Will Jews (who are mostly white) eventually become victims of their own anti-White racism?

Negro severely beats Jewish lawyer who was defending him



CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A man charged with attempted murder in a church shooting attacked his public defender during a jailhouse meeting, sending the man to intensive care with severe head injuries and no memory of the beating, according to documents released Tuesday.

Dale Holloway, 37, of Manchester, assaulted public defender Michael Davidow on Monday morning at the Valley Street jail in Manchester, New Hampshire, the documents said.
Negro Stabs Five Orthodox Jews in a Rabbi's home



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Man you guys weren't kidding when you said Blacks favorite pastime in Brooklyn is bashing Jews. A bunch of black Hitler's running around up there.
Man you guys weren't kidding when you said Blacks favorite pastime in Brooklyn is bashing Jews. A bunch of black Hitler's running around up there.

There have been a string of black on Jewish crimes lately such as the shooting in Jersey city and random attacks on NYC streets. The media would like to make us think these attacks are all the work of white men but it's so far from the truth.
There have been a string of black on Jewish crimes lately such as the shooting in Jersey city and random attacks on NYC streets. The media would like to make us think these attacks are all the work of white men but it's so far from the truth.

Interesting they're trying to cover up crimes committed on their own people. Attacks like these are why Suburbs starting popping up in the 50s. No one wants to live near Blacks. If that's insensitive, o well..
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A Jew once told me this: Secular Jews always vote Democrat. Orthodox Jews vote always vote Republican. An Orthodox co-worker confirmed this with me. He was Orthodox and hated with a passion the Democrats. This was told to me in 2016, whilst on a cruise in the Mediterranean. Surprisingly the Daily Mail identifies the suspect as a Black man. Usually, they try to hide the black part, but I suspect its readers are complaining about it. A bit of hope from the MSM.
The default position when hearing of these anti-jewish hate crimes should be a healthy skepticism. The anti-defamation league of b'nai b'rith has been up to hoaxes for years.
Dig deep enough into white nationalism and white supremacy and you'll find ADL fingerprints. They play both sides, controlling the entire narrative. It's why they're so successful. They are always at work. Always.

I have strong suspicions that some CF posters have ADL affiliation.
“Hate crimes” are nonsensical, propagandist fiction. Crime is only committed for the the potential benefit of the criminal.
The default position when hearing of these anti-jewish hate crimes should be a healthy skepticism. The anti-defamation league of b'nai b'rith has been up to hoaxes for years.
Dig deep enough into white nationalism and white supremacy and you'll find ADL fingerprints. They play both sides, controlling the entire narrative. It's why they're so successful. They are always at work. Always.

I have strong suspicions that some CF posters have ADL affiliation.

True, many otherwise pro-white/racially aware types believe in the black physical superiority myth or even black sexual superiority sometimes, they often end up believing in the same myths the "bugmen" they rail against believe in and many seem to have some sort of belief in a "natural equality of the races" while being "race realists" ironically. Is part of it to not get dismissed as racist by the opposition automatically? Its futile.

Many of them end up believing in some of the most insidious, damaging, confidence-destroying myths of all.. But on the bright side, I have seen more awareness and positive views on white athleticism among the racially aware and even the general public to some extent these days, of course not to imply that the work is done...
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True, many otherwise pro-white/racially aware types believe in the black physical superiority myth or even black sexual superiority sometimes, they often end up believing in the same myths the "bugmen" they rail against believe in and many seem to have some sort of belief in a "natural equality of the races" while being "race realists" ironically. Is part of it to not get dismissed as racist by the opposition automatically? Its futile.

