Wimbledon thread

Will be interesting to see if this marks the beginning of a comeback of sorts for Venus, or if it turns out to bejust a blip on a long-term downward trajectory in her tennis playing. She had a stretch of a couple of years there where she was almost as dominant as her "little" sister was after her.
"Juwanna Man"?

If these women aren't steroidal then they are some sort of genetic freaks. Should definitely be playing in the men's division.

Onewarrior, Daddy Williams was right when he says anyone marrying outside of their race should be put to death (or at least severe social censure). It's just the media's refusal to call a racist a racist that's troubling.
White_Savage said:
"Juwanna Man"?

If these women aren't steroidal then they are some sort of genetic freaks. Should definitely be playing in the men's division.

Onewarrior, Daddy Williams was right when he says anyone marrying outside of their race should be put to death (or at least severe social censure). It's just the media's refusal to call a racist a racist that's troubling.
Venus has about the same Body Type as Shaparova i guess Shaparova must be Roiding too .

Serena has the same heavyset frame Capriati has plays about the same style of Tennis too is Capriati also Roiding ?

Venus and Serena have ALWAYS passed their drug tests.

When Serena or Venus win a title somebody will either claim that

1 They look like men untrue

2 The must be using Steriods yet they cant prove anything.

Has either sister EVER been under real suspicion of using Steroids ???
"fistfighter" spews:
When Serena or Venus win a title somebody will either claim that

1 They look like men untrue

You must have missed it, fistfighter. I said it once I'll say it again:

the Williams sisters are butt-ugly, whether they win OR lose.

And speaking of drug tests, after reading your comment here:
Venus has about the same Body Type as Shaparova i guess Shaparova must be Roiding too .

I think YOU are in need of drug testing, and I don't mean steroids!!
fistfighter said:
Venus has about the same Body Type as Shaparova i guess Shaparova must be Roiding too .

Sharapaova is tall, slender and very trim.She has the physique of a young, athletic, not fully mature woman.She does not have the muscularbody or facial features which would cause people to wonderabout her having as the term is used ...a package or is heavy into pharmaceuticals.

White Shogun said:
"fistfighter" spews:
When Serena or Venus win a title somebody will either claim that

1 They look like men untrue

You must have missed it, fistfighter. I said it once I'll say it again:

the Williams sisters are butt-ugly, whether they win OR lose.

And speaking of drug tests, after reading your comment here:
Venus has about the same Body Type as Shaparova i guess Shaparova must be Roiding too .

I think YOU are in need of drug testing, and I don't mean steroids!!
Again has there EVER nbeen any real suspicion of either Williams sister using steroids ?. I dont expect you to answer this question because if you did you would have to answer NO they have NEVER been under any real suspicion of using Steroids.
Bart said:
fistfighter said:
Venus has about the same Body Type as Shaparova i guess Shaparova must be Roiding too .

Sharapaova is tall, slender and very trim.She has the physique of a young, athletic, not fully mature woman.She does not have the muscularbody or facial features which would cause people to wonderabout her having as the term is used ...a package or is heavy into pharmaceuticals.

Neither does venus

If you want to say that you did'nt want Venus to win because she is the wrong color for you just say it.

Since you KNOW that there has never been any serious allegations of either Sisters using steroids .

Again do you have some real proof of Venus or Serena ever using Steroids . I know that you will NEVER really answer the question.
Again has there EVER nbeen any real suspicion of either Williams sister using steroids ?. I dont expect you to answer this question because if you did you would have to answer NO they have NEVER been under any real suspicion of using Steroids.

You're picking the wrong guy to argue with, fistfighter. Do you not read a post before you cut & paste and then offer some counter to an argument never made.

I didn't say they were on steroids, I SAID THEY ARE F***ING BUTT UGLY!!!!


There, did that get your attention? Don't cut and paste this into another message, quoting me and then throw out something about steroids. I don't know if they're roids or not, they are still.... BUTT UGLY!
Thanks for those pics, Bart!

