Wlad vs. Pulev

Too fake for me.
Not when glass is broken. If Wlad gets any glass in his hand or face or god forbid his eyes it's potentially fight canceling or a long shot career ending injury. Briggs is on the verge of losing his sh*&. The bouncer tossing Briggs out looked real to me. Also the confrontation was filmed by Iphone or another mini camera, nearly every younger person has one these days. Wlad needs to hire somebody for security detail today...:huh:
Now that I know who the Klitschko brothers really are I have no more interest in them. If you don't know who they really are you have some catching up to do. I hope Pulev wins but I doubt he will. If Pulev loses a decision but boxes well I'll take it as a victory and name him heir apparent. Vitali is gone and Wlad has 3-4 fights left before he steps away as well. I won't miss them. Vitali had better be careful though, he may end up dead the way things are going on Ukraine.
Wlad needs to take more security precautions because Briggs seems absolutely bonkers and out of his brains on something. Next thing you know this nutcase will stalk Wlad with a knife or gun. How he hasn't been criminally reprimanded is beyond me. The other option Wlad has is to fight Briggs. If I was Wlad I'd fight him as a voluntary defense and really bust him up bad. Offer him a 95-5 purse split, Briggs would probably take it! Heck, I'd watch the fight.

Breaking story: Another wild Briggs-Klitschko confrontation

"Apparently food is where you cross the line with world heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitsckho. Shannon Briggs showed up at the famous Italian restaurant Mamma Mia’s in Hollywood, Florida and started eating food off of Wlad’s plate. Wlad asked if he’d like a drink with his food and threw a class of water on him. That’s when all hell broke loose. Briggs grabbed the glass and it broke, cutting Briggs on his hand. Shannon started swinging and was retrained by three or more guys during the melee and dragged out of the building apparently through the same broken glass and he cut his foot also. Shannon is currently in the hospital getting stitches."


The brain damaged doped up maniac needs to be arrested for assault and stalking and trespassing, and banned from boxing as well.

Briggs may have preferred Kool-Aid instead.
Briggs has crossed the line. Wlad should fight him and really bust him up!

I disagree. The raving roid maniac shouldn't be able to jump the line with his WWE crap - and, if this crap is real it's much worse than WWE because that crap is all scripted. Instead he should be banned from boxing.
Now that I know who the Klitschko brothers really are I have no more interest in them. If you don't know who they really are you have some catching up to do. I hope Pulev wins but I doubt he will. If Pulev loses a decision but boxes well I'll take it as a victory and name him heir apparent. Vitali is gone and Wlad has 3-4 fights left before he steps away as well. I won't miss them. Vitali had better be careful though, he may end up dead the way things are going on Ukraine.

If you're talking about their politics I hear you, bro, but I still say they are the greatest heavyweights of all time. I also like Pulev, especially because I spent some time in his country, and he is definitely the most deserving challenger, but I don't suppose he has much chance.
Not when glass is broken. If Wlad gets any glass in his hand or face or god forbid his eyes it's potentially fight canceling or a long shot career ending injury. Briggs is on the verge of losing his sh*&. The bouncer tossing Briggs out looked real to me. Also the confrontation was filmed by Iphone or another mini camera, nearly every younger person has one these days. Wlad needs to hire somebody for security detail today...:huh:

Armed security person, because who's to say some maniac, like Briggs, won't come at him with a weapon next time?

I thought of that filming by another patron too, but it still seems rather odd to me, and the gym thing was on camera too. Wlad was sitting there eating what looked like a salad in an upscale restaurant, and then suddenly a crazed giant negro comes striding in screaming. The guy at the next table must have been pretty calm and quick on his camera trigger to start filming so quickly. I would have gone for a different trigger.

Total silence from the boxing establishment. If boxing was a real honest sport that wouldn't be the case.
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I disagree. The raving roid maniac shouldn't be able to jump the line with his WWE crap - and, if this crap is real it's much worse than WWE because that crap is all scripted. Instead he should be banned from boxing.

