White Boxers Keep Winning Titles!

JD1986 said:
werewolf said:
--- That's why little bug-eyed junkie Max Kellerman and all the rest hate the Doctor Klitschko brothers so much!

Thrashen and Werewolf, it's good to see I'm not the only one who understands the source of the caste system in sports in the US (and Canada too). It is sad how we fight their wars for them in Iraq (and in the case of Canada, Afghanistan) yet still they despise us.

--- Fighting their bullsh*t wars without end for them is right! Now they're banging on their war drums day and night - bomb Iran for us, stupid schmucks, bomb Iran! They won't be happy until they reduce the planet to a REAL holocaust.

I remember Kellerman after Hatton's KO of Castillo, how quick he was to say Castillo is "shot".

--- Bro, I posted that on the other board we were on before. I never saw anything outrageous as little bug eyes doing that disrespectful interview with Hatton in the ring after the fight. Hatton was progressively getting more and more pissed too. Bug eyes was completely out of line. I only wish that those crazy British hooligan fans in the audience could have heard what was going on so they could have stormed the ring and tarred and feathered him! Some around the ring did hear what was going on because I heard some booing. I've never heard anything like that before. If the little junkie homo was interviewing one of his pet cannibals who had just won a fight, like JAMES BUTLER, he would have been wetting his panties with love and adulation. I remember how Kellerman's cameraman used to do these loving ultra-closeups of Butler's liver-lips. Of course the little punk keeps getting these high profile boxing jobs because of his daddy, big daddy Kellerman. That's what runs the media.

I hear another ugly SOB from the same group, Teddy Atlas (he changed his name to "Atlas" btw) speaking so negatively about Klitschko and the heavyweight division...

--- What was his original name, do you know? That one is an another authentic psychotic. I heard him talk about how he took his handgun and went looking for Donny Lalonde in order to kill him, so there he still is on prime time tv.

They are so quick to discredit white fighters after each win, since part of their agenda is to not let our children have anyone to really look up to, except the imaginary superheroes they've created for our children to waste time reading about. They have created an illusion that blacks are superior athletes.

These "media people" actually become predictable after awhile - for example, if Wlad ever loses a fight, it will be the lead story on the sports news, wait and see!

--- Oh yeah, they'll trot out all their headlines they've been saving: "Great White Dope Exposed!"

But until then, he will be generally ignored and on the rare occasion when he is mentioned, he will be discredited.

--- Yep.

--- ww
"...do not want our youth having real people to look up to."

They have brought them up to worship negroes - and they are the nonpareil masters of brainwashing - and you can see the results on most of these wigger-infested boxing forums, this one being a rare exception.

I feel funny being on a boxing forum and not getting screamed at and called nasty names all the time and getting banned in quick order.

I had my own pro-white boxing forum for a while - and it got pretty big - but then the owner sabotaged it. I didn't own it, just administered it. PrezBoxing. Some people still talk about it, but I don't think anyone here knows about it.

Also, In the old days we had a good boxing forum, the Golota forum.

The emergence of top level white boxers coming out of Eastern Europe - champions like Wladimir Klitschko - may give young white boxers over on this continent the idea that it IS possible to become a champ someday. If only we controlled our own media, we would be able to let the public know about these excellent white athletes...

If our young white boxers had enough faith in themselves, and were not held back by the caste system, it wouldn't be long before there would be a white American heavyweight champ.

And I can hardly wait for the Kelly Pavlik vs. Jermain Taylor fight, which I'm hoping will result in a white champion from North America. This fight will be for three middleweight titles: WBC, WBO and Ring.Edited by: JD1986

Would we have heard of you? What was your record? Did you ever fight any big name fighters?
"If only we controlled our own media,"



Edited by: werewolf
the pavlik fight will be huge. i am only worried for maskaev as I am not sure he can beat peter, but other than that i think we are in good shape for the time being.
whiteathlete33 said:
the pavlik fight will be huge. i am only worried for maskaev as I am not sure he can beat peter, but other than that i think we are in good shape for the time being.

I'm concerned about Peter's illegal rabbit punches and what might happen to Maskeav, who has a wife and children and is near retirement at age 38.

Max Baer once killed a boxer in the ring with a rabbit punch. The spinal cord is there, that's why those punches are illegal.