Many of them end up believing in some of the most insidious, damaging, confidence-destroying myths of all.. But on the bright side, I have seen more awareness and positive views on white athleticism among the racially aware and even the general public to some extent these days, of course not to imply that the work is done...
I’ve noticed this too. One of the reasons I think these white men end up believing these myths is because they live through their tv. I’ve played sports my entire life and because of that I know that blacks are not physically superior at all. I’ve been outplayed by a few throughout the years but have beaten many. I’ve been outran and outplayed by far more white men than black. I know the vast majority of black men aren’t any more athletic, fast or physically superior than any other race of man because I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’m not an athletic elite so I can speak for the top fraction of a percent but I imagine it’s the same way. The only sports that have a black majority are football and basketball but basketball seems to be changing and football seems to be artificially kept at a certain ratio.
I’ve noticed this too. One of the reasons I think these white men end up believing these myths is because they live through their tv. I’ve played sports my entire life and because of that I know that blacks are not physically superior at all. I’ve been outplayed by a few throughout the years but have beaten many. I’ve been outran and outplayed by far more white men than black. I know the vast majority of black men aren’t any more athletic, fast or physically superior than any other race of man because I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’m not an athletic elite so I can speak for the top fraction of a percent but I imagine it’s the same way. The only sports that have a black majority are football and basketball but basketball seems to be changing and football seems to be artificially kept at a certain ratio.
Well said sir. I haven't played sports since I was a boy, but I've led an extremely physical life. But my "expertise" is of observing blacks attempting to do incredible physical "work." One such observation is that of my experiences with them as Marines. As you say, they show little real physical ability past the normal. When things get really hard, they fade quicker than White men as you say. They also learn field craft only to a certain low level and complain bitterly every step of the way. As far as my encounters with them in Structural Ironworking, I only knew one who could connect steel as well as a White man or American Indian and he got killed (too bad, I really liked him - also, he was not an American black. He was from one of the Caribbean Islands). I wouldn't give you a dime for all the rest of them I saw getting paid to simulate Ironworking (none of them ever came close). Lastly, any of the really outstanding physical accomplishments in life, they never, ever even attempt like that guy who just walked across the South Pole on skis or like Philepe Petit walking across the Twin Towers on a steel cable.
More jewish-black racial strife in NY, they don't specify his race but unspecified means black.

Man Spits, Hurls Anti-Semitic Remarks After Trying to Enter Yeshiva: NYPD


They call it a hate crime now.
I’m sure the perp is non-White as Far Rockaway is a miserable ghetto. There are a lot of jewish areas near there in what is known as the “Five Towns” in Nassau county. I guess the less affluent orthodox hebs live in the hood with their pets. Can’t say I care when the dog bites back.
I'm perplexed about this whole elite thing...............if there are people say like International Bankers who are overrepresented by global Zionist Jews assisted by various political stooges within governments..........and it is claimed that their end goal is to have one world government and a debt slave like control over a depopulated planet of human sheep...........then what kind of end game society will they be able to sit back and bask in their accomplishments with?

I mean it takes talented and bright people to invent design and innovate the many technological aspects to provide a quality of life........and a society willing to provide competition and inspiration for the best and brightest to achieve will benefit everyone within that society in the long run. But throughout all of human history the only societies that have done this were in Western White nations which split the atom, walked on the moon, and created the digital information age when the majority of the non-White world replicated like rabbits and couldn't figure out how to find enough clean water, food and use of medicine. Even most of the "bright" Asians were like this until White nations showed them how to do things post Nixon era after we opened up to China so to speak.

So what use is it for elites to rule the world behind gated communities when its mad max outside of those gates? ...........and where will the elites get their clean running water, food and reliable energy for comfort and transport when you engineer society to be nothing but obedient low IQ 3rd world types?

If diversity and dumbed down education/entertainment is a way for Jews to hide or divert attention in White societies away from their control of money (Federal Reserve) and usury debt enslavement (Fractional Reserve Banking) and they work so hard to destroy a monolithic Gentile White demographic because they eventually figure out that manipulation and since Roman times have been kicked them out of 109 countries, why are they not contemplating the long term negative result of this effort?

If social Marxist diversity (which is overwhelmingly a Jewish concept) allows them to "blend in" or divert problems away from them........then what use is it if the White race is eliminated from the planet or racially is mixed down in their mean IQ innovation potential by the flooding of a White country's demographics until they become a 3rd world country?

.......and what use is it to covet resources through international bank (loans) often referred to as "aid" designed to collapse a 3rd world resource rich countries and take over their resources when the end game will see no market for those resources?

It seems to me that Jewish elite would be better off learning to work with White Gentile nation to the benefit of both parties than abuse their monetary/economic systems that ends up causing them to be persecuted.

I guess if a Jew truly believes they are God's chosen and that Gentiles are cattle to be worked for their benefit (Torah talk?) then what if anything can the rest of the world can do to change that perception if at all?

Its all perplexing to me.............I welcome any insight or comments.........
Gay Negro who set fire to Jewish Sites Released With No Bail In New York



James Polite, who was charged with hate crimes and arson after he allegedly set fire to seven Jewish sites and vandalized a synagogue, was released from jail without bail Tuesday, according to court records.

Polite allegedly wrote “Die Jew Rats” and “Hitler” at the Union Temple of Brooklyn in November 2018. Security footage allegedly showed him setting setting fires at “seven shuls and yeshivas in Williamsburg.”

The incidents led to the cancellation of a Democratic event at the synagogue, with a candidate saying it highlighted the need to vote out “hate.”