agreed. briggs should have done his talking in the ring and tried to earn his way into a wlad fight. instead he tries to pull a haye and get a fight just by acting like an idiot. now he should be banned from boxing.
Another question about these alleged incidents: How would Briggs have known where Wlad was eating his salad so he could go striding in in full psycho doped up - or WWE acting - mode? Also, Wlad is so calm, a little too calm, a lot too calm, I think. So I don't know what's going on here, but there are suspicious elements, like who filmed it, and who filmed the gym incident.
Another question about these alleged incidents: How would Briggs have known where Wlad was eating his salad so he could go striding in in full psycho doped up - or WWE acting - mode? Also, Wlad is so calm, a little too calm, a lot too calm, I think. So I don't know what's going on here, but there are suspicious elements, like who filmed it, and who filmed the gym incident.
The gym scene could have been a promo situation for Wlad which Briggs crashed. But you would have to think after Briggs pulled 2 or 3 stunts for the Lepai fight his team wouldn't let Briggs get near the gym while Wlad was working out. Briggs did seem pumped up but, there is a photo with Briggs grinning and holding up pieces of glass that were taken out of his feet. I just hope Briggs doesn't backdoor this mismatch. Briggs should at least have to win an eliminator against somebody ranked in the top 5( maybe a Fury type).http://www.fightnews.com/Boxing/aftermath-of-klitschko-briggs-restaurant-showdown-255336
WIR - How would you explain the second video, in the restaurant. Who took the video? Does anyone take credit for it? who's the quick on the camera trigger feller at the next table? And how did Briggs know that Wlad was in that place? I'm suspicious now.
WIR - How would you explain the second video, in the restaurant. Who took the video? Does anyone take credit for it? who's the quick on the camera trigger feller at the next table? And how did Briggs know that Wlad was in that place? I'm suspicious now.
It could be a fan, or it could be somebody on the fringes of the Wlad camp who is pulling a double agent type routine for a hundo or two. I can't see Wlad being involved in this stalking type situation as he has never tried this before and Briggs did crash his press conference back in 06' after Wlad ko'd the "Boxing Banker" at MSG. Briggs just didn't follow up after that incident this time he seems to be relentless unless he runs into a failed WWE or NFL type bodyguard.
[h=1]Klitschko sparring with Joshua[/h] [FONT=Arial Narrow, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT] Photo: KMG
Two Olympic boxing gold medalists, Wladimir Klitschko, Olympic Champion 1996 in Atlanta, and Anthony Joshua, Olympic Champion 2012 in London, are currently in Going, Austria, where Joshua is working as one of Wladimir Klitschko’s sparring partners for his upcoming fight against Kubrat Pulev. In addition to Joshua, Klitschko’s sparring partners include Emmanuel Nwodo, Dorsette Barnwell, Malik Scott, Kevin Johnson, Lago Kiladze, Dellian White and Wladimir Tereshkin.
Klitschko is getting ready for a home match in Hamburg. Klitschko-Pulev will take place at the o2 World, Hamburg, Germany on September 6th.

Wlad, tore a muscle fiber in his bicep. Fight pushed back till November.
Wlad, tore a muscle fiber in his bicep. Fight pushed back till November.

It says late Oct or Nov on Fightnews. Pulev is the most deserving of all the heavyweight contenders. He is the real #1 contender. It is a shame when a fighter spends so much time and effort getting into peak condition and then his opponent gets injured - but then it's even worse when you're the one who gets injured, but c'est la vie, it happens. PS Wlad should put DMSO on the injury. It works best when you do it right away.
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Wlad, tore a muscle fiber in his bicep. Fight pushed back till November.
I would probably equate this to a very minor tear. If it was a complete tear he would need surgery plus rehab and would be out for the remainder of the year. I suspect the Wlad's team only found out the seriousness of the injury with a MRI and only thought the injury was a bad strain.
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Wlad, should understand as you get up in age, stretching is essential in avoiding tears and sprains. I hope his conditioning coach pulls his head out of his ass and insures Wlad does the required stretching to prevent muscle issues in the future. Come on, it is common knowledge.
Wlad, should understand as you get up in age, stretching is essential in avoiding tears and sprains. I hope his conditioning coach pulls his head out of his ass and insures Wlad does the required stretching to prevent muscle issues in the future. Come on, it is common knowledge.

Hell, I hardly ever bothered with boring stretching. Of course I've also had about a million athletic injuries. Duh.

The fight is now on for Nov. 15th.
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1. Using a power boat to harass someone on a paddle board is assault with a deadly weapon.

2. If it was a white bum fighter doing this to a black champ the entire USSA mass media and all the politicians from President Barryetta and her husband Michael on up would be demanding the death penalty for the "racist", and also the boxing establishment would have banned him.
This stunt was obviously staged. How could Briggs secure a power boat that quickly with a camera around? I don't get why Wlad wants to get a payday for broke roider Briggs. It's not like Briggs has any marquee value. He is the last American champion but that's just an indictment on the alphabet soup organizations. He won a splintered title on a borderline call and never made a successful defense. At best a defense against Briggs will be a HBO regular broadcast which will draw a half full crowd at MSG...
This stunt was obviously staged. How could Briggs secure a power boat that quickly with a camera around? I don't get why Wlad wants to get a payday for broke roider Briggs. It's not like Briggs has any marquee value. He is the last American champion but that's just an indictment on the alphabet soup organizations. He won a splintered title on a borderline call and never made a successful defense. At best a defense against Briggs will be a HBO regular broadcast which will draw a half full crowd at MSG...

You think it's staged, WIR? I have misgivings too. Like how did Briggs know where Wlad is, in that restaurant, and out here on the ocean, and who's the camera man? If it is staged, why all this elaborate trouble to set up a Vince McMahon wrasslin story line with some brain damaged roided up bum who never beat a good fighter in his life, except when Liakhovich took a dive? And if it's not staged, why is the crap permitted to go on?
You think it's staged, WIR? I have misgivings too. Like how did Briggs know where Wlad is, in that restaurant, and out here on the ocean, and who's the camera man? If it is staged, why all this elaborate trouble to set up a Vince McMahon wrasslin story line with some brain damaged roided up bum who never beat a good fighter in his life, except when Liakhovich took a dive? And if it's not staged, why is the crap permitted to go on?

Of course it's staged. It's on TMZ. What other proof do you need?
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