!
I hope that shot to Martinez's head with the baseball was because he was wearing that flag.

All in all, good to see a team with more than a fair number of whites win it all. Especially the long suffering Boston franchise. The Yankees need to change their name, as they are a Latin American team.
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