White kids not eligible


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bill Gates: White kids not eligible for my scholarships.


Bill Gates has made his scholarship fund off limits to white teenagers. The Gates Millennium Scholarship fund is financed by a $1 Billion endowment Bill Gates made in 1999. The fund explicitly denies eligibility to white students.

"Students are eligible to be considered for a GMS scholarship if they: Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American;"Â￾

This is all idiocy. The cream always comes to the top. No way to stop it. Never has been before, isn't now, and never will be in the future either. That's just the way things are, whether it be sports, business, or anything else in this world. I assure you, Bill Gates is fully aware of this.

Tom Iron...
Satan will be pushing a snow-blower through hell before I buy another microsoft product.

Honest to God some of these people are absolutely insane. I like Tom's comment. Pythagoras said: "you can drive out nature with a pitchfork but she always returns."
Just in case anyone wants to check this out at the source:

Gates Millenium Fund

To be honest, I didn't think it was true when I first read it. I wanted to verify the list at the source. There it is.

First I was surprised, then I asked myself, why was I surprised? There is actually nothing unusual about this at all.
Tom Iron said:

This is all idiocy. The cream always comes to the top. No way to stop it. Never has been before, isn't now, and never will be in the future either. That's just the way things are, whether it be sports, business, or anything else in this world. I assure you, Bill Gates is fully aware of this.

Tom Iron...

Doesn't this site suggest that the cream doesn't always rise to the top in sports? That's the caste system.
If only Steve Jobs had a chance at such a scholarship. Imagine what he could have accomplished.
This is yet another example of the corporate giant or so-called "celebrity" (otherwise known as a "traitor" or "parasite") whose Croesan fortune has been extracted from the pockets of white Westernersbut feels the need to "put something back" into convenientlynon-white, especially black, pockets.The list of such white "celebrities" and "businesspeople" is depressingly lengthy and comprehensive...

One doesn't have to go too far in order to find a link to a story about some previous recipients of Gates' largesse:


Well done, Bill. These are fine examples of"people of color, who would make a significant impact on the future direction of the nation..."

...you p***k...

Edited by: Rebajlo
I guess white kids from poor families just arent worth educating. All others, obviously are ....

Yet my friends all still talk about how racist white people are....

Good morning Sir, Actually no. The point is that the scum who are running things have to artificially make it impossible for Whites to compete to maintain an illusion of black superiority. The nfl is an illusion of excellence. Like the man said, "there's a sucker born every minute." In our own case, the saying, "You can't cheat an honest man" comes to mind.

All illusions only have a certain amount of time until they come apart. I'm confident the illusion of black sports superiority has already started coming apart and won't be maintained much longer.

Tom Iron...
To be fair, Indians / Middle Eastern students were also left off the list of Billy-Boy's precious little "chosen ones."
PC: Hi, I'm a PC.

Mac: And I'm a Mac. PC, do you hate white people?

PC: Yes, no, what!? What's the question? Do I hate white people? No, I'm white.

Mac: But your scholarships are only for people of color.

PC: Well, obviously they need the help.

Mac: Because they're inferior?

PC: I didn't say that.

Mac: Your program does.

PC: Look Mac, it's not easy for me. I mean, look at you with all your cool products and paradigm shifting innovations. Nobody loves a value providing oligarch like me.

Mac: So you're giving away billions to be cool, to be loved?

PC: Yes, 10 billion to vaccinate the third world buys a lot of love and a lot of cool.

Mac: You know what's cool? All of South Korea is wired for super high speed internet, the kind only corporate accounts in the U.S. can get. For $20 a month Koreans have a service so fast songs download in 3 seconds and movies in 1 minute. Total cost 5 billion. Can of beans vs. a pencil eraser.

PC: What?

Mac: South Korea has a pipeline the size of the end of a can of beans and we have a pipeline the size of the end of a pencil eraser. You want to help in a cool way give just one American city a can of beans.

PC: Have you seen Windows 7? Great, cool stuff. Great ads. At least 10% less bad than Vista. Fo' shizzle!
Bill Gates is a B-league member of the Globalist Elite, pro-eugenics, pro-envirofascism and a top advocate of (more) H-1B foreign workers...swiping jobs from Americans. I saw the link to his (BS) scholarship not including Whites on Stormfront yesterday, but wasn't surprised given his anti-White American leanings. Gates is an enemy of our White, Christian Republic!
I believe Asians were for the most part left off the list as well. As stated above you need to be both Asian and Pacific Islander American.

