White flight

He's been trying to poke holes in the whole caste-system argument, from
a different angle than most dissenters to the site. And unfortunately got
some to play along.

HIs point is that white athletes only seem to excel when there are no
blacks present. When blacks are present, they excel more than whites, so
whites drop out or get cut because they can't compete with blacks. Get

That's why he's showing pictures of the above teams, because blacks are
overrepresented and it seems to make his point.

Of course, he doesn't show pictures of the baseball, soccer, or swimming
teams. He would just say that they are white sports that blacks aren't
interested in (as opposed to basketball, which white kids worship and
play day and night, just like black kids. Also, lots of excellent white
athletes play baseball in the spring, as opposed to running track, which
he should be well aware of as a HS coach. All the best athletes at my HS
played baseball, and had no interest in track come spring).

I'm kind of surprised his ruse has played out this long. Good luck
convincing him otherwise.

P.S. He's also managed to use the terms "white boy" and "deceptively fast"
about ten times each, without much compliant. Dude's black, get it?Edited by: PitBull
Well dang, pitbull! If you knew all that before now, why didn't you do something about it?
I have noticed his sneaky method of using only the parts of our quotes that he likes and then running with them. Those pics he put up really don't do much except prove what we've been saying, which is that whites really don't care to be around them. Is that so hard to comprehend? I wonder, "coach" exactly what anecdotal evidence means to you? When you have a vast majority of coaches who won't play whites in football or basketball, because of the media spawned lies, you will also tend to have this behavior. You will, however, still find white stars. Take the SEC in basketball. Every white who starts is an exceptional player, usually in the top 3 on the team. I find it strange that of all the "superior" blackaletes in the SEC, none can come close to Todd Abernethy in assists. Same thing in college football. In a game that now uses mainly blacks at the RB position, Danny Woodhead is the all time leading rusher in college football history. David Ball is the best receiver in the history of the college game. There are many record setting whites in high school sports too. Its not a matter of them being inferior and thus not playing with the increasing numbers of black in their schools, its, in many cases, knowing they won't get a fair shot from a coach, being tired of putting up with the locker room BS, and justing walking away. If the Caste System wasn't in place to support the type of anti-white behavior by coaches, and our society wasn't so pro-black, you would see many changes from this. Until that happens though, you will see a lot of whites just walk away from an overall bad situation. Think about it, how many high school kids do you know that WANT to put up with crap all day? My high school experience was bad enough without having to put up with the antics of some of my immature black teammates. Nobody wants to make their high school experience bad. They may put up with it for a while, but many will just move on to make their lives a little more bearable. Being a teenager these days is punishment enough without having to spend 3 hours a day putting up with black behavior.
Colonel_Reb said:
Highschoolcoach, I guess I just don't know what you are driving at in this whole discussion. You said that you haven't seen whites bow ou, but admitted that it happened at the school you coached at. What exactly are you trying to prove or get from your questions?

Colonel_Reb, what are you saying here? I don't know what "bow ou" means.

The only things that I remember admitting happened at the h.s. at which i coached were:

1) the white athletes (stereotypically) considered themselves distance runners only, while the black athletes considered themselves to be everythig else but distance runners (also stereotypically, by the way).

2) my white assistant coach seemed to be convinced that a white athlete (who happen to be a boy, therefore a white boy) was not fast enough to be on the 4 x 100m. relay team. The reason seemed to be only that he was a Caucasian young man (since "white boy" seems to really offend at least one person).

Both of these situations were dealt with by having everyone run the 100m. dash and designating those who ran fastest as sprinters. Thus, it was shown that there are Caucasian young men (and women) who are fast enough to be sprinters on a predominantly black team. And, the aforementioned Caucasian young man stayed on the 4 x 100m. by virtue of the fact that he ran faster than the (supposedly faster) Negro young man in direct competition.
Colonel_Reb said:
Highschoolcoach, I guess I just don't know what you are driving at in this whole discussion. You said that you haven't seen whites bow ou, but admitted that it happened at the school you coached at. What exactly are you trying to prove or get from your questions?

What exactly am I trying to prove or get from my questions?

Firstly, i participate in these forums because i am annoyed by what i see as the anti-white "reverse discrimination'" that takes place in some sports, most notably the highly popular sports of American football and basketball. I post frequently. Why don't you read all my posts. They should give you some idea of where i'm coming form.