It it seems that a disproportionate number of negro boxers are dirty fighters. I watched the Wright vs. Hopkins fight (I was rooting for the mulatto Winky) and I was appalled at what the referee let Hopkins get away with.
Edited by: JD1986
When Wlad beat Peter, Peter was repeatedly hitting him with rabbit punches, but the alleged referee for that fight was the world's worst and most corrupt referee, Randy Neumann, and he let Peter do whatever he wanted with impunity. Don King seems to assign Neumann to harass White fighters in big fights, particularly Andrew Golota. Neumann was like Andrew's own personal referee from Hell! I don't understand why Golota's, and Wlad's corners don't object to a biased incompetent crooked ref like that getting assigned to them. Neumann should never be allowed to referee another fight, and Peter should be quickly disqualified if he throws any more rabbit punches.

I have noted that without fail, black fighters rabbit punch each time there is a clinch. It is perfuntory to hit another fighter behind the head during these clinches. I do not see many white fighters do this. And I believe that Ricky Hatton will defeat boxings Icoon, Mayflower.
Teddy Atlas is half-Jewish (father) and half-Irish (mother). His father was from Hungary. Is Atlas a Hungarian or Jewish name? Doubtful. From what I remember from Atlas' autobiography he didn't mention the original family name, but at least he revealed his Jewish roots.

Daddy Atlas was a doctor who built houses on the side. A hundred or so. So why didn't Teddy go into medicine or real estate development? The stated reason he didn't turn professional as a boxer is his scoliosis.

Funny how there is always a Jew around to provide analysis for boxing; Atlas, Kellerman, Cosell, Sugar (editor of Ring magazine), Bernstein. Why the interest on their part? Jews no longer box. Arum is one few remaining Jewish promoters. One suspects Jews have a strong dislike for Russian and Ukrainian success stories. A large part, a majority even, of the paying audience is black and Hispanic.

So why are Jews hanging around?
Funny how there is always a Jew around to provide analysis for boxing;

--- Boxing and everything else.

Atlas, Kellerman, Cosell, Sugar (editor of Ring magazine), Bernstein.
Why the interest on their part? Jews no longer box. Arum is one few
remaining Jewish promoters. One suspects Jews have a strong dislike for
Russian and Ukrainian success stories.

--- Not just Russians and Ukrainians. They hate the the goyim, the white man, period. And they own the media and they own the politicians.

-- ww
I am sick of ESPN and Friday night fights always stacking the card with negro, or mexican fighters just for Teddy (Tel-Aviv) Atlas's pleasure. He never has anything good to say about a white fighter, yet gloats over the most basic skilled negro.
Atlasberg is a freakin psycho too, tho I doubt whether he's the psycho that selects which fighters to give airtime. It wasn't that long ago that he happily related the story about how he took his little handgun and went hunting for Donny Lalonde in order to shoot him. But there he still is, still pontificating to us about the finer points of boxing as he sees it. He fits right in with Don King and Max Kellerman and all the rest, doesn't he?

Actually, the only one of them that I had any respect for was George Foreman - but that was before he sold out in order to get his job back (they fired him immediately after the crooked Byrd-Oquendo decision when he said that boxers shouldn't just stand there meekly and accept that, like Oquendo and his team were doing - and then he said those were "the finest judges that money could... [buy]" That was his finest moment.

Oquendo and Andrew Golota have some things in common. They were both robbed of victories and championships by crooked decisions vs. Byrd and Ruiz.

werewolf said:
Funny how there is always a Jew around to provide analysis for boxing;--- Boxing and everything else. Atlas, Kellerman, Cosell, Sugar (editor of Ring magazine), Bernstein.
Why the interest on their part? Jews no longer box. Arum is one few remaining Jewish promoters. One suspects Jews have a strong dislike for Russian and Ukrainian success stories.--- Not just Russians and Ukrainians. They hate the the goyim, the white man, period. And they own the media and they own the politicians.--  ww

You're 100% correct, Werewolf, and they're the reason for the caste system in sports. If you study their history, you'll learn why they have a special hatred for the Ukrainians. They could never dominate and control Klitschko's people, because they teach their children at an early age to see through the con games and manipulative BS. It was the brave Ukrainian cossacks who brought down their "Polish" empire back in the 17th century.