Polite is a self-identified queer black man who was taken in by a Jewish couple after his mother left him in “unsanitary” conditions. At a Barack Obama rally, he met then-New York city council speaker Christine Quinn, who hired him as an intern working on anti-hate crime issues and also called him the “adopted child of the Quinn administration,” according to a 2017 New York Times profile that said he “could defy the statistics.”
New York's Jewish Elite Bails Out
Attacks on New York Jews continue unabated in the New Year. A Jewish teen was threatened with a knife by a mob on New Year’s Eve, and a Jewish man was attacked by two women on the street on New Year’s Day. Many of the attacks are simply not reported out of fear.

No wonder -- unless the attack causes serious injuries, most of the suspects have been released without bail and are walking the same neighborhoods as their victims, unlikely to serve any time or even make their court appearances. One of the attackers, who allegedly slapped three Orthodox Jewish women while yelling, “F--- you, Jews,” was released and rearrested three more times for new assaults. She was unrepentant, telling the cops: “Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews.’”
Yet it was New York’s establishment Jewish leadership that led the lobbying effort to pass bail reform. On September 15, 2019, the UJA-Federation of New York, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of New York, and a national umbrella group of 125 Jewish community relations councils that calls itself the Jewish Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) held a conference celebrating the role of Jewish organizations in getting criminal reform legislation passed.


lol who didn't see this coming?
New York's Jewish Elite Bails Out
Attacks on New York Jews continue unabated in the New Year. A Jewish teen was threatened with a knife by a mob on New Year’s Eve, and a Jewish man was attacked by two women on the street on New Year’s Day. Many of the attacks are simply not reported out of fear.

No wonder -- unless the attack causes serious injuries, most of the suspects have been released without bail and are walking the same neighborhoods as their victims, unlikely to serve any time or even make their court appearances. One of the attackers, who allegedly slapped three Orthodox Jewish women while yelling, “F--- you, Jews,” was released and rearrested three more times for new assaults. She was unrepentant, telling the cops: “Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews.’”
Yet it was New York’s establishment Jewish leadership that led the lobbying effort to pass bail reform. On September 15, 2019, the UJA-Federation of New York, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of New York, and a national umbrella group of 125 Jewish community relations councils that calls itself the Jewish Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) held a conference celebrating the role of Jewish organizations in getting criminal reform legislation passed.


lol who didn't see this coming?

More FAKE JEW NEWS to give them an excuse to pass more laws to take away our rights..
This is nothing new, Crown Heights had a violent riot where any Orthodox Jew was fair game for a beating after a Jewish ambulance wouldn't help a gentile(Black child) after the child was hit by a Jewish motorist in the neighborhood.

Poor Jews have been cannon fodder for left wing led social upheavals in terms of housing for more than a half century as many neighborhoods in Brooklyn that became desolate ghettos in the early 70's until the recent hipster invasion were working class to lower middle class Jewish neighborhoods or Jewish and other White ethnic neighborhoods.
Blacks hating Jews isn't fake news. I've known some blacks that absolutely despise them.

True.. but blacks hate everyone including themselves. Jews use them to hate whites with all their propaganda like saying it was white Christians who enslaved them when in reality it was other blacks in Africa and jews
Elite Jewish school is now an anti-Semitic diversity cesspool: The irony behind decline of an elite liberal private school
Taken to extremes, liberalism eats its own.

Exhibit A is the decline of one of the most prestigious and proudly liberal private schools in the city.

Ethical Culture Fieldston in Riverdale, founded in 1878 by the son of a rabbi as a model for social justice, racial equality and intellectual freedom, now is convulsed by allegations of anti-Semitism, racial discrimination lawsuits, quarrels over identity politics, a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department run amok and a unionized faculty impervious to criticism.

Disgruntled parents are considering ways of extracting their children, angry donors are closing their wallets and distraught teachers are resigning or taking leaves of absence.....
Far more troubling is an atmosphere at the school of “rampant, systemic anti-Semitism.”

The issue came to a head this past November when Fieldston invited Kayum Ahmed, who works for George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, to speak at an assembly, and he likened Israel to Nazi Germany.

“The victims of the Holocaust and violence have become perpetrators of violence against Palestinians,” Ahmed said, prompting the Anti-Defamation League to blast him for an “outrageous … virulent [attempt] to blame the victim.”

Looks like our "Kosher friends" are taking it up the @ss from their very angry pets at their own elite, New York City liberal school they created 142 years ago. Can't say I feel sorry for them! Hopefully things will get much worse, as their plight is well deserved.
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