That said, what i am trying to prove or get from my questions is the answer to something that has annoyed me (me being a h.s. coach) for decades. Why are whites so under-represented in football, basketball, and t & f, especially, in schools in which there are more than a few blacks? Football, basketball, and t & f because they are the ones in which it is glaringly obvious! No need to ask about soccer, baseball, swimming, cross-country, lacrosse, etc.

Additionally, i think that a dominant reason is that whites are "psyched out" of those sports and have bought into the idea that they are not good enough. Since there is never only one reason for anything, some of the other posts about not wanting to put up with obnoxious behavior, bad smell, etc. of blacks are probably true. But, i personally don't think they are NOT the main reason. I've stated 2 sentences previously what i think is theMAIN reason. PROVE ME WRONG.

Does this make it any more understandable?

Does this make it cl
Dear PitBull,

HIs point is that white athletes only seem to excel when there are no
blacks present. When blacks are present, they excel more than whites, so
whites drop out or get cut because they can't compete with blacks. Get

Your statement is so incorrect that i am somewhat flabbergasted. Iget the impression that you don't read the posts very carefully. Does "However, after intra-squad competitions, some white sprinters (with deceptive speed, of course) rose to the top." ring a bell? How about "It may be that all the white and Hispanic boys (but 1) are short, slow, and uncoordinated, but I doubt it."? Do those statements imply that whites are not as good as blacks? If so, how and why?

(The term "deceptive speed" is used sarcastically because it is used so often by the numbskull sports writers and commentators that i can't resist making fun of it. What is "deceptive speed" anyway, except a euphemisms for a white person who is fast? The only sense i can make of it is that there are some fast runners who don't seem as fast because they don't have a really fast stride rate, but get to the finish line quickly anyway.)

For further answers, see previous post addressed to Colonel_Reb.

Frankly, I think the question has been answered and answered well:

1. Yes, many whites do get "psyched out" of participating, many long before they have even tried, because they have bought into the black physical superiority myth. As a kid in the 1970s, I saw enough white backs playing to realize that a white running back was not some myth from the stone age. Most white kids these days do not see that.

2. My sons play football at the high school and junior high level and the stories they tell me about blacks in the locker rooms mirror some of the things posted here. Blacks DO gang up on individual whites. Sometimes a white kid walks in the the anarchy and havoc of a black dominated locker room and says, 'who needs this?' Whomever said whites who play in the NFL must endure torture is surely correct. Blacks are horrible racists and the worse haters. A black environment is just lousy.I have watched the blacks on my son's HS team litterally yell at each other on the bench and slap each other like spatting girls for blown assignments, dropped passed etc.

3. Divorce means many white kids live with mom and, unlike many of the moms of yesterday, they do the very opposite of push their kids into football to toughen them up, they pull them away from it out of fear that it will turn them into facists or cripples. Read the story of Heisman Trophy winner Terry Baker and compare his mom with today's women.

4. Funny thing, I was shifted from the offensive line to fullback in high school BECAUSE nobody in the FB spot could block. We had three blacks vying for HB and FB, none of them could block a hat. Problem with a lot of coaches these days is that they will NOT punish their black players for poor performance. I have seen this time and again, black kid drops a pass, misses a block or just looks like an ass out there and there are no repercussions from the coach, no chew out, no benching. Whites get tired of that sh*t. If a white kid is allowed to PROVE himself, he will likely stay. But in an atmosphere of no accountability and no discipline, and NO HOPE of getting a chance, whites leave.Edited by: Bronk
Good posts,I agree this "coach" is most likely a phoney-could be old pignuts come back but don't want to get banned again.I always have to wonder about trolls who come here and question our White Brothers. No self respecting White man would ever use the term white boy. White Men kick booty in everything we do and have done so for over 5,000 years!!
highschoolcoach, since you like making fun of a single typo, allow me to exploitone of your best sentences.

highschoolcoach said:
But, i personally don't think they are NOT the main reason.

Since you don't seem able to fill in the blanks, I'll add the last letter of the word for you. What Iwrote was that you didn't see any evidence of white bowing (out), and then you immediately said it happened in your school. You had to encourage the whites to try out for the sprinting positions.