In any event, my next computer will be a MAC.
Below is an article that came out in November 1999 discussing perhaps Bill Gates real motives.

I am hoping someday in the future Bill Gate's wife dumps him for a former black recipient of the " Bill Gates Scholarship Fund". Now that would be true justice.

Microsoft's Bill Gates pledges
$1 billion (or less) ONLY for
Last Updated November 01, 1999
to Return

On Sept. 16, 1999 Bill Gates, Mr. Microsoft himself, told a stunned nation that he is excluding white children from $1 billion in scholarship funds.
But Gates has "misrepresented the truth". Gates is really only donating 25% to 35% of that amount. See financial calculations, below.
See also Links and Sources, Next

Nonetheless, it is a shameful thing, even a racist thing, when one of the world's wealthiest men feels a need to intentionally discriminate against disadvantaged white children.

Ward Connerly, the soft-spoken figurehead of several state initiatives ending racial black quarterbacks and preferences, said:"We are delighted Mr. Gates is using some of his fortune to help minority students. The last time we checked, though, the fortune amassed by the success of Microsoft was from people of all racial backgrounds - minorities and nonminorities alike."

Connerly continued: "By requiring scholarship recipients to fit a narrow racial profile, the Gates Foundation would discriminate against nonminorities. Why tell an underprivileged white youth that he or she need not apply for one of these scholarships?"

Gates said that the $1 billion racially-discriminatory scholarships (or the more accurate $350 million) will be administered by a racial triumvirate comprised of the United Negro College Fund, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, and the American Indian College fund. Notably absent from Gates' list of scholarship administrators were organizations dedicated to the benefit of disadvantaged white students (European Americans) and Asian students.

Predictably, the head of the United Negro College Fund, William H. Gray III, virtually chortled with joy when he said that Gates' beneficence will double or triple the number of black, Hispanic and American Indian Ph.D.'s in science, engineering and other fields over the next decade. (Like his benefactor, UNCF's Gray seemed to deliberately omit white and Asian students from his predictions of academic success.)

Bill Gates' message to students thus appears to be two-fold: "(1) Only persons of certain races are deserving of my gift. There are no disadvantaged white kids out there. (2) Race is the most important criterion for determining charity."

Gates tried to put his self-serving spin on the story when he said: "Not too many people in their 40s who are still engaged in a very demanding job give away a substantial portion of their wealth." Unless, of course, they happen to be a filthy rich, anti-competitive monopolist who cut a deal with Clinton's pro-black quarterback Department of Justice: "Let Microsoft (Bill Gates) dominate the software market, and Microsoft will take care of your (Bill Clinton's) pet racial black quarterback programs.


It is no accident that Gates' race-based gift comes on the eve of closing arguments in the huge anti-trust trial the Clinton Justice Department has waged against Microsoft. Closing arguments were to be presented on Tuesday, Sept. 21, and U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson may issue a final ruling in the case by the end of 1999.

Microsoft's Financial Interests: The U.S. Dept. of Justice, joined by 19 states, charged Microsoft with using strongarm tactics on its competition in order to retain Microsoft's monopoly stranglehold on the operating systems for personal computers (via the ubiquitous Windows operating software). The Justice Department also charges Microsoft with using various anti-competitive practices to dominate the Internet browser software market, and that Microsoft has illegally restrained trade in this regard.

Recently, during the week of Oct. 11, 1999, Microsoft has retaliated by mounting a major, very well-funded lobbying effort to cut $9 million from Justice's Anti-Trust Division. As they say, its good to be king, or at least Bill Gates. (See link below: Microsoft Urges Funding Slash for Anti-Trust Division)

So, on the one hand we have the Clinton Justice Department beating on poor, beleagured Microsoft for alleged anti-competitive trade practices. Yay for free enterprise!

On the other hand, we have the Clinton Justice Department busily extorting racial and gender hiring and contracting black quarterbacks out of companies like, well, Microsoft. Boo for racial black quarterbacks!

In that context, $1 billion (actually $350 million) from Bill Gates to Clinton's favorite charity -- racial and gender black quarterbacks -- might seem like an under the table deal, or even extortion. But in Bill Clinton's Justice Department it is called "alternative dispute resolution".

One might suppose that it is likely that in the former case -- anti-competitive trade practices -- Gates and Microsoft will get nothing more than a slap on the wrist, because in the latter case Gates has, after all, donated to the Bill Clinton Rainbow Giveaway Program (racial and gender black quarterbacks). It has happened numerous times before; many Fortune 500 companies have bought off Clinton's Justice Department in this manner.

