Whitey, Wake the **** Up Thread

On the heels of the black-on-White hate crime of the White male toddler being thrown over the railing in the Mall of Somalia in Minnesota, another black-on-White hate crime today in Denver of a black driver deliberately running over some young White boys playing. Thankfully, he was arrested and charged with attempted murder.
On the heels of the black-on-White hate crime of the White male toddler being thrown over the railing in the Mall of Somalia in Minnesota, another black-on-White hate crime today in Denver of a black driver deliberately running over some young White boys playing. Thankfully, he was arrested and charged with attempted murder.

In both cases, recent African arrivals. As if we already didn't have a black violence problem, that we can't talk about in U.S..
Let's bring a couple million more in from The Homeland.
I saw that "Miss USA" was trending on Twitter, so I checked it out. News was that the five finalists are:

I saw that "Miss USA" was trending on Twitter, so I checked it out. News was that the five finalists are:


Ironically I knew this would be the result when I heard this was on tonight.. So easy to predict.
I saw that "Miss USA" was trending on Twitter, so I checked it out. News was that the five finalists are:

What’s hilarious is that i saw a Facebook post where blacks were upset that someone in the crowd waved a confederate flag when ms Arkansas made the final 5.
Now Ann Coulter would make a fine President:

The U.S. Isn’t Becoming Europe — We’re Becoming Rome

by Ann Coulter

Can we have a quick reality check and acknowledge that what is happening to America is a million times worse than what's happening in Europe and is of much greater consequence?

Conservatives regularly point to the mass migration afflicting Europe as if it's the Ghost of Christmas Future for America. Since waves of Third World migrants began sweeping into the European Union, we've seen terrorism, knifings, rape gangs and riots popping up all over the birthplace of Western civilization. Sweden has gone from a country where rape was essentially nonexistent to the Rape Capital of the World.

It's sweet of Americans to be so concerned about Europe, but maybe they should look at their own country. On account of a mass immigration policy imposed on us by our government, the United States has undergone a transformation unprecedented in all of world history.

From 1620 to 1970, the U.S. was demographically stable
-- not to be confused with "a nation of immigrants." The country was about 85% to 90% white, almost entirely British, German, French and Dutch, and 10% to 15% African American. (The American Indian population, technically in their own nations, steadily plummeted -- an example of how vast numbers of new people can displace the old, both accidentally and on purpose.)

In a generation, the white majority has nearly disappeared, while the black percentage has remained about the same, with more than 90% of African Americans still native-born. White Americans are one border surge away from becoming a minority in their own country.

Abolish the White Race" -- Harvard Magazine ("The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.")

This stunning demographic replacement matters because American culture is the envy of the world
. Not only was this wonderful culture created by white Western Europeans, but merely asking immigrants to assimilate to it is generally considered a hate crime.

If everyone assimilated to our culture, who cares what race they are? But given sufficient numbers, they don't. They don't need to, and we certainly aren’t asking them to. The reason we successfully assimilated not-so-different European cultures was that we controlled the numbers -- essentially stopping immigration for 50 years while we forged an American character.

Let's compare our demographic situation to the European countries we're weeping over. France is still about 80% French (85% Western European), and England is about 80% English (85% Western European). Even Holland is still approximately 76% Dutch (80% Western European).

What we're witnessing in Europe is that continent's first brush with the joys of diversity.

American conservatives' obsession with Europe's snail-like introduction to diversity, while ignoring a demographic tsunami in their own country, is the mirror image of neoconservatives' fixation on unrest in the Middle East, while ignoring the invasion on our border.

When did it become deplorable, Walmart-y behavior to care about your own country? Not to care more, but merely to care as much as you do about the rest of the world?

It seems as if progress is inevitable, that things always get better and never retrogress. But the Roman Empire had philosophers, literature, science, great buildings, statues and works of art. It had advanced communication, plumbing and transportation systems. It had a universal set of measures, laws and rules.

And then the Dark Ages came. In the blink of an eye, all that was lost. The people no longer had the technological know-how even to repair bridges and aqueducts built by the Romans. They had lost the ability to make cement. They lost many of the works of Aristotle. Roads and plumbing fell into disrepair. Statues crumbled. Nikki Haley would be happy!

Only centuries later did civilization begin to reassert itself, barely climbing back to the accomplishments of several centuries earlier.

Whatever the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire, one thing is for damn sure: There were not vast bands of powerful Romans prattling about "Roman privilege," demanding that the Huns be given preference over Romans and writing articles with titles like "Abolish the Romans!"

