Winter Olympics

Don Wassall said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I was listening to the radio this morning while driving and running a few errands. In the 20 minutes I was listening I heard about the first african american to win a gold in the Winter Olympics three times.
<div>Compare that to themedia's collective yawnwhen Jeremy Warner won the 400 meter race in '04, the first White American to win a gold in a sprinting eventsince 1964. </div>

Being that it's black history month we will be hearing a lot more of this.
After watching the entire Olympic "Pairs Figure Skating"Â￾ competition, I realized that every single competitor, male and female, is drastically more athletic than 99% of black NFL and NBA "superstars."Â￾ Every single DWF and media member on planet earth has been firmly taught that figure skaters are all "gay,"Â￾ or "sissies."Â￾ Yeah, well, unlike the zillions of black afroletes who "writhe in pain"Â￾ on the football field and basketball court"¦.these "homos"Â￾ actually pick themselves up off the ice when they fall.

After hearing the personal stories of most of the male skaters, they all seemed to be either dating a female figure skater or their wives / children were watching. They all seemed like incredibly hard workers (most held odd jobs, etc)"¦.quite the contrast of a black athlete, who instantly gains 30lbs of blubber the second they "get paid,"Â￾ assuming they weren't already morbidly obese on draft day (most are).

I've heard many DWF types, complete with all the high-fives, personalized jerseys, and beer-swilling clichés, denigrating figure skating. I absolutely guarantee, with the utmost confidence, that if black men dominated figure skating"¦.it would instantly be dubbed as one of the most "athletic sports on earth,"Â￾ as it rightly should. For instance, professional golf, before its Totalitarian Tigerization, was laughed at as "old, unathletic white guys who couldn't play football, baseball, etc."Â￾ DWFs / sportsmedia members would never, ever suggest that golf is a "gay"Â￾ sport"¦.because such a representation might "break the spell,"Â￾ and force the zombie-men to remove the "I Love Tiger, He's Is Black And Therefore Athletic"Â￾ thought from their stagnant, infiltrated, simpleton brain cells.
I won't pretend to like figure skating but it is clear they are very athletic. American sports in general require little athleticism. In football the players are only on the field for a fraction of the game. After 3 downs they are on the sidelines sucking oxygen. Even "super athletic" Ladainain Tomlinson goes off for a down after running a whole 8 yards in the previous play. Baseball is a great game but it is more about specific skill sets than athletic prowess. Basketball players are constantly going off for a rest even though when they are playing they are not going flat out like hockey players do in every shift.

I wonder how blacks would do in sports that require not just short sharp bursts of speed - followed by a long rest! - but physical endurance over long periods and the mental fitness required to remain sharp and alert throughout or lose everything in an instant.
Matra1 said:
I won't pretend to like figure skating but it is clear they are very athletic. American sports in general require little athleticism. In football the players are only on the field for a fraction of the game. After 3 downs they are on the sidelines sucking oxygen. Even "super athletic" Ladainain Tomlinson goes off for a down after running a whole 8 yards in the previous play.

The ongoing pussification of pro football has been one of my pet peeves for a long time. A lot of fundamentals have been discarded because blacks "just aren't interested" in them and White coaches have to coddle them far more than they do White players. And the whole move toward "running backs by committee" is a nod to the lack of black endurance. Blacks don't have real competition for the most part because of the Caste System, and as a result the quality of the players has declined significantly despite the endlessly repeated media mantra of today's players being "bigger, strongerand faster."

As far as blacks trying to keep up with Whites in Winter Olympics sports, any sport that requires significant hand-eye coordination skills disqualifies all but a few right off the bat. It's no coincidence that blacks seem to only be "interested" in sports that require short bursts of straight line running as one of their key components.
Bryant Gumble and his fellow anti-White friends may not be watching, but a lot of peopleare -- the Games on NBC are outdrawing the ratings for shows on ABC, CBS and Fox combined, with the prime time coverage so far drawing 16 percent more viewers than that of the '06 Games.
Deadlift said:
So much blue eyes...