I can't even begin to argue with someone who says Sharapova looks like Venus Williams. Thats like arguing with someone who says the sun rises in the West. It is such a non-sensical statement as to be unassailable. He might as well have said 'the snarf foogled the gasgolog because grrrap ding baffer', for all the sense he is making in these idiotic posts.
I told fits-fighter the other day that Maria is 1,000 times better looking than either of the racist Williams daughters. Those pics just further my point, and they are very nice to look at as well.
Fistfighter throweth down the gauntlet with:

"If you want to say that you did'nt want Venus to win because she is the wrong color for you just say it."

Very well.


I wanted a member of my own race to win, JUST AS YOU DID JUST AS YOU OR ANYONE ALWAYS WILL IN ANY SPORTING EVENT. This is perfectly natural for any human and only considered "evil" when whites do it. Moreover, I would have been much, much, much happier if an Asian, a Hispanic, an Inuit, anything had won, excepting the one race that is famous worldwide for being congenitally loud-mouthed in victory or defeat, and is generally flaming hemmarhoid in the posterior of all decent society. (Ever wonder why no one here complains about Asian dominance of figure skating or gymnastics? COULD JUST BE because they tend to speak better english than American black ballplayers, and are rarely seen dealing crack or holding up convenience stores.)

What, do you think I'm going to curl up and die because you throw the "R" word around? Just so you get the message loud and clear, I am a racist, I am your worst nightmare, an intelligent one, rather than those low-ends of the gene pool that liberals love to interview for television programs. (You shall not call me prejudiced however, all my opinons about your race are are a result of post-judice via both ancedotal experience and statistical realities.)
Fist:If you want to say that you did'nt want Venus to win because she is the wrong color for you just say it.

Bart: I admit to cheering for the white girls every time, why not? You can bet your bottom dollar that just about every black on the planet was hoping and praying Venus would crush Davenport !

Fist: Again do you have some real proof of Venus or Serena ever using Steroids . I know that you will NEVER really answer the question.

Bart: No, I don't have REAL proof but then again neither do the critics of Ronnie Coleman have REAL proof he uses steroids. Do you think no one else notices the muscles on the Williams sisters?

Anna Kournikova
<DD>Anna Kournikova refused to swear a skimpy shorts and t- shirt combo during a recent photoshoot with Britain's GQ lad's magazine and didn't want to flex for the photographer telling him she hated her muscles and added, "I'm not Venus Williams. I'm not Serena Williams. I'm feminine. I don't want to look like they look. I'm not masculine like they are." (June 15, 2001) </DD></DL>
Good post White_Savage. Pretty much sums up what i think as well. So, fits-fighter, that goes for me too!
White_Savage said:

White Savage, don't be so timid, tell us what you really think.
What's a TLINGIT?
Isn't a tlingit a part of a woman's... er, anatomy?

Isn't this a PG rated board?
Bart said:
Fist:If you want to say that you did'nt want Venus to win because she is the wrong color for you just say it.

Bart: I admit to cheering for the white girls every time, why not? You can bet your bottom dollar that just about every black on the planet was hoping and praying Venus would crush Davenport !

Fist: Again do you have some real proof of Venus or Serena ever using Steroids . I know that you will NEVER really answer the question.

Bart: No, I don't have REAL proof but then again neither do the critics of Ronnie Coleman have REAL proof he uses steroids. Do you think no one else notices the muscles on the Williams sisters?

Anna Kournikova
<DD>Anna Kournikova refused to swear a skimpy shorts and t- shirt combo during a recent photoshoot with Britain's GQ lad's magazine and didn't want to flex for the photographer telling him she hated her muscles and added, "I'm not Venus Williams. I'm not Serena Williams. I'm feminine. I don't want to look like they look. I'm not masculine like they are." (June 15, 2001) </DD></DL>
You stepped in a pile of doo comparing the Williams Sisters to Coleman.