If you look past some of their phony names like "Atlas", you'll see it is usually one of them discrediting white boxers and white athletes in general. And they troll various websites too, so be wary of that.

Even before the interview with Hatton, right when Castillo was counted out, Kellerman stated Castillo is a "shot fighter" - as if to try to stop people from thinking Hatton won because he's an excellent fighter! They don't want white kids to have a white boxing champions to look up to - they've created an illusion that black men are physically superior.
I wonder why there isn't the boxing equivalent of Vin Scully. Thousands of communications degree holders and thousands of experienced broadcasters and the best boxing can come up with is someone like Larry 'Whiner' Merchant, winner of the Sam Taub Memorial Award for Boxing Broadcast Journalism.

'I have an award for you Moe.' 'Thank you. And I have an award for you Abbie.' 'And it looks like Joel has an award for Jon.' 'How nice. Here's an award for Max.' 'Did you hear? Lenny has an award for Sammy!' 'Richly deserved.'

But you have to give credit where it's due. For example, the deft way Sports Illustrated combined BondsSteroids/VickDogfighting/NBARefBribe into one article about scandal in sports. Each deserves a stand alone article, but combining all three suggests to the reader the misbehavior in question isn't about race.

SI could also provide a bit of public service by explaining why blacks and Hispanics have become so involved in dog fighting. It starts with using dogs to guard drug dealing locations. They have these aggressive dogs so why not train and breed them to be even more aggressive? It's fun to watch. You can bet on the outcome.

Of course it can ruin a perfectly good breed like pit bulls, but who cares about that? And SI certainly doesn't care about a sport (dog breeding and showing) which is so infused with implied whiteness (to use Kevin MacDonald's term).

SI has a hierarchy, the more black a sport the greater the coverage and fawning. Hispanics can give a boost, as can the occasional Jewish athlete in something like swimming. Jewish ownership of a franchise is also helpful. There's a chart (one suspects) to aid calculations.

'UFC? What does the chart say? Oh look, black guy won a match. That means UFC goes from 26 to 89. Run the highlights on ESPN2. No, make it ESPN1.'

'Dog show? WTF? We're a sports publication. But you know, we can run a snide little comedy bit, like landsman Christopher Guest did with 'Best In Show'. Damn, it does feel good to be a gangster.'
Not meaning to argue but it's not six Jewish companies.

74% of Viacom's voting stock is held by Sumner Redstone (Murray Rothstein, who claims to have changed his name during WW2 because of anti-German sentiment, as if people in Boston would mistakingly identify Murry as being German). So that's one.

The other five, like Viacom, have a significant number of Jewish board members, CEOs, CFOs, directors, producers, and writers. So in that sense they are certainly Jewish companies. But the other big five can't be considered Jewish in terms of majority ownership.

Or can they? What percentage of a mutual funds assets, of which a portion in invested in a media conglomerate,represents Jewish money? What percentage of a pension fund is Jewish money? If it's not clear cut as in the case of Viacom then it's awkward to speak of something as Jewish owned.

News Corp is certainly controlled in a business and editorial sense by Murdoch. Who may or may not be of partial Jewish descent. In any case he is very pro Israel and has been supported his entire career by Jewish financiers. Certainly News Corp is not neutral when it comes to Jewish issues.

But once again, News Corp is not a Jewish owned company in the way most people would define that term.
Murdoch has hidden his true heritage until recently, as so many Jews have in the past. He's a hardcore neocon Zionist. You can't decide by someone's name whether he's Jewish, because they often hide behind names like Teddy "Atlas", Stan "Lee", Larry "King" and so on. Some have hidden their Jewish heritage, but then "come out" later in life, like Madeline Albright.

Werewolf is right, 96% of the world's media is owned and/or controlled by Jews. Check the second link he provided for us.

Here in Canada, the CBC may be publicly owned, but nothing is ever aired that doesn't have their stamp of approval, because they hold all the key positions. Jews directly own two TV networks here in Canada, and almost all the newspapers are owned by by Jewish company called Canwest, created by Izzy Asper.

People think Jews believe in the old Testament, but they don't - they consider it to be a collection of silly old fables mixed with some history. They do live by a book - or actually a series of about thirty books - called the Talmud. It was mostly written in Iraq between 400 and 800 AD. Once you discover what's written in the Talmud, then you'll understand them much better.

