Whitlock: Hip-hop culture hurting NFL


Sorry if I came off holier than thou. However, when anybody has a child like him (great looking boy) and walks away from the mother, that's a disgrace. I know that isn't thought about much anymore, but the fact remains he's walking away from his responsibility to that boy by not being his father. He should have married that girl.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

Sorry if I came off holier than thou. However, when anybody has a child like him (great looking boy) and walks away from the mother, that's a disgrace. I know that isn't thought about much anymore, but the fact remains he's walking away from his responsibility to that boy by not being his father. He should have married that girl.

Tom Iron...

Any chance she told him she was on the pill and wasn't?

Just because he didn't marry her doesn't mean he is walking away from his responsibilities as a father, either.
Brady didn't even know she was pregnant by all accounts..and what the hell has Brian Urlacher done other than bash the stereotype that big white linebackers can't run?
"Brian Urlacher done other than bash the stereotype that big white linebackers can't run?"

Brian had a child a couple years ago with this really hot black chick and they broke up. I think that's what he's referring to.
White liberals are rejoicing, they can now hide behind this man. Still libs everywhere and under whatever rock should be held responsible.
sport historian said:
I should point out that before the late 60's, you did not see black pro football players dressing and behaving like buffoons in public. At least, not often. When Michael Vick was being arraigned, file footage was shown of Vick appearing in public in a "gangsta" outfit. He wanted to look like a clown, or thought that was expected of him.

Whitlock should have pursued this more to bolster his argument. Black criminality, dysfunction and buffoonery in society have been enabled and rewarded by the government and its media arm.

In the case of football the media loves nothing more than to promote selfish clowns like T.O. and Chad Johnson. Keyshawn Johnson has been rewarded for his extreme loudmouth selfish ways (and racism) with a lucrative network job. Ditto repeat criminals like Michael Irvin.

Standards have been lowered dramatically in society inevery way imaginable-- including for whites, who now mindlessly cheer on the blackbuffoons and criminals en masse while mostly ridiculing and outright hating their own athletes. The agenda is for those at the top to more easily control "the people," but that's a topic for Happy Hour.
I agree with Tom on this one. Its sad that our culture has fallen to the point where its no longer considered "right" to marry the mother of your child and provide a stable family environment for them. If you are man enough to Tango, then you better be man enough to live with the consequences, whether they be expected or unexpected.

On the other hand, I won't judge Brady or Urlacher because I don't know the full circumstances of their situations. Unfortunately in our pussified culture/society the Women have all the control and the Men can be ordered by the courts to be nothing more then a part time Dad/income source. I'm a little harder on Brian because he brought a bi-racial child into the world, which I personally think is cruel for reasons too complex to list in this post.

Edited by: reclaimsocal
nhl411 said:
Brady didn't even know she was pregnant by all accounts..and what the hell has Brian Urlacher done other than bash the stereotype that big white linebackers can't run?
Urlacher had a stint with Paris' is Burning too. He seems to enjoy the company of harlets....
Urlacher is no rocket scientist this is his second baby momma. As for Brady, my guess is that his baby momma is a bit touched in the head and when things were going south in this relationship she thought a baby would bring it back together. If you can't stand the thought of 18 years of looking at or dealing with some broad don't stick it.
That's America. Puritan streak a mile wide, and man, Americans just love to cheer on a celeb's screw ups. So Brady's girl got preggers...BFD. They're both celebs, and honestly, if I was Brady, I wouldn't be looking to get married either. Not until it was on my terms, after my NFL career was over.

Urlacher seems to be the typical jock, honestly, from interviews I've heard him give. Course, Urlacher seems to make an effort to hang with the bruthas anyway.

The point is that people like Brady and Urlacher are White and they do untold damage when they act like blacks. There are amny kids walking around with their names acroos their backs and those kids will think that it's just fine to run around like some cur dog doing everybody that they run across.

Like I said, we've got to look at the whole person. Not just the fact that they may be the best QB or LB in a game. There's much more at stake here than just winning games.

Tom Iron...
There's a saying ---

"If you idolize and engage in hero worship of a (completely) different race, this alien race will soon appear in your very bloodline"

Parents' who raise their kid's into this misguided "lifestyle" are endangering what should be their precious offspring. We aren't in Mayberry anymore and we mustn't raise naive or inept children.

I want to watch White football and White basketball, period. Why do I "need" to see "human interest" stories and why should I support, with time and money, a race that Civilization passed by --- a race that just breeds but never advances?