That is the driving impulse of one of our two major political parties. The other party can't bestir itself
to care about anything other than tax cuts, abortion and moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

The Suicide Cult

by Z Man

This week, police in Manchester England announced they have finally solved the most heinous crime in that city’s history. A man has been arrested for allegedly making racist gestures during the Premier League clash between Manchester City and Manchester United at the Etihad Stadium on Saturday. Residents were told, however, to remain sheltered in place, as it had not yet been determined if the man arrested was the monster in question or if he had been acting alone.

Assuming he is the person responsible for being mean to a ball player, this arrest will put an end to one of the most terrifying periods in the city’s history. “Racism of any kind has no place in football or our society and I hope this arrest shows that we are taking this matter extremely seriously”, said Superintendent Chris Hill of the City of Manchester’s Major Crimes Division. The police have promised to work with both clubs to make sure players on both sides have been comforted.

The player in question, who calls himself “Fred”, told local media, “Unfortunately, this is happening in some stadiums. It happened here, it happened in Ukraine with some friends. It’s sad, but we have to keep our heads up and forget about that.” Fred, who had heroically kicked the ball to several other players during the match, showed his unmatched courage by continuing to live, even after having been victimized by the monstrous crimes perpetrated by the racist devil in the stands.

The Manchester midfielder, also added that the country that gave the world civilization and made it possible for him to live like royalty, rather than chasing gazelles on the African plain, was a “backward society.” He added, “We are all the same regardless of skin color, hair and gender. We came from the same place and we all go to the same place when it’s all said and done.” The white people in the club have promised to grovel as much as necessary for some reason no one can explain.

If the above sounds like a joke story to you from The Babylon Bee or The Onion, well, the joke is on you. It is a true story. Not only did the city of Manchester England stop everything in order to investigate a rude gesture in the stands of a sportsball game, they arrested someone for being mean. Even more hilariously, they held a press conference so they could parade their self-righteous indignation. This is the state of the country about to elect a new government today.

Like America, anti-racism has become a religion in England. It is the thing the ruling class worries about the most, with regards to maintaining order. Crime is of no interest to them, as evidenced by the tolerance of Muslim rape gangs. Instead, they busy themselves making sure the natives do not upset the newcomers that flood into the country by the thousands. Manchester was entirely white a few generations ago, but today it is 65% white and headed the same way as London.

This new religion that originated in America and spread to the rest of the empire over the last few generations is really an anti-religion. There is nothing positive of optimistic about it. It is mostly a decoration for a deep hatred of normal white people. We see this in the prosecution of white people for the crime of being white. A law school student has been expelled for posting bulletins that read, ‘It Is OK To Be White.” He was investigated by the FBI, before being expelled from school.

Just in case the point is not obvious, if it is not okay to post flyers that say “it is okay to be white”, but you can post flyers about other matters, then the issue is not the posting of flyers. It is the content of the flyers. The people running the school, like the people running the West, are saying it is not okay to be white. Whiteness, as they like to put it, is a crime against the future. After all, “Fred” the black sportsball player is the future, not the people who made it possible for Fred to exist at all.

As religions go, of course, it is completely insane. You can be sure that the fans supporting the local sportsball clubs in Manchester England are white. The growing number of Muslims from over the horizon are not the customer base. If those white fans suddenly decide they like being white and hate being lectured, the sportsball clubs go out of business. This is true for every institution in Western society. Without white people, the whole thing returns to a pre-modern state.

For future people like Fred, a world without white people is going to look a lot like the past created by his people. He will back to sitting on a log, pondering his next meal as he scratches himself through his loin cloth. You see, Fred’s people never made it to the wheel or written language until the white man arrived. Everything Fred is, he owes to the people of that white guy now sitting in jail, but Fred feels no gratitude. Why would he? Fred is the future and the old white guy is the past.

Throwing blasphemers in dungeons is what theocracies do and that’s what we see all over the West, particularly the English-speaking countries. England, like America, is a theocracy now. It’s not a religion built around a god or gods. It is not a collection of beliefs about our moral purpose or how best to gain salvation. It is a religion built around the hatred of white people largely by white people. It’s not just white self-hatred, obviously, but that is certainly a major component.

Maybe this is the natural end of Enlightenment ideas. Maybe this is the end result of liberal democracy. Perhaps this is what happens when a people are subverted from within by people blue in the face over old grievances. While interesting to ponder, what matters is the West is now a suicide cult. The people in charge are slowly, inexorably leading the people into mass suicide. It’s not going to be a dramatic denouement, just a slow shuffling of one white blasphemer after another into the dungeon.