They have a word for us, "goyim" - which is also the word in the Hebrew language for livestock or cattle. It's not a coincidence.

They don't really like blacks any more than whites, but Jews consider negroes to be relatively harmless and non-threatening. That's the reason they support black athletes, and have established the caste system the way it is.Edited by: JD1986
"Werewolf is right, 96% of the world's media is owned and/or controlled by Jews. Check the second link he provided for us."

And that was our fatal error, allowing one ethnic group to buy up our
mass media. In Israel itself it is illegal for any outsider, even if
he is Jewish, to own any part of the media. As the great Israel Shahak
said, "The media is not just a business, it is the lifeblood of a

Most Jews actually hate schwartes. but they figure they're handy for f**king up the stupid goyim.


Charlie wrote "News Corp is certainly controlled in a business and editorial sense by
Murdoch. Who may or may not be of partial Jewish descent. In any case
he is very pro Israel and has been supported his entire career by
Jewish financiers. Certainly News Corp is not neutral when it comes to
Jewish issues..."

Murdoch's son, James, made an interesting comment a few years ago:

"At a 2002 meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
"Murdoch said he didn't see what the Palestinians' problem was and
James said that it was that they were kicked out of their f-- homes and
had nowhere to f-- live."

I guess they've laid down the law to James Murdoch by now.

To my knowledge Murdoch has never said he was Jewish or part-Jewish. Have you read something different JD?

In the same way you can't tell if someone isn't Jewish by name alone you also can't assume someone is Jewish by a Jewish-sounding name (such as Murdoch's mother whose maiden name was Green). Movie director Norman Jewison is Jewish, right? No, he's not. Nor did his family convert from Judaism. Who knows how his family got the name, or why they kept it. Maybe ol' Norm keeps it for professional reasons.

It's a fast trip to Crankville to assign Jew status to non-Jews or people we aren't sure about. There are even web sites that list the late Charles Bronson as being Jewish. Not helpful at all when trying to reach a larger audience.

The same applies to the claim six Jewish media groups control news and entertainment. The National Alliance/National Vanguard piece 'Who Rules America' is a sober and effective analysis because it doesn't make the blanket statement there are six Jewish media groups. Rather it lists known Jews and their positions within media. That's enough to make the point.

But when someone says 'six Jewish media groups' the implication is there are six media groups owned by Jews. That's not accurate and discounts the message.
Very good posts, Charlie. You're right, I shouldn't have posted that first "six company" link. Bit of hyperbole there, huh?

And while I'm at it, let me say God bless the righteous Jews! If I could, I'd make Israel Shamir and Mordechai Vanunu joint heads of the UN, if not kings of the whole freakin' planet (excluding east Asia, OK?)!

Charlie said:
To my knowledge Murdoch has never said he was Jewish or part-Jewish. Have you read something different JD?

You can't decide whether someone is Jewish or not by a name, but there are ways to know.

Example: I knew Teddy Atlas is Jewish before I read it or heard it anywhere. It has recently been confirmed by his own admission. I knew George Steinbrenner was not Jewish, even though his name might be Jewish-sounding, and it was later confirmed that he is a not.

Why? Jews have total contempt for white Gentiles, and it was evident from listening to Atlas that he must be a Jew. They will never praise a white athlete - they always discredit them.

And I knew Steinbrenner couldn't be Jewish, because he was vilified and ridiculed by the media. That would never be done to a Jew, since they own and/or control almost all the media!

A name doesn't mean much one way or another. If someone like Murdoch were to even publicly deny being Jewish, it would still be obvious to me that he is. Jews often hide their Jewish identity from Gentiles.

But even Forrest Gump figured it out: "stupid is what stupid does" he said...well, Jewish is what Jewish does! If someone thinks like a Jew, acts like a Jew, does what a Jew does, than he/she is Jewish. Murdoch is more passionately Zionist than any Gentile would ever be - he must be Jewish.

And by the way, some of the "white supremacist" websites are run by Jews pretending to be white supremacists. It's all part of the game to convince the public that anyone who reveals what they're doing, is a crackpot. There's a lot of very sophisticated manipulation going on - they are masters of it.
Edited by: JD1986
American Freedom News