Whitey, Wake the **** Up Thread

Don, that article by Kirkpatrick is revealing but not surprising. I wouldn't doubt it one bit that the plan all along is to have Biden and Warren limp along and then Bolshevik Bernie somehow makes an "unexpected surge" towards the end of the Dem Primaries and "dramatically" wins the nomination. He's a Communist Jew. He's the perfect choice for their real agenda. Heart and soul of the string-pullers. Times ahead look bleak if I'm correct.
Just remember there are roughly 180 million white people in the US. And, of course, hundreds of millions more in Europe and other parts of the world. White people will be around for awhile. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated by this inflammatory, provocative type of speech. It's meant to breed conflict, for the benefit of you know who and to the detriment of whites. There will never be a great race war, and anybody speaking of one is either ignorant or should be suspected of being a provocateur.
Diversity is a scam. Anti-Semitism is a scam.

180 Million White people and 65% of them are over the age of 50.......................when I was in grade school in the 60's there were millions of WW2 vets alive.........today there are only 1,000s.............soon none...............Whites could be gone in one generation if they don't reproduce beyond replacement numbers......and that's hard to do with graduated tax and fed reserve inflation hitting them hard in the pocket book making a one income family and more than a few children the domain of just the wealthy today among responsible Whites.............add ot that the push of feminism convincing women in the traditional family role as a waste of life......and government programs continue to reward and enable the non-Whites to reproduce like rabbits off the tax paying Whites...........the chosenite strategy behind our money supply and governmental programs is working exactly as planned.........no more White male dominated societies means no more nationalist movement possibilities to them which is their end goal for survival in Western societies........
....no more White male dominated societies means no more nationalist movement possibilities to them which is their end goal for domination in Western societies........[/QUOTE]

Fixed it for you...
....no more White male dominated societies means no more nationalist movement possibilities to them which is their end goal for domination in Western societies........

Fixed it for you...[/QUOTE]

I stand corrected...........your assessment is more relevant to that long term goal than mine..........
American Freedom News