Why nuance matters...(Geno Smith-Jake Bobo)


Aug 15, 2022
The reason why I stress dropping the NEGATIVE and not-scientifically accurate racism (both veiled and overt) that tends to rear its head on here is because the situation in American sports in 2023 is incredibly nuanced and not easily defined into a binary, either-or, descriptor. In this video, we see a traditional, drop-back, "ball-distributor", QB.......so...not your traditional "mobile/running" QB. He happens to be black. The skill position (speed, athlete, etc.) player here happens to be white. Listen to the comments Geno Smith makes "he's killing them today, etc.". I think what could help is if there is a pivot or focus on ending ALL sports stereotypes. Black, Hispanic, Asian, Slavic, Pacific Islander, etc. can all be Quarterbacks, and incredible ones at that. White can be RBs, WRs, CBs, Ss, and all of the skill positions. It may sound pollyanna or something, but the actual facts on the ground, the actual reality is that the media, NFL execs, tons of NFL coaches, and the like are bias and discriminating. Should folks on this site be just like them (but on the opposite side of the spectrum)? I argue that the truth.....that white folks can be super athletic...and black folks can be super unathletic but incredibly capable field generals. The stereotypes cut in all directions and I really believe the path forward to any systemic changes is opening the "big tent" and bringing other races that have been discriminated into the fold (like how black people were thought not capable of being QBs at one time). Work with the others to tear down ALL of the walls of bias/discrimination. If that's too pie-in-the-sky for you, or if you're just decidedly set in your ways.....at least enjoy this incredibly athletic TD catch and appreciate that this QB isn't going along with the media/nfl-executive "script": Geno hyping up Bobo

El Gringo

Feb 12, 2021
I can’t believe I read this entire post. I doubt you can point out a single post here that says blacks can’t be excellent athletes. What has been proven here in my opinion by evidence is that whites have been discriminated against. Why have we only had three 1000 yard rushers in the past 30 year? Why can whites be defensive players of the year, lead the league in receiving and td’s but not have the ability to be a starting corner in the league? Is there not one white man out there that the ability to be a starting corner. Why wasn’t the nations leading rusher invited to the combine? I could go on and on it’s all documented here. Quit virtue signaling about your love for Geno Smith, and do a little more research on the site your eyes may be opened.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I can see where you are coming from but in my opinion your rationale is flawed. The discrimination exist White athletes exists at levels highly disproportionate to any perceived discrimination black athletes endure. Blacks are viewed as flawless outside of the limitation of failure to achieve "upside". I think there would be a more moderate stance here at CF if indeed the blatant anti-White discrimination was to be called out and corrected. That time is way off as we are in the throes of open, unchecked, approved and even celebrated anti-White discrimination to go along with peak White self hate by so many.

The sports media complex highly mirrors what is going on in society as a whole. You can't tell me that right now Whites are not targeted with every form of bias, bigotry, crime, discrimination, an all out invasion of the West created for a soft genocide of Whites etc. and are completely unprotected by the system. Same applies to all sports


Jan 16, 2022
Are Whites the only group who get lectured by their own kind to be more welcoming and be to ever mindful of other ethnicities sensitivities?
Can the OP point to such "guidance" being given by Blacks to fellow Blacks?

I'll wait...
Dec 24, 2022
The problem with your vision of pivoting this community toward being a "big tent" is that it implies relatively equal discrimination among races, which is clearly not the case. I'm not at all concerned about the small handful of negative stereotypes that exist against black athletes, most of which are widely condemned by mainstream sports media and fans. They will continue to speak on their own behalf, and the media will happily give them a platform and a microphone to do so. They don't need any help, and they're certainly never going to start advocating for our guys at the expense of theirs.

With that said, I do agree that the discrimination isn't exclusively anti-white. Asians, Hispanics, and really all non-blacks (outside of PIs) are in a similar boat when it comes to football. I personally wouldn't mind posters from those groups coming to advocate for their guys. But the biggest targets of this system are definitely whites, and so I'm guessing that will always remain the focus here.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
There's no discrimination against any group except Whites. The NFL would love to have more Asians and "Hispanics" but there aren't many good enough at this point in time but there will be given the rapid-fire replacement of Whites taking place.

MLB fanatically recruits Hispanics and Asians. There are also baseball acadamies set up outside the U.S., and the ones inside the U.S. serve every group except rural Whites.

The NBA similarly is heavily invested in the Asian market, and Yao Ming was a media sensation. The idea that the NFL wouldn't like to see Oriental and Hispanic players can't be seriously argued. And there are already a number of "Hispanic" players past and present but as always "Hispanic" is a linguistic designation not a racial or ethnic one as Hispanics range from entirely European in background to mestizo and Black with all kinds of admixtures. Do players like Malcolm Rodriguez count as non-White?
Dec 24, 2022
There's no discrimination against any group except Whites. The NFL would love to have more Asians and "Hispanics" but there aren't many good enough at this point in time but there will be given the rapid-fire replacement of Whites taking place.

MLB fanatically recruits Hispanics and Asians. There are also baseball acadamies set up outside the U.S., and the ones inside the U.S. serve every group except rural Whites.

