Who’s White & "Ranking" Whites?

"For example, do various Mediterranean peoples...North Africans (Berbers), Turks, Greeks (Southern Greece), Syrians? What about Jews & mestizos?"

Sure, all except the last are mostly all Europid/Caucasian/White. Mestizo means white-Amerindian mixture, the majority population of Mexico.

People have been deliberately dumbed down on the vital subject of race. Real books on the subject have been banned form the libraries. The best book I know about is Race by John R. Baker.


Carlton Coon's books are also good and also banned. Professor Coon was working on a new book on the relative intelligence of the various races at the time of his death.

Sean Locklear who looks mulatto is a Lumbee and is a Melungeon eventhough he is "Native American" from I read of his "tribe", most of the people are 2/5ths European, 2/5ths African and 1/5 (or less) Native American. Here is his profile.....http://www.nfl.com/player/seanlocklear/2506044/profile

That's interesting about Locklear. Looks like the Lumbee owned slaves. A lot of blacks claim Indian ancestry, only to trace it back and find that they were property, not braves. I'm sure there was a good bit of mixing.
"Malungeon" is a pretty nebulous name with no definite racial meaning except that people they called Malungeons - I think the word was used in the Appalachians - are unusually dark or swarthy, possibly with "a touch of the tar brush", or possibly not.
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Yes I saw a documentary on Youtube about these people and each distinct community is different in terms of racial mixture. Also many of these communities aren't nearly as dark as they were 3 or 4 generations ago. Basically they related stories how some ancestors went off to some big city to work in a factory and after that their ancestors became Black or White depending how they were accepted in the community and who they married.
Polish - Dutch ancestry and extremely proud of it, especially the Polish part.

they were defenders of occidental Europe against many non-white threats, namely Mongols, Tatars and Turks.

if it wasn't for this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vienna who knows whether you guys would have any Western or Northern Europe to classify ahead of Slavs in the "whiteness" ranking.
There are some amazing threads on message boards dedicated to the question of who (meaning groups or ethnicities) is white, and who isn't. It's interesting that the term "white" is seldom defined. It could include Jews, a lot of "Arabs", Gypsies, Indians, etc..., or could be so narrowly defined as to exclude Italians and Greeks. Most seem to define it somewhere in between. The longest arguments I've seen center around "Lebanese", which can mean at least a couple of different things itself (Lebanese Christians and Muslims don't look alike). Doug Flutie and Jeff George are mostly Lebanese, and John Elway is evidently part Lebanese. I'm not willing to give them up as white quarterbacks. I think for caste system purposes, how they look and are perceived by the media is what counts.
I've read various opinions and studies on what consists of racial makeup...in specifically to the White race. I was curious to what the general consensus was here as to who qualifies as "White"?

For example, do various Mediterranean peoples...North Africans (Berbers), Turks, Greeks (Southern Greece), Syrians? What about Jews & mestizos?

In addition, do you think there is a "ranking" of White races? I read a comment on Stormfront once, that ranked the Whites (something to the effect) of...

- Aryans (Nordic, Germanic & Anglo Saxon/Northern European & also the Boer & English peoples of South Africa).
- Western Europeans - French, "White" Spanish & Portugese", etc.
- Eastern Europeans - Slavs, Poles, Russians, etc.
- Southern Europeans - Southern Spain, Southern Italian, Greek, etc.
- "Mixed" White - Mestizo, Berbers, etc.

I was curious as CF'rs thoughts on who's considered "White" and if their are a ranking of "Whites"? Thanks!

Sounds just like something you'd read on Zionfront, especially by one of their ziomods, dumbed down nonsense like that, trying to set what's left of the white race against each other.
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look at this kid:


I'm sure you'll call him white if you come across him!

in fact he's the son of Yannick Noah and Nordic mother (in the pic), Yannick Noah himself is "half blooded", from a white french mother, so this kid has 25% black blood, but still phenotypically looks white.


Yeah, the poor kid looks 100% white and I'm sure that mulatto male isn't the father.
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That's interesting about Locklear. Looks like the Lumbee owned slaves. A lot of blacks claim Indian ancestry, only to trace it back and find that they were property, not braves. I'm sure there was a good bit of mixing.
Here is another "Native American", I think people speculated whether he was White on this board and the general consensus was no consensus..:icon_mrgreen: Well he is a Melungeon and depending on how much sun he has he either looks White or Quadroon/Mulatto.....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenwin_Cummings
Don't be that sure ;) He is actually the father - this kid is not an incredible exception - 3 european grand parents out of 4!

