Women These Days

Tens of thousands of women (presumably single, “career-driven” ones) pissed away an entires day of productivity waiting to try and purchase tickets to the negro-centric highly historically inaccurate ghetto ‘musical’ “Hamilton”

People I know and went to school with were telling stories of refreshing their computer screens by the minute or calling the box office an upwarrds of 200 times to try and get their hands on the coveted ticket

Wow, and to imagine that only about 40 years ago Denver was still pretty much considered a cowboy/cowgirl town. Now, just a bunch of mind-controlled zombies doing what the cultural media elite demand of them...and they are probably coming off a tiring march all day yesterday wearing their p*ssy hats as well. Gotta give the comrades props for their loyalty and steadfastness, though.
Wow, and to imagine that only about 40 years ago Denver was still pretty much considered a cowboy/cowgirl town. Now, just a bunch of mind-controlled zombies doing what the cultural media elite demand of them...and they are probably coming off a tiring march all day yesterday wearing their p*ssy hats as well. Gotta give the comrades props for their loyalty and steadfastness, though.

Weak minds are easily deceived. Broads over 40 aren't put over so easily.
An SJW elementary teach with a hyphenated last name and classic ugly, bitchy resistance pink hat look wants to rename one of Colorado premier mountains and continue to whitewash our history because it’s named after a ‘racist’ who was mean to the noble Indian and wants to rename it Mount Cheyenne Arapaho because why shouldn’t we memorialize the people we defeated to make America (1.0) great

Mount Evans is named after John Evans, a Colorado territorial governor, westward expansion / railroad promoter, physician and hospital founder who happened to be a part of the sand creek massacre, one of the original rallying cries of SJW out west about the evils of the white man. Even when I was school in the nineties people like John Evans would be talked highly upon by both the elementary teacher and lesson plan. Not anymore with people like this sorry excuse of a woman.

What amazes me was how easy it is to initiate the request of name change and also that it is actually being considered. Clown World

Read the last sentence. No make mistake She wants to get rid of the white man not only in the past but most assuredly in the present and future too. Evil
Mount Evans could be renamed for Native American tribes instead of John Evans
A Denver teacher applied for the name change because of Evans’ role in the Sand Creek Massacre.
Yesterday, 7:00 a.m.

"A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie," by Albert Bierstadt, depicts what's now known as Mount Evans. (Wikimedia Commons)
Colorado’s fourteenth highest peak honors a guy whose administration was responsible for the murder of Native American children, women and men in 1864. Now there’s an effort afoot to rename Mt. Evans for the victims of the Sand Creek Massacre instead.

The slaughtered were members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes who had been living peacefully about 170 miles southeast of Denver when they were attacked by 675 troops armed with 12 howitzers. Troops were looking for hostile indigenous tribes, but couldn’t find them. The massacre, which was led by John Chivington, occurred under the leadership of John Evans, the former governor of the Colorado territory and its superintendent of Indian affairs.

Kate Tynan-Ridgeway, a Denver elementary school teacher, applied to change the name to Mt. Cheyenne Arapaho.

“I feel a little conflicted because I’m a third generation (Coloradan) white woman … but I never knew the history of John Evans,” Tynan-Ridgeway said in an interview. “And so I learned about the Sand Creek Massacre and his role, and I was offended that our beautiful landmark was named after him.”

The U.S. Board of Geographic Names dictates the names of mountains and forests (among other things). It’s part of the United States Geological Survey — the federal agency behind the restoration of Mt. Denali’s original name, for example. Tynan-Ridgeway asked the USGS to consider the new name in June.

The mountain — home to North America’s highest paved road — is in Clear Creek County, about a 50-mile drive from Denver. But the USGS is consulting Denver Parks and Recreation because the city manages Summit Lake Park. The department’s resident-led advisory board was briefed on the potential name change this week.

“(USGS) wants to know if we support or do not support this name change,” said Cynthia Karvaski, a Parks and Recreation spokesperson. “We’re looking right now at supporting the name change, however, not necessarily this specific name change.”

The federal agency did not return requests for comment.


Kate Tynan-Ridgeway poses for a portrait in the classroom where she teaches at Brown Elementary School, Nov. 16, 2018. (Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite)
The Utes (and probably other tribes) lived around Mt. Evans, complicating the issue a bit.
Members of the Denver American Indian Commission have raised questions about the name, Karvaski said, because the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes were not the original inhabitants of the Mt. Evans area. The Utes and possibly others were. Darius Smith, the liaison for the commission, did not return requests for an interview.

Tynan-Ridgeway is all about some kind of joint naming that might be more appropriate.