Now Ann Coulter would make a fine President:

The U.S. Isn’t Becoming Europe — We’re Becoming Rome

by Ann Coulter

Can we have a quick reality check and acknowledge that what is happening to America is a million times worse than what's happening in Europe and is of much greater consequence?

Conservatives regularly point to the mass migration afflicting Europe as if it's the Ghost of Christmas Future for America. Since waves of Third World migrants began sweeping into the European Union, we've seen terrorism, knifings, rape gangs and riots popping up all over the birthplace of Western civilization. Sweden has gone from a country where rape was essentially nonexistent to the Rape Capital of the World.

It's sweet of Americans to be so concerned about Europe, but maybe they should look at their own country. On account of a mass immigration policy imposed on us by our government, the United States has undergone a transformation unprecedented in all of world history.

From 1620 to 1970, the U.S. was demographically stable
-- not to be confused with "a nation of immigrants." The country was about 85% to 90% white, almost entirely British, German, French and Dutch, and 10% to 15% African American. (The American Indian population, technically in their own nations, steadily plummeted -- an example of how vast numbers of new people can displace the old, both accidentally and on purpose.)

In a generation, the white majority has nearly disappeared, while the black percentage has remained about the same, with more than 90% of African Americans still native-born. White Americans are one border surge away from becoming a minority in their own country.

Abolish the White Race" -- Harvard Magazine ("The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.")

This stunning demographic replacement matters because American culture is the envy of the world
. Not only was this wonderful culture created by white Western Europeans, but merely asking immigrants to assimilate to it is generally considered a hate crime.

If everyone assimilated to our culture, who cares what race they are? But given sufficient numbers, they don't. They don't need to, and we certainly aren’t asking them to. The reason we successfully assimilated not-so-different European cultures was that we controlled the numbers -- essentially stopping immigration for 50 years while we forged an American character.

Let's compare our demographic situation to the European countries we're weeping over. France is still about 80% French (85% Western European), and England is about 80% English (85% Western European). Even Holland is still approximately 76% Dutch (80% Western European).

What we're witnessing in Europe is that continent's first brush with the joys of diversity.

American conservatives' obsession with Europe's snail-like introduction to diversity, while ignoring a demographic tsunami in their own country, is the mirror image of neoconservatives' fixation on unrest in the Middle East, while ignoring the invasion on our border.

When did it become deplorable, Walmart-y behavior to care about your own country? Not to care more, but merely to care as much as you do about the rest of the world?

It seems as if progress is inevitable, that things always get better and never retrogress. But the Roman Empire had philosophers, literature, science, great buildings, statues and works of art. It had advanced communication, plumbing and transportation systems. It had a universal set of measures, laws and rules.

And then the Dark Ages came. In the blink of an eye, all that was lost. The people no longer had the technological know-how even to repair bridges and aqueducts built by the Romans. They had lost the ability to make cement. They lost many of the works of Aristotle. Roads and plumbing fell into disrepair. Statues crumbled. Nikki Haley would be happy!

Only centuries later did civilization begin to reassert itself, barely climbing back to the accomplishments of several centuries earlier.

Whatever the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire, one thing is for damn sure: There were not vast bands of powerful Romans prattling about "Roman privilege," demanding that the Huns be given preference over Romans and writing articles with titles like "Abolish the Romans!"

That is the driving impulse of one of our two major political parties. The other party can't bestir itself
to care about anything other than tax cuts, abortion and moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

Ann talks the talk but is childless and therefore part of the problem if you ask me.

Ann talks the talk but is childless and therefore part of the problem if you ask me.
Johnny U,

As embarrassing as it is to admit, she has more balls than anyone here to write and say what she does publicly. She may be childless but she's more of the answer than the problem.

Ann talks the talk but is childless and therefore part of the problem if you ask me.

One of the more ignorant posts I've ever seen here. She's incredibly brave and has enlightened millions of people as one of the few truthtellers in the U.S. with a large audience, but you think instead she should be a housewife raising a brood of children. Believe it or not, not every single woman is the same, and we are very fortunate to have one like Ann Coulter. I highly doubt you yourself have done 1/10,000 of the good she has or have ever stuck your neck out at all for what you believe.
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Free Speech on the Ropes

by Philip Giraldi

Is criticism of Israel already an official hate crime in America?