If that little blond boy is 1/4 Negro I'll eat my hat. Here's Yannick Noah's son, Joakim Noah:


And he looks just like what he is, 1/4 Negro.
If that little blond boy is 1/4 Negro I'll eat my hat. Here's Yannick Noah's son, Joakim Noah:


And he looks just like what he is, 1/4 Negro.

It does not happen every time but it does happen sometimes to have a white dominant phenotype in a 3/4 white DNA. This little boy isn't an odd exception but he's not the general rule! it lies in the gene shuffle when distributing half the material through each spermatozoon.. if you think that black gene is that resistant, it's not true and sometimes (like in this boy's case) fades away more quickly than expected
White nations have for a very long time accused their enemy White nations of being nonwhite. Even the Germans were called "Huns" by the allies. Catholic countries(even Ireland) were called nonwhite by protestants. France seems to be the exception to that rule. Orthodox Christian were accused of being nonwhite (Asians) by protestants and Catholics. This is merely propaganda of demonizing ones enemies. The White Race up of three groups Aryans (mostly found today in Northern and Eastern Europe), Iberians(from Ireland to Georgia in Southern Europe and probably once controlled most of the middle east and north Africa), and Finno-Ugric (Northern and Eastern Europe again) and their combinations.

All members of a White nation are White but not all citizens of a White nation are White. For example all Polish nation members are White but Jews and gypsies who hold Polish citizenship aren't White. Often times hostilities may have resulted from nonwhite citizens or just people pretending to be citizens acting badly and getting the White nation blamed. As Jews and gypsies pretending to be Polish would act dumb and steal and so on but the blame wouldn't be put on the Jews or gypsies who quickly claimed to be victims of the Poles but on the Poles. And the poor Italians, light skin blacks and nonwhite Arabs think they can pass for Italian but they can't and when a nonwhite "Italian" was the first "Italian" someone encountered they assumed that Italians were not white and add to the past propaganda it became engrained.

I have heard from Whites who have ancestry from Turkey that about 15% of Turkey is still White but many don't know it or acknowledge it. And before many of the Greeks, Georgians and Armenians were expelled or massacred estimates are that more then 50% of Turkey was White.

The White nations have all built great civilizations, and accomplish great deeds but also have comment great atrocities against other Whites and betrayed other Whites to nonwhites. If the Orthodox White Christian had stood with the Whites in the West, Spain probably wouldn't have fallen to the Muslims and if the Western European countries had come to Constantinople's defense instead of sacking it in a crusade and blowing the walls because the Muslims paid them to, it would, likely, not have fallen nor would have part eastern Europe.

Time of petty disputes between White nations must come to an end for the nonwhite hordes are inside the walls of all White countries. The time is at hand when the White nations must stand together against nonwhite hordes. There is a continuum in who is White and who is not. When the line is establish is for leaders to decide but reason must guide them and as Mr. Wassall mentioned one who has good conduct and especially if he/she is pro-white and borderline can be fudge as long as the line isn't pushed too far.
I've read various opinions and studies on what consists of racial makeup...in specifically to the White race. I was curious to what the general consensus was here as to who qualifies as "White"?

For example, do various Mediterranean peoples...North Africans (Berbers), Turks, Greeks (Southern Greece), Syrians? What about Jews & mestizos?

In addition, do you think there is a "ranking" of White races? I read a comment on Stormfront once, that ranked the Whites (something to the effect) of...

- Aryans (Nordic, Germanic & Anglo Saxon/Northern European & also the Boer & English peoples of South Africa).
- Western Europeans - French, "White" Spanish & Portugese", etc.
- Eastern Europeans - Slavs, Poles, Russians, etc.
- Southern Europeans - Southern Spain, Southern Italian, Greek, etc.
- "Mixed" White - Mestizo, Berbers, etc.

I was curious as CF'rs thoughts on who's considered "White" and if their are a ranking of "Whites"? Thanks!

How are Anglos "Aryans" but Poles and Russians(for example) aren't?
How are Anglos "Aryans" but Poles and Russians(for example) aren't?

I've not studied it in detail. I was referring to the SF thread I'd read where those of NW Europe were considered Aryans. Whereas southern Europeans were more swarthy and Russians are of mongoloid bloodlines, etc. I can't recall all the details. This thread was to get CF'ers thoughts on such.
It does not happen every time but it does happen sometimes to have a white dominant phenotype in a 3/4 white DNA. This little boy isn't an odd exception but he's not the general rule! it lies in the gene shuffle when distributing half the material through each spermatozoon.. if you think that black gene is that resistant, it's not true and sometimes (like in this boy's case) fades away more quickly than expected

Sorry, white girls, but if you want to mate with a Negro or a half Negro to show mommy and daddy what Evil Racists they are, you're not going to have beautiful golden haired babies, like that little boy in the photo above (this guy going on about "phenotypes" notwithstanding), and neither will your descendents. You will have babies that look like half a monkey with kinky wool on its head (see the photo of the mulatto's real son). You will have destroyed your racial line for all time to come.

