Who are the True Chosen People?

So much to unpack here. I'm not going to go through a whole laundry list of contradictions by this man, whoever he is. But from the beginning of Satan having sex with Eve to the Bible is the Anglo-Saxon's book only, is as Beyond Fedup said pure rubbish. The Bible is for anyone, including Jews who repent and professed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jesus said, "he who is without sin let him cast the first stone." Once again we have a person focusing on one particular group/race of people as if Jews are the only evil people on this planet. Another poster said that Jews promote homosexuality, incest, etc. Lots of blacks and white Anglo-Saxons promote the same things. We even have so-called Christian Churches accepting homosexual members and other immoral practices. Instead of focusing how wrong a particular group people can be, we should focus on what Christ did for us, all of us sinners, and think more about witnessing to people about Jesus??
A couple of questions: I notice the speaker mentioned Shem, Noah's son, but nothing about Ham or Japheth? Also, he mentioned the Bible written for and only for Anglo-Saxons. I thought the Bible and Jesus Christ was for ALL people who are willing to believe.
Also, he said something about Zionist Christians being thrown in with the tares in the lake of fire. Just because they may have a misunderstanding or don't have all the knowledge about Jews, doesn't mean they're going to Hell. I don't believe that's a pre-qualification for being saved. None of us can completely understand the entire Bible.
If this man truly cares about the salvation of his race or any other race, he would have said how someone can know Christ and be Saved, but he did not. His focus was on hatred for race of people.
Lastly, I don't look at Jews as an ethnic group, but from a spiritual sense. Just like Jews, a lot folks can say they're Christian, but that doesn't mean they have been truly Saved and practice their faith. No different than Muslims, Buddhist, etc. Their faith is in The Law, by what you have to do to be Saved, not by what Jesus did. "Jesus said, " Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17.
Jesus was The Law, perfection, God in human form. We are not. That's why we need Jesus and his saving grace. His saving grace is for ALL, not just White Anglo-Saxons!
This, 100%. Jesus was Jewish. But when he took on the sins of the world, the old covenant was broken and a new one made. Anyone who repents and accepts Him as Lord and Savior can be saved. Christians are God’s chosen people post-Crucifixion.

We should pray for the souls of Jews just as we should blacks, Asians and whites who do not know Christ.
This, 100%. Jesus was Jewish. But when he took on the sins of the world, the old covenant was broken and a new one made. Anyone who repents and accepts Him as Lord and Savior can be saved. Christians are God’s chosen people post-Crucifixion.

We should pray for the souls of Jews just as we should blacks, Asians and whites who do not know Christ.
I agree that both gentiles and jews can be saved. I do not believe that Israel is just one country and one type of people. Israel is made
up of the 12 Tribes of Judah. They may or may not be different races but they in my opinion are not all from the same place like
we are told today. Only God knows for sure but why would Gods Chosen People choose to reject him and have Jesus Killed? Even
Jesus said that certain of the jews serve Satan who is their true father. Not the exact words. He called them the Synagogue of Satan.
If Christianity can be summed up it would be this: Redemption through Grace.

Christ came up as man in Judeah (present day Israel). The location is significant because it was nearly dead-center in the Roman Empire, but a poorer region. That the King of Kings came up in a poor, overlooked section of the greatest empire the world had ever known was significant. Whereas the ruling class wielded power in Judaism, Christianity is truly for everyone. Each of us, no matter our lot in life, has the ability to speak directly to God and form a personal relationship with Him.

The fact that most Jews reject Christ as the Son of God is baffling. All the Torah’s prophecies point to Christ and yet they remain stubborn in their refusal to submit.
I’m not sure there is a chosen people at all. I think it’s more likely that those who choose to be righteous Christians (and I say this a lapsed Catholic) are the chosen. They are doing the choosing. If God did the choosing it wouldn’t say much for the idea of free will in my opinion.

I wish I wasn’t as down on the church as I am now but that’s my .02. I’d like to believe in the faith I was raised in, it’s just harder to do given how much the institution seems to have rotted.