Just think, the negro is not rare, nor is it the special creature that the marxists want our son's and daughter's to think it is. It's especially dangerous to those that are blind to the danger --- to those that don't realize they are seen as prey to blacks. If a black wants something, it will try to take it by force. Or, if it has the primitive urge to stomp on you "for no apparent reason" --- it will act that out as well.

I'll teach my kid's about the rare and truly endangered mountain gorillas, rhinos, polar bears, tigers, elephants, komodo dragons, etc.

The clock is ticking when it comes to these highly-evolved, yet truly threatened species. Something tells me that these exceptional creatures will greatly appreciate all the love that me and my children have reserved for them and their grueling plight.

Compassion is not something to be played with. It's serious business and it is harmful in the hands of the misguided. Many in our race are -- shall I say -- "too evolved" for their own good. The savages will always slit the throats of the nice... hyper-altruistics.

It's my firm belief that the "stereotypes" against the White athlete was always a "cover" to mask the real reasons for the Caste System.

When we think of Jordy Nelson, Jake Sharp, Brian Leonard and so on --- they want us to automatically think "oh, it's just the rare White freak" -- not -- how MANY more are out there?
Tom Brady dosent act black at all. I don't know the details with the baby situation so I'm not going to comment. Ulacher dosent seem to me to be a wigger. He had a mixed kid something I have know respect for at all, but the was he acts is not wiggerish. Im sure black culture has a small affect on him but it does to a small part on a large percentage of americans. He does not seem like a wanna be and acts with class on the feild. He's going to go to the hall of fame one day and I think we all can give him respect with that.
The Patriots lead the Dolphins 42-7 at halftime right now. Even more people will read and re-read Whitlock's article after this dismantling. Would be great if the Colts dominate Africa's Team on Monday night.
Tom Brady, by throwing for 354 yards and 6 TD's, is not acting black at all!!

I support Tom Brady and will not condemn him for having a White child. I hope he has several more.

Also, selectively procreating with multiple females of one's own race to ensure survival of the man's genetic lineage -- IS NOT a black invention.

What most blacks do is completely different from what dominant and intelligent White males do. The blacks will continue to do what they do --- which is procreation that doesn't lead to a more intelligent next generation. So be it, they're out of control for everyone to see.

We must shed unnecessary taboos if we are to survive and prosper --- because everything is not WRONG or evil or unfair to the child. Toughen up, we must!
I felt sick to my stomach when I watched Marvin Lewis stand on the sidelines looking the other way when Chad Johnson did his shennanigans on Monday Night Football earlier in the season. How in the hell is letting that nonsense take precedence over team performance going to improve his team's chances of winning? Whitlock deserves a lot of credit for having the kahunas to point out the destructive nature of hip hop culture on blacks in the NFL, their respective teamsand black culture in general. I dont remember the movie but it was only a few years ago. A predominately black football team won their division and at the end of the game, a black player came up to the white coach and turned his hat (the Coach's)sideways. The coach just grinned and hugged the guy as if to say, you're right, that's what got us here and I am going to start saying "aks" instead of "ask" from now on. I thought I was gonna puke! There are certain standards that make for a winning football team and they did not come from black hip hop culture.
Marvin Lewis, Chad Johnson, and the rest of the Bengals were ripped on ESPN radio today by Chris Mortensen and others. The only guy who was exempt the bashing was Carson Palmer, who both said they consider 'the best quarterback in the NFL,' and whose talent is being wasted on the current Bengals team.
Marvin Lewis looks and seems to act like someone who has minimal standards when it comes to character, but obviously not. He came to the Bengals after being the defensive coordinator for Brian Billick's thuggish Ravens, so he obviously tried to replicate what worked there.

Given that the NFL is supposedly the ultimate "copycat" league, how long until the other teams start to copy what's working for the Patriots and Colts? Or will the long-entrenched Caste System and the Cultural Marxist forces behind it continue to trump fairness and common sense when it comes to football?

