World’s Strongest Man 2006


Dec 28, 2004
The WSM contest is under way in China.The favorite to win is Mariusz Pudzianowski,if he wins he will have 4 titles the same as two all time greats Magnus Ver Magnusson and Jon Pall Sigmarsson.Bill Kazmaier had 3.In all fairness to Kaz he was so dominating the years he won he was not invited back for a few years because no one could touch him as far as strength goes.America's best hope this year seems to be big Jesse Marunde.In my opinion Pudzianowski is the Strongest Man in the World taking all things into consideration-grip,back,leg,arm strength-there are men who can outlift him in one or two lifts-but overall strength-it would be very hard to beat Mariusz who also was a boxer and knows Karate.Believe me my White Brothers when it comes to Strength we are the very best!!
While I believe Mariusz is the strongest man alive-I could be wrong
It could also be the big Lithuanian Zydrunas Savickas! Savickas is bigger by 50lbs.Mariusz has very little bodyfat for a man 300lbs.I like them both!!
Gary, how stringently do the World's Strongest Man competitions regulate PEDs? i'm not trying to start anything, i'm just curious. the feats these men perform are almost too amazing to believe!

Savickas is certainly one big guy. I remember watching him win one of the lesser strength contests on TV. He had superhuman strength.


Of course Mariusz Pudzianowski is probably the best in the world. I think everyone knows who the superioir athlete is in this picture.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Gary, how stringently do the World's Strongest Man competitions regulate PEDs? i'm not trying to start anything, i'm just curious. the feats these men perform are almost too amazing to believe!

lol Jimmy... let's just say they're not what you would call very strict... as a matter of fact not strict at all
Great pictures Sean!! Jimmy-There are rules but it's hard to know how closely they are followed.Two of the strongest men that ever lived were Paul Anderson and Doug Hepburn and neither one took steriods. These men who are in the WSM contest are very,very strong.Some years ago some men from the NFL tryed there hand at WSM and didn't do well.
The NFL players who tryed the WSM contest were Bob Young,John Kolb,Craig Wolfley,Curt Marsh,Jim Hough and Ross Browner.There hasn't been any football players in the WSM in 20 years.The Europeans have won the title for a couple of decades,first was the Nordic men now the Slavic men.
The nations with the most winners were Iceland-8,USA 6,Great Britain 4,Finland 3 and Poland 3.I'd like to see the White youth of America start lifting and getting strong.I saw a good sign in a gym once that said "We bust our's so we can kick there's"!!!Let that be our motto!
Phil Pfister has won the World's Strongest Man Contest.Mariusz was 2nd and Don Pope 3rd.You can read more on
Are these guys stronger than the open class weightlifting champion? I know they are fitter and would beat the huge sloths that compete in the olympics because the olympic champions have no stamina. The Iranian who is the 2 time defending champion looks like Jabba the Hut.....
I believe the men who compete for the WSM are stronger then the pure weightlifters.WSM tests all area's of strength not just one or two good lifts.You need overall strength to win the WSM contest.Cardio health and strength play a big role.Powerlifters have done well in WSM.The one thing that casts a shadow over the WSM Contest is that now there are two contests and some of the best men did not go to China for this years contest.
I don't really enjoy WSM contest. It's just its so dirty and anyone would be a fool not to think these guys arnt on steroids. They should really be more strict and let these guys compete cleanly.
No (well virtually) athletes in strength events are clean. There is no Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy is your mother. I really don't care too much if they are on juice because I assume nobody is trying to compete clean. What I would be concerned about is if guys started getting health problems due to the massive amounts of juice or HGH they are taking.
Track men,baseball players,boxers,wrestlers and football players take the "juice". Some-perhaps all of the WSM guys take the "juice". Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa on the "juice" are still weaklings compared to these strongmen. The "juice" will do you no good unless you eat right,train hard and have the genetic potential.The WSM is and always has been Very White.This turns off the jock sniffers who think Bond's jock strap cup is an oxygen mask. A very high percentage of black NBA players most likely smoke pot-does that make basketball a dirty sport? White men rule supreme in the world of strength.
Big Phil Pfister the World's Strongest Man winner is supposed to be on the David Letterman Show tonight [Oct.5th].I never watch Letterman but I might tune in tonight to see Pfister.
white is right said:
No (well virtually) athletes in strength events are clean. There is no Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy is your mother. I really don't care too much if they are on juice because I assume nobody is trying to compete clean. What I would be concerned about is if guys started getting health problems due to the massive amounts of juice or HGH they are taking.

I am sure bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler take more steoids and HGH. These guys stay on juice all year long.

There are not too many stories of bodybuilders dying from steroids. Mike Matarrazo had a heart attack and admitted that what these guys do today is not safe. But other than him, I can't think of anyone else.
Did Mike get the heart attack from juice? Or was it from crazy dieting, mixed with juice and diuretics. I know Andreas Munzer died at a contest from diuretics. I like I said in previous posts the "sport" is warped. Eventhough I do have respect for their weightlifting routines in the offseason as they are impressive.
I believe it was a combination. Steroids tend to raise your cholesterol levels. Plus, he had genetically high cholesterol to begin with.Edited by: Alpha Male
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