The WSM contest is under way in China.The favorite to win is Mariusz Pudzianowski,if he wins he will have 4 titles the same as two all time greats Magnus Ver Magnusson and Jon Pall Sigmarsson.Bill Kazmaier had 3.In all fairness to Kaz he was so dominating the years he won he was not invited back for a few years because no one could touch him as far as strength goes.America's best hope this year seems to be big Jesse Marunde.In my opinion Pudzianowski is the Strongest Man in the World taking all things into consideration-grip,back,leg,arm strength-there are men who can outlift him in one or two lifts-but overall strength-it would be very hard to beat Mariusz who also was a boxer and knows Karate.Believe me my White Brothers when it comes to Strength we are the very best!!