Coleman competes in a sport where it is ACCEPTED to use steroids and he himselfADMITS he uses about 300 K a years worth of Steroids . And for the record so does every top profesional bodybuilder white or black.

The Williams Sisters compete in a sport where it is NOT ACCEPTED to use steroids and are routinely tested and pass their tests every time. There are enough White female tennis players also muscled they must also be using steroids right ?.

Wow you can really see those ''bodybuilder'' muscles Venus has

http://news.yahoo.com/photos/ss/events/sp/061905wimbledon/im :/050703/483/lon82507032206;_ylt=Ajr_pq9S1EIqlnv0shrpcyDNaMY A;_ylu=X3oDMTA5bGcyMWMzBHNlYwNzc25hdg--?sp=-1&amp;lsp=6000

And as for that loser Anna Kournikova who cares what she says someone who has never won a Singles title in her life should'nt talk. Anna is a never was.

Edited by: fistfighter
White_Savage said:
Fistfighter throweth down the gauntlet with:

"If you want to say that you did'nt want Venus to win because she is the wrong color for you just say it."

Very well.


I wanted a member of my own race to win, JUST AS YOU DID JUST AS YOU OR ANYONE ALWAYS WILL IN ANY SPORTING EVENT. This is perfectly natural for any human and only considered "evil" when whites do it. Moreover, I would have been much, much, much happier if an Asian, a Hispanic, an Inuit, anything had won, excepting the one race that is famous worldwide for being congenitally loud-mouthed in victory or defeat, and is generally flaming hemmarhoid in the posterior of all decent society. (Ever wonder why no one here complains about Asian dominance of figure skating or gymnastics? COULD JUST BE because they tend to speak better english than American black ballplayers, and are rarely seen dealing crack or holding up convenience stores.)

What, do you think I'm going to curl up and die because you throw the "R" word around? Just so you get the message loud and clear, I am a racist, I am your worst nightmare, an intelligent one, rather than those low-ends of the gene pool that liberals love to interview for television programs. (You shall not call me prejudiced however, all my opinons about your race are are a result of post-judice via both ancedotal experience and statistical realities.)
In other words your postsare all invalid since you have just admitted that you can NEVER and will NEVER judge someone on ability but only on race.

How is that investigation into the Freemasons and ILLUMINATI going found any proof they are bugging your house and reading your mind ?.

Beware the ''masters'' are watching you

Edited by: fistfighter
The only difference between our biases is that I admit my bias. Though perhaps as a typical ******* you are incapable of the level of intellectual self-introspection to even realize you have a bias. How the hell does my prefference for whites make anything I say "invalid" btw? This isn't one of your P.C. brainwashed forums where "he's a RACIST!" serves the same function that "he's a COMMIE!" or better yet, "she's a WITCH!" did in the past. Tell me why I shouldn't like seeing the white win? If this is such a bad attitude, then why is every ******* in the country jubilant when one of their own wins a championship thumb-wrestling match for god's sake? The only difference between the two cases is that when the black wins, the media is jubilant, if they should somehow fail, the flags are practically lowered to half-staff.
White_Savage said:
The only difference between our biases is that I admit my bias. Though perhaps as a typical ******* you are incapable of the level of intellectual self-introspection to even realize you have a bias. How the hell does my prefference for whites make anything I say "invalid" btw? This isn't one of your P.C. brainwashed forums where "he's a RACIST!" serves the same function that "he's a COMMIE!" or better yet, "she's a WITCH!" did in the past. Tell me why I shouldn't like seeing the white win? If this is such a bad attitude, then why is every ******* in the country jubilant when one of their own wins a championship thumb-wrestling match for god's sake? The only difference between the two cases is that when the black wins, the media is jubilant, if they should somehow fail, the flags are practically lowered to half-staff.
Pleazze you will always go out of your way to find fault if a black should happen to win at something.