One subject that congressmen and the mainstream media tend to avoid is the erosion of fundamental liberties in the United States as a consequence of the war on terror and American involvement in the Middle East. Some of America’s legislators apparently do not even understand that freedom of speech actually means that one can say things that others might find distasteful. The assault on freedom of speech has been accelerated through the invention of so-called “hate speech,” which has in turn morphed into “hate crimes” where punishments are increased if there is any suggestion that hatred of groups or individuals is involved. Some have rightly questioned the whole concept, pointing out that if you murder someone the result is the same whether you hate your victim or not.

Freedom of speech is particularly threatened in any situations having to do with Israel, a reflection of the power of that country’s lobby in the United States. At a recent town hall gathering, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) demonstrated how he and his colleagues run and hide whenever the issue of Israel is raised when he would not respond directly to a question over whether any criticism of Israel should or should not be protected under the First Amendment. Crenshaw is a Republican and generally reliably conservative, though he recently spoke out against the “For the People Act of 2019,” which he claimed “would limit free speech dramatically.”

A constituent specifically asked Crenshaw’s opinion about federal laws that require citizens in some states to sign a pledge that they will not boycott Israel if they wish to get government contracts or obtain a government job. The audience member also mentioned a law passed in Florida that bans anti-Semitism in public schools and universities, defining “anti-Semitism” as criticism of Israel. The constituent observed, “These laws are obviously flagrant and troubling violations of the First Amendment to free speech.”

“Will you honor your oath and denounce these laws here, now and forever?” Crenshaw was then asked. Crenshaw quickly fired back that the critic was “cloaking yourself in the First Amendment” to enable engaging in “vehement anti-Semitism.” Crenshaw then asserted that the questioner was “advocating the BDS movement,” a recent target of much of the legislation that the critic was addressing.

BDS refers to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, which calls on people to protest Israel by pulling investments from and boycotting the country.

Israel is engaged in what might be described as a war with the objective of driving any and all criticism of the Jewish state out of polite discourse, making it illegal wherever and whenever possible. The Knesset has passed legislation criminalizing anyone who supports BDS and has set up a semiclandestine group called Kella Shlomo to counteract its message. The country’s education minister has called BDS supporters “enemy soldiers” and has compared them to Nazis. Netanyahu has also backed up the new law with a restriction on foreigners who support the BDS movement entering the country, including American Jewish dissidents, several of whom have been turned around at the airport and sent home.

Israel has been particularly successful at promoting its own preferred narrative, together with sanctions for those who do not concur, in the English language speaking world and also in France, which has the largest Jewish population in Europe. The U.S. government under Donald Trump is completely under the thumb of the Israeli prime minister’s office, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently saying “our major focus is stamping out anti-Semitism.”

Sanctions already in place in Europe consist of fines and even jail time. The legal penalties come into play for those criticizing Israel or questioning the accuracy of the accepted holocaust narrative, i.e., disputing that “6 million died.” Even attacking specific Israeli government policies, like its slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza every Friday, can be found guilty of anti-Semitism, which is now considered a hate crime in Britain, France, Germany, and, most recently, the Czech Republic. In Britain, where the Jewish lobby is extremely strong, a law passed in December 2016 made the UK one of the first countries to use the definition of anti-Semitism agreed upon earlier in the year at a conference of the Berlin-based International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

A statement from the British prime minister’s office at that time explained that the intention of the new definition was to “ensure that culprits will not be able to get away with being anti-Semitic because the term is ill-defined, or because different organizations or bodies have different interpretations of it.”

The British government’s own definition relies on guidance provided by the IHRA, which asserts that it is considered anti-Semitic to accuse Jews of being “more loyal to Israel or their religion than to their own nations, or to say the existence of Israel is intrinsically racist.” In other words, even if many Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the countries they live in and even though Israel is in fact intrinsically racist, it is now illegal to say so in Great Britain.

One should not be surprised, as the British government’s subservience to Jewish and Israeli interests is nearly as enthusiastic as is government in the United States, though it is driven by the same sorts of things—Jewish money and Jewish power, particularly in the media. A majority of Conservative Party members of parliament have joined Conservative Friends of Israel, and the Labour counterpart is also a major force to be reckoned with on the political left.

Here in the United States, the friends of Israel appear to believe that anyone who is unwilling to do business with Israel or even with the territories that it has illegally occupied should not be allowed to obtain any benefit from federal, state or even local governments. Constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and association for every American are apparently not valid if one particular highly favored foreign country is involved, as the discussion with Crenshaw reveals.