No offense, but this entire thread is divisive bull**** and belongs on ZionFront from whence it came. They try to set what little is left of the white race against each other.

Sorry, white girls, but if you want to mate with a Negro or a half Negro to show mommy and daddy what Evil Racists they are, you're not going to have beautiful golden haired babies, like that little boy in the photo above (this guy going on about "phenotypes" notwithstanding), and neither will your descendents. You will have babies that look like half a monkey with kinky wool on its head (see the photo of the mulatto's real son). You will have destroyed your racial line for all time to come.

No offense, but this entire thread is divisive bull**** and belongs on ZionFront from whence it came. They try to set what little is left of the white race against each other.

There are some children of celebrities that are roughly a quarter Black and look entirely Caucasian. Franco Harris' son looks completely White and so does one of Kareems sons with a Jewish woman. Also Carly Simon announced to the world she is a Quadroon (after he career is basically over).
Prove it.

I googled up a picture of Franco Harris' son and he does look like a swarthy white man, but then I googled up a photo of Franco Harris himself and he looks 95% white to begin with with hardly any Negro characteristics. In fact he could pass for one of the darker branches of the Europid/White race, so his son is not 1/4 negro.

Many American Blacks have white blood in them, and it's usually the blood of the bottom of the barrel of the white race, either white males who found Negresses attractive enough to mate with, or as is the case now, mostly white females, likewise. The blood of the dregs of the white race mixed with sub-Saharan black African cannibals. Nice combination.

In the case of the little blond boy above, though, it is clearly the white prostitute's son by a white man.

How are people from the British Isles considered Aryan? Genetically speaking they were the people least genetically touched by the Indo-Europeans. In fact the Anatolian "Turks" can claim more Aryan ancestry than the British Isle peoples.
How are people from the British Isles considered Aryan? Genetically speaking they were the people least genetically touched by the Indo-Europeans. In fact the Anatolian "Turks" can claim more Aryan ancestry than the British Isle peoples.

The British are a variety of mixtures, depending on what part of Britain or Ireland they are from. Britons, Picts, Romans, Celts, other Gaels, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Normans, all are there. Those islands have been fought over for millenia. "Aryan" is one of those terms that is difficult to pin down.
The British are a variety of mixtures, depending on what part of Britain or Ireland they are from. Britons, Picts, Romans, Celts, other Gaels, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Normans, all are there. Those islands have been fought over for millenia. "Aryan" is one of those terms that is difficult to pin down.

All of those groups just left a drop in an ocean so to speak, the British isles are almost the same genetically as they were thousands of years ago.
Aryan (Indo-Europeans), Iberians (Old European type), and Finno-Ugric are all parts of a whole--the White Race. Word Aryan is often use to describe the whole Aryan some say Ireland called " Éire" is a variant of the name Aryan, now the idea is in dispute but probably more because it is politically incorrect. This name seems to come in various forums, Aryans, Eire, Iran, could Ugric be a forum of the same name with an "u"? Aryan is a term that was used to describe the Indo-European language group that most of Europe speaks. In all probability, Western Europe is probably mostly an Aryan-Iberian mixed ( some estimates say that the British isles are 80% Iberian and about 20% Aryan) and Eastern Europe is,mostly, an Aryan-Finno-Ugric mix. All three group likely broken from some ancient tribe that was called something similar to the word "Aryan". We could call the Iberians "Eryans" or "Eiryans" and the Finno-Ugric "Uryans" but since both groups have "Aryan blood all three can be called "Aryans" to show the unity of the White race and it separates Whites from the Jews and other nonwhite caucasians.
I googled up a picture of Franco Harris' son and he does look like a swarthy white man, but then I googled up a photo of Franco Harris himself and he looks 95% white to begin with with hardly any Negro characteristics. In fact he could pass for one of the darker branches of the Europid/White race, so his son is not 1/4 negro.

Many American Blacks have white blood in them, and it's usually the blood of the bottom of the barrel of the white race, either white males who found Negresses attractive enough to mate with, or as is the case now, mostly white females, likewise. The blood of the dregs of the white race mixed with sub-Saharan black African cannibals. Nice combination.

In the case of the little blond boy above, though, it is clearly the white prostitute's son by a white man.

You also had the gentlemen class who impregnated slaves and free Blacks as pre-martial sex and deviant forms of sex with White women went against the social mores of the times. Ie Strom Thurmond's "love child".