The NBA similarly is heavily invested in the Asian market, and Yao Ming was a media sensation. The idea that the NFL wouldn't like to see Oriental and Hispanic players can't be seriously argued. And there are already a number of "Hispanic" players past and present but as always "Hispanic" is a linguistic designation not a racial or ethnic one as Hispanics range from entirely European in background to mestizo and Black with all kinds of admixtures. Do players like Malcolm Rodriguez count as non-White?
Fair points, and I agree that the NFL would love to see more Asians and Mestizo Hispanics (to be more specific), and even promoted that angle with Taylor Rapp during the draft a few years ago. But on a cultural level, they share the perception of athletic inferiority to blacks, even with guys like Su Bingtian putting up one of the fastest 100m times in the world. So, I think we have some common ground with them, and I do view them as caste-busters to some degree. But you're definitely right in that their numbers are not being actively suppressed from the top down in the same way they are with whites.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Yes the NFL would gladly take any minority except they will never open welcome whites even when we become the minority in our own countries. The NBA, NFL, MLB and even NHL do alot of nights, games jerseys,etc in spanish. They want to replace whites with hispanics as
they know they are being allowed to take over the U.S. and that they can make a fortune off these people.

El Gringo

Feb 12, 2021
Apparently Geno really does appreciate Jake but I’m not sure why he didn’t get him the ball more even though he was”killing these guys”.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Among the many reasons the OP's point falls lame is his "Geno Smith - Jake Bobo" anecdote.

First, it's incredibly rare to see, like "man bites dog" or "the exception that proves the rule."

Second, Geno Smith has an NFL job, let alone a 9-figure contract, only by the graces of the NFL's pro-black, anti-white, top-down culture of discrimination and favoritism. This infamous account from 2014 is a "fireable offense (certainly demotion-worthy) in any fair and objective setting.

A team spokesman confirmed Smith's absenteeism to NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport, calling it an "honest mistake," perhaps due to the three-hour time change. The spokesman said Smith arrived five to 10 minutes after the meetings ended and caught up on info later with offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg. It was the first time Smith has missed a meeting, per the team. Rapoport added, per a team source, that players were surprised and frustrated he missed the meeting and didn't understand why he wasn't disciplined.

"I just counted down instead of counting up and just got the times mixed up, so I guess you could say I was thinking I was on East Coast time when we were actually on West Coast time," Smith said on a Monday conference call, adding that he was at the movies during the meetings. "That was just my mishap. It really had nothing to do with the time zones. I'm aware of that. For that moment, I got that mixed up."

In the run-up to a shutout loss in San Diego, Smith, the NY Jets team captain, missed a day's worth of team meetings and cited the time zone difference for his confusion. He claimed he was in the movie theatre, which is why he was unreachable by cell phone. He claimed he was six hours off of Pacific Time despite apparently buying a movie ticket. The mind boggles at this poor, naked lie. This is a Manziel-tier level of misconduct, clearing affecting the whole team and its play.

You can trace Smith's silver spoon back to the 2013 NFL draft, where he slid into the middle of the second round after being mocked as the #1 overall pick (based on "potential") at the beginning of his senior year. Yet, he still ended up starting the year as a rookie thanks to an injury to incumbent QB Mark Sanchez. Smith's disastrous two-year run as the Jets starter ended with a series of injuries that eventually led to his 2016 release. Yet, despite producing an "average" starting record with serious, documented character and leadership issues, punctuated by two injury-plagued years, his gravy train rolled on as a back-up with a variety of teams.

Fast forward seven years, and Smith strikes gold after carving out a role as a "veteran presence." He might well be a top-20 QB at any given moment in time, but there is no white quarterback that I can think of (everyone, feel free to chime in), that burned out so quickly yet continued into prominence. This is despite whites dominating the quarterback position for all prior decades of league play. Maybe Zach Wilson will someday sign a starter's contract in 2030 - if you are willing to take that bet, only then will there be a racial analog to Geno Smith's career arc, despite a much larger white sample size.

It's not the point whether Smith has reformed his character, is a "good guy" or positive influence at this point, or that he has thrown a bone of public praise to a white receiver (after Bobo's success, mind you, not before). The point is that 2023 Geno Smith only exists in this bizarro world that OP suggests we reform by removing as much emotion and subjective opinion as possible, "playing fairly" so to speak.

I have absolutely no interest in any of that, and I am sure that this audience could immediately come up with multiple modern-day parallels where that strategy has failed.


El Gringo

Feb 12, 2021
Among the many reasons the OP's point falls lame is his "Geno Smith - Jake Bobo" anecdote.

First, it's incredibly rare to see, like "man bites dog" or "the exception that proves the rule."

Second, Geno Smith has an NFL job, let alone a 9-figure contract, only by the graces of the NFL's pro-black, anti-white, top-down culture of discrimination and favoritism. This infamous account from 2014 is a "fireable offense (certainly demotion-worthy) in any fair and objective setting.