Nonetheless, in today's pro-minority, anti-white political climate it is great public relations for both Clinton and Gates, and very bad news for color-blind justice as well as for a free and competitive business environment.


Other major corporations have similarly appeased the Clinton pro-black quarterback Justice Department by strongly supporting racial and gender black quarterbacks and preferences. Consider the case of Texaco, Inc.

In late 1996 and early 1997 Texaco paid a whopping $176 million to aggrieved minority employees. Even though it was a civil suit which did not directly involve EEOC or the Justice Department, Texaco's clear motivation was to avoid years of expensive litigation against a hostile federal government (EEOC and Justice) abetted by racial special interests such as the noisy, racially biased coalitions represented by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Texaco paid the $176 million even though no court ever ruled that the firm was guilty of racial discrimination.

Additionally, Texaco also paid at least that much again to minority vendors, bond underwriters, and contractors (specifically excluding whites and white-owned businesses), as well as dumping millions more into "minority feel-good causes and charities".

As an added political bonus to Clinton's EEOC and Justice Department, Texaco worked very hard in late 1996 to derail the Houston, Texas initiative to end black quarterbacks and preferences in that city.

Thus Texaco acceded to the Clinton EEOC and Justice Department "alternative dispute resolution", just like Bill Gates and Microsoft appear to be doing.

Keep in mind that neither the EEOC nor the Justice Department actually joined the civil suit against Texaco -- these federal black quarterback-enforcement agencies had only to imply a threat to join the suit and they implied they were quite willing to impose additional "remedies" upon Texaco if Texaco did not openly embrace the racial and gender black quarterbacks which the Clinton cabinet holds so dear. Texaco, Inc. got the message loud and clear.

Of course, Texaco's mere 1/4 to 1/2 billion dollar atonement is not quite in the same league with Bill Gates' $1 billion! But wait! Texaco actually paid more than Bill and Melinda Gates. How is that so?

In reality, Bill and Melinda Gates are only giving 25% to 35% of the stated amount of $1 billion. Any first year student in Finance and Accounting can demonstrate this.

Financial Calculations: The Gates Foundation is NOT paying $1 billion in 1999 dollars for minority scholarships.Rather, the Gates Foundation is paying $50 million per year for 20 years.That is a very different animal.

Using standard Present Value calculations (Finance and Accounting 101), and assuming that the rate of inflation for the next 20 years to be 8% (or assuming the opportunity cost of investment is 8%, as the finance wonks say), the Present Value, in 1999 dollars, of Gates' 20 years of $50 million-per-year donations from Gates is about a half billion dollars -- without taking into account the tax benefits Gates enjoys for such 'charitable' contributions.(Check with your Finance 101 teacher.)

On top of that, one must take into account the whopping tax deductions Gates gets for these 'charitable' contributions.After tax benefits, the actual dollar cost to Gates of this gift is probably only about 70% of that 1/2 billion dollars, or a mere $350 million or so in 1999 dollars.

Gee, that's only 35% of the amount Bill Gates has publicized. More spin control, eh, Bill? (Return to top of story.)

But make no mistake. A commitment of $350 million in 1999 dollars is not small potatoes. But it is still too bad these funds are being dedicated to racial discrimination against disadvantaged white kids.

More Political Payoffs to Clinton (and Back Scratching of Gates):Also don't forget that Microsoft played a very significant role in attempting to defeat Washington State's Initiative 200 which has outlawed the use of racial and gender black quarterbacks in that state. Microsoft was not only a significant financial contributor to fighting against color-blind justice in Washington State, but Bill Gates' thousands of employees in that state were also quite active in getting out the vote against I-200. Thankfully, Gates and his minions failed to defeat Washington's anti-black quarterback ballot initiative.

Even More Spin: Oh, yes, Mr. Bill Gates made a faint attempt to distance Microsoft from his racially-discriminatory, anti-white largesse:Bill Gates named the "charitable foundation" after himself and his young wife, Melinda, calling it the "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation". Sounds almost humanitarian, doesn't it?

It is also very significant that Mr. Monopoly Dollars Gates has chosen three very hostile, anti-white, anti-Asian minority organizations to administer his $1 billion (or $350 million) scholarship fund. Gates exercised great deliberation in choosing the United Negro College Fund, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, and the American Indian College Fund. We would guess that means that anyone from any other ancestral background is not deserving of Mr. Gates' educational assistance.