Twenty-seven states now have laws sanctioning those who criticize or boycott Israel. And one particular pending piece of federal legislation that is regularly re-introduced into the Senate would far exceed what is happening at the state level and would set a new standard for deference to Israeli interests on the part of the national government. It would criminalize any U.S. citizen “engaged in interstate or foreign commerce” who supports a boycott of Israel or who even goes about “requesting the furnishing of information” regarding it, with penalties enforced through amendments of two existing laws, the Export Administration Act of 1979 and the Export-Import Act of 1945, that include potential fines of between $250,000 and $1 million and up to 20 years in prison.

Israel, and its friends like Crenshaw, are particularly fearful of the BDS movement because its non-violence is attractive to college students, including many young Jews, who would not otherwise get involved on the issue. The Israeli government clearly understands, correctly, that BDS can do more damage than any number of terrorist attacks, as it represents a serious critique of the behavior of the Jewish state while also challenging the actual legitimacy of the Israeli government and its colonizing activity in Palestine. Much of the current hate crime legislation in places like Germany and the Czech Republic directly targets BDS, stating specifically that it is “inherently” anti-Semitic. In late July, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed its own resolution condemning BDS explicitly in a 398-to-17 vote.

Going hand-in-hand with the condemnation of BDS is a drive to maintain the exclusivity of Jewish suffering. In June, when Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez (D-N.Y.) called border detention centers holding asylum seekers “concentration camps,” she was inundated with protests from Jewish groups that claimed she was denigrating the holocaust and “insulting victims of genocide.” The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum even published a statement objecting to comparisons between “the holocaust and other events.”

It is important for Americans to realize that Israel not only spies on the U.S., digs its paws deep into our Treasury, and perverts Washington’s Middle East policy, it is also attempting to dictate what we the people can and cannot say. And Congress and much of the media are fully on board, which is the real tragedy.

Most of the anti-white propaganda has been targeting white men, but it looks like (((they))) are also going after white women now:




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I've been telling people this for years. First, the anti-whites started a coalition of everybody, including white women, against white men. That campaign has been fairly successful.

I told people that when white men become disempowered to a great extent they'll go after the white women. And so they have.

The anti-whites are against all whites, not just white women. A lot of these anti-white male, white women are about to learn a hard lesson about anti-white racism. They're next.
Anti-white activist (((Richard Fochtmann))) jokes about how good it is that the number of suicides among white men is rising.

The most aggravating thing in that thread is NONE of the replies from people indicated they had a clue that this hatemonger is a Jew. None of them have an inkling. Making comments along the lines of thinking it's ironic that he's making this speech as a "White male". Just like the authors of those articles posted above. All Leftist Jews. Enemies of humanity.
The most aggravating thing in that thread is NONE of the replies from people indicated they had a clue that this hatemonger is a Jew. None of them have an inkling. Making comments along the lines of thinking it's ironic that he's making this speech as a "White male". Just like the authors of those articles posted above. All Leftist Jews. Enemies of humanity.

Answer to Donald Trump: https://twitter.com/ramzpaul/status/1211056681121173506



No more Whites someday in America?

Well that means no more cleaning running water........no sewage, no reliable electrical or transportation infrastructure.........and for Blacks.......no more social gibs............

Non-Whites in this country will have killed off the goose that laid the golden egg.............and whom might take the reigns?

Well if it is the Chinese you might get the 1st world country back but with no sympathy for the Browns and Blacks. If its the Browns ending up running the show they you will have Brazil 2.0 and the Blacks once again will still be at the bottom of society with no historical slavery guilt sympathy from either Chinese or Browns.

Whites are the only race whose pathological altruism extends and tries to make good for any past colonization to the point where they are going to extinction themselves in an attempt to wash the guilt of their past "sins".................but Whites didn't come up feeling this way all on their own........they had some help. They had to be indoctrinated for decades in all areas of society by the social Marxists.........which has its roots from the very beginning with the chosenites in Russia...........

See the chosen folks don't like the idea of a nationalistic White nation.........since the days of Rome and more recently with a place called Germany of which they now cry "never again" they've been kicked out of 109 countries...mostly for manipulating the host country monetary supply and central bank lending practices.........

So as a result, the chosenites are behind the engineering of the Negrofication worship by Whites in America....they were behind the 60's civil rights movement, Black integration in sports and the selling of rap music culture to Wiggerize White kids........and today with exploiting all the "oppressed" identity groups to rise up in a social Marxist revolt against the White male.........