The East Asians swept the 500 meter speed skating. I don't get it..
It could be due to shorter levers that allow East Asians to get full speed faster. The race is over before it begins really. I did notice that the most powerful sprinter was White but he screwed up on his last heat and didn't medal. I think he was Finnish. Edited by: white is right
Don Wassall said:
Matra1 said:
I won't pretend to like figure skating but it is clear they are very athletic. American sports in general require little athleticism. In football the players are only on the field for a fraction of the game. After 3 downs they are on the sidelines sucking oxygen. Even "super athletic" Ladainain Tomlinson goes off for a down after running a whole 8 yards in the previous play.
<div> </div>
<div>The ongoing pussification of pro football has been one of my pet peeves for a long time.  A lot of fundamentals have been discarded because blacks "just aren't interested" in them and White coaches have to coddle them far more than they do White players.  And the whole move toward "running backs by committee" is a nod to the lack of black endurance.  Blacks don't have real competition for the most part because of the Caste System, and as a result the quality of the players has declined significantly despite the endlessly repeated media mantra of today's players being "bigger, stronger and faster."  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>As far as blacks trying to keep up with Whites in Winter Olympics sports, any sport that requires significant hand-eye coordination skills disqualifies all but a few right off the bat.  It's no coincidence that blacks seem to only be "interested" in sports that require short bursts of straight line running as one of their key components.  </div>
You will never see a world class Black Nordic skier(cross country), lack of world class VO2 ability combined with upper body strength even eliminates Kenyans. I remember after Calgary a Kenyan competed as a tourist athlete and came last. He was that Olympics version of Eddie the Eagle.
Edited by: white is right
white is right said:
Deadlift said:
So much blue eyes...

The East Asians swept the 500 meter speed skating. I don't get it..
It could be due to shorter levers that allow East Asians to get full speed faster. The race is over before it begins really. I did notice that the most powerful sprinter was White but he screwed up on his last heat and didn't medal. I think he was Finnish.

Probably because nobody cares about speed skating....
I found another negro with a room brightening smile:|aim|dl1|link3|

RICHMOND, British Columbia -- "When Shani Davis crossed the finish line Wednesday at the Olympic Oval in the last of 19 pairs of racers and with what was the gold-medal winning 1000-meter time, a roar erupted in the stands. Davis then peeled back his blue hoodie and unzipped his black top and showed a smile ripping across his face."

Edit: It's like they get off to it....Edited by: StarWars
By the way, Shaun White is just unreal. I have found I love snowboarding and downhill skiing, and enjoy the skating. The skating finals are on tonight. Speed skating seems like a joke though. I bet all of 2000 people in the world actually participate in it, and most of them are Asians forced by their governments (with huge inferiority complexes by the way) to compete for a medal in a dumb technical sport like that. It seems like the inside guy wins every time. Asians are so weird all they try to do is impress people.....something is wired wrong with them.
I'm not really into speed skating, either, but I don't mind watching some of the women..

From looking at the profile pics on NBC, most of them are bad and look like mug shots.
Here's a Dutch women, my favorite gal, and she looks way better in real life compared to her picture:

This 24 year old is STUNNING in real life!
Shaun White is amazingingly athletic and those two runs of his last night were phenominal. He must have went 20 feet in the air or more with his snowboard and those twists and turns he does and still being able to land just right is hard to grasp just how he does it. He dominates his sport and the run he had back in 2006 for the gold in Torino would not have been good enough to even medal in this years Olympics and just shows how much the sport has progressed in four years.
Watching makes me want to learn how to snowboard. Not enough snow down here though!
Ok Davis won a gold medal. I now have a audio filter when his name is brought up and shield between me and television to prevent any soiling!
Hey Menelik you have the greatest Avatar on the site. That negro picked on the wrong white boy. That is a fantastic beat down!!! Hopefully you will kept it up. That may be a Rosa Parks moment for us.
Westside said:
Hey Menelik you have the greatest Avatar on the site. That negro picked on the wrong white boy. That is a fantastic beat down!!! Hopefully you will kept it up. That may be a Rosa Parks moment for us.

