White Man Wins Sumo Grand Tournament


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
History was made today in Japan when a Bulgarian sumo wrestler who goes by the name of Kotooshu, his real name is Kaloyan Stefanov Mahlyanov, won a Grand Sumo Tournament Championship. There are six 15-day tournaments each year. Four Hawaiian Americans won numerous titles among them from the early `90s through the early part of this decade, and two Mongolians have been dominant of late, but Kotooshu`s victory is the first for white men, with hopefully many more to come.

Take a look at his Wikipedia entry and picture and it will dispel any notions some of you might have about all sumo wrestlers being fat slobs. Some are to be sure, but Kotooshu is simply a tremendous athlete who was a champion wrestler as a teenager before coming to Japan about 5 1/2 years ago at age 19 to try his hand at sumo. As a white man living in Japan, I couldn`t be more proud than to see this tremendous white athlete win.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KotooshuEdited by: Van_Slyke_CF
Thanks for the info. I've always been fascinated by the sport, although I know little about it.
Believe it or not but John Tenta (Earth Quake) was an apprentice sumo who gave up the sport because of racism and home sickness. Foreigners have been dominating Sumo for a while as the Japanese sumos just aren't that big. Most have been Pacific Islanders.
I enjoyed reading the sumo article on the CF front page today. One of the great physical assets Kotooshu has is his incredible grip strength. If he gets a hold of his opponent`s mawashi(belt), it`s usually over. He has been hampered by knee problems, so I`m hoping he can avoid the injury bug from now and move to the pinnacle of the sport of sumo.

With the size, strength, and agility he has, he would`ve made a helluva OT in the NFL. As it is, we`ll have to do with him being a great sumo wrestler and a trailblazer in the sport for all whites.
I enjoyed reading the great article on the CF home page today on new white Sumo champion Kotooshu. I find it amazing that even the racially loyal japanese are fans of him and cheered his victory. I have been using the phrase at the bottom of my every post,"life is unpredictable, that's the wonder of it", I think that perfectly applies here with Kotooshu's accomplishment. Occasionally ESPN shows a Sumo tournament, I hope I catch Kotooshu in action someday.
Kotooshu is still entrenched in sumo's second highest rank of ozeki, but hasn't been able to win another championship, mainly due to knee woes.

He has been joined in the ozeki ranks by another talented giant from Europe, an Estonian who goes by the sumo name of Baruto. He has a good chance of winning the current sumo tournament.


The Japan Sumo Association limits the number of foreign wrestlers in the sport to one per sumo "stable", so I think there are only around 50 foreigners active at present. When you take into account that so many of this number are Mongolians, it leaves few spots open to those from outside Asia. Anyway, we are being well-represented by the small number of Europeans involved in recent years.
white is right said:
Believe it or not but John Tenta (Earth Quake) was an apprentice sumo who gave up the sport because of racism and home sickness. Foreigners have been dominating Sumo for a while as the Japanese sumos just aren't that big. Most have been Pacific Islanders.

The late John Tenta (former pro "wrassler" Earthquake in the WWF), also wrestled for LSU (before they dropped wrestling in '85...due to NCAA title IX). He also played football for the Tigers/Bayou Bengals & rugby on the LSU rugby club team.



Mahlyanov (aka "KotoÃ…ÂÂ￾shÅ« Katsunori") is a stud @ sumo wrestling indeed. At 6'8, 340, he's about my size & we have similar builds. FYI, he married a jap gal (Asako Ando) so is "technically" a race mixer.
However, I'll still pull for him against all non-Whites.





Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I have seen the big bulgarian sumo wrestle, he looks like he would make a good mma fighter.
Or offensive tackle! This guy is a great, powerful and agile for his size athlete!

The Japanese are smart to keep the number of foreigners down in their Sumo league. Countries that are most successful are mostly homogeneous ethnically with a "small percentage" of persons of other races mixed in who are willing to assimilate to the culture and are smart enough to make the country a better place. I'm sure the great majority of Japanese have enough pride to root on their own fighters most of the time.

I'm sure this white man's Japanese friends who aren't Sumo fighters would pull for him, but why should you pull for a stranger of a different racial background "in sports" over a person of your race? Whites should take a big lesson from Asians for their pride in their race/genetic and cultural background.
I'm always glad to hear of a white man doing well at sports. But I also think there is something to be said for keeping sumo a Japanese sport.

We don't like the English Premier League bringing inferior Africans into that nation's soccer league.

We don't like MLB bringing in inferior Dominicans just because they play for a lot less money than the superior white players.

Even if whites or Samoans do better at sumo than the Japs because of size differences, the sport losses something if there are too many non-Japs winning the titles.
I understand your point, Liverlips, but the simple fact of the matter for years now is that sumo cannot survive in Japan without foreigners. They can't get young Japanese to even try out for the sport, let alone stick with the years of hard training and the long time spent as a junior serving his seniors as one moves up the ranks.

The Mongolians and Eastern Europeans over the past decade or so have proven time and again to be hungrier for success than their Japanese competitors. Even with the limits on foreigners per each sumo stable, they have dominated the sport for a long time now.

Also, sumo had a huge scandal in 2010/11 over match-fixing. It took what is a declining sport in Japan to new depths.
We joke about the fatbody "sumo" afroletes in football, but this (real) sumo is probably a better athlete than most of the "affletic" OLs/DLs. Kaito (born Kaido Höövelson) played hoops as a teen and won a national judo championship in Estonia. He's also intelligent...speaking 5 languages: Estonian, English, German, Russian & Japanese.
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