Wimbledon thread

You did it again Bart, more insanely funny commentary. Keep it up.
Pleazze you will always go out of your way to find fault if a black should happen to win at something.

Do you know what forum you're on? This is probably the only sports forum on the planet where we can openly prefer white players without being shouted down, and now you're trying to do that to us here?Screw you!We are biased. So what?! You know that this is a pro-white forum. If you don't like it, go to a thousand other forums where everybody prefers black athletes just like you do. Leave us alone.
Fistfighter: Coleman openly says he uses Steriods. Again Coleman openly says he uses steroids he even says how much he pays for steroids every year.

Well Fistfighter,if he admits to using or not it really doesn't matter, I could have used another name, his just popped into my head. Anycontestantin the Olympia, Ironman or Arnold Classic could be substituted for Coleman. When did he fess up? Where did you get the information? I'm curious.
Bart said:
Fistfighter: Coleman openly says he uses Steriods. Again Coleman openly says he uses steroids he even says how much he pays for steroids every year.

Well Fistfighter,if he admits to using or not it really doesn't matter, I could have used another name, his just popped into my head. Anycontestantin the Olympia, Ironman or Arnold Classic could be substituted for Coleman. When did he fess up? Where did you get the information? I'm curious.

here is one quote i digged up

Ronnie Coleman was interviewed by a NY Times sports columnist who had the courage to ask him straight out, "Do you use steroids?" Ronnie is too smart for this idiocy. He shot back, "Why do you ask? Do you think that if you used steroids day and night and trained as hard as I do that you would look like I do?. The answer is obvious. Do you think that if you watched your diet carefully and practiced as faithfully as Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods that you would play the way they do? Ronnie's world is the world of professional bodybuilders and whatever he does they do. There are no secret, unfair advantages that any of them gets over the others.

He does'nt openly say he uses but any intelligent person can read between the lines.

In Pro bodybuilding you cannot compete without the ''juice'' and the genetics.

Tennis is a completly different sport
Fistfighter, the quote below is the only statement attributed to Coleman in the entire paragraph.

Coleman: Why do you ask? Do you think that if you used steroids day and night and trained as hard as I do that you would look like I do?

Bart: He did not admit using steroids. He slylly dodged the question and re-directed it with a twist back to the writer. He is making a case for genetic superiority.

Fistfighter: Bart:He doesn't openly say he uses but any intelligent person can read between the lines.

Bart: I read between the lines and saw nothing but an evasive ploy which would make Clinton proud. Edited by: Bart
The biggest problem with Venus W winning is she is so damn athletic. Which means the media will use it to keep pushing their black supremicist(athletic) slant. Like to use the abbreviated(bs) to represent black supremicist from here on. And it did not help she was playing a lard butt like Davenport. Only reinforces ideas in people"s minds as if they need any more reinforcing. Like throwing gasoline on a fire.

That said the Federer's win was a big win for caste. To put this guy in perspective during the 2004 summer olympics he was the most sought after and admired athlete there. That gives you a clue of how big this guy is on a global level. Even Lance Armstrong is star struck. The guy is a stud and alegend in the making. And arguably the best athlete on the planet today. Three straight Wimbeldon titlesis an unbelievable accomplishment.

One other disturbing trend. Most of the young USA players on the girls side at Wimbledonwere black. And articles are being written saying the young USA talent is down. Could it be that the Williams sisters sucess spurred the black girls and drove away the suburban white girls.Traditionally the suburbs were the areas where tennistalent blossomed but today it looks as if the white girls are being spooked by the likes of Venus Williams etc.If this is the case and I am just guessing,how come we don't see articles about the lack of young white girls being serious about tennis anymore?. Every friggen day I see moaning about soccer andbaseball with the added stuff regarding the need for black athletes because of their "speed and athleticism". Not a peep about the decline in whitegirls in the USAplaying tennis. Will we ever see the day where talent is equated with white athletes the way the media pours it on for black athletes?
If there is a lack of white girls playing tennis, it isn't because they aren't capable. More than likely, its because the courts are being overrun by loud mouths who trash talk, threaten you for court time, steal your tennis balls, and general make mayhem in whatever sport or area in which they choose to congregate.
Easy Sunshine. I would say Davenport has been a "lard butt" but she certainly pulled herself together in the latter stages of her career and I think has acquited herself quite nicely. Obviously she is no gym rat but her talent must be at least a little bit bigger than her rump. Federer is a god! The irritating McEnroe was gushing so hard about Federer that it almost made me blush. McEnroe said he thought Federer was the greatest tennis talent ever. So far I wouldn't disagree.
Davenport is in far better shape than she used to be. She's pretty damn fit. It's her heart that's been questionable, though not against V. Williams at Wimbledon.

BTW Fistfighter, we root for white athletes here and are proud of it. Why is that so hard to get through your thick skull?
White Shogun said:
If there is a lack of white girls playing tennis, it isn't because they aren't capable. More than likely, its because the courts are being overrun by loud mouths who trash talk, threaten you for court time, steal your tennis balls, and general make mayhem in whatever sport or area in which they choose to congregate.
You do offcourse have evidence of this happening in Tennis ?

[/QUOTE] Shaparova is not manish but is pretty average Maurismo how ever is manish.[/QUOTE]

Sharapova average? Man, she is HOT.
take 100 black guys and give them a choice of Sharaparova or BOTH the Williams sisters for a night of sex, what would be their choices, my guess:

Sharapova 99
Williams sisters 1 (the gay guy)
Jaxvid, that was funny, you must have had some beer with your dinner tonight.How bout this:

Take 100 black guys and give them a choice ofSharapova or both Williams sisters for a night of sex, what would be their choices , ny guess:

Sharapova 99

Williams sisters 0( The gay guy knows the Williams sisters would rather do Sharapova too.)

How about this:

out of 100 black guys

Sharapova 85

Williams sisters 0

Federer 15
Jaxvid, that is really bad, no way I can top that one.
Jaxvid, how in the world could we have forgotten this name?

Out of 100 black guys

Sharapova - 99

Williams sisters - 1 ( Eddie Murphy) Edited by: Bart
Bart you're killin' me!

We all know Eddie is fond of those (ahem) mannish ladies.

Another "famous" black celebrity that got busted with a gender confused sex worker was: Rodney King!

She, like the LA police was also accused of beating Rodney King but she only used one hand
Man, ya'll are getting crazy with that stuff, but still, your probably right.
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