Wie misses cut


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Tears for Wie, but hope for another chance.

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Oh boo hoo, the newly annointed princess of tennis crashes and burns. They are going to drive all the desire out of this poor girl by hyping her like mad at 15.
I watched a fair amount of the first two rounds of the Sony Open, and the coverage of Wie was truly nauseating. Every single one of her shots was shown. Non-stop close-ups and faraway shots of Michelle striding up fairways and leaving greens to walk to the next hole. Shots of Michelle as she waited her turn to putt. Reaction shots of Michelle as she hit balls into bunkers and missed putt after putt. Guess ESPN figured none of the viewers were interested in how Ernie Els or any of the other top golfers in the field were doing. Or in the rounds of the three 50+ golfers in contention -- Stadler, Kite and Jacobsen.

Every announcer and every player interviewed had to pay
non-stop homage toMichelle. The Golf Channel's "Golf Central" show after the second round devoted its first 11 minutes to the Sony Open -- the opening five minutes to Wie, a minute to all the other players and the actual contenders, and then five more minutes of Wie.

One can only imagine what it would be like if she actually contends in a tournament. As a twofer -- minority and female -- we would probably hear the announcers having actual orgasms in the broadcasting booth.

In the meantime we can only guess at how a tournament would be televised that has both Wie and Tiger Woods in it. Probably a split screen format.
Don Wassall said:
One can only imagine what it would be like if she actually contends in a tournament. As a twofer -- minority and female -- we would probably hear the announcers having actual orgasms in the broadcasting booth.

Don that is so funny I am laughing my ass off!

I think they should just have a tournament with her and Tiger in it. Nobody else. Call it the Minority Open and award the first and second place winners a blank check from the US treasury.
I think it's great for golf that there are other winners, be they male or femals, black or white.

The enjoyment of golf is seeing the game look easy, but we 'club' golfers no its not, and enjoy how the different players play each hole. Having all those cameras on the course adds to our enjoyment, and I think golf is one of the more watchable sports on tele.

Lets enjoy another season.
FYI - In today's L.A. Times sports section, Michelle
Wie gets the pic at the top of the page carrying the
article on her current tourney. She's tied for 14th at
the Kraft Nabisco Championship. There is a
separate article next to her picture, letting us in on
just what went wrong, why she isn't winning. The
campaign is in full tilt.
Man alive! Stuff always "just goes wrong" for minority players of all sports. That never happens to whites. They just stink it up from the get go. If they get even worse, look out for anything. Beam Me Up Scotty!