Itseems as though you agree that the Caste System media and many coaches are the biggest cause of the problem. The problemthey create is multi-pronged however. One part is the "psyching out" as you say. Another part isthe double standard that whites must endure when participating with or against blacks. Still another part is the outright discrimination that whites face. None of this is new to the readers of this site.

In summary, it appears that your posts were absolutely pointless, except to show how much trouble you have in articulating your opinion.
Bronk said:
Frankly, I think the question has been answered and answered well:

1. Yes, many whites do get "psyched out" of participating, many long before they have even tried, because they have bought into the black physical superiority myth. As a kid in the 1970s, I saw enough white backs playing to realize that a white running back was not some myth from the stone age. Most white kids these days do not see that.

2. My sons play football at the high school and junior high level and the stories they tell me about blacks in the locker rooms mirror some of the things posted here. Blacks DO gang up on individual whites. Sometimes a white kid walks in the the anarchy and havoc of a black dominated locker room and says, 'who needs this?' Whomever said whites who play in the NFL must endure torture is surely correct. Blacks are horrible racists and the worse haters. A black environment is just lousy.I have watched the blacks on my son's HS team litterally yell at each other on the bench and slap each other like spatting girls for blown assignments, dropped passed etc.

3. Divorce means many white kids live with mom and, unlike many of the moms of yesterday, they do the very opposite of push their kids into football to toughen them up, they pull them away from it out of fear that it will turn them into facists or cripples. Read the story of Heisman Trophy winner Terry Baker and compare his mom with today's women.

4. Funny thing, I was shifted from the offensive line to fullback in high school BECAUSE nobody in the FB spot could block. We had three blacks vying for HB and FB, none of them could block a hat. Problem with a lot of coaches these days is that they will NOT punish their black players for poor performance. I have seen this time and again, black kid drops a pass, misses a block or just looks like an ass out there and there are no repercussions from the coach, no chew out, no benching. Whites get tired of that sh*t. If a white kid is allowed to PROVE himself, he will likely stay. But in an atmosphere of no accountability and no discipline, and NO HOPE of getting a chance, whites leave.

Good post. Well stated. The kind of information I'm looking for. To tell the truth, i never perceived things the way some of the other posters do. I just see predominantly black teams in schools that are majority white and ask why.

Obviously the subject really "touches a nerve" and gets lots of responses---which is good. Some of the replies have been quite good. I actually get a kick out of some of the name-calling directed at me because it is so ridiculous.
Gary said:
Good posts,I agree this "coach" is most likely a phoney-could be old pignuts come back but don't want to get banned again.I always have to wonder about trolls who come here and question our White Brothers. No self respecting White man would ever use the term white boy. White Men kick booty in everything we do and have done so for over 5,000 years!!

This post must be a put-on. Otherwise, well . . . it takes all kinds. After all, Gary, one is entitled to express his opinion, so keep doing so. It seems the topic really gets you riled up. I look forward to your other posts.
If highschoolcoach is a troll he's a dang poor one because he has said a whole lot of things that support our point of view. I recommend reading the posts, not the posters.
I have been here for years and have over 900 posts so I'll be around. My posts are not a put-on. You see I believe we should inspire and encourage the White Brothers not cast doubts or speak in riddles. I am very pro White yet against no one-so all my energy can go to "pumping up" the White Brothers. It is a very noble cause.
jaxvid said:
If highschoolcoach is a troll he's a dang poor one because he has said a whole lot of things that support our point of view. I recommend reading the posts, not the posters.

Thanks for the backup. Stated brieflly, my point of view is that i don't like to see white athlete back down or dropout under any circumstances. Encourage them to get in there and show what they can do. As i tell my own, "Make the competition beat you, don't let them beat you."
You say thanks for the backup but wonder why young White MEN don't play on teams with loads of blacks-maybe they are waiting for backup-which seems never to come. Blacks have dropped out of Heavyweight Boxing because the competition got to rough and I don't see a lot of backup coming to help!!
highschoolcoach said:
This post must be a put-on. Otherwise, well . . . it takes all kinds. After all, Gary, one is entitled to express his opinion, so keep doing so. It seems the topic really gets you riled up. I look forward to your other posts.