“I’m personally not vested in the new name, but I’m really vested in getting rid of John Evans’ name from that mountain,” she said.
The fact that it looks like she's dressed in a tee-shirt, a vest, and men's cargo pants, a men's wristwatch and she wears no make-up, hair disheveled looking, I mean, I don't know, um, she might be a lesbian or NOW feminist. But then again...:(
Nothing will change until we take back the media and school system. Communists start brainwashing as soon as kids are old enough to watch tv. That's how we've gotten to where we are.
I agree 1000%. My late father was predicting this was going to happen, along with others during the entire 60's and till his death. He was sure the influence of tv and the influx on liberals coming back to the south would destroy this country. He never believed that two different races could get along just like two different animals could not live together.
Wow, and to imagine that only about 40 years ago Denver was still pretty much considered a cowboy/cowgirl town.

You're talking about approximately the time the Broncos made their playoff (and SB debut), in the 1977 season. They were creamed by DAL in the SB that season. IIRC the same thing has happened to Big D (Fort Worth, not so much) in that time frame, right?

The war of the sexes is eternal. My wife and I are one person more or less. I can't imagine a life without her. But here we are all these years later and we're still at it. Yesterday we were walking down the sidewalk and I just said to her, [watch your step ahead] (the sidewalk was a bit raised and I didn't want her to trip) and she replied, "I'll do it, but not because you told me too." I didn't take the bait and let it go.
I can't say I agree or endorse the use of profanity in this article about the U.S. Women's soccer team, BUT, I totally agree with the sentiment against these godless, feminist lesbo whores:

Good article.

These obnoxious wamen are also complaining that they are not paid equally to men. Hahaha. Someone did they breakdown and showed that they are actually overpaid when you consider how much money the tournament generates. A past women’s World Cup generated 73 million while the men’s tournament generated 4 billion. Not even in the same league but they want the prize money to be the same. Pure communism.
Good article.

These obnoxious wamen are also complaining that they are not paid equally to men. Hahaha. Someone did they breakdown and showed that they are actually overpaid when you consider how much money the tournament generates. A past women’s World Cup generated 73 million while the men’s tournament generated 4 billion. Not even in the same league but they want the prize money to be the same. Pure communism.
I agree, their behavior is terrible. But down deep, I feel very sorry for them. They have been sold a bill of goods from when they were little girls and bought into it. Now that they're fully grown women, they go out in front of the entire world and make complete asses of themselves. Very Sad.
I can't say I agree or endorse the use of profanity in this article about the U.S. Women's soccer team, BUT, I totally agree with the sentiment against these godless, feminist lesbo whores:


A thoroughly dislikeable bunch of well-indoctrinated foot soldiers for the Globohomo empire. Aping the self-absorbed ways of classless ghetto athletes yet will whine on cue about "sexism." As soon as I saw the highlights of them acting like fools while slaughtering Thailand I was hoping for them to lose. But it's just as well they won as their main accomplishment will be to make even more people around the world detest the U.S. and its ways.

And how about the do-nothing Tweeter in Chief using the occasion to brag once again about the black unemployment rate?!? Clown World all around.
Recently, I had a go round with doctors and nurses. They wanted to do a "procedure" on me and I told them no. The jerks turned to my wife and asked her to intercede on their behalf. Mary Anne told them point blank, the decision has been made and it is final - end of story. Then we got up and walked out. What more could you want from a wife? She's the best - I love her.
This one's about fighting with your wife. A young guy recently told me he had a gigantic fight with his wife and was thinking of leaving her. I asked for every detail of the fight because I envied them and asked how long it lasted, etc. He asked me why I wanted to know and I told him it brings back fond memories of fights gone by. Now we have a fight and I tell my wife I'm leaving her and it only brings derisive laughter on her part. After all she asks, how would I have clean socks and what would I eat and my daughters and their husbands won't have me for more than a few days and that pretty much ends the fight.
Even though this isn't solely about women being puppets and idiots, this seemed like a good place for it. Look at these women follow each other in stupidity:


It's pathetic to see all those losers walk out just because they're too mentally weak to hear the truth. There's a right time and a wrong time for walkouts. This was definitely a wrong time.

A good walkout also occurred in Holland, when an entire Dutch orchestra walked out on a Muslim guest conductor who went into an Islamist rant instead of conducting. I wish I could find the video, YouTube banned it. It was great to see all those White people (all the people I recall seeing in the video were White) walking out in that case.
For all the men that think that most women are crazy. This is such a funny channel yet it shows the truth. So many of these ladies from
all around the country and world are sad, depressed and lonely. Many if not most of them shot down all the nice guys their whole lives
and now that they are older(hitting the wall), they can't find their mr right instead of mr right now. It's sad but funny to watch.

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