If it’s true the gates of hell won’t prevail against her, then maybe there is yet hope. Not looking good to me though
I’m not sure there is a chosen people at all. I think it’s more likely that those who choose to be righteous Christians (and I say this a lapsed Catholic) are the chosen. They are doing the choosing. If God did the choosing it wouldn’t say much for the idea of free will in my opinion.

I wish I wasn’t as down on the church as I am now but that’s my .02. I’d like to believe in the faith I was raised in, it’s just harder to do given how much the institution seems to have rotted.

If it’s true the gates of hell won’t prevail against her, then maybe there is yet hope. Not looking good to me though
"The Fool says in his heart there's no God." Psalms 14:1. Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6.
My friend it seems you have your eyes on the "Institution" instead of Jesus. The Catholic Church can't save you. Only through faith in The Lord Jesus Christ will save you. As long as you your eyes on anything else, you can never be saved.
You do have free will to choose Jesus or not to. He's not going to make you Love him. Trying to force someone to love another is not Love.
You have that choice right now. You're a sinner and have broken God's law and the only way to be saved is to admit that to the Lord Jesus, repent of your sin and ask Jesus to save your through faith in his death on the cross, burial and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins. It's your choice.
"He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.
II Peter 3:8.
I hope that one day before you die, that you will ask Jesus Christ to save you!
I’m not sure there is a chosen people at all. I think it’s more likely that those who choose to be righteous Christians (and I say this a lapsed Catholic) are the chosen. They are doing the choosing. If God did the choosing it wouldn’t say much for the idea of free will in my opinion.

I wish I wasn’t as down on the church as I am now but that’s my .02. I’d like to believe in the faith I was raised in, it’s just harder to do given how much the institution seems to have rotted.

If it’s true the gates of hell won’t prevail against her, then maybe there is yet hope. Not looking good to me though
I will pray for you brother. I understand the institution of Christianity may be getting you down, what with how far so many churches stray from Christ’s teachings. While never lapsed, I spent the last decade and a half in a lukewarm walk with Jesus. I am working on strengthening it again.

But there is only one way: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one will enter the gates of Heaven without confessing their sins and being born again. It is a hard walk to make, but the rewards will be beyond what any of us could imagine.

The world is going to hell, as prophesied, and I believe the great Tribulation is not far off. We must remain strong in our faith for the times that are to come will test all of us.
I will pray for you brother. I understand the institution of Christianity may be getting you down, what with how far so many churches stray from Christ’s teachings. While never lapsed, I spent the last decade and a half in a lukewarm walk with Jesus. I am working on strengthening it again.

But there is only one way: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one will enter the gates of Heaven without confessing their sins and being born again. It is a hard walk to make, but the rewards will be beyond what any of us could imagine.

The world is going to hell, as prophesied, and I believe the great Tribulation is not far off. We must remain strong in our faith for the times that are to come will test all of us.

I agree with both of you. I try to encourage anyone here to get their faith right. The hour is late and the time is short my friends!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son for whom so ever shall believe shall not perish but have
everlasting life.
Thanks fellas. Encouraging that you care enough to say those words.

I think that some Christian churches clearly have done it right (mainly the Eastern Orthodox in my view ), but the way that nearly all churches buckled under to the covid BS (at least in the US) really crushed my faith in the idea of organized religion.

I do believe that countless people through the ages would not have undergone the trials they did if there was no validity to Christianity but I just can’t seem to warm up to the idea of church going.

My issue isn’t so much with the idea of Christ as a redeemer and I absolutely believe in God as the creator of the universe, it’s more that the human institutions all seem so flawed.

In my own lifetime I’ve seen the church change radically and I’m too young to have seen it pre Vatican 2.

Hopefully the church can get its act together but anyway thanks for the kind words. Maybe thinks need to get worse before they can get better and obviously not all churches are the same as they are composed of different clergy and parishioners.

Still don’t think any one people are chosen as special by God. That just seems like a ridiculously self serving idea to me.
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