In the run-up to a shutout loss in San Diego, Smith, the NY Jets team captain, missed a day's worth of team meetings and cited the time zone difference for his confusion. He claimed he was in the movie theatre, which is why he was unreachable by cell phone. He claimed he was six hours off of Pacific Time despite apparently buying a movie ticket. The mind boggles at this poor, naked lie. This is a Manziel-tier level of misconduct, clearing affecting the whole team and its play.

You can trace Smith's silver spoon back to the 2013 NFL draft, where he slid into the middle of the second round after being mocked as the #1 overall pick (based on "potential") at the beginning of his senior year. Yet, he still ended up starting the year as a rookie thanks to an injury to incumbent QB Mark Sanchez. Smith's disastrous two-year run as the Jets starter ended with a series of injuries that eventually led to his 2016 release. Yet, despite producing an "average" starting record with serious, documented character and leadership issues, punctuated by two injury-plagued years, his gravy train rolled on as a back-up with a variety of teams.

Fast forward seven years, and Smith strikes gold after carving out a role as a "veteran presence." He might well be a top-20 QB at any given moment in time, but there is no white quarterback that I can think of (everyone, feel free to chime in), that burned out so quickly yet continued into prominence. This is despite whites dominating the quarterback position for all prior decades of league play. Maybe Zach Wilson will someday sign a starter's contract in 2030 - if you are willing to take that bet, only then will there be a racial analog to Geno Smith's career arc, despite a much larger white sample size.

It's not the point whether Smith has reformed his character, is a "good guy" or positive influence at this point, or that he has thrown a bone of public praise to a white receiver (after Bobo's success, mind you, not before). The point is that 2023 Geno Smith only exists in this bizarro world that OP suggests we reform by removing as much emotion and subjective opinion as possible, "playing fairly" so to speak.

I have absolutely no interest in any of that, and I am sure that this audience could immediately come up with multiple modern-day parallels where that strategy has failed.

Holy **** what a post!!!


Jun 3, 2016
I live in a small town is BC Canada and it is slowly being infested with Mainland Indians thank you Canada Immigration. The majority of my coworkers are now Indians and as a white Canadian I welcomed them and I am polite with them, they on the other hand hate me and want us whites out of my own town. This is happening all across Canada...They stay to themselves, do not integrate with the community-they want to take over....This is happening all over...also lots of Blacks< Asians being brought into small towns across Canada, the agenda is clear.

The Vancouver Canucks have only5-6 Canadian players 2 of which are Indo-Canadian and Native Indian, they have a Japanese player and a Chinese player on their farm team along with several black or mulatto players... Hell they choose Yanks and euros before white Canadians...these players are good but there are just as good white Canadians....the agenda is clear....most boys high school basketball programs in Canada in the bigger cities are full of blacks or mulattos and very few white players....agenda is clear.

Geno Smith was stating the obvious with Jake Bobo and he says this cuz he knows he is on TV....not for other reason...


Oct 31, 2009
Among the many reasons the OP's point falls lame is his "Geno Smith - Jake Bobo" anecdote.

First, it's incredibly rare to see, like "man bites dog" or "the exception that proves the rule."

Second, Geno Smith has an NFL job, let alone a 9-figure contract, only by the graces of the NFL's pro-black, anti-white, top-down culture of discrimination and favoritism. This infamous account from 2014 is a "fireable offense (certainly demotion-worthy) in any fair and objective setting.

In the run-up to a shutout loss in San Diego, Smith, the NY Jets team captain, missed a day's worth of team meetings and cited the time zone difference for his confusion. He claimed he was in the movie theatre, which is why he was unreachable by cell phone. He claimed he was six hours off of Pacific Time despite apparently buying a movie ticket. The mind boggles at this poor, naked lie. This is a Manziel-tier level of misconduct, clearing affecting the whole team and its play.

You can trace Smith's silver spoon back to the 2013 NFL draft, where he slid into the middle of the second round after being mocked as the #1 overall pick (based on "potential") at the beginning of his senior year. Yet, he still ended up starting the year as a rookie thanks to an injury to incumbent QB Mark Sanchez. Smith's disastrous two-year run as the Jets starter ended with a series of injuries that eventually led to his 2016 release. Yet, despite producing an "average" starting record with serious, documented character and leadership issues, punctuated by two injury-plagued years, his gravy train rolled on as a back-up with a variety of teams.

Fast forward seven years, and Smith strikes gold after carving out a role as a "veteran presence." He might well be a top-20 QB at any given moment in time, but there is no white quarterback that I can think of (everyone, feel free to chime in), that burned out so quickly yet continued into prominence. This is despite whites dominating the quarterback position for all prior decades of league play. Maybe Zach Wilson will someday sign a starter's contract in 2030 - if you are willing to take that bet, only then will there be a racial analog to Geno Smith's career arc, despite a much larger white sample size.

It's not the point whether Smith has reformed his character, is a "good guy" or positive influence at this point, or that he has thrown a bone of public praise to a white receiver (after Bobo's success, mind you, not before). The point is that 2023 Geno Smith only exists in this bizarro world that OP suggests we reform by removing as much emotion and subjective opinion as possible, "playing fairly" so to speak.

I have absolutely no interest in any of that, and I am sure that this audience could immediately come up with multiple modern-day parallels where that strategy has failed.
Legendary post!