Wlad vs. Pulev



On various boxing websites I browse, Fightnews and Boxingnews specifically, many negroes are putting Klitschko down. Whites, especially whites from Europe, are actually defending them. The negroes argument is that Pulev is slow and a bum and wouldn't be a top 20 fighter in the negro years when Tyson and Holyfield were around. These fools actually think a midget like Tyson at under 6 feet tall would destroy Klitschko. The hatred of negroes towards not only white Americans, but European whites as well, never ceases to amaze me.
On various boxing websites I browse, Fightnews and Boxingnews specifically, many negroes are putting Klitschko down. Whites, especially whites from Europe, are actually defending them. The negroes argument is that Pulev is slow and a bum and wouldn't be a top 20 fighter in the negro years when Tyson and Holyfield were around. These fools actually think a midget like Tyson at under 6 feet tall would destroy Klitschko. The hatred of negroes towards not only white Americans, but European whites as well, never ceases to amaze me.

Which is why I rarely visit mainstream boxing sites anymore. Regardless of what Wlad does, they try to discredit him. In the last year he has beaten Pulev and Povetkin, two of the better HW available. He doesn't duck anyone. Not much more he can do to impress these people. They will never be satisfied. I don't pay attention to when Ali, Tyson, whoever is mentioned because those guys had their time. Does not matter how they would match up with Wlad because they're out of the sport. Wlad can only beat who is in front of him and he makes it look easy.
Yea, it's important to remember that in the 1960's, 1970's, and 1980's boxing was essentially limited to being a "Western" sport. Americans, the odd Canadian, the odd Brit, the odd German/Italian and that was it. There were no Eastern Euros, no Asians, no Eurasians, and less South Americans.

Because of this, it's fundamentally incorrect to call people like Ali "World Champions". The world wasn't competing and in those days the pool for boxers was much smaller. Boxing is more competitive today than ever before and as a consequence of that many Black Americans have began losing.

People who reminisce about the Black Heroes of the Past, like Louis, Ali, Ray Leonard etc, are absolutely delusional. They are living in the past and arent happy with the current reality of boxing.

Nice post, I agree with everything posted here.
Which is why I rarely visit mainstream boxing sites anymore. Regardless of what Wlad does, they try to discredit him. In the last year he has beaten Pulev and Povetkin, two of the better HW available. He doesn't duck anyone. Not much more he can do to impress these people. They will never be satisfied. I don't pay attention to when Ali, Tyson, whoever is mentioned because those guys had their time. Does not matter how they would match up with Wlad because they're out of the sport. Wlad can only beat who is in front of him and he makes it look easy.

He has an 80 percent KO ratio. That means he knocks eight out of every ten fighters he faces out. Compare that to the 50 percent rate of Holyfield and you see my point. Losers is all they are.
Spectacular KO by Klitschko against a legit unbeaten fighter!

Too bad this is another win against a white Euro bum according to the media. They must be soiling their panties over Wilder hoping he could bring the heavyweight titles back "home" from the evil communistic Soviet and make reminiscence of the 60's-80's where negroes like Ali and Tyson were dominating.
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