White People Tick Me Off!!!!!

Wallace doesn't have great life time stats.

FTP.41.9 REB. 10.6 ASST. 1.2 STL. 1.3 PPG. 6.5
Big Black guys are worshipped today. The thing
is that Americans tend to hold blacks to seperated standards than
whites. White athletes are dumb jocks. Black athletes are
gods. Black students are intellectuals.
Doc Holliday said:
Sometimes us white people tick me off more than anybody else.....I was at the gym today riding the stationary bicycle and these two girls next to me were talking about how hot black guys are.....They were making fun of how "Uncoordinated and lurpy" white guys are....One of the girls was a really hot blonde girl too....I didn't say anything and listened to them for maybe 4-5 minutes until I had enough and moved onto another exercise....

There's a basketball court at the gym and that's where all the thugs hang out.....About a week ago I was lifting weights and some of these basketball players were hanging out in the weightroom right next to me....The loudest black dude was just going on and on about how he dunked on the "White Boy"....He even said he wouldn't pass the ball up just so he could dunk on him....Then he said he told the white boy to go back to Nascar or Baseball or something....The part that pissed me off the most was that there was 1 white dude in the group and he was laughing the hardest at this crap and even contributed to the "Dunking of the White Boy"....The white dude dressed and talked more ebonics than the black dude's...I thought to myself to say,"You take alot of pride in a P*ssy Sport"....But just decided to keep to myself and walk away...

Another thing that ticks me off and I'm wondering how any of you guys respond to this....I have white friends who are angry about the minute men in Arizona saying their racist and vigilantes....These same friends say things like, "There's only the human race." and "There's good and bad people of all races." Whenever I talk about proven statistics regarding crimes committed by blacks and hispanics vs whites they tell me I'm racist or make excuses for them...I showed a friend of mine this site and she went through quite a few threads and just said were all a bunch of racists and said she would'nt be suprised if everybody here's either Nazi's or in the KKK....These are good friends of mine who are good people but sometimes their blindness and unability to accept reality pisses me off....

It works both ways too. This hot black girl was all over me and said she only dates strong white guys, Italian mostly. When I asked her why she said it was because she liked our features, lol. And as far as whites outperforming blacks at their supposed own sports i see it happening all the time. I myself have outsprinted the fastes black kid in our area who got a track scholoarship and i have a good enough standing long jump wiothout coaching thata track coach came over to me to talk about it, nice black guy btw. The funny thing is that other blacksguys who play sports beleive in less myths than the average white male. This one black bball player who works out at my gym was telling me his routine to increase the vertical. He then went on to say how people beleive that its all genetics or white guys cant jump but that on his team their are three white high jumpers who soar and dunk with ease. He said he beleived it was mostly hard work that got someone to jump that high. Edited by: Alpha Male
I won a case of Heineken today in a game of one on one.It
does go both ways.I have won more than my fair share of
games in basketball and that isn't even my sport.I will
be drinking to you guys as I enjoy my winnings.I only wish
I could share it with you guys here.Then again,maybe not,
it wouldn't last more than a half hour.Ha.ha.
I think we should take it easy on the Ben Wallace fan. He may be young and who here didn't have a favorite black athlete growing up. He will become racially aware in time. I'm guessing he is young since he didn't know that the NBA logo is Jerry West.
"who here didn't have a favorite black athlete growing up"

I didn't.
I think the same thing about White athletes being dumb jocks and Black athletes being so well spoken and the perfect male. It pisses me off.
To Doc Holliday:

I sympathize with you completly. I read your post about your unfortunate gym experience. We've all heard comments like this come from some of our "own" moronic women sometimes. Many White women find these thugs attractive because T.V. tells them to. Women are basically social-climbers, so they always want to keep up with the current trends. If it is "in" to have sex with Tyrone, then some of them are stupid enough to go to bed with the animal.

The other thing that, in my opinion, attracts White women to these under-developed creightons, is that being with a black excites them because it is "taboo". Blacks, as we all know, have a disregard for Whitey and all authority as well (no shock here).

For example, not too long ago, I was at my gym (I lift seriously - 5'9", 205 lbs.), and one of them (you know who) made a snide comment about the BYU (Brigham Young University) football shirt I was wearing, as he jived by me. What did I do about this you ask? I asked what he thought was so funny about my shirt. He said something to the effect that they are "just a bunch of White boys". I looked directly at him, and said, "Thats why I'm a fan of them." The look on his face was that of a black man who accidently walked in on a klan meeting. Apparently, no White person had ever thrown something back in his face like that before.

We as White people generally have more class than this, but sometimes you have to be a little crude when dealing with the underclass. Bottom line: I showed him that I wasn't afraid of him or his attitude, and that was the last I saw of him. If you show them you mean business, they will respect you, believe it or not.
Absolutely right Ground Fighter. Everyone understands violence or the threat thereof. One thing I like to do when blacks use the term "white boy" is to call them "black boy' right afterwards. They hate it.
To Doc, you have to confront those whores. Call them on being the traiterous scumbags that they are.
Ground Fighter,

you are the man!! I couldn't have thought of a better comeback myself. I'm a serious weightlifter too and I have basically the same build as you, between 5-9 and 5-10 and weigh 205. Recently I decided to cut up to increase speed for a semi-pro football team I joined. With this diet I have maintained strength and lost bodyfat. It was designed by my personal trainer who is a champion all-natural bodybuilder. If you are interested I can post it here or send you an email.
Maybe I should wear my BYU duds more often and see if I can gin up some reactions. I'll have to try that when I get back to Mississippi. Good stories though, and I'm convinced that most blacks will back down if they are confronted, at least if they are alone.
Good job ground fighter.It's about time that more of us stand up for our rights.How would they feel if we said,oh there just a bunch of black guys.He was trying to make fun of Byu and you beat him to the punch.Great job!Hey Alpha Male,I lift alot too and would love to see that diet.Can you either post it here or even better send it to my private email.Thanks a million bro!
You're welcome guys, I always love to share a story. I live in a "diverse" area (Jersey), so beleive me, I have a lot of stories like this...lol.

Alpha Male, that diet you spoke of sounds like something that I wanna give a try. I've been fighting with these extra 10-15 pounds that I just can't lose without sacrificing some hard-earned strength and muscle with it.For some reason, this always happens when I try to lose weight. My bench goes down, as does all my other big lifts. I don't know if the cardio is too intense or I'm just not keeping the reps low enough, but something just ain't working.

I've always been good at bulking up, but cutting down is another story. If you could help me out on this one, I'd appreciate it.

I sent it to both of you. If enough people want it I can post it in the "Lifestyle" section. Email me with any questions. Also, lean red meat maybe be used as well at lunch time as a replacement for the chicken or fish dish.