If a decision does'nt go your way or you dont agree with something. There must be a ''conspiracy''

How can your opinions be valid since you have just admitted that you cant set aside your personal biases to judge on ability and achievements and not race.
How can your opinions be valid since you have just admitted that you cant set aside your personal biases to judge on ability and achievements and not race.

I have to hand it to you fistfighter, you are a master of misdirection. You quote out of context and then write rebuttals to points made that are non-existent.

White_Savage did NOT say he was incapable of setting aside personal bias to judge on ability and achievements. He said he WANTS the white person to win. Its obvious that the Williams sisters are good tennis players; I believe they would beat Anna Kournikova easily, for example. Just because I WANT Anna to win doesn't mean I THINK she will win.

The same could be said for the McBride-Tyson fight. I JUDGED that Tyson would win; I WANTED McBride to win.

Perhaps White_Savage is also correct, in that you are incapable of self-introspection. On what basis do YOU pick and choose who to root for in a given sport?

When was the last time you rooted for a white person to win anything?
[/QUOTE] You stepped in a pile of doo comparing the Williams Sisters to Coleman.

And as for that loser Anna Kournikova who cares what she says someone who has never won a Singles title in her life should'nt talk. Anna is a never was. /QUOTE]

Coleman, for years has denied using drugs.That pro bodybuilders use steroids is common knowledge in spite of their denials. Yet, I can't prove any of them are users.

Anna shouldn't talk because she's never won a Singles title? What a stupid comment! Would you like to be held to that standard? How many tennis titles do you hold? Should we dismiss you? Are you a never was or a loser? You fancy yourself a boxing expert...do you have any credibility? If you have not won the Heavyweight Championship of the world, you have no right to lecture us about Joe Louis, Marciano and Ali.

Besides, Anna wasn't criticising the Williams sisters ability to play tennis.She merelysaid what most people recognize as being the truth.
Fits-fighter is from a planet called non-reality. He deals only in what makes no sense and is void of the mental capability to think logically. Thus his posts are incoherant, rambling strings of nonsensical ideas. It would be futile to attempt to argue with a person who is clearly incapable of understanding and comprehending even the most basic truths that make up the real world that we live in. He is a great example of a Caste System inspired, skull full of mush.
You stepped in a pile of doo comparing the Williams Sisters to Coleman.

And as for that loser Anna Kournikova who cares what she says someone who has never won a Singles title in her life should'nt talk. Anna is a never was. /QUOTE]

Coleman, for years has denied using drugs.That pro bodybuilders use steroids is common knowledge in spite of their denials. Yet, I can't prove any of them are users.

Anna shouldn't talk because she's never won a Singles title? What a stupid comment! Would you like to be held to that standard? How many tennis titles do you hold? Should we dismiss you? Are you a never was or a loser? You fancy yourself a boxing expert...do you have any credibility? If you have not won the Heavyweight Championship of the world, you have no right to lecture us about Joe Louis, Marciano and Ali.

Besides, Anna wasn't criticising the Williams sisters ability to play tennis.She merelysaid what most people recognize as being the truth.

[/QUOTE] Coleman openly says he uses Steriods. Again Coleman openly says he uses steroids he even says how much he pays for steroids every year. Arnold ditto.

But i know that you will never be satisfied about the Williams Sisters you are hoping that one day they will test positive so that you can say i told you so but as long as they dont test positive you will simply grumble that they just havent been caught. They are damned if they do and damned if they dont .
Fistfighter brought the name of Amelie Mauresmo into the discussion of masculine looking women in tennis. I would have to agree.Judging from photo's, something is not quite kosher. Too bad Davenport beat Mauresmo to advance to the finals. Williams vs. Mauresmo would have drawn a recordnumber of transvestite viewers who wonder... are they or aren't they?Still, Mauresmo needs a lot more testosterone to catch up with Williams.
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