I do get the sense that more and more people, even in the media, are becoming thoroughly disgusted withthe dysfunctional behavior and non-stop whining of blacks. Watching television,it's impossible not to noticethat more and more Asians are appearing in commercials, much the way blacks suddenly began appearingin them en masse 40 years ago after previously being invisible on TV. As the U.S. continues to be deliberately changed into a non-white country, it's possible that Asians (and "hispanics") will be considered a more "useful" minority with which to accomplish corporate and zionist goals, with the endless pandering to blacks coming to an end, or at least notably declining. Edited by: Don Wassall
White Shogun said:
Marvin Lewis, Chad Johnson, and the rest of the Bengals were ripped on ESPN radio today by Chris Mortensen and others. The only guy who was exempt the bashing was Carson Palmer, who both said they consider 'the best quarterback in the NFL,' and whose talent is being wasted on the current Bengals team.

nice one!
I agree with Don the folks that run the media feel their "authority" slipping away in part because of the internet has broken their monopoly. Imagine though if conservatives started holding liberals responsible for the stupidity and the consequenses of their policies and actions. Such as the clowns on espn actually being at least chastised for encouraging the minstrel shows and bad play of the affletes.
I like Jason Whitlock as a writer and man wh's not afraid to speak his mind
and swim upstream. I do not agree with his assertion that the NFL is
being adversely affected by Hip Hop. What I see are a few talented
players that have refused to let their skills talk for them. They want to
market themselves but that's not their job. Their actions thus become
about "me" and not the "Team" and that's what is so cancerous about
these players.

The NFL Teams are going to have to think long and hard about each
player and how they integrate into the team. I for one have no problems
bypasing a potentially superior player with behavioural problems for a
player who exudes character and teamwork.

I don't think it's quite as easy to replicate the talent of Indy or the Pats.
The common denominator of these teams are excellent coaching staffs,
players that are willing to learn the complex system and QBs that are Hall
of Fame material.Respect is the glue that ties everything together.
That's a cake that sounds easy to bake but those ingredients are hard to
Seahawker71 said:
I do not agree with his assertion that the NFL is being adversely affected by Hip Hop.

Buahahahahahaha! What a knee-slapper! Whoo-wee!

Our entire culture is permeated to the core and adversely affected by Hip Hop culture. Why wouldn't the NFL be as much or more so, considering that 70% of the men who work there are black?

Seahawker71 said:
What I see are a few talented players that have refused to let their skills talk for them.

Way more than a few, and the real truth is many of the not-so-talented players aren't playing their hardest, either, and are ruining their team's chemistry just as much as their better-paid brethren.

Seahawker71 said:
The common denominator of these teams are excellent coaching staffs, players that are willing to learn the complex system and QBs that are Hall of Fame material. Respect is the glue that ties everything together.

All true of course, except you left out that these two teams have more white players than any other team in the NFL.
Great point, Wile. The internet and (some) cable TV shows have exposed the mainstream media and taken away some of it's power. Not enough, yet, but I am hoping the trend continues. Still, I sometimes feel like I am listening to Radio Free Europe when I listen to Rush. Rush points out that the mainstream media is rooting for a black quarterback to succeed and he is dumped by ESPN. Howard Cossell says, "look at that little monkey go," and he is fired. A DJ in my community was fired because he brought up the HISTORICAL FACT that African Chiefs sold their people to white slave traders and that black slavery still exists today. If I was a black man I would hope I would question how this politically correct distortion of reality has hurt my cause. Denial of the truth always does.
White Shogun said:
All true of course, except you left out that these two teams have more
white players than any other team in the NFL.

I think having Hall of Fame Quarterbacks pretty much usurps all over
advantages. Give me a team with an outstanding QB and OL and I can win
with avg speed WR and RB. That position is so important words cannot
adequately capture its importance. If Matt Hasselback gets hurt our
season is done. We can live without Shaun Alexander but if good ole MH
goes down the Seahawks go down.
Jason Whitlock gets smeared by a Cultural Marxist know-nothing named Dave Zirin. The same ignoramus also condemns the Colorado Rockies for being "too Christian" (see the Playoffs thread in the Baseball forum).
<H1>Jason Whitlock on the NFL Color Lines</H1>
<H1>White Noise</H1>


Jason "Big Sexy" Whitlock has told me to "mind [my] own damn business" when it comes to his mission to lead a new Civil Rights movement against "black idiots". But whether you are talking about Whitlock or someone hanging a noose on a tree, there is a problem when you say, "Just ignore it and it will go away."

Whitlock's latest on Fox Sports, titled, "NFL buffoons leaving terrible legacy" takes it to even another level. It's an ugly clarion call for athletic ethnic cleansing. He makes the case that the NFL is getting whiter, all thanks to black "hip hop buffoons" who are alienating owners, coaches, and fans. He writes, "African-American football players caught up in the rebellion and buffoonery of hip hop culture have given NFL owners and coaches a justifiable reason to whiten their rosters." Justifiable: meaning it is a process he both defends and understands.

Article: http://www.counterpunch.org/zirin10242007.html
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