Women These Days


Feb 23, 2013
New York
This thread is to humor ourselves with images and videos of women. Please post humor. With all of the whining and begging for our attention, let 'em have it :).

"Strong" American woman:


Strong Russian woman:

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Girl Power -Yeah!

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Those 2 silly skirts need to be in the kitchen clanking pots & pans.

Woman harasses Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) and his friends because they don't want to take a picture with her. She says he "Shouldn't be in public [if he won't give in to her demands]..." The threatening, intrusive, demanding, self-entitlement of our time...

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This is Saerna Law - she has become notorious with small festivals around Los Angeles for being a scamming nutbag. She likes to take pictures of herself with celebrities and then post them on Facebook claiming to work security for them - she's done it with Tommy Chong as well as Fairuza Balk and others. I have no doubt she intended to take a picture with Snider and then would have later claimed to have been working for him. She is also a scam artist - she volunteers for Los Angeles festival events and then later claims it was "employment" and sues them in small claims court, as well as spreading stories about those festivals. Her methods when scamming people are brutal - she stalks, threatens, bangs on neighbors doors to yell at them as well. She'll leave weird packages, and has even 'SWAT'd people - as in, calls the cops on people for made up charges just to try to get police to invade the home. She truly is a grifting gypsy scoundrel and really doesn't deserve a bit of compassion for all she's done.
Woman harasses Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) and his friends because they don't want to take a picture with her. She says he "Shouldn't be in public [if he won't give in to her demands]..." The threatening, intrusive, demanding, self-entitlement of our time...

Top Youtube comment:

This is Saerna Law - she has become notorious with small festivals around Los Angeles for being a scamming nutbag. She likes to take pictures of herself with celebrities and then post them on Facebook claiming to work security for them - she's done it with Tommy Chong as well as Fairuza Balk and others. I have no doubt she intended to take a picture with Snider and then would have later claimed to have been working for him. She is also a scam artist - she volunteers for Los Angeles festival events and then later claims it was "employment" and sues them in small claims court, as well as spreading stories about those festivals. Her methods when scamming people are brutal - she stalks, threatens, bangs on neighbors doors to yell at them as well. She'll leave weird packages, and has even 'SWAT'd people - as in, calls the cops on people for made up charges just to try to get police to invade the home. She truly is a grifting gypsy scoundrel and really doesn't deserve a bit of compassion for all she's done.

Another clear cut "qualifier" for the nut house.
So your a woman, and want to serve as a marine, and think the difference between a man and a woman is just conceptual? Zero facks given:

And choked back into her senses by a man. Some "Captain" -pfff.

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I feel like this story could go in a few different threads (maybe a new thread on pet peeves of modern day Americans lol), but anyway

Just saw a public interest story on the local news about a woman who was infuriated that her affordable, deed restricted house had a ceiling limitation on the amount she can sell for her house whereas similar houses in her neighborhood without the restriction could sell for almost 100k more than hers. Literally a whole segment on a fairly basic economic / governmental concept and how it's not fair not fair not fair.

I thought his really underscored what really irritates me with women and most Americans. The whole "Do now read the fine print later and throw a temper tantrum if I feel in anyway sleighted in my current situation"
You guys are quick to accuse black men of poor parenting but I was at a festival today and I saw a touching example of a black man being a loving (step) father to his kids. As you can see by the pictures below this proud papa couldn't stop hugging and kissing his little girls. I'm sure he dotes on them day and night. I include a picture of the caring mother who has made sure her girls are in good hands.



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Don't we have a policy against posting mudshark pics? ;)
Be careful, men:

I wonder how she (and her Western female contemporaries in many places) will feel in twenty years, via sharia law, when she'll be forced to wear a hijab or burka?
Tens of thousands of women (presumably single, “career-driven” ones) pissed away an entires day of productivity waiting to try and purchase tickets to the negro-centric highly historically inaccurate ghetto ‘musical’ “Hamilton”

People I know and went to school with were telling stories of refreshing their computer screens by the minute or calling the box office an upwarrds of 200 times to try and get their hands on the coveted ticket

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