I am catching up on the olympics. Since I cannot record, I have to watch over the computer
In the opening ceremony, why did they have Wayne Newton sing Halliluia? Why didn't they have the canuck who wrote sing? He needs the money.
Wait that's not Wayne Newton....
I'm a little late posting this but Shaun White was amazing yesterday. The kid is fearless and he has done for Snowboarding what Tony Hawk did for Skateboarding.
Deadlift said:
I'm not really into speed skating, either, but I don't mind watching some of the women..

From looking at the profile pics on NBC, most of them are bad and look like mug shots.
Here's a Dutch women, my favorite gal, and she looks way better in real life compared to her picture:

This 24 year old is STUNNING in real life!

She won the Silver in the 1000 meters.

She fell down when she was racing in the 500 meters, so this is sweet redemption! If you watch the 1000 meter race that she medaled in, it shows her fall in the 500 before the video starts showing the 1000. The video can be easily accessed from her profile link above. It's right there.

She's adorable, and probably has warrior blood in her veins.
Deadlift said:
So much blue eyes...

The East Asians swept the 500 meter speed skating. I don't get it..

only 30% of white Europeans have blue eyes...
55% have brown eyes and 15% green.
2% skintype 1(central europe)
12% skintype 2
78% skintype 3( light brown)
8% skintype 4 ( brown skin)

500 meters iceskatting,Just as in the 100 meter sprint whites and east asians are close in quality but in all the other distances whites are nearly always faster.most whitesd are like diesels on the ice slow starters but if in the 500 meters the east asian did not have a faster start then the white nearly always wins.Speed skating is populair where i have the 500 meters,1000 meters,5000 en 10000 meters by the men so you have sprint and middle distances long distance is the marathon but that is outside and not olympic.

just like in the run distances in athletics were whites have a faster time in the 200 meters,400 meters,800 meters and all the other middel distances have whites also faster times in speedskating.
oh 1000 meters have to be east aisna won the 500 meters(but 50% of the time a white wins and a whites has the wold record) and davis the 1500 meters but a whited dutch Sven Kramer won the 50000 meters and he will win the 10000 also
You have both the distances 1000 and 1500

Davis won the 1000 meter but the 1500 a whitey dutch won and not the espected Davis

I counted so far: whiteys,Caucasians,Europoids won 128 of the 147 medals.That is 87%.I read on this site that whites win 90% of winter olympic games so did is close to that again.United states won most medals but they also have the biggest population(white population around 200 million)China have of course more but they are not white and have won exact the same amount of medals so far(3 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze) as my country lol and they have nearly 100 times more people.If you only take they whiteys of the netherlands who olny won medals then they have 100 times more people.
When Shani Davis lost the 1500 skate to a Dutch man, I thought the annoucers were going to hang themselves in the broadcast booth. Davis skated last, so he knew the exact time he needed to beat.

Before the race, it was mentioned that "in 2006, Davis was the first black athlete to win a medal in the Winter Olympics."Â￾ Also, that "after he won the gold, he received a call from then-senator, Barack Obama."Â￾ They then said that at the conclusion the 1500, Davis might be receiving a call from President Barack Obama. Blackie couldn't come through for his handlers, how "unfortunate."Â￾

That said, Davis actually seems like a nice person (and obviously one of the best speed skaters in the world), and it's a shame he can't be treated like all the other skaters....without being given the obligatory "special treatment."Edited by: Thrashen
What is fun about the Winter Oly,pics is the way the Caste Fools try to explain why whites dominate. It is because of poverty and too much warm weather!
There is a lot of snow and cold in the Andes and the Himalayas regions. Argentina, Chile, India, and Pasistan should dominate the downhill skiing. Tibet and Bolivia should dominate Cross Country skiing and the Biathilon. They don't.
It only seems like the white race is good at sports.
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