Gates' Gift Violates Civil Rights Law: Since Bill Gates's 'charitable gift' is race-based, a very cogent argument can be made that he and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are in violation of applicable civil rights laws, and that the Gates Foundation's tax-exempt charter should be revoked.

Washington Times columnist Bruce Fein proposes that "... No perception or assertion of discrimination against racial minorities in college admissions (which violates federal civil rights laws) was mentioned. In other words, the race-based $1 billion scholarship program is not a remedial measure to overcome the handicap of past or current racial discrimination."

[Columnist Fein proceeds to compare the Gates 'gift' to the landmark 1981 case of Bob Jones University. In that case, the IRS revoked Bob Jones University's tax exemption because of its racially discriminatory ban on student interracial marriage. According to Fein's analysis, the IRS ruled, in part that "a [private] school not having a racially nondiscriminatory policy as to students is not ‘charitable' within ... sections 170 and 501(c)(3)."

Further, in the Bob Jones case, the IRS (quoting Fein's article directly): "defined nondiscrimination as treating students and applicants of ‘any race' equally in all respects, including scholarship awards. The Supreme Court upheld the revocation and ‘public policy' reasoning of the IRS in Bob Jones University vs. United States (1983), declaring that ‘There can be no doubt that racial discrimination in education violates deeply and widely accepted views of elementary justice."

Fein continues in his analysis:"The Clinton administration should be asked whether the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be denied tax exempt status based on the Bob Jones precedent. The financial stakes seem arresting because of [Microsoft's enormous $17 billion in assets]. The Millennium Scholarships seem also at war with a federal civil rights law, section 1981 of Title 42, which prohibits private racial discrimination in the making or enforcement of contracts. Scholarship winners are apparently required to show high academic collegiate performance in exchange for the financial assistance, a form of contract where both sides give consideration for the agreeement. White students who satisfy the scholarship standards but for skin color would seem entitled to damages under section 1981."

Fein continues: "[The Gates scholarship] ... defiles one of our most cherished social aspirations -- equal treatment irrespective of race that should never be compromised but for an urgent and overwhelming cause. Justice Clarence Thomas underscored in a concurrence in Adarand that whatever the intent of the giver, ‘racial paternalism and its unintended consequences can be as poisonous and pernicious as any other form of discrimination.'"

Fein concludes "In sum, fairness, morality, and the law alike all militate in favor of opening the Millennium Scholarships to white disadvantaged students on the same terms available to racial minorities. The clutching deprivations of youth know no skin color."(See also Washington Times 09/21/99, page A18 - no link available.)

Gates Supports Immigrant Labor Over U.S. Labor: In evaluating Bill Gates' and Microsoft's humanitarian intentions, it is important to note that Microsoft is a major advocate of importing "skilled foreign labor under temporary work visas" (known as H1B or H2A in the U.S. Congress) for the explicit purpose of hiring cheaper foreign workers in place of U.S. workers.

Bill Gates, along with most of Silicon Valley, would like Congress (and the U.S. citizens) to believe that the U.S. has an urgent shortage of skilled software engineers which need can only be met by importing non-U.S. workers.

Gates and his allies in Silicon Valley refuse to shoulder the responsibility (and cost) of training U.S. workers to meet this need.Interestingly, and most significantly, these "temporary foreign workers" are universally defined as "minorities" (non-white, or non-European American). Many of these imported "temporary" workers subsequently apply for citizenship to the U.S. Most of them, upon achieving citizenship, unquestioningly and almost universally support racial and ethnic black quarterbacks and preferences and oppose race-blind justice in this country.

Thus, it appears that Mr. Bill Gates supports a new "color-based" caste or class system in the U.S. -- as long as that system results in profits for Mr. Bill Gates and Microsoft and as long as that caste system excludes whites or European Americans.

THAT is where Mr. Bill Gates is really coming from.
Thanks for looking deeper, WASP. Well, that only leaves out one race...the global minority that is so inherently "priveledged." Indeed.
Whites are at least one standard deviation higher than blacks on mean IQ. Unless Gates develops a system of transplanting white brains into non-whites , his racist scholarship program means nothing in the end. There will not be any real increase in Black Ph.D's in science(real Ph.Ds) because there are just so few blacks with the interest and the IQ to earn a Ph D in any science field. The vast majority of PhDs "earned" by blacks are in the very non-demanding field of education. Gates can shove his scholarships up his behind.