A while back I saw some strange (or typical?) behaviour from Atlas. A white heavyweight from the midwest was thoroughly outboxing a black fighter, and all Atlas harped on during the fight was how a less talented figher was beating a more talented fighter. His point was that the black fighter was giving the fight away despite his superiority, but I could see the white fighter clearly had superior skills. That fact seemed to conflict with Attlas's world view.
Then, at some point during the broadcast that white fighter from Australia with the Greek name, Katsidis or something, joined the broadcast for a chat. Usually when fighters do that, Atlas gets all giddy and animated, but this time he just half turned his back on the guy and made a pouty face while the other announcer talked with Katsidis. When Atlas finally did acknowledge him, it was to berate him for not paying enough attention to defense. This Atlas is one disturbed dude.