Coach. A lot of the posts you see on this site appear to be so bizarre that you wonder if they are jokes or put-on's. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

They are not.

It only takes one poster to give Black athletes - no strike that - any non white person, a small degree of respect, for the personal attacks, accusations of being a Troll, and abuse to start. IT IS COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. But that's free speech I guess. I just wish some people took a few seconds out to consider how some of these posts read to the big wide world audience out there. Ridiculous postsgive the site a reputation as a home for a bunch of loony tunes, and therefore thecaste system must therefore be a invention of their deranged minds.Is the purpose of this site to open peoples eyes to discrimination, stereotyping and unfairness - or to allow a very small number of bigots and white supremacists to sound off in comfort and congratulate each other on how great their posts are and how good they are at spotting trolls, liberalsand black posters?

What in plain English are you trying to say? I don't like the term White boys unless the kid is 12 or under. I have a proven record on this site-highschool coach has yet to prove himself.If I was a young White MAN I would get very little encouragement from his posts.Edited by: Gary
Coach, you posted the story of your experience with track and field athletes who had "declared themselves" certain types of runners, perhaps according to stereotypes. One thing you did not make clear is whether you thought the athletes may have reserved certain "turf" on racial grounds? Did the blacks as a group declare to the non-blacks that they, blacks, wanted the sprinting events for themselves? Were the whites simply acquiescing by moving to distance events? Did your try-out sprints possibly distrupt a race-based turf system?

There was a story posted on castefootball.com last year about Jacob Hester and Shawn Jordan at LSU. In the newspaper article Hester says that the blacks on the squad call him, Jordan, and Steven Korte, all white running backs, the "cracker backs." Hester said the black RBs, perhaps other black players (other than RBs) constantly tell Hester, Jordan and Korte that whites cannot play RB. I got the impression that the blacks on the team are okay with Hester and Jordan at FB, blocking for them, but not with Hester, et al, getting handoffs or passes.

The LSU RB situation seems to mirror by own experience as a high school basketball player. Blacks did everything they could to exclude me and other white players. Whites did not act as a group. So we were divided and conquered. The coaches turned their heads.

By not turning your head, you may have interrupted some sort of "understanding" between the groups.Edited by: Deus Vult
devans said:
Is the purpose of this site to open peoples eyes to discrimination, stereotyping and unfairness - or to allow a very small number of bigots and white supremacists to sound off in comfort...

There are lots of viewpoints expressed on this board.You may agree with some and virulently disagree with others, so be it.Read what you wish and ignore the rest. I personally don't give a hoot about cheerleading for other races. Been there, done that. I am now pro-white and make no apologies.Are you really bothered that some of us are ALLOWED to sound off in COMFORT? How intolerant of you! You ought to look up the word bigot.
Deus Vult said:
Coach, you posted the story of your experience with track and field athletes who had "declared themselves" certain types of runners, perhaps according to stereotypes. One thing you did not make clear is whether you thought the athletes may have reserved certain "turf" on racial grounds? Did the blacks as a group declare to the non-blacks that they, blacks, wanted the sprinting events for themselves? Were the whites simply acquiescing by moving to distance events? Did your try-out sprints possibly distrupt a race-based turf system?

There was a story posted on castefootball.com last year about Jacob Hester and Shawn Jordan at LSU. In the newspaper article Hester says that the blacks on the squad call him, Jordan, and Steven Korte, all white running backs, the "cracker backs." Hester said the black RBs, perhaps other black players (other than RBs) constantly tell Hester, Jordan and Korte that whites cannot play RB. I got the impression that the blacks on the team are okay with Hester and Jordan at FB, blocking for them, but not with Hester, et al, getting handoffs or passes.

The LSU RB situation seems to mirror by own experience as a high school basketball player. Blacks did everything they could to exclude me and other white players. Whites did not act as a group. So we were divided and conquered. The coaches turned their heads.

By not turning your head, you may have interrupted some sort of "understanding" between the groups.

Nice post. I never thought of that. I may have been true.

I went to an all-white h.s. that regularlyhad sprinters and hurdlers in the state finals and on the medal stand. That was my reality.I'm from Michigan. The top high school hurdler in the state and nation was Bill Tipton andhis races were nocontest. I still remember the buzz after a big meet in which he blew away the (not superior) blacks in the high and low hurdles.Also, my firstseason as a high school coach, i had the good fortune to see Dan Oliver win the 120 yd. high hurdles in 13.3 and then totally dominate the 180 yd. low hurdles, too, in the Ohio state championships. Later he won the Golden West Invitational. I did not see why there shouldn't be somefast whites on my team---and there were.

Sorry, to hear of your experience in basketball. I know that that happens and it's a shame. I don't know why many coaches just turn their heads. That's why i participate in this forum.
Gary said:
What in plain English are you trying to say? I don't like the term White boys unless the kid is 12 or under. I have a proven record on this site-highschool coach has yet to prove himself.If I was a young White MAN I would get very little encouragement from his posts.

"Colored person", not OK (racist); "Person of color", OK (Politically correct). "White boy", not OK (Very inflammatory); "Boy who is white", OK?? Is this why there is so much political correctness? I'll readily concede that young man sounds better and don't mind at all saying young man or young woman instead of boy or girl.

I may never prove myself on this forum.Also, will not get into attempts at insulting or intimidating people with name-calling. If this is your "turf", you're welcome to it. Caste Football is a cool forum inasmuch as it is about fairness and equity and pointing out what one thinks is unfair and inequitable.

Have a nice day and keep posting.
i actually had an interesting and completely different experience from most of you. my highschool was exteremely diverse (blacks, hispanics, brazilian etc.) but there were never any issues which i think is interesting. in fact, a couple of the black kids from the football team were always telling me to come play football at rb for the team( and they must have meant tailback since im only 5'6'').
No namecalling is not my turf, encouraging the White Brothers is my turf. We don't care about political correctness on this site in fact we come here to get away from it. I make no bones about it I am very pro White and I am thrilled that the Russians have taken over boxing and we want to see many more White MEN in all sports. We don't want to block for the "person of color", We want to run the ball ourselves!!!
I really think that highschoolcoach is on our side Gary.We all have different levels and ways of expressing our support for these white athletes.He wants to see more white high school kids in sports.That is what we want.I think that you both just had a minor missunderstanding.Gary is a great member of this board and a wonderful father/role model to his kids.Let's cut the new guy some slack.He is for the white athlete.Welcome to the board highschool coach.
Gary said:
No namecalling is not my turf, encouraging the White Brothers is my turf. We don't care about political correctness on this site in fact we come here to get away from it. I make no bones about it I am very pro White and I am thrilled that the Russians have taken over boxing and we want to see many more White MEN in all sports. We don't want to block for the "person of color", We want to run the ball ourselves!!!

I, too, am thrilled that the Russians have taken ove boxing and hope that American white men do too. I'll also be thrilled if whites take over the backfield and wide receiver postions in football and are the majority in basketball. Or, if they are fairly represented, even if not dominant. I like fairness and don't think that the present situations in, especially, football and basketball are fair. The pendulum has been swung too far to one side for too long.

Thank goodness that European and South American white basketball playersare showing that Caucasians have plenty of athletic talent.I hope that so many American whites take them (Nowitzki, Ginobli, etc.) as their role models that there are soon plenty of American role models.
white lightning said:
I really think that highschoolcoach is on our side Gary.We all have different levels and ways of expressing our support for these white athletes.He wants to see more white high school kids in sports.That is what we want.I think that you both just had a minor missunderstanding.Gary is a great member of this board and a wonderful father/role model to his kids.Let's cut the new guy some slack.He is for the white athlete.Welcome to the board highschool coach.

Thanks for the vote of support. Yes, all i want is for the white high schoolers who have the ability to excell to do so. And, i don't think that, in some circumstances, that those with the ability to excell are doing so. Some excellent talents are opting out for, if i interpret the posts correctly,three main reasons.I only agree with wanting to avoid the obnoxious behavior of blacks and believing that they will not get a fair opportunity. Definitely not because they believe they are not good enough.

One last story. Wayback when, my high school's basketball team played Hamtramack H.S. Hamtramack had 4 black starters and 1 white. The white player scored about 50 points and the blacks chipped in about another 15. The lone white player was Rudy Tomjanovich, better known as Rudy T. Too bad he didn't decide to participate in swimming instead of basketball---we might have won the game if he had.

Well, off to Media Racism and Stereotyping. It's always interesting.
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