After all a White male society will live for only so long until they find out the control of their monetary supply and central bank lending practices leads to unending wars and destroys the economy of a country.............the chosenites cannot afford to have White males figure this out again........so they make changes to Western White cultures and demographics under the guise of social Marxism as a noble pursuit for all humanity.

Celebrate multiculturalism!.............and Diversity is our Strength!................repeat the lie long enough and you know what happens from there........

"If you want to find out who rules over you.......find out who you can't publically criticize"
No more Whites someday in America?

Well that means no more cleaning running water........no sewage, no reliable electrical or transportation infrastructure.........and for Blacks.......no more social gibs............

Non-Whites in this country will have killed off the goose that laid the golden egg.............and whom might take the reigns?

Well if it is the Chinese you might get the 1st world country back but with no sympathy for the Browns and Blacks. If its the Browns ending up running the show they you will have Brazil 2.0 and the Blacks once again will still be at the bottom of society with no historical slavery guilt sympathy from either Chinese or Browns.

Whites are the only race whose pathological altruism extends and tries to make good for any past colonization to the point where they are going to extinction themselves in an attempt to wash the guilt of their past "sins".................but Whites didn't come up feeling this way all on their own........they had some help. They had to be indoctrinated for decades in all areas of society by the social Marxists.........which has its roots from the very beginning with the chosenites in Russia...........

See the chosen folks don't like the idea of a nationalistic White nation.........since the days of Rome and more recently with a place called Germany of which they now cry "never again" they've been kicked out of 109 countries...mostly for manipulating the host country monetary supply and central bank lending practices.........

So as a result, the chosenites are behind the engineering of the Negrofication worship by Whites in America....they were behind the 60's civil rights movement, Black integration in sports and the selling of rap music culture to Wiggerize White kids........and today with exploiting all the "oppressed" identity groups to rise up in a social Marxist revolt against the White male.........

After all a White male society will live for only so long until they find out the control of their monetary supply and central bank lending practices leads to unending wars and destroys the economy of a country.............the chosenites cannot afford to have White males figure this out again........so they make changes to Western White cultures and demographics under the guise of social Marxism as a noble pursuit for all humanity.

Celebrate multiculturalism!.............and Diversity is our Strength!................repeat the lie long enough and you know what happens from there........

"If you want to find out who rules over you.......find out who you can't publically criticize"
Welcome and way to knock it out of the park on your first post!
Just remember there are roughly 180 million white people in the US. And, of course, hundreds of millions more in Europe and other parts of the world. White people will be around for awhile. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated by this inflammatory, provocative type of speech. It's meant to breed conflict, for the benefit of you know who and to the detriment of whites. There will never be a great race war, and anybody speaking of one is either ignorant or should be suspected of being a provocateur.
Diversity is a scam. Anti-Semitism is a scam.
Some good news out of Australia. It just might be the start of a huge movement in Australia to protect thier people, traditon and culture.

Good points. I loved how he said there needs to be an uprising in all areas of all our people against the PTB, or something to that effect. Great stuff.
This is why I'm disgusted with Trump. The NYT couldn't be more brazen in celebrating the very close permanent demographic and ideological victory of the radical left. Meanwhile Trump recently tweeted his love of the H-1B visa and how we need even more overclass invaders coming here via it:

How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue

This is why I'm disgusted with Trump. The NYT couldn't be more brazen in celebrating the very close permanent demographic and ideological victory of the radical left. Meanwhile Trump recently tweeted his love of the H-1B visa and how we need even more overclass invaders coming here via it:

How Voters Turned Virginia From Deep Red to Solid Blue

Totally agree with you Don and I could only scan the article because doing otherwise is too irritating. I cannot read Leftist opinionated drivel without being physically revolted. And speaking of revolting, Trump undoubtedly has his own set of people who are pulling his strings. He's trying to please the PTB in places sometimes we don't even see or perceive until it's too late. His tweets sometimes (always?) are just ways of kissing up to those whom he thinks will benefit him in some ways. It makes me wonder if he ever has an original thought or if like so many in power he just sees which way the wind is blowing and goes that way. It's a forgone conclusion that politics is a lost cause and it is filled at the top with those who could care less about us. This is why I don't comment and post in the Happy Hour forums as much as I did before. It seems we are past the time of talking now and some real and organized grass roots efforts are the only viable option, maybe for survival if not just for happiness and well-being in the midst of